Dangerous Promise by Gwendolyn Cease (8 page)

Read Dangerous Promise by Gwendolyn Cease Online

Authors: Gwendolyn Cease

Tags: #Paranormal Erotic Romance

He eased his fingers between the wet lips of her pussy and lightly pinched her clit. Her eyes popped open on a gasp as he slid his fingers down to slowly penetrate her. Damn, she was so tight. The thought of her taking his cock almost made him come in his pants. He’d have to be careful with her the first time. He was big, and he wanted her to enjoy what they did.

“Grimm,” she whispered as she moved her hips against his hand.

“That’s it, sweetheart, ride my fingers.” He leaned in and whispered against her ear, “You feel so good. I can’t wait ‘til I can put my mouth on you. I know you’re going to taste so good. Then after you’ve come, I’m going to ease my cock into you. You’ll squeeze me in your pretty little pussy, and I can’t wait.”

Kate shuddered against Grimm as he spoke softly and stroked into her body. He loved how responsive she was, loved the sounds she made. He couldn’t wait until he could strip her bare and lick every inch of her body. She panted and trembled against him as she gripped his shoulders tighter.

“One more finger, sweet,” he muttered against her ear. “I need you to take one more.”

She pressed her face into his neck and spread her legs farther as he eased three fingers into her. She was so tight, but he rubbed his thumb against her clit, and she squirmed against his hand.

“Tell me, Kate,” he murmured. “Tell me how it feels. Talk to me, sweetness.”

“Tight, so tight,” she said, her hot breath caressing his skin. “Good. It feels so good.”

“That’s good. Now come for me, Kate, come on my hand, sweet.”

He found her G-spot, and Kate instantly flashed into an orgasm. She shook and moaned, pressing her face against his shoulder. She couldn’t yell out. They couldn’t wake the girls. But she’d come hard, and he wanted her to do it again. He twisted his fingers inside her and flicked her clit with this thumbnail causing her to bite down on his shoulder and shake through another orgasm. She practically sobbed against his shoulder, and he held her close. He wanted to be with her like this always.

“You okay, sweetheart?”

He tilted her face up and kissed her. It wasn’t the mad tangle of tongues like before, this was slow and thorough and easy. She clung to him, still shaking occasionally from all they had done together. Grimm could feel her vagina flex and flutter around his fingers and didn’t even want to think what it would feel like around his cock.

Finally, he leaned back so they could look at one another as he withdrew his fingers. She sighed as he raised them so she could see her wetness coating his skin. Slowly, he stuck each digit in his mouth and sucked. Her eyes widened as he winked at her.

“You taste so good, sweet. I can’t wait ‘til I can have you again.”

“What about you?” She tentatively cupped the erection straining against his pants.

“Damn, your hand feels so good, but this was all about you. I needed you to understand how much I want you.”

“I want you, too.” Kate stroked him and squeezed.

He hissed out between his teeth and bucked in her hand. “Kate, if you don’t stop, I’ll come in my pants. That’s not a good look for a guy, you know.”

“But I want to see you and touch you.” She moved to undo his belt when the lights suddenly snapped on.

They looked at one another and she blushed. In the bright light of the kitchen, she sprawled on the counter with her legs open wide and her pants untied and shoved down. He could almost read the thoughts rolling around in her head.

“Don’t,” he said.

She looked up to find him watching her. “Don’t what?”

“Don’t try to make what happened between us something to be embarrassed or ashamed about. I want you, and you want me. That’s not going to change. I’m here, and I plan to stay.”

He leaned in and took her mouth again. Kate wrapped her arms around his neck and returned his kiss.

“Momma? Grimm?” Olivia called from the other room. “Are you there?”

“We’re here,” Kate called.

Grimm righted her pants and retied the string that held them up. Then he untucked his shirt to hide his still sizeable erection. The two of them gazed at one another for one long, last minute, and she smiled. He smiled back at her.

“Let’s go see what the munchkin wants.” He took her hand and pulled her off the counter.

They found Olivia sitting up rubbing her eyes. Her hair tangled around her face and she yawned widely then smiled.

“The lights came back on,” she announced to them. “It woke me up. Nothing wakes Abby up.”

Abby still lay curled up snoozing, totally oblivious to the lights or the conversation. She was so sweet and innocent, they both were, and Grimm felt a stab to his heart. Yeah, he’d not only kill to defend them, he’d die for them. They were his, no arguments.

