Dangerous Promise by Gwendolyn Cease (14 page)

Read Dangerous Promise by Gwendolyn Cease Online

Authors: Gwendolyn Cease

Tags: #Paranormal Erotic Romance

“She hit the high points. Janie was my sister, younger sister, and she just couldn’t get her shit together. She dropped Abby on me when she was maybe eight months old, saying she and her boyfriend needed to get away. They were gone for nearly two months and it was like that until Abby was nearly one. Some stuff happened and the courts gave me temporary custody. That’s when Janie came up pregnant again. The boyfriend skipped town and as soon as Olivia was born I had her. I got full custody of the girls when Olivia was two months old. Janie was in and out, but treated the girls more like irritating siblings than her children. I tried to help her, but she just couldn’t seem to straighten herself out.”

“That happens,” he said as he smoothed her hair. “I’m just glad the girls had you to depend on.”

“I love them so much. I didn’t understand how Janie didn’t. They’re amazing, but it’s like she couldn’t see it.”

“That’s her loss, Kate. Some people can’t make that connection.”

She nodded. “It just got worse when she joined what she called a church. I think it was more like a cult. She got really odd. She told me how amazing the preacher was and how he had some kind of secret knowledge he was going to share with her. She would tell me how mesmerizing he was and how he had all the answers. She wanted to take the girls with her when she moved to some kind of next level. She kept telling me she needed to take the girls. I wouldn’t let her, and she got crazy. She screamed at me that they were hers to do with what she wanted. I finally tossed her out. I never saw her again. The police came to the house a few days later to tell me they’d found her body.

“It was insane that this cult started calling me to tell me they should raise the girls. Janie had wanted them to have the girls if anything happened to her. I called the police, but when our house was broken into, I just couldn’t take the chance. I immediately sold the house, and we moved. We moved a good couple of times until Tori told us to come here. I like here, but the man tonight scared me.”

Grimm tilted her face up. “You have nothing to fear. I won’t let anything happen to you or the girls. I’ll track the guy down, and he won’t bother you ever again. Believe me, you’re safe.”

“I believe you.”

“Good,” he said and kissed her. “Now, let’s not talk anymore, okay?” He nudged her with his hips, causing his growing erection to ease in and out of her sheath. “I think there are better things we can do.”

He rolled her under him and took her mouth.


Chapter Nine




Kate opened the door and ushered Tori and her brother, Deacon, in. She’d called her best friend almost as soon as Grimm had left. Thankfully, Tori hadn’t gone to bed yet when Kate had called. If so, there would have been no way they would have talked. Once Tori went to bed, that was it, she was done and nothing could get her up. But, with the guarantee of a juicy story, Tori had promised to be over for an early dinner.

Since Kate really hadn’t wanted to cook, they were eating pizza. The girls were utterly thrilled, not only with one of their favorite dishes, but with two of their favorite people. They spent the meal talking about their fun day off from school and Grimm. The incident of the day before was mentioned, but only as an introduction to Grimm and just how awesome he was. Tori glanced at her and raised an eyebrow. Kate refused to meet her friend’s eyes since she knew she would blush. Because all she could think about was just how awesome he’d made her feel, over and over.

After dinner, Deacon challenged the girls to a card game, which gave Tori and Kate the opportunity to talk. Tori dragged Kate up to her bedroom and shut the door.

“Okay, spill. You wouldn’t have called me if there wasn’t something to share.”

Now they were alone, Kate froze. What to say? She knew she couldn’t share everything, but so much had happened, she had to say something.

“Grimm and I slept together.” Okay, she thought, that was easy.

Tori sat on the bed and eyed her. “And?”

“It was utterly mind-blowing,” Kate said, sitting beside her. “Oh my gosh, Tori, if I would have had socks on they would have flown off. The man is seriously incredible.”



Tori leaned forward. “What? Say that again?”

“Oh yeah, multiple, like on and on.”

“Shit, does he have a brother?”

Kate laughed. “Sorry, only child.”

“How about a friend?”

“I…can ask,” Kate said.

“What?” Tori jumped on the hesitation. “What’s going on? There’s something you’re not telling me.”

“Nothing, there’s nothing.”

