Read Dangerous Promise by Gwendolyn Cease Online

Authors: Gwendolyn Cease

Tags: #Paranormal Erotic Romance

Dangerous Promise by Gwendolyn Cease (4 page)

As he doled out the sweets, the girls went into raptures of delight and thank yous. He smiled. Yep, couldn’t go wrong with cookies, especially ones with chocolate.

“You didn’t have to do this,” Kate said, as she handed napkins to the kids.

“I know.”

“Thank you.”

“Anytime,” he said and meant it.

* * * *

Nearly an hour later, Grimm found himself totally relaxed, laughing and talking with all of them. This was something new for him. He never relaxed when he was out. He was always on and waiting for something bad to go down. And though he was still aware of everything, he was able to sit back and enjoy himself. The girls were so smart and just damn funny. He loved watching how Kate interacted with them. She never talked down to them in any way. In fact, she was more apt to ask their opinion on something and really listen when they answered. Even Abby, who he knew instantly was the shy one, was talking and laughing.

“It’s dark,” Olivia suddenly announced, sitting up in her chair to look at the front windows.

Abby followed her gaze and nodded. “We need to go.”

Kate nodded. “Okay, let’s get our things.”

“I’ll walk you out,” Grimm said, puzzled by their need to leave. It was Friday so there was no school tomorrow, but maybe the girls had a strict bedtime. Hell, what did he know about shit like that?

Kate helped the girls get into their coats as Grimm gathered their bags. As they moved to the doorway, he pulled out his phone. “Can I have your number?”

Kate stopped and watched him for a long moment. He nearly held his breath until she smiled.


He programmed the number she gave him then pressed a button. Her phone rang, and he smiled. “Now you have my number.”

He ushered them out the door to the well-lit parking lot and followed them to where Kate had parked. She opened the back door and the girls climbed in. She buckled Olivia into her booster seat as Abby climbed into her own. Grimm moved around so he could help her get settled. He asked about the book she’d picked and Abby talked excitedly about her find. He wasn’t quite sure what he was doing, but she helped him figure out how the seat worked. Once he’d finished, she smiled brightly.

“Thanks for helping me, Grimm. And, I’m sorry what I said about your name.”

“It’s okay, Abby. My name is a little odd. I had a good time tonight.”

“Me, too. See you later, okay?”

“You got it.”

Once the girls were buckled in, Grimm came around the car to where Kate stood. They looked at each for a long moment and Kate finally broke eye contact and blushed. Damn, he wanted to kiss her but knew it was too fast, and they still had an audience.

“I’m going to call later to make sure all of you made it home okay.” He opened her car door as she climbed in.

“You don’t have to do that.”

“You’re right,” he murmured low, “but I want to. I need to.”

“Okay, then I’ll wait for your call.”


He watched as they pulled from the parking lot. Now all he had to do was figure out what he was going to do until he could call her. Shaking his head, he disappeared.


Chapter Three




Kate checked the house one last time to make sure everything was locked up tight and the alarm was set. After they’d arrived home, the girls had insisted on walking through the house with her to check it. They always did this if they got home after dark. She couldn’t be angry at them because she had the same need. In the two years since Janie’s murder, Kate had lowered her guard some. In those first days, she’d checked and checked again, over and over, even getting up in the middle of the night. She had nearly driven herself crazy, but as time and distance had separated them from the events, she’d relaxed. Or, at least, relaxed as much as she was ever going to.

“Is everything okay?” Abby called from her bedroom

Kate went in and sat on the side of the bed. “We’re locked up tight and the alarm is on.”

“Remember to leave the light on in the hall, okay?”

Kate never, ever forgot, but she just smiled at the little girl. “Of course I will, and I’ll leave my door open just in case you need me.”

Abby sat up and flung her arms around Kate. “I love you.”

“I love you, too, honey.” Kate held her tight and rocked gently.

“I’m glad I’m here with you,” Abby whispered. “I’m glad I’ve always been with you. Is that bad?”

Kate pulled back to look into the little face that meant so much to her. “No, it’s not bad. Why would you ask that?”

“Because you’re not my real mom,” Abby said, tears springing into her eyes. “Even when I was with her, I used to pretend you were my real mom, and I was just staying with her.”

