Read Dangerous Promise by Gwendolyn Cease Online

Authors: Gwendolyn Cease

Tags: #Paranormal Erotic Romance

Dangerous Promise by Gwendolyn Cease (5 page)

“I’m ready,” Grimm said, walking out of his rooms.

The other man merely glanced at him as they moved off down the hall. If there was one thing he could say about Talon, the man never asked or pried. Grimm bet if someone were on fire, Talon wouldn’t say anything until you did first. Grimm wasn’t sure if he didn’t care or figured if he started asking questions then someone might want to know things in return. Either way was good with Grimm.

“We’re hitting the same area you did the other night,” Talon finally said as they entered the Hunters’ common room.

Grimm nodded, and both men disappeared. A second later, they were in the alley behind the bar. Nothing stirred, and there was no scent of rotting meat. The two men started off, and Grimm warred between hoping to find one of the blood-addicted and not. He wasn’t sure his head was all the way in the game this evening. Since meeting Kate again all he could think about was seeing her. He wanted to sit close to her and smell her fragrance. Damn, it was enticing. He wanted nothing more than to press his face into the soft skin of her neck and breathe deep. The idea made his fangs throb. Okay, yeah, he wanted to bite her, too. How could he not? He imagined her blood would taste as good as she smelled.

“You need to stay focused,” Talon said, cutting into his thoughts.

“I’m fine,” Grimm lied.

Talon looked over at him. “I didn’t say you weren’t fine. I said you needed to stay focused. Your mind’s not on the job, and I need it to be.”

Grimm nodded, knowing the other man was right. If he wasn’t careful, he could get them killed, and he’d miss his date. Couldn’t have that. He forced back all thoughts of Kate. He could think about her after his shift was over, but now wasn’t a good time. He raised his head and sniffed the air. The slight tang of rot was on the breeze, and he motioned for Talon to follow him. All they needed was a break. All they needed was to take one of the blood-addicted captive and maybe they could start to get some answers.

* * * *

Quenton’s phone rang, and he picked it up without taking his eyes from the book he was studying. “Yes.”

“Why haven’t you called me?”

The voice that growled through the receiver made him catch his breath, and he began to grow hard. Reaper. Damn him. Quenton couldn’t get away from him. The man starred in every dream, and now he was calling him. What had he done to be so tormented? And why hadn’t he called? Reaper promised him a night he’d never forget, but something held Quenton back.

“Quenton, I know you’re there.”

“Of course I am,” he snapped. “But I’ve been busy.”

“Really?” Reaper purred through the receiver. “All the time? Day and night? What have you been doing?”

The man’s voice was lethal in its sexiness, and Quenton went blank. He had no idea what he’d just been asked or even how to answer. He opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out. What the hell? He was one hundred and twenty years old, not a child, and yet Reaper reduced him to some green boy.

“Should I come there to see what you’re up to? Maybe I can help you?”

Quenton huffed out a breath—everything Reaper said sounded sexual. Or, perhaps more precisely, Quenton imagined everything he said sounded sexual.

“I’m fine,” he muttered. “I just have a lot on my mind.”
Like you running your hands over my naked body and sucking my cock.

“I bet I can help you with that.”

Quenton froze. Had he spoken his thoughts aloud? Finally, he cleared his throat. “Um, I’m just making final arrangements to meet Feral and Lucian at the airport. We’ve finally worked everything out, and they’re coming in tomorrow night.”

“You’re not going alone,” Reaper said. “We don’t know them or what they’re capable of.”

He rolled his eyes. “I’m not an idiot, Reaper. I was planning on asking Styx to go with me since he’s off rotation tomorrow evening.”

“I’ll switch with him and go with you.”

“No, no,” he said quickly, “you don’t have to do that.”

Reaper chuckled softly. “Afraid to be alone with me, Quenton?”

“Of course not, don’t be crazy.”

“Then why haven’t you called me? I know you want what I can give you, and I certainly wanna give it to you. In fact, I think about it a lot. You, naked on my bed, all that pale skin exposed and just waiting for my touch. I keep going over in my mind what I’ll do to you first, after I tie you down of course. I want you helpless and at my mercy.”

“You do?” Quenton couldn’t help but ask.

