Read Dangerous Promise by Gwendolyn Cease Online

Authors: Gwendolyn Cease

Tags: #Paranormal Erotic Romance

Dangerous Promise by Gwendolyn Cease (16 page)

“Momma, we’re safe here, aren’t we?” Abby asked.

“Yes,” Kate said, “we are safe here.”

“I thought so.” She nodded.

“Grimm’s here,” Olivia said, through a yawn. “He’ll keep us safe.”

“He certainly will,” Kate agreed.

“Grimm!” Olivia shouted, startling both Kate and Abby.

He came through the door, laughing. “You bellowed.”

“You said to shout.”

“You’re right, I did.”

He and Kate tucked in the girls, making sure they knew how close both of them were. She didn’t want either girl getting scared in the night and not knowing how to find them.

“If you need anything—” Grimm began.

Olivia cut him off. “Just shout?”

“Exactly. I’ll be able to hear you.”

Kate plugged in the nightlight she’d brought from the house, and she and Grimm left the room. He took her hand and led her to a door across the room. The bedroom was enormous with a bed that had to be larger than a king. She almost wept looking at it, since she was just so tired.

“Go take a shower, sweet.” Grimm opened a door, showing her another fabulous bathroom. “Then go to bed. We can talk later.”

“Where will you be?” she asked.

“Wherever you need me to be,” he answered simply.

“I need you to be with me.” She reached up to wrap her arms around him. “I need you to hold me.”

Grimm took Kate by the hand and led her into the bathroom. He couldn’t believe she was here with him. He had moved into the rooms just a few days before, planning for the future. Eventually, he would have approached her about living with him. But he never imagined it would be this quick. He didn’t even want to think about what would have happened if Olivia hadn’t been able to call. Five humans against three blood-addicted vampires wasn’t something he wanted to dwell on, especially when two of the humans were children.

“Stop,” Kate said, cutting into his thoughts. “We’re safe. You got there in time, though I have no idea how.”

“Olivia called me. I gave her a cell phone in case she got scared.”

“Has she been calling you?”

“Sometimes, just to say hey or tell me about something that happened in school.” He shrugged. “I wanted her to feel safe, and if giving her a phone did that then I didn’t think it was a problem. I probably should have checked with you.”

Kate nodded. “Probably, but since that saved us tonight I’m not going to argue too much.”

He started the shower, checking to make sure the water was warm before he let her get in. He hung a fluffy towel on the rack next to the door. “So, I think you have everything you need. There should be soap and such in there.”

Kate kicked off her shoes and socks. “So you’re leaving me?” She pulled her top off and tossed it on the floor.

“I don’t want to crowd you or whatever. I mean tonight was…” He trailed off, as she removed her bra and pants.

“If you think that’s best.” She dropped her panties to the tile and stepped into the shower.

“Fuck, Kate, I want you so much I can taste you. But I was trying to be all sensitive and shit.”

She burst out laughing. “I don’t want sensitive and shit. I want you.” She peeked out the door. “Are you coming?”

“Hell yeah, as soon as I touch you.”

She laughed as he quickly shucked his clothes and climbed into the shower with her. Thankfully, it was roomy, which is just the way he wanted it because he planned on showering with her all the time.

She rubbed her wet, naked body against his as she stretched up to wrap her arms around his neck. He took her mouth in a deep kiss as he backed her up against the shower wall. His erection rubbed against her belly, and she pulled on his neck so she could lift herself and wrap her legs around him.

“Grimm, I need you,” she murmured against his ear then gently bit his lobe.

He reached between them and ran his fingers between the soft lips of her pussy. She squirmed as he lightly rubbed her clit. Damn, he loved the feel of her. He lowered his head and began to suckle her nipples, first one then the other. Her taste played across his tongue, and he hummed with appreciation.

Kate clutched at his head, running her hands through his hair. He practically purred when she touched him. Only she had permission to touch him so intimately, it was only her touch he craved.

“Grimm, please, just fuck me.”

“You want it that bad, sweet?” He kissed her as he eased two fingers inside her body.

“Yes, now.” She gritted her teeth and thrust against him.

“Are you sure?” He found the small rough patch in her vagina and tapped it lightly. Kate gasped and he rubbed the area.


