Dark Endings (12 page)

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Authors: Bec Botefuhr

“Did you know about this?” I whisper.

He shakes his head. “Only Jagger did.”


“Yes, it’s why we haven’t seen much of him.”

“He knew?”


I swallow and stare at Huck, who stands and walks over to me. God up close he’s so like her it burns. I knew it as soon as I walked through the door. Huck is Jenny’s father. My head swims and Ava grips my arm, she’s silent and staring.

“Did you know?” I whisper hoarsely to him.

He nods, “Only for the last few years.”

“And you did nothing?” I cry.

“Wasn’t my place Willow, your momma was sick and…”

“She had the right to know!”

Huck nods. The only difference between Huck and Jenny is that his hair is medium brown and hers is more like mine and moms. His eyes and her eyes are that same light green. His skin is creamy just like hers but it’s the shape of his face, his expressions and his build that is nearly identical to her. It’s scary. Why don’t I remember this? I saw him when my father died but…it didn’t click. Jenny wasn’t there and I was in a bad place, it just didn’t click.

“I’m sorry
Willow, I’ve tried to stay out of this and…”

“How did Jagger know and why do you owe him so much? I want answers Huck, and I want them now.”

He nods and indicates the couch. I sit down and he sits beside me. Ace sits on a chair, rocking Cody lightly and I can see he’s already gone back to sleep. Huck sighs and stares out the window a moment, and then he turns back to me.

“I met your dad through the academy, we graduated together. He met your ma one night up at a club. We all became
friends, that was before you were born. Anyway, he started working more and more and when you came along your mom was struggling. I used to go over and help her, we were friends and he wasn’t there. One night, we had a few drinks and…it started and…well…I wanted to help her so I continued seeing her. When she went away, I heard she had a child but I assumed it was Kane’s so I did nothing. It was only a few years ago that she told me whose child it was. I was in deep then. I’d become involved in the case that your father was working on with the gang, I had dangerous information. It was risky and a bad time, so I didn’t contact Jennifer.”

“Did my father know?”

He shakes his head. “He knew she started seeing another man but he didn’t know who, he also knew Jennifer wasn’t his.”

“He was always gone,” I whisper. “I basically raised Jenny. He was kind to her, even though she wasn’t his.
How did he not know, her last name has always been Lawrence?”

“Because that’s not my last name, it’s my middle name. Your mother was too afraid to use my last name because she was scared your father would hurt me
if he found out.”

I feel a little bad for my father at this point, but I’m glad he never knew it was someone he trusted so much. Strangely enough, I also understand why my mother had an affair. I remember how lonely it was without him.

“Ok,” I say, shaking my head. “What about Jagger? How does he fit in all this?”

“Well, when Jagger and his gang originally got busted by your dad and the cops tried to take him down, I helped him. He had information on something I needed, so I made a deal with him. If he gave me the information, I would help
him and his gang out of any trouble they got into. Jagger’s been good to me, and he’s helped me out a lot with my own personal battle. I owe him.”

“So you bribed him?”

Huck nods. “It’s how it works, isn’t it?”

“Fine, whatever, I don’t even want to get into that right now. All I want to know is if you’re going to help us?”

Huck nods. “Yes, I am.”

“And Jenny?”

He looks me right in the eyes. “I was hoping you would help me out with that...”

“She’s going to be heartbroken.”

“I know, but I want to know her. Now your mother is out of the institution…”

“Wait,” I say, cutting him off. “You know she’s out?”

He nods. “Yes, she contacted me and told me she was out. She told me more about Jenny and how to contact her.”

“And you didn’t?”

He looks sheepish. “No. You have to understand, it’s quite daunting for me too.”

“Should have thought of that before you started having an affair with my mother behind my
father’s back,” I mutter.

“Your father wasn’t a saint, Willow. This isn’t just on me.”

I shoot daggers at him. “My father wasn’t a saint, no, but he gave his life for me in the end. Will I ever forgive him for what he did? No, but his part in this is over. Yours isn’t. Two wrongs don’t make a right, Huck, and this mistake is on you and you alone. You can’t blame him for it because in the end you made the choice, you made the choice to be with my mother and sneak around. You…no one else.”

He nods, looking down.

“Um, Willow…”

I look over to where Ava has said my name in an odd tone. I follow her gaze and see Jenny standing at the door, bag full of groceries, staring at Huck. I know she can see it, I see the exact moment it registers and the bags drop from her hands. By now he’s looking at her and slowly standing. Ace steps closer to her, but she’s already backing out the door shaking her head. Then she turns and runs.

“I’ll go, watch Cody please.”

I rush out after her and catch her only when we hit the beach down the road. By then I’m panting and I double over, putting my hands on my knees. Damn girl can run. She drops to the sand and covers her face with her hands, sobbing madly. I drop down beside her and pull her close, rocking her while she cries and
trembles. When she pulls back to look at me, tears are streaming down her cheeks.

“Did you know?”

I shake my head. “Just found out then.”

“All along…oh god…all along.”

I nod, swiping her tears away with my thumb. “I’m sorry, Jen.”

“Did he know?”

“Only for a few years.”

“How did this happen?”

I rattle the story off quickly and her eyes widen. “I don’t know who I hate more - him, your father or our mother.”

“Don’t hate any of them Jen. It was a bad time, and they all made mistakes. He wants to see you, to get to know you.”

“He wasn’t around!” she cries.