“Oh yeah. I’ll lick you all over, because I want your taste in my mouth. Then I’ll settle between your legs and suck your dick. I know it’ll taste so good. When my fangs come out, I’ll spread your legs wide and bite you high on the inner thigh. You’ll love the pain and pleasure it’ll give you. And when I drink, I’ll make sure you don’t come because I want it to last. I’ll turn you onto your stomach then and spread your legs wide because I want to touch and taste what I’ll be claiming. I’ll spread your ass wide so I can lick and suck at the pretty hole that’s mine. I want you to know who you belong to for that night.”

Quenton could do nothing but pant as he listened to Reaper. His penis throbbed as he imagined the man licking and sucking and taking his body. He never bottomed, but with Reaper, he would gladly take whatever the man wanted to give him.

“Are you hard for me, Quen? I’m hard just thinking about what I’m going to do to you.”

“Yes,” he said on a gasp.

“That’s good. Now take your cock out and jack off with me. Imagine it’s my hand rubbing and pulling. Are you doing it? I am, and it feels so good.”

The image of Reaper naked across a bed masturbating almost made Quenton come. Fumbling, he unbuttoned his pants and pulled his erection out. He was so hard and had already started leaking.

“Is your cock out, Quen?” Reaper growled.

“Yes,” he said as he closed his eyes and began stroking himself.

“Do you wish I was there? Sucking you? Licking you?”

“Yes, fuck yes.”

“Where are you? Tell me where you are.”

“Office. I’m in my office.”

A brush of air went over his hot flesh and Quenton opening his eyes to find Reaper kneeling before him. The big Hunter was shirtless with his pants hanging open and his red hair spilling around his shoulders. Enormous fangs appeared as he opened his mouth and slowly eased down to swallow Quenton’s cock. Quenton thrust his hips against the heat and wetness, willing himself not to come. Fuck, the man he’d been fantasizing about was kneeling before him, and he didn’t want it to end before it began.

Reaper hummed low as Quenton felt his cock hit the back of the other man’s throat. Quenton sobbed out a breath as he ran his fingers through the mass of blood-red hair spreading out across his body. He’d wanted to touch Reaper forever but had never dared before now. When Reaper began to move his mouth up and down Quenton’s erection, he could only grasp onto that glorious hair and hold on. He gasped and whimpered as the other man’s mouth drove him higher and higher toward release.

Even as Quenton shook his head in denial, he came, flooding Reaper’s mouth. Shit, shit, shit. He’d wanted it to last. The only time he’d ever have him, and it went too quick because he couldn’t stay in control.

He opened his eyes to watch Reaper slowly and thoroughly lick his shrinking cock. The redhead smiled at him, his grin feral and promising.

“This makes me want you naked in my bed that much more. Don’t keep me waiting too long, Quen, or I may start hunting you.” Reaper leaned up and captured Quenton’s mouth in a kiss that was all teeth and tongue. A moment later he was gone, leaving Quenton half-naked and alone in his office.

* * * *

Grimm collapsed, face first, onto his bed and closed his eyes. The entire night had been one long exercise in patience. They’d found nothing after the initial scent. They’d searched. It was as if all the blood-addicted had suddenly decided to take the night off. Grimm wished to hell they could get a handle on what was going on. If they could figure out who was behind everything then they could hunt them down and eliminate them. End of story. He preferred hunting and killing to endlessly walking around dark streets, sniffing the air like some fucking dog.

His phone beeped, signaling a call. Ignore? No, he couldn’t. If it was Kenshin he’d just come looking for him. But he shouldn’t since he and the rest of the Hunters had to sit through some bullshit meeting when they got back. Fuck, he hoped that wasn’t going to be the norm every time they went out hunting. Without looking at the screen he hit the receive button. “What?”


The soft female voice in his ear made his skin break out in goose bumps and he instantly got hard. “Kate, hey. How are you?”

“Is this a bad time? I hope I didn’t wake you.”

“No, I just got home. Everything’s good.” He rolled onto his back to give his cock some relief. No one had ever cranked him up like this woman did.

“I talked to the girls, and they’re really excited about tonight. If the invitation is still open, I mean.”

“Hell yeah, it is,” he said, sitting up. “I’m really looking forward to seeing all of you. So can I pick you all up or meet you?”