He pulled his hand away and without ceremony shoved deep inside her. Her arms went around his neck as she began to orgasm. He set a brutal rhythm of deep, hard thrusts as she shook and moaned in his arms. Oh yeah, he wanted his Kate totally exhausted by the time they were done. He wanted her to sleep and have nothing on her mind but how incredible they were together.

She tilted her head back, exposing her throat. “Bite me, please.”

His fangs extended from his gums, and he was on her before he could think. The flavor of her blood rolled across his taste buds, and with one last thrust, he came, nearly dropping to the floor of the shower.

Grimm cradled Kate’s exhausted body and licked lazily at her neck. Kate obviously liked the biting as much as he did since each time he lapped at her neck her pussy spasmed around his cock. Damn, he could stand here forever but knew it wasn’t possible. After everything she’d been through, Kate needed to be taken care of.

He allowed her to slide down his body onto a seat built into the shower. He found a wash cloth and squirted a bit of soap on it. He hoped she enjoyed the scent since he’d made sure to get her favorite body wash. Gently, he washed her, running the cloth over her soft skin. She sighed, leaning back with a smile, and he promised himself he would wash her every day. She deserved to be pampered and worshipped. She was his, his life, his heart.

He took the sprayer down and ran it over her body, rinsing away the soap. She sat watching as he quickly washed. She didn’t seem turned off by all the scars he had, which was good since there wasn’t anything he could do about them. When she reached a hand out to trace a finger down his flank, he leaned over to kiss her. She cupped his face in her hands and held his eyes for a long moment. He wasn’t sure what she saw but hoped it was all the emotions she brought out in him.

He stepped under the water to get the soap off then gently lifted her from the seat to carry her out to sit on the counter. Taking up a towel, he began to tenderly pat her dry. He so wanted Kate to remember the first time at his home as something pleasurable. At their home, he amended—this was their home and he hoped he could convince her of that. Now that she and the girls were here, he never wanted them to leave. Once he’d finished drying her, he took up a lotion bottle and squirted some in his hands. He rubbed them together to warm the contents and began to massage it into her skin. She moaned in pleasure and arched into his hands. Oh hell yeah, they’d be doing this again, too. Any way he could get his hands on her, he would. But this wasn’t about sex—it was all about comfort and care.

Snagging a towel, he roughly wiped at his body and wrapped it around his waist. He carried her into the bedroom and found one of his shirts, which he put on her. Then he tucked the two of them into bed. Kate sighed and rolled into his arms.

Grimm snuggled next to Kate and would have been happy to stay there, but his phone chirped. He stared at it and wanted to throw the fucking thing across the room but knew he had to answer it. He needed to know what had happened tonight. He slowly slid out of bed and made sure that Kate resettled. He grabbed the phone and went out to the living room.


“We’re meeting in the usual place,” Joelle said without any greeting. “Now, unfortunately. Sorry.”

“I’ll be there.”

He disconnected and went in search of clothes. For a change, he was looking forward to meeting with the rest of the Hunters. He dressed and wrote a quick note in case Kate woke up. He didn’t want her to worry any more than she already did. She deserved an explanation for what had gone down at her house, and he planned to find it for her, no matter what.

Everyone else had already gathered around the large conference table when Grimm arrived. The mood of the room was odd to judge since no one spoke. Grimm wondered if they had been talking but had stopped when he came in. Whatever, he didn’t give a fuck what they said. He just wanted Kate and their girls safe.

“So?” He broke the silence. “What’s the word?”

Kenshin shook his head. “Confused at this point. We have no idea why the blood-addicted were at your friend’s home.”

“Kate may be able to shed some light, but she’s exhausted,” Grimm told the room. “I want her left alone.”

Joelle nodded. “I agree. I can’t even imagine going through what she did with two kids. The thought scares the hell out of me.”

“The human is down in holding,” Talon said. “He was ordered to kill himself if things went south. I made him spit out the capsule he had in his mouth. Right now he’s not talking, but he will.”

“What about the blood-addicted?” Grimm asked.

“Two are dead and down in the lab with Maeve,” Reaper said. “The other disappeared. We don’t have a fucking clue where it went.”

