Dance with Deception: Scandalous Secrets, Book 1 - Exclusive Edition (Scandalous Secrets - Exclusive Edition) (21 page)

His reply was rich like velvet. “I love it.”

Sebastian paused and his eyes locked with hers. It was as if they were the only people in the room. He inhaled noting that Gwen had chosen to wear jasmine today.

She filled his senses.

His body was tense and aroused by her close proximity.

“I have something for you as well.” He reached into his jacket pocket, withdrawing a large, square red velvet box before handing it to her.

Gwen’s expression was one of surprise. “Sebastian! You don’t have to buy me anything.”

He was certain that she had no idea how much
that one statement meant to him. Throughout his life, people expected so many things from him that Sebastian learned to trust a precious few. All others, he found, were led by greed.

Until Gwen
. She was different. He felt such pride in her for being unique, for being her.

“It’s the first in a string of gifts,” he vowed.

She opened the box with her gloved hands, her breath catching in her throat at the sight of his gift. Lying against the plush, red velvet interior of the box was an exquisite necklace of diamonds in the shape of flower petals. Emerald leaves accentuated the sparkling stones.

Gwen slid her fingers over the gemstones. “Sebastian, I’ve never seen anything like this. It’s gorgeous. Although,” leaning closer to him, she whispered, “you alone are more precious to me than any gem.”

Sebastian had fought to remain composed since he first laid eyes on his betrothed. She looked sophisticated, sultry even, and downright irresistible. Upon hearing her final statement, he decided he must be alone with her.


Without pretense, he asked Tristan over his shoulder. “Would you mind retrieving Victoria’s cloak? Gwen and I will meet the both of you in the foyer in a minute or two.”

Tristan’s eyes narrowed, shooting him a look of mistrust.

“There are a few formalities we need to discuss before setting out,” Sebastian explained, endeavoring to sound as innocent as possible.

“Make it quick,” Tristan spoke, his tone curt before offering Victoria his arm. As he ushered the young woman toward the door, he added with an sly grin, “The door stays open.”

Sebastian cursed his future brother-in-law in silence before muttering, “He is enjoying torturing me far too much.”

Gwen stifled her laughter from behind the deep red rose and inhaled its sweet fragrance.

Sebastian returned his attention to her. “Have I told you how exquisite you look tonight?”

“I believe you said I looked ‘
,’ but I could be mistaken.”

“At this moment, neither word does you justice.” He removed the custom made necklace from its box. “Turn around.”

Gwen obeyed, brushing against the length of him, sending his pulse racing at a maddening rate. He secured the clasp, fighting against his urgent need to wrap his arms around her and kiss her until they were both breathless.

Sebastian set the empty box on a gilded table then placed his hands on her shoulders. He kissed the side of her neck, just above the gemstones, her jasmine scent intoxicating him. Her ragged intake of breath was not lost on him.

His heart swelled with pride from the knowledge that she would soon be his, in every way. He wanted nothing more in the world.

Uncertain of when he’d have another minute alone with her, Sebastian walked around to face her, tipped her chin up, and crushed his lips against hers.

He probed her mouth, and when she did the
same to him it sent shock waves through his body. He brushed his thumbs against the nape of her neck in tiny circles, tantalizing her senses.

Both were aware of the door being left open yet neither wanted to let go. Sebastian’s tongue slowed its pace and the kiss became even more sensual.

She caressed his ear with the rosebud. That one small teasing motion arousing Sebastian to the point where he thought he would ignite. He withdrew his tongue and leaned his forehead against hers. Her breathing was ragged, as was his.

Gwen then traced the outline of his jaw with the rose bud, the soft petals sweeping against his skin, continuing to arouse him. His erection had reached a painful stage. He caught her hand, stilling the motion that was driving him mad with desire.

After a ragged sigh, Sebastian admitted, “My body can’t take much more of this. I want you so much it hurts.”

“It pains me, too. I don’t understand what my body is experiencing but I do know I don’t want it to stop.”