Kate forced herself not to tear up. She didn’t want Abby to think her confession upset her, but inside, Kate wept for the child she held. “Oh, baby, I’m so glad you’re with me. I’ve always been glad. I love you so much. Janie loved you, too, but she just couldn’t take care of you, and that was her fault. It had nothing to do with you, do you understand? So no matter who gave birth to you, I think of you as my baby, just as I think of Olivia that way. I wouldn’t give you up for the world.”

Abby curled into her. “I’m going to call you momma, just like Olivia does.”

This did bring tears to her eyes and Kate smiled. “I would love for you to call me momma.” She kissed Abby and snuggled her tighter.

The two of them sat this way until Abby began to sag against her. Kate smiled, knowing she’d fallen asleep. She laid her down and covered her, making sure her nightlight was on as well as the light in the hallway. Quietly, she went across the hall to check in on Olivia, who was already asleep.

Finally, she went to her own bedroom and fell back on the bed. Damn, she was tired. She knew she should do some work, but just didn’t feel like it. Instead, she lay with her eyes closed and brought Grimm to mind. Ice-white hair framing a face that was saved from being beautiful by a strong jaw and high sharp cheekbones, but it was his eyes that really caught her. They were a true perfect gray. One dance, that’s all they’d had, and he’d been the subject of her erotic fantasies for the last couple of weeks. He was even more handsome than she had initially thought. Who would have ever imagined that she would see him again? She knew how club hookups worked. You met, danced then never saw each other again. But this time, they had met, and he acted as if he wanted to continue to see her.

She huffed out a breath. Y
eah right, but that didn’t mean he would really call.
He’d seen what her life was like. She had two small daughters who came first. Most men wouldn’t want to jump into dating a woman with a family, especially if the man looked like him. Hell, he probably had tons of women following him around. The evening had been an anomaly, that’s all. He’d seen her and had probably felt as if he had to stick around and chat.

Her cell phone rang and Kate rolled over to grab it off the nightstand. Grimm’s name lit up on the screen. For a brief moment, she stared, stunned, wondering if she had fallen asleep and this was actually a dream. When it continued to ring, she pressed the button and put it to her ear.


“Hi, Kate.”

Damn, he had a great voice. “Hi,” she replied lamely and rolled her eyes.

“I wanted to check to make sure you all made it home all right.”

“We’re good. No problem, whatsoever. I really appreciate you hanging out with us and getting the girls drinks and cookies. They loved it.”

“Just them?”


“Was it just the girls who loved it? Because I’m hoping you liked it, too.”

She couldn’t stop herself from smiling. “I really liked it, too. I had a good time.”

“Good, because so did I. Look, I know it’s probably too soon, but I want to see you again.”

“I’d like that,” Kate heard herself reply.

What the hell? She couldn’t get involved with a man. Her life was crazy, and she had two kids, and their life wasn’t exactly normal. And she especially couldn’t get involved with this man. She’d already had fantasy sex with him. There was no way reality could compete with that. Could it? Besides, he was like a god, and she wasn’t even close to that.

“Good,” he said. “So what are you all doing tomorrow evening? Maybe we can meet for dinner somewhere?”

Kate sat up. “I don’t think that would work. This is too short of notice to get a sitter for the girls.”

“I was hoping to take all of you out, if that’s okay?”

“Really?” Kate asked in disbelief. How many men wanted to spend an evening with two little girls? Was she really thinking about doing this?

“I like you, Kate, and want to get to know you. The girls are a part of your life, an important part, so I’d like to get to know them, too. I don’t usually get the opportunity to hang out with kids, and they’re fun.”

Nothing in his tone or action made Kate’s warning bells go off. In fact, she was more comfortable with Grimm after spending only a few hours with him than Tori’s brother. And she’d known Deacon for almost two years.


“Is it all right if I check with the girls first? I don’t like to make plans without talking with them.”

“Of course, if you want you can call me back tomorrow. I work nights so I’ll probably be sleeping, but you can leave me a message.”

“I work nights, too,” Kate said.

Before he could reply, she heard what sounded like someone speaking to him. He sighed and said, “Yeah, I’ll be there in a minute.” To her he said, “I have to go.”