Tori stared at her. “He’s married, isn’t he? Oh, damn it, Kate, that sucks. When did you find out? Did he tell you? Did his wife call? Did you find her picture in his wallet? That son of a bitch, we so fucking need to kick his ass. How dare he treat you like this? I’ll get Deacon to kick his ass, I don’t care how big he is or how big he thinks—”

“He’s a vampire,” Kate blurted out.

Both women froze. Kate glanced around, hoping like hell someone came in and interrupted them. She didn’t know what had gotten into her. It wasn’t like Tori was applying thumb screws, but it had just popped out.

“What did you say?” Tori asked carefully.

“Nothing.” Kate smiled, trying to laugh it off. “It was nothing. He’s not married.”

“Vampire. You said he’s a vampire.”

“It was a joke.” Kate shrugged. “I mean, really, vampire, who thinks of stuff like that. But he’s not married.”

Tori stared at her. Kate really did try to maintain eye contact, but she couldn’t. She hated lying to people, and she especially hated lying to Tori. The woman had been by her side through the insanity of the move and getting settled and finally helping her get a job.

“Did he tell you he’s a vampire?” Tori asked.

“Maybe we should go down and join Deacon and the girls.”

“Maybe you should tell me the truth. I worry about you and the chicks. This guy showed up out of nowhere and now the two of you are in this heavy relationship. I don’t want you to get hurt.”

Kate flopped back on the bed. Oh hell, she hated when Tori got all touchy-feely and talked about emotions and concern. She sat up quickly. “Fine. He’s a vampire. I know you’re going to tell me they don’t exist and I’m crazy. But I’m not crazy. I know what I saw. Fangs, I saw fangs that grew out of his top jaw.”

“You’re serious?” Tori pulled her legs up onto the bed to sit cross-legged.

“Yeah, I am. I know it all sounds unbelievable, hell it’s unbelievable to me, but I know what I saw. I know what I felt. He has fangs. He also grew claws. They kind of shredded up the blanket we were on and made small marks on my floor.”

“Claws? Did he hurt you?” Tori leaned forward and grabbed Kate’s arms.

“Oh no, but when things got really intense during sex he couldn’t help it.” Kate rubbed her face. “Crap, it turned me on to know this man was fighting to hold on to control. With me, you know? I’m not like some supermodel and you know what he looks like, but he just kept telling me how beautiful I am and how special I am and how much he wants me.”

“Are you sure he doesn’t have a brother?”

Kate gave a laugh. “No, he doesn’t.”


Kate nodded. “Yes.”

“Okay, I’ll believe that you believe, but until I see it myself, there’s just no such thing.”

“That’s fair.”

Before either woman could say anything else, they heard Deacon call for them from downstairs. Kate and Tori hurried down the steps to find him standing at the window, looking out. Deacon was a big, fit man with dark hair and soft brown eyes, but that was the only thing soft about him. He sported tattoos and piercings, and if Kate hadn’t known him, she definitely would have crossed the street to get away from him. But with people he considered family, Deacon was a regular pussy cat and both little girls had him wrapped around their fingers. Kate thought it was laughable how the man melted when Olivia and Abby held his hand. Grimm did the same thing when he was with the girls. Now, there was no laughter or smiling. Instead, Deacon looked serious.

“What’s going on?” Tori asked.

“Are you expecting anyone?” he asked without taking his eyes from the window. “A large cargo van just pulled up.”

Kate shook her head. “No, I’m not expecting anyone.” She hurried over to peek out the window with him. The van didn’t resemble the one from the mall, but Kate knew something wasn’t right. She didn’t get packages delivered to the house—instead she picked them up at the post office. And the van didn’t have anything on it that would denote a delivery company or service organization. The door of the vehicle opened and a man she didn’t recognize stepped out, but that didn’t make her feel any better. There was still no reason for anyone to come to the house.

“Momma, what’s going on?” Abby asked.

“I’m not sure, sweetie, but why don’t you and Olivia go upstairs.” Kate turned and knelt in front of her girls and hugged them tight. “I’m sure it’s nothing big. Most probably he’s lost so once I talk to him, we can all have dessert. How about that?”

Abby didn’t look too sure, but Olivia took her hand. “Let’s go upstairs. Okay?”

Abby nodded and followed her little sister up the stairs. Once they were out of the room, Deacon grabbed the backpack he always carried and pulled out a handgun. “I don’t want to be an alarmist, but this whole situation stinks. Better to be safe than sorry.”