He brushed his lips against hers for one last kiss. “I will take you to heaven again and again. I promise you that. But first, we must rejoin our party.”

“Do I look – I mean will they know?” Gwen’s question dangled in mid-air as she backed away from him, tracing the outline of her moist lips with her long patrician fingers.

“You look radiant,” he said, winking at her. “You’ll be the most sought-after lady at the ball.”

Gwen smiled as she pinned the rose in his lapel.
“I’ll be the talk of the ball, all right. I just hope they don’t say anything too damning.”

“Trust me, everything will be fine. Just don’t forget with whom you came.”

“Tristan is my twin brother.” Her eyes widened with feigned innocence. “How could I possibly forget him?”

Sebastian roared with laughter.

“Yes, she’d never forget me,” Tristan drawled as he strolled through the open door. “I hope you are both ready because your time is up.”

As the group exited the salon, Tristan clapped the Duke on his shoulder, “I love your rose, mate.”

“So do I.” Sebastian’s smiled as he adjusted his adornment. “Now all we have to do is find some eligible young woman to pin one on your lapel.”

“Oh, good heavens, no,” Tristan argued. “Clearly, it is too much work.”

The Wrights’ opulent estate was aglow with thousands of gas lamps and candles. Although most grand estates now used gas for their lighting, candles were frequently used to add ambiance to evenings such as this.

Once the Duke’s party entered the grand ballroom with the announcement of their names, all eyes turned in their direction.

Sebastian led his sister down the staircase, his posture proud, his stride purposeful, his air one of self-assurance. With each step he took, the Duke of Davenport exuded strength and commanded

Tristan and Gwen also descended the marble staircase with their heads held high. As she surveyed the ballroom below them, the gazes of almost every man and woman in the room were directed toward her.

The men, in general stoic and expressionless at the announcements of arrivals, showed signs of surprise and curiosity while the women’s jaws dropped in shock. Quite a few ladies flashed angry looks at Gwen, perhaps stemming from jealousy. Her presence in the Duke of Davenport’s party this evening would dash many hopes for a union with him.

Sebastian waited with Tori at the bottom of the staircase. Gwen’s gaze sought his and the look he gave her made her heart leap.

Pride was etched in his every feature.

He also exhibited one of his dazzling smiles, which always made her feel weak at the knees but never more so than at that very moment. Perhaps the intensity was due to the romantic glow from the thousands of candles flickering in the chandeliers above them and the light emanating from the gas wall sconces surrounding them. More likely, though, it was due to Sebastian’s dynamic presence. The powerful essence he exuded drew both man and woman alike toward him, like the sandy beach drawing the powerful ocean current to shore.

Gwen returned Sebastian’s smile. Whispers carried through the crowd reminding her of an ice-cold wind blowing in the winter months. It was clear to her that Sebastian’s plan had been set in
motion, gaining momentum at a expeditious pace.

In a strange way, Gwen gloried in the knowledge that so many women in the room were envious of her because, as sure as the moon rises every evening, she and she alone saw the intimate side of Sebastian, his true self. The knowledge that her place would forever be at his side thrilled her.

All eyes stayed focused on their party. Gwen caught the animated expressions of one particular couple whispering to each other. Judging by their physical appearances, they were complete opposites. Both were striking, although his well-tanned face and jet-black hair were a stark contrast to her milky white skin and blonde ringlets.

Both sent encouraging glances to Gwen while they conversed amongst themselves. They then sauntered across the ballroom towards the Duke’s party.

“You’ve caused quite a stir, Your Grace,” Tristan muttered to Sebastian. “Just imagine what will happen when your betrothal becomes public.”

“Tristan,” Gwen reprimanded in a hushed tone. “Someone might hear you.”

“I hope they do.” There was a glint in Sebastian’s eyes, like that of a mischievous schoolboy caught committing some juvenile prank. He then whispered in her ear. “I would like nothing more than to end this charade and take you home and continue where we left off in your salon.”

