Dance with Deception: Scandalous Secrets, Book 1 - Exclusive Edition (Scandalous Secrets - Exclusive Edition) (20 page)

“And I will enjoy every minute of it,” she replied with a devilish grin.

Sebastian kissed the back of Gwen’s hand. “I would have done this earlier, but you were preoccupied.”

“Your sister is happy.” Gwen’s smile radiated her own contentment.

“And you?”

“Blissful,” she answered, adding a wink.

He offered his arm and they trailed behind their siblings to the salon. “I received a note from my good friend Alexander. He and his wife, Constance, have returned from their trip abroad. You will meet them tomorrow evening at the Wrights’ ball.”

“You mean to tell me that not only will I be spending the evening with you but also meeting your close friends?”

“It’s not as daunting as it seems.”

“No, not daunting at all,” She squeezed his hand. “It sounds delightful.”

Sebastian’s heart swelled at her sincerity.

They entered the rich burgundy room followed by the butler carrying a tray of refreshments on a silver tray.

Sebastian exchanged a quick glance with Tristan then tilted his head toward the door. The younger man responded with a slight nod.

Without missing a beat, Sebastian cleared his throat. “Excuse us for a moment, ladies.”

Gwen stiffened as she watched their tall frames exit the salon, understanding the reason for their departure. She exhaled a deep breath, mentally reminding herself not to worry. Tristan had assured her that everything went well with Keir.

Everything, Gwen assured herself, is as it should be.

Returning her attention to Victoria, Gwen decided that now was the perfect time to ask her soon-to-be-sister to be her bridesmaid. Taking Victoria’s hand in her own, Gwen regarded Sebastian’s enthusiastic sister with fondness. “Dearest Tori, I would love it if you’d be my

Gwen had thought herself the happiest woman alive. It was clear from the expression on Victoria’s face that she had fierce competition.

Tori’s eyes were bright as she answered, “I’d be honored.”

All was as it should be.

Upon entering Sebastian’s office, the two men wasted no time in getting down to business. Even before the
of the door closing behind them could be discerned, Sebastian was firing questions at Tristan.

“What happened between your father and Dunlop?” Sebastian motioned his guest to one of the leather chairs that faced his mahogany desk, then offered him a drink from the matching sideboard.

Tristan watched him pour two tumblers of whiskey. “It went as expected,” he replied.

“Would you care to elaborate? It is my life that we’re discussing.”

“What do you think happened?” Tristan studied his sister’s betrothed, as if gauging his reaction.

Sebastian returned the decanter to its rightful place. “For God’s sake Tristan, stop questioning me like an attorney and tell me what happened.”

After handing one glass to his guest, he then sat behind his desk and took a swallow from his own glass as he waited for a response.

“I paid the man an exorbitant sum of money to
leave you and my sister alone.” Tristan traced the rim of his glass with his forefinger. “Keir accepted the draft, the betrothal contract is canceled, and both he and my father are mad as hell.”

Sebastian took a long swallow from his glass. “Thank you for your assistance.”

“Don’t thank me yet, for you may not feel so grateful after I’m done with you.”

Sebastian’s eyebrows arched in surprise. Why the sudden change in attitude from Gwen’s brother? Something told him he should have taken a bigger gulp of his whiskey.

“I know of the story you concocted,” Tristan began. “I now understand why my father had no choice but to agree, albeit reluctantly, to this union between you and my sister.”

Sebastian cursed himself for not swallowing the whole damned decanter before beginning this conversation. He took a deep fortifying breath. There was no point in lying. “How did you learn the truth?”

“My father had the pleasure of recounting all of the sordid details to Keir. My being present at the time was a mere nuisance.”

A muscle pulsated in Sebastian’s neck. “Your father told Dunlop?”

“Yes, I’m disgusted to say he did.”

Sebastian slammed his fist against the smooth surface of his desk. “Damn it!”

“There is no need for you to worry.” Tristan kept his voice smooth.

“Explain yourself.” Sebastian raked his hand through his hair. “Why bloody not?”

A devilish grin tugged at the corner of Tristan’s lips. “Keir will not repeat what he heard.”

Sebastian arose with force, rounding his desk. He then leaned against it and glared at his future brother-in-law. “Stop playing games right now before I find that bloody imbecile and make sure he doesn’t say a word. After I have rearranged his face, I’ll come back for—”

Tristan raised a hand, assuring Sebastian’s that his threat had no effect on him. “You needn’t worry because I escorted the fool back to his carriage. Imagine the man’s surprise when his driver was nowhere in sight.”

Tristan paused for dramatic effect. With a roguish glint in his eyes, he continued, “I seized the opportunity to educate him about the consequences should he repeat my father’s words to anyone.”

Sebastian’s shoulders relaxed. “You threatened him?”

“Me, a respected attorney? No, of course not. I did much worse than that. I gave him a lengthy narration of what he could physically expect to happen to him if he ever dishonored my sister’s reputation. I then left him terrified of the repercussions. As soon as I entered the house, his driver hurried back to his post, our butler having kept him occupied just long enough for me to have my conversation with Dunlop.”

Sebastian arched his brows. “I had no idea you were so resourceful.”

“Make no mistake, I will always protect my sister.” Tristan leaned forward in his chair.
“Protecting Gwen was your intention when you lied about her virtue, was it not?” His words were issued as a challenge.