“I know, but he is now. Don’t hate him until you at least hear him out.”

She blinks at me. “I…we’ve talked about him so many times and all along he’s been that close.”

“I know.”

“What if I’m not what he expected?”

I know how she feels. It’s normal to wonder if she’s good enough.
If he’ll look at her and be proud.

“Baby, he is going to love you because it’s impossible not to. Did you see his face? He wants to be in your life, he looked like he was going to cry.”

She nods and takes my hand. “I…don’t know how to face him. I’m so mad.”

“Then don’t do it now, do it whenever you’re ready to do it.”

“No,” she says standing. “I have to do this now.”

We walk back slowly, and I can see that she’s pale and panting. She’s so nervous and I don’t blame her. I really don’t. When we step back into the apartment, Huck stands and their eyes meet. I feel a crushing feeling in my chest and a touch of jealousy. She has a father that loves her, she has a chance. I swallow down my emotion
s, because this is about my sister now. Huck walks over and stops in front of her, his breathing is ragged.

“I…I never…”

“Can we talk?” Jenny squeaks out, tears thunder down her cheeks.

“Of course.”

They step outside and I feel my shoulders slump. Ace walks over and squeezes my arm.

“She’ll be
fine, you did a good thing keeping your cool.”

“I need to speak with Jagger and find out why he didn’t tell me.”

“It wasn’t his place Willow, especially not when so much was going down.”

I nod, I guess so. I still want to know why though.

“Ok, look, I’m tired. I’m going to take Cody back and rest.”

“Are you sure you’re ok?” Angel asks, standing and walking over.

“Fine, seriously, I’ll see you all in the morning and we’ll go over the next part of the plan.”


I pick take Cody from Ace’s arms and hug Ava one more time before leaving. As I’m walking back to my apartment, I see Jenny and Huck embracing and I’m happy for her. I’m happy but I can’t stop the hot tears that stream down my cheeks. I feel so alone.






“You didn’t tell me,” I say into the phone later that night when Jagger calls.

I’ve been going over everything all afternoon and I feel a little betrayed that Jagger knew all along and it didn’t tell me.

“Willow, it was dangerous for Jenny. Huck was involved too and if anyone found out she was his…”

“I get that, but you still could have told me.”

“Not my place
, baby.”

I sigh. “It’s been a long afternoon.”

“How’s Jenny taking it?”

“As far as I know, pretty

I hear him shuffle and he says, “That’s good.”

“What’re you doing?”

“Just sitting in bed.”

“I miss you.”

“Miss you too baby,” he says in a soft voice.

“Cody misses you.”

“Cody doesn’t know me.”

His voice goes hard quickly and I feel bad for him. I know that must hurt.

“He will, you know he will.”

“Yeah, I know.”

“Hey Jagger?”


“I’m not sore anymore.”

I hear silence, and I feel a smile break out on my face. I haven’t smiled for a good few days and it feels nice.

“Oh?” he says, in a husky tone.

“Oh, and you know what else?”


“I’m naked.”

He hisses through his teeth. “Where’s this goin’ baby? Coz’ the images are doing good things to me.”

“I want you, I can’t have you so…”


I lower my voice so it comes out husky and thick. “I want to hear you come, thinking of me.”

I actually hear him swallow. “Fuck girl, you want me to wank myself?”


“Then you have to return the favor.”

I grin, sliding my hands down my stomach and settling it between my legs. “Way ahead of you, baby.”

“I don’t know what made me hard
est just now, you touching yourself or you calling me baby…”

I chuckle softly and then moan when I slide my finger over my sensitive nub. It’s hard and swollen, and I’m wet.

“Jagger, I’m wet.”


“What are you doing?”

“Pullin’ it out.”


“My cock
, baby.”

I groan, oh the image of his beautiful hands wrapped around that beautiful cock. My body jerks and a bolt of pleasure shoots through me.

“You like that don’t you? When I say cock?”

“Yes,” I whimper, “oh yes.”

“I’m stroking it, slowly. It’s fuckin’ hard baby, hard for you.”

“More,” I whisper, rubbing myself harder.

“You want me to tell you all the things I’d like to do to you?”


I slip one finger inside my heat and groan. Oh god, I won’t last long at this rate.

“First I’m gonna suck those pretty nipples until they’re pink and hard. Then I’m going to slide down that body and find that pretty little pussy and slip my fingers in, using my thumb to make you shudder.”

“Oh god,” I groan, feeling my release rise higher.

“Then I’m going to lick that sweet pussy, I’m going to make you scream my name. I’m going to feel you come around my tongue.”

“Jagger, I’m close.” I cry out, arching my hips.

“Then I’m going to stick my cock inside you and fuck you so god dammed slowly you’ll come over and over.”


“Tell me what you’re doin’ baby, I’m close.”

“I’m…oh god….rubbing.”

“You got a finger inside that snug little pussy?”

“Yes.” I cry.


“Tell me, more, I’m so close.” I groan.

He makes a ragged sound. “I’m so fuckin’ hard. My cock is fuckin’ hard for you baby. You want me to come?”

“Yes!” I whimper, arching and rubbing so hard it nearly hurts.

“Fuck, coming…now.”

I hear him groan raggedly and it’s my undoing. I cry out and shudder as bolt after bolt of pleasure shoots through my body. When I slump down onto the bed, I realize I’m clutching the phone tightly.

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