Olivia stood up and picked her way out of the blankets. “Can Grimm take me up to bed?”

Kate squatted down to pick Abby up. “Only if he wants, but then I’ll be in to kiss you good night.”

“Cool,” she said, and took his hand. “You can tuck me in.”

Grimm followed Olivia up the stairs to her room. He didn’t understand how this tiny human, knowing what he was, trusted him. Did she believe him when he told her he was a vampire? Or did she think he was joking? Hell, he wasn’t sure and wasn’t positive he wanted to find out.

“This is my room,” she announced as she waved her arms around to encompass the pink and purple painted space.

Bookshelves ran along one wall and were packed with books, dolls and stuffed animals. The walls contained posters with Monster High written on them with pictures of girls with fangs and tails. Two windows faced out toward the street, and he moved to them to check how secure they were. There wasn’t anything anyone could climb to break in, but then again the blood-addicted didn’t need anything, did they? He watched the little girl as she climbed into bed. He would do whatever it took to keep her, Abby and Kate safe.

“I’m ready,” she said, staring up at him. “You can tuck me now.”

He squatted down next to her bed. “You’re going to have to tell me what to do. I’ve never tucked anyone in before.”

“Okay, so you need to hand me Mister Tiddles.” She pointed to a black and gray stuffed cat sitting at the end of the bed.

Grimm handed her the fluffy toy and she stuck it under the covers.

“Now you need to just shove the comforter and sheets under the mattress. I don’t want it too tight since I’ll have to get up and potty. But tight enough so I’m snug.”

Grimm followed her directions until all he could see was her small face and Mister Tiddles’s head. “Is that okay?”

“Perfect.” She glanced over to the half-closed door and dropped her voice to a whisper. “Can I see your fangs?”

“I don’t want you to be scared,” Grimm said equally as quietly.

“I won’t be. I promise.”

He shrugged, they’d have to get used to it anyway. He wasn’t preparing to go anywhere, and in fact, he planned on them moving in with him in the near future. He looked over his shoulder to make sure Kate wasn’t watching and let his fangs drop. Olivia’s eyes rounded, but then she smiled.

“Okay, that’s super duper cool.”


“My first mom died,” she said suddenly.

Grimm waited for a minute since her abrupt changes of topic always forced him to rethink what he was going to say. “Your first mom?”

“Yes, the lady who gave birth to me. She was Momma’s sister, and she couldn’t take care of us—me and Abby. So we came to live with Momma. Somebody killed the lady who gave birth to us.”

“I’m sorry.”

“I didn’t know her very well. I mostly lived with Momma. But after the lady died, these bad people came around and tried to take us. We had to move because they wouldn’t leave us alone.”

Grimm now understood about the security system, and the fear. If what Olivia was telling him was even close to the truth, the girls’ birth mother was murdered. But who would try to take the kids? The people who killed Kate’s sister? It didn’t make sense, unless the woman had been mixed up in some heavy shit. But even then why take the girls? Sell them? Use them as leverage? Whatever it was, it didn’t matter. Grimm was going to make certain they stayed safe.

“You’re never going to have to worry about anyone bothering you again.” He ran his fingers lightly over her cheek. Damn, she was so small and fragile.

“You’ll protect us, right?”

“You all are mine, now, and I protect what’s mine.”

She smiled. “Okay. But what if I need to talk to you? Sometimes I get scared. I don’t tell Momma ‘cause she worries.”

“My number is right on her phone. You can call me anytime.”

She didn’t look as certain as he wanted her to, but she nodded. “You can kiss me on the forehead, now.”

He smiled and did as she bid. “Good night, Olivia.”

“Good night, Grimm. See you later.”

He stood as Kate entered the room so she could cuddle and kiss the little girl. He left them and took a moment to peek in on Abby. She lay flat on her back with her arms curled over her head apparently sound asleep. Grimm took the time to walk through the house, making sure everything was locked and alarmed. They’d been on their own for two years without his help, and yet he was loath to leave them. It was crazy, really. He had literally just met all of them, but they were his and he knew it.

Grimm turned as Kate entered the room. He would have known it was her, without even looking, since her scent totally rocked his world. Okay, everything about her did that.