Sebastian assessed the man before him. It was clear to him that Gwen’s twin wanted the best for his sister and he was certain that Tristan would accept his reasons for the deception.

“You did instruct me to do what was necessary to save Gwen from her marriage to Dunlop. This was the only way your father would relent.” He shifted his weight. “That lie was my last resort. It was never my intention to disgrace your sister. If I suspected that your father would repeat any of it, I—”

“Would have done the same thing.”

“I don’t know.” Sebastian considered it and shrugged. “I probably would have.”

Tristan’s expression was sympathetic. “I believe you, but it’s not me you have to worry about.”

“I will tell both Gwen and your father the truth,” Sebastian assured him. “After we are wed, then I will confess.”

Tristan pursed his lips.

“I will tell her the truth, Tristan.” Sebastian heard the defensive tone in his own voice but didn’t care, so desperate was he to convince Gwen’s twin. “I will make this up to her. I just need a little time to show her how much I love her.”

“You can’t wait too long, Sebastian. Both my father and Keir despise you. They would give anything to hurt you … and Gwen, for that matter. Demeaning her and placing an irreparable wedge between the two of you would be their sweetest

“Some father you have,” Sebastian mumbled.

“My father doesn’t like losing; never has. You have one more problem,” Tristan added.

Sebastian rubbed circles on his temples as he sighed, “As if there weren’t enough problems plaguing us?”

“Gwen thinks you rescued her with noble intentions and I’m afraid she won’t understand your reasoning. She’ll just see that you lied to her and about her.”

“I never thought this would be easy,” Sebastian mumbled, somewhat lacking in conviction.

His future brother-in-law’s expression softened. “My sister is worth the effort, but believe me you will be exerting a great deal of effort.”

The enormity of all that loomed ahead of him weighed heavily on Sebastian’s mind. He needed to see Gwen, certain that her warm smile and gentle voice would vanquish his mounting anxiety and doubts.

The pair returned to the salon in silence. The scene that welcomed them was unlike any Sebastian had ever expected. His betrothed sat with his sister on the oriental carpet, playing with Victoria’s puppy, their laughter tinkling about the cozy room like musical notes from a pianoforte.

The sight of his beautiful, vibrant ladies warmed his heart. Even the female mutt that Victoria had secretly adopted and kept hidden in her bedchamber until she could convince Sebastian to keep the mongrel as a house pet, even she was his.

His family sat before him. It was a family
Sebastian would fight for until his last breath.

Gwen’s heart soared at the prospect of spending the evening with Sebastian and their siblings at the Wrights’ ball.

She twirled a reluctant tendril into place before reaching for her cerulean gloves, tugging them over her slender fingers and forearms. Allowing herself one last look, she winked at her reflection.

“You, my dear, appear ready for the lion’s den.”

Adorned in a gown of royal blue accentuated with exquisite black appliqué scrollwork, the first garment designed for Gwen by Victoria’s seamstress, Gwen felt like royalty. The gown was truly exquisite, made of the finest silk. Though the color reminded her of Sebastian’s eyes, it was also prominently displayed in the Duke of Davenport’s familial crest.

Come to think of it, the scroll work was similar as well. Gwen deduced that Sebastian chose this gown for her first official function in a subliminal effort at convincing the members of polite society in attendance this evening that Gwendolyn MacAlistair was worthy of the Duke of Davenport’s attention. Her sense of pride heightened at the realization.

She would enter that ballroom tonight as the future Duchess of Davenport. Whether or not the announcement had yet been made mattered not for Sebastian had already welcomed her into his heart, into his family and was quick to ensure polite
society guessed the truth from the start.

Sighing with contentment, Gwen gathered her matching cape and reticule then headed out of her bedchamber. When she reached the bottom of the stairs, she was surprised to hear from Norris that her guests had just arrived and were waiting in the salon.

“May I have the rose now, Norris?”

Her butler walked to a rosewood table in the foyer, removed a single red rosebud entwined with small English ivy leaves from atop a silver tray and returned with it in record time. Gwen handed Norris her cape and reticule then wrapped her gloved fingers around the delicate red rose as if it were a precious and fragile object.

Proceeding to the salon, her body tingled with anticipation at the thought of seeing Sebastian.

The sight of him, dashing in his evening finery and ruby cravat, left her breathless.

His sensuous smile sent her body into shock and she longed for him to kiss her, right then and there. Even the presence of Tristan and Victoria couldn’t quell her desire.

Gwen took a deep breath and noticed Sebastian doing the same.

Did he feel the same?

The thought of his craving her with equal intensity thrilled her. She wanted him to desire her. She wanted him to be thinking of kissing her, caressing her, feeling the heat between them. She longed to see the passion emanating from his piercing indigo eyes.

She tore her gaze from Sebastian, greeting his
sister with a warm hug. “You are a vision, Victoria. Is she not, Tristan?”

“Yes, she is,” her brother agreed.

Gwen’s gaze met Sebastian’s once again. She sensed that he hadn’t taken his eyes off of her and offered him a sly smile. “I see where your sister inherits her good looks.”

“I don’t compare to you.” He kissed the back of her hand, allowing it to linger in his for a few moments longer than proper. “You look stunning.”

The heat from his lips seared her hand, even through her gloves. Gwen was certain he left an imprint.

She wanted him so much that it was overwhelming. After shaking her head in an attempt to concentrate on her composure, Gwen offered the rose to him.

“I had this made for your lapel, I hope you like it.”

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