Her eyes danced, expressing to him that she wanted the same thing. In fact, she yearned for it too much. The memory of Sebastian’s mouth claiming hers sent heat coursing through her veins.
She wanted nothing more than to race up the staircase with him, into his carriage and kiss him with the ardor she felt for him.

Sebastian must have read her mind because she noted his glance rove from her eyes to her mouth. He nibbled at his inner lip and her heart skipped a beat.

He was teasing her.

A male voice interrupted their silent play. It belonged to the elegant dark-haired man Gwen had noticed staring at them mere minutes before.

“You couldn’t have made a better entrance if you tried. Tongues are wagging and all eyes are upon you.”

“Alexander!” Sebastian shook his best friend’s hand. “Welcome home!” Turning his attention to his friend’s wife, Sebastian kissed the back of her gloved hand. “You look more stunning than ever, Constance.”

“Thank you Sebastian.” Her voice was silken. Turning toward Victoria, Constance added, “Victoria, you look beautiful. Doesn’t she, Alex?”

Her husband was quick to agree with her. “You certainly do Victoria.”

“My good friends, allow me to introduce Gwendolyn MacAlistair and her brother Tristan. Gwen, this is Alexander Morley and his wife Constance.”

Gwen curtsied. Alexander bowed his head in response as he kissed the back of her hand.

“It is a pleasure to meet you both.” Gwen offered a sweet smile and viewed unspoken curiosity radiating from Alexander’s jade eyes. He
had undoubtedly noticed that Sebastian spoke to her in an informal manner, even going as far as to call her by her nickname.

“How was your trip?” Sebastian inquired.

“Splendid,” Constance declared, turning to Gwen. “Have you ever been to Paris?”

Gwen shook her head. “No, although my eldest brother has. He brought me several trunks full of books and music. He also gave me a beautiful painting of oil colors. Victoria, you know it all too well. It’s the one that hangs above the mantle in our library.”

“It’s gorgeous Constance.” Victoria’s face lit up like it always did when she discussed art. “It depicts a lake surrounded by pastel flowers and one can almost see the sunlight radiating from the canvas.”

Tristan took his leave at the first lull in the conversation. “If you will excuse me, I see a client I must acknowledge.”

The women formed a triangle and conversed with ease. Gwen was pleased to discover that she and Constance were two peas in a pod. Neither was obsessed with Paris fashions; instead both were interested in the sights, people, culture and even life aboard a ship.

Alexander pulled his friend off to the side. “My, she is different. Look at her – she gets along well with both your sister and my wife, a daunting feat I dare say. Are you at last showing some taste?”

Sebastian smirked. “Yes, for the first time in my life I’ve shown excellent taste.”

“Well, it’s about time,” Alexander quipped. “Is this serious?”

Sebastian’s grin broadened to a full-fledged smile.

Alexander clapped his hands together and laughed. “We have a lot of catching up to do.”

“More than you know,” Sebastian added, his dry wit apparent.

Constance excused herself from Gwen and Victoria then hurried to her husband’s side. “Gwen is charming, Sebastian. It is clear that Victoria loves her, and Victoria! She is growing more poised and confident every time I see her.”

“Victoria is transforming into a remarkable young woman.” Sebastian’s tone was rich with pride.

Two women traveled across the large ballroom, arm-in-arm, snubbing critics and joining the Duke’s party. The elder woman, festooned in flamboyant orange, red and purple feathers wrapped Sebastian in a fierce hug.

“Hello, my dear boy!” Her sweet face, gray ringlets and playful expression made her appear much younger than her years. She released him then called to Victoria. “Victoria, bring your friend. I want a hug.”

Victoria ushered Gwen over to the sweet-natured woman who encircled Tori’s petite frame as if she were a precious porcelain doll. “How are you, my darling?”

“We are doing well, Fiona,” Tori answered as her brother bowed to the Viscountess’ granddaughter, a striking blonde with a porcelain complexion.

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