“Thanks for staying with us,” Kate said, “and thanks for letting Olivia ask you a million and one questions.”

“It was my pleasure.” He brought her hand up and kissed the palm then swirled his tongue over her flesh.

She gasped but didn’t pull away. In fact, she stepped closer and laid her head on his chest.

He held her and just enjoyed the feel of her body next to his. It would have been better naked and lying down, but he’d take what he could get.

“I should go so you can get some sleep,” he said but didn’t move.

“I won’t sleep. I never do. I usually work all night long then catch naps through the day.”

He wanted to ask her about what Olivia had told him, but didn’t want to ruin the mood between them. There’d be time for questions later. Now, he just wanted to hold her. Moving to the couch he eased them both down so she was cradled against his body. She snuggled in and relaxed against him. Trust. She trusted him. He wrapped his arms around her, grateful for the gift she gave him. Tomorrow—tomorrow was soon enough for the questions and explanations. Right now he just wanted to enjoy the feel of his woman in his arms.

* * * *

Grimm walked out of the empty COM Center in search of Joelle. If anyone could get him an extra cell phone it was her. On the drive from Kate’s house, he’d decided that Olivia needed her own phone with one number programmed in—his. He didn’t like the idea of the little girl scared, and he certainly didn’t like them without him. The only reason he’d left was because the sun was rising soon. It wasn’t as if he would burst into flames or some other shit, but he would get burned and that took time and blood to heal. He didn’t want to deal with either right now.

He tracked her down in the PIA cafeteria where she stood staring intently at the soda machine. The place was half-empty since the night shift was ready to go off and the day to come on, but Joelle didn’t notice the people buzzing around her. Slowly, she picked up a small cup and put some ice in it. He watched her a moment more, but she never chose a drink. She just stood and stared.

“What are you doing?” He approached her.

“Trying to decide if my love of caffeine or sleep will win. I so want a Cherry Coke, but if I drink one then I’ll be awake forever. But if I get a Sprite I just won’t be satisfied.”

“Wow, okay, so while you’re trying to figure it out I need you to get me a cell phone.”

She finally turned and gave him her full attention. “Why? What happened to yours? You didn’t lose it, did you?”

“No, I still have it. I need another phone.”

Joelle stepped aside as a tidy little woman walked past them to the soda machine. She eyed Joelle a moment before she filled up her cup. Joelle gave her a huge smile and turned back to Grimm. “And you need another phone because?”

“Someone I know needs to be able to get ahold of me.”

“Wait, you want me to give you a phone so some chick can call you? Tell her to get her own damn phone.”

Grimm lowered his voice. “It’s not like that. She’s little, and she’s scared. She’s had some shit go down in her life, and I want her to feel safe.”


He cut her off. “Her mom already has my number, but I want Olivia to be able to call me when she needs to. Get it?” Shit, he hated having to explain himself, and he certainly didn’t like people in his business.

Joelle smiled. “Okay, no problem. Let’s get you a phone that’ll be easy for her to use. How old is she?”

“She’s six.”

“And her mom?” Joelle prompted.

“Is special, and I don’t want to talk about her.”

“At least tell me her name.” Joelle nudged him.

“Kate, her name is Kate.”

“Awesome,” she said, turning to fill up her cup with Sprite as she smiled brightly at the woman who was putting a lid on her cup. “Hello, Miss Parsons. How are you?”

The woman huffed out a breath and walked away as Joelle turned back to Grimm. “Okay, now we can go.”

Grimm shook his head as he followed her out. He could completely understand how Joelle and Talon were made for each other. They were crazy in their own ways but seemed to balance each other out or at least that’s what he liked to tell himself. He wondered if Talon thought the same thing or if the man cared. Probably not since he was totally gone over her. His thoughts went to Kate. Was he gone over her? Fuck, yeah, he was. He couldn’t imagine not seeing her or talking to her or tasting her. Once he got the phone, he’d call her, just to check on her. No, he couldn’t. She’d probably be sleeping, and he didn’t want to wake her. He’d wait and call later to see if he could just drop by, to check on them. Then he could give Olivia her phone. He almost laughed at how pathetic he sounded. He hoped like hell she was feeling the way he did. No matter what he would have to tell her he was a vampire. He couldn’t continue to let that pass. He wanted their relationship to work and to do that she had to know the truth.

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