“Okay, I’ll check with the girls and get back with you tomorrow.”

“Good night, Kate, sweet dreams.”

Once they’d disconnected, she flopped back on the bed. She highly doubted her dreams would be sweet now that his low voice was still buzzing in her ears.

Grimm walked down the corridor toward his rooms and wondered how soon Kate would call him.
If she didn’t call, he already knew he would call her. Did that make him pathetic? Did he care? An angry female voice interrupted his thoughts, and he veered down another hallway to find out what was going on.

“You little assface.” Joelle gritted her teeth and stomped her foot.

“You know you shouldn’t call Talon names.” Grimm leaned in the doorway and eyed her.

She shot him the finger as she grabbed a towel and began to wipe up liquid from the floor. “Don’t you have somewhere to be?” she demanded as he lounged in the doorway.

“Nope, if you’re calling Talon names, I wanna see.”

She rolled her eyes. “You’re a jerk.”

Before she could say more a gray kitten pounced on the towel in her hand and attempted to wrestle it to the floor and kill it. She rolled her eyes. “Pain in the ass, go away and let me get this mess up.” Even as she pushed the cat away, he bounced forward to have another go at his damp enemy.

“Damn, he’s gotten big, ” he said, referring to the kitten Talon had brought home to Joelle just a short time ago.

“I know, and the assface is into everything. I can’t leave a cup sitting for ten seconds before he rushes and knocks it over.”

“Assface? I thought his name was Sebastian?”

She blew out a breath. “If he keeps this up, I’m changing it. So what’s new with you?”

“Nothing, I figured I’d come in and change before I have to head out. Where’s Talon?”

“He’s fixing us breakfast.” She smiled and tossed the towel into the bathroom. The cat squeaked and streaked after it. “And don’t leave without him. He’ll be flipping pissed if you do. You know the new rules—none of you go out alone.”

“Yes, Mom, I remember. Just have him tag me when he’s ready to leave.”

“I worry,” she called after him as he turned to go, “so sue me.”

She did, too. Joelle worried about each and every one of them, of course none of them as much as Talon, but he was hers. The longer they were together, the more in sync they were. It was kind of creepy Grimm had to admit, if he wasn’t just a bit jealous of them. He wondered what it felt like to have someone waiting for him, worrying over him. He’d never had that. Even his parents hadn’t really given a shit, not after they’d realized he was an Ancient. Throwback was the derogatory word, but most people didn’t dare use it to his or any of the Hunters’ faces. Even though he gave the appearance of being easygoing and laidback, he wasn’t. His temper was a hair-trigger, and he was always one short word away from blowing up. And who thought housing all of them together was a good idea?

He was really surprised they hadn’t killed each other. They were all loners, but Kenshin insisted they were more effective living together. It had certainly worked out, but it was fairly touch-and-go at the beginning, especially with Talon. The man had been certifiable, and he really wasn’t all that much better now, truth be told. People knew what they were getting with him. Talon didn’t hide the fact he walked a thin line so people gave him a wide berth.

Grimm, on the other hand, very much wanted people to think he was harmless. That’s why Kenshin always said he was the most dangerous, and maybe he was. Grimm wanted to make sure he had the upper hand in a fight so lulling people worked. There was nothing wrong with that.

Kate, though, was safe with him, as were the girls. He wanted nothing more than to protect them and make them feel safe. He knew they didn’t. He had sensed their rising tension as dark began to fall. He had to find out what the hell was going on. He couldn’t protect them unless he knew what to expect.

He entered his room and flopped on the bed. He closed his eyes and forced his breathing to slow. Only Ancients could do this, rest their body while their minds were still active. It had taken Grimm a bit to learn how, since he never wanted to sit still, but this was necessary to ensure he stayed in top fighting form. No mistakes, he told himself. He couldn’t make any mistakes now that he’d found Kate. He had to stay on top of his game so he could make their date. And they would have a date, he was sure of it.

He let everything go, all the worries and thoughts and stresses. He knew humans struggled to attain complete silence as they meditated, but for Ancients, it came easy. Once they learned the technique, it just happened. He wasn’t sure how long he lay there, but a knock eventually came at his door, pulling him up to the surface. He rolled out of bed rested and opened the door to find Talon waiting.

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