“I think someone picked it up,” Aislinn added. “There was no way it could have gotten away that fast. Not with five of us on its trail. It had to have had help.”

“Why go after a human?” Styx asked. “I don’t get it. Unless, no offense, Grimm, someone figured out his connection to them.”

“Lucian and I think there might be more to it,” Quenton spoke up. “Grimm, is it possible this woman is your Liaison?”

Grimm didn’t even need to think about it. “Yes, I think she might be.” The idea of her being his Liaison was so right that he didn’t fight or question it. Now, he just had to talk to her about it.

“There’s the reason behind attacking her home,” Lucian said. “But how was she found?”

“It’s our fucking mole,” Grimm burst out. “Someone overheard something. That’s the only way they could have found her.”

“Who knew you were connected with her?” Kenshin asked.

“Joelle got me the phone for Olivia, but other people had to know when it was activated. Joelle’s awesome, but she can’t do it all.”

The woman in question preened at the praise and smiled. “So true, I am amazing, but others were involved. I had to call our fabulous IT department and have it turned on.”

“When did you ask Joelle about the phone?” Quenton asked.

“Last week or so,” Grimm answered.

“Where were you?” Lucian asked.

“I had to track her down. She wasn’t in her office.”

“I was in the cafeteria,” Joelle said, “getting a drink, I believe. We talked about it then.”

“Anyone could have heard you,” Talon said.

“Parsons,” Joelle burst out. “Ms. Parsons was standing right near us. She was the only one.”

“Now, Joelle, I know you don’t like my secretary,” Kenshin said, “but I doubt she could be the mole.”

“Why?” Joelle replied. “She has access to every bit of information in this place. As your secretary, she is privy to secrets and can go anywhere in the building and no one pays her any mind. Hell, Grimm and I talked right near her, and I didn’t think about it. She’s the secretary or whatever to the director. I might not like her and vice versa, but she’s trustworthy.”

“But what if she isn’t?” Aislinn put in. “What if she’s the one passing information? Look, if she was the only one within hearing distance of Grimm and Joelle’s conversation, she bears looking at, at least.”

“I agree,” Grimm said. “I won’t have Kate and the girls threatened in a place I assume is safe.”

“We could question her,” Feral said. “Right, Cousin?”

Talon smiled, and it wasn’t kind. “Oh, yes.”

“Jeez, dudes, rein it in, I’m not talking about torture,” Joelle said.

“I’ll assign agents to watch her,” Kenshin said. “We’ll tap her phones and computer. If there’s even a hint of her passing information, we’ll pick her up.”

Kate opened her eyes, wondering what had woken her. She sat up and realized she was alone. She glanced around and found a note on the pillow next to her. The handwriting was messy and hurried, but she knew it was from Grimm. Okay, he’d gone to a meeting, but that still didn’t help her figure out what had woken her.

“Momma?” The voice came from the living room.

“Olivia?” Kate rolled out of bed and hurried to her.

Olivia stood in the middle of the room, clutching Mr. Tiddles and a cell phone with tears on her face. Kate scooped her up and carried her to the couch. Together, they snuggled and Kate rocked her.

“What’s wrong, baby?”

“I woke up and got scared. I called for you and Grimm, but nobody came.”

“I’m sorry, Olivia, I was asleep.” Kate kissed the top of her head.

“Where’s Grimm?” came the watery question.

“He’s at a meeting, baby, he’ll be back.”

“Momma, I’m scared. What if the bad people find us?”

“They won’t, I promise. We’re safe.” As Kate said it, she wondered at the truth of the statement. She had no idea where they were and the rooms seemed to have only one entrance and exit. What if one of those things found them? How would she protect the girls? Where would they hide? Were there weapons?

Get ahold of yourself

She took a deep breath—panicking wouldn’t help. She had to stay calm, for the girls. But the more she thought about it, the more stressed she got. She really wished Grimm was with them. Right now, she needed him.


Chapter Eleven




Grimm sat and listened to the plans for tracking Kenshin’s secretary. He didn’t know if she was guilty, but if so, he wanted her gone. The thought that Kate needed him eased into his mind. What the hell? He sat up and tried to concentrate on the conversation, but the more he tried to ignore the premonition that Kate needed him, the more intense it became.

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