“I agree,” Kate said.

She hurried into the kitchen to grab a set of keys out of a top cabinet. She always hated feeling as if she had to have a gun to protect them but now was thankful. She didn’t know what the man wanted but agreed with Deacon and wasn’t going to take a chance. She went back into the living room and unlocked a small armoire in the corner. From it she took ammunition and a handgun, which she quickly loaded.

Tori grabbed the large tote she carried as a purse and pulled a gun from it. She flicked the safety off. “A second guy’s getting out of the van and coming up to the door.”

“It’s the man from the mall,” Kate said as she looked out the window.

“Let’s see what he wants,” Deacon replied.

Grimm slid two short swords into the sheaths on his back as well as pistol into the shoulder holster. He didn’t want to go out that night. If he was given a choice, he would have gone to Kate’s as soon as it was close to dark. But he didn’t have a choice. He had blown off his schedule the night before, and he couldn’t do it again. He couldn’t miss another night of his rotation. Of course, last night had been so worth the ass chewing he’d received. Kate was amazing, and the fact that she accepted who and what he was, was a gift.

Also, Scythe, the Ancient Feral knew, had arrived early in the day. He was tall and heavily muscled, as were all Ancients, and came with a shit ton of weapons. He and Talon seemed to hit it off, and Grimm wasn’t sure if he was happy or a bit scared.

As he walked out of his rooms, his phone rang with Olivia’s ring tone. He smiled. She’d called him a few times since he’d gotten her the phone. She liked the fact that he was right there, and he liked to hear from her.

“Hey, Olivia, what’s up?”

“Grimm.” Her little-girl voice quavered in his ear.

He stopped walking. “What’s wrong, baby?”

“Momma sent us upstairs. There’s a van in our driveway. Abby and I are scared.”

“I’ll be right there. I need to hang up now so I can make another call, but as soon as I do, I’ll be with you. Okay?”


He disconnected the call and instantly touched his earpiece.

Joelle’s voice answered. “What’s wrong?”

“Olivia, the little girl I told you about, is in trouble. She said there’s someone at her house. I think somebody tried to abduct them from the mall last night.”

“Tomas told me about what happened with the tires,” Joelle said. “Give me the address and you’ll have backup. Don’t argue with me.”

He gave her Kate’s address, and he heard her typing as he paced. He wanted to go, now, but did what Joelle said. She wanted him to have backup, and his gut told him he needed it. He didn’t know what the hell was happening but didn’t want to get Kate or the girls killed because he was being some kind of showboater.

“Okay, I have the coordinates, and I have agents on the way. You can go, now, but—”

He didn’t wait for her to finish—he disappeared. A moment later, he appeared in Olivia’s bedroom. A blood-addicted vamp was punching his way through the window, sending glass shards spraying around the room. He glanced behind him to find Abby and Olivia clinging to each other, weeping.

“Run, girls,” he instructed. “Go into the bathroom and lock the door.”

As the girls did what he told them, Grimm pulled his handgun and faced the blood-addicted vampire. What the fuck? He hadn’t expected anything like this when Olivia had called. The thing hissed at him, and he calmly shot it in the face, sending it flying out of the house. He touched his earpiece.

“Go,” Joelle barked.

“I have blood-addicted,” he said.

“Talon and the others are on the way.”

He disconnected as gunfire came from downstairs. He didn’t want to leave the girls, but he had to help Kate. He raced down the steps to find Kate and her friend Tori and a man he didn’t know facing off with a blood-addicted in the entry to the house. When the vampire saw him, it crouched and growled, knowing this wouldn’t be an easy fight.

The idea that this thing had come to threaten his woman and children sent Grimm into a rage. Fangs exploded from his mouth as he pulled the swords sheathed on his back. The vampire charged, and Grimm roared as he drove both blades into its chest. He didn’t care about taking one alive. He just wanted to make sure Kate was safe and that meant killing the thing. The vamp gasped and scrabbled at the blades, but Grimm held on and twisted them to ensure the heart was shredded. When he saw the eyes glaze over, he pulled the swords and let the vamp drop to the floor.

A movement out of the corner of his eye caught him and he spun to find Talon crouched beside him. He had never been so glad to see the other Hunter before. Talon was a killing machine, and if there were more blood-addicted then he wanted him by his side.

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