She hesitated just a second and finally spoke. “If it’s okay, we’ll just meet you. The girls both have booster seats, and it’s kind of a pain to switch vehicles with them.”

“It’s good. What about the Italian place near the bookstore? It has a wide selection and the food’s good.”

She laughed. “That’s the girls’ favorite restaurant.”

“Is six good for you all or is it too late?” He crossed his fingers hoping she’d say it was fine. Any earlier and he’d be hard pressed to miss the effects of the sun. Even with the heavy cloud cover, it could burn him.

“No, six is good for us. We usually don’t eat until that time anyway.”

“I’m really looking forward to seeing you.”

“Me, too,” she said softly in his ear. “Well, I’d better go so you can get some sleep.”

When the call disconnected, Grimm tossed the phone on his bed and wondered what the hell he was going to do until six that night. Because after listening to Kate’s voice whisper in his ear, sleeping was the last thought on his mind.


Chapter Four




Kate pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant, and her heart sped up. Also, her palms were sweaty and her breathing was shallow and fast. Hell, she had to get ahold of herself. He was just some guy that she barely knew, and they were meeting for dinner. It wasn’t like a date since the girls were along. It was just two people who knew one another casually, eating together.

She rolled her eyes. No matter what she told herself, her heart thought of it as a date. And since she hadn’t been on one of those in forever, she was nervous. Thankfully, the girls didn’t let her dwell on anything too long, since they needed to be helped out of their seats. They were so excited, not only were they having dinner with Grimm, but also eating at their favorite restaurant. Olivia had spent the entire day asking the time and how long it was before they left. Abby had changed her outfit no less than three times finally settling on a dark plaid skirt, red sweater, black leggings and the glittery red shoes she’d worn for Halloween when she dressed as Dorothy.

The kid’s way more put together than I am
, Kate thought, as she climbed out of the car.

They walked toward the restaurant and Grimm was already waiting for them. He looked so good, she thought, with black dress pants and a gray shirt that matched his eyes. Over that he had a long, black coat that could have been leather, something Kate could only dream of. She glanced down at her own black pants and blue sweater and wished she’d worn a dress. She hadn’t wanted to seem too dressed up or eager and had dumped that for the outfit she had on.

Grimm smiled and approached them. He handed the girls each a flower then gave Kate a bouquet of mixed blooms that included soft pink roses. The girls chattered excitedly, and Kate smelled her small slice of spring.

“Do you like them?” he asked softly.

“I love them. Thank you so much.” Saying this, she leaned up and kissed him on the cheek. He smiled and brushed his lips softly against hers.

He ushered them into the restaurant as Olivia and Abby filled him in on everything they’d done since the night before. They were shown to a quiet table in the back, and the girls climbed into the booth, leaving Kate to sit beside Grimm. The girls shrugged out of their coats, and Kate hung them on the hooks right off the booth. As she moved to take her coat off, Grimm grasped it and slid it down her arms. The brush of his hand on her arm was like a hot brand, and her heart jumped as if he’d run his hand over her bare skin. She had to get a hold of herself, but the image of the two of them tangled, naked, as he ran his hands and mouth over her body invaded her mind. Instantly, she slammed the door on those thoughts, but when she looked up, she found him watching her. Slowly, a smile spread over his face as if he could read her mind.

Turning away, she slid into the booth and busied herself with helping the girls get their silverware out of their napkins. Damn it, she thought, get ahold of yourself. It’s a stupid date, nothing more.

“I brought you something,” Olivia announced, as she dug into the bag she carried.

“You didn’t need to do that,” Grimm said.

Kate heard a slight strain in his voice, and she turned to look at him. Emotions flittered over his face, and she wished like hell she knew what he was thinking, feeling.

Olivia pulled out a book and handed it to him across the table. “It’s the first
Calena the Vampire
book. I thought you might want to read it since you remind me so much of her dad, Stark. Then we can talk about the books together.”

He accepted the book and studied the black and hot-pink cover. Two young girls stood arm and arm, one obviously human and the other with tiny fangs, but both had big smiles. “I’d very much like to read the book. Thank you for sharing it with me.”

“Just let me know when you’re finished and I can lend you the next one.”

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