Dark Endings (11 page)

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Authors: Bec Botefuhr

I smile and peer up at him. His dark hair is pressed to his forehead, his blue eyes are intense and his lips are quirked up in a half smile. I reach up and cup his cheek.

“I love you, Jagger Black.”

“Right back at ya, Willow baby.”

“Stay safe for me, please?”

He strokes a thumb over my bottom lip and then kisses my forehead. “I promise.”



“Where were you Jagger?”

Mick is pacing the room, stopping to glare at me every now and then.

“Mick, what the fuck is it to you? I haven’t done anything I shouldn’t. I go off all the time when it’s my days off.”

“Why didn’t you answer your phone?”

I spin on him. “I don’t have to answer the fucking phone every five minutes. I do enough for you Mick, back off.”

“If I find out you’re seeing her…”

“Do you really think I’d do that to her? Make her your fucking sex slave? Or someone other dirty bastards? Over my dead, fucking body. This conversation is finished. I’m staying at my place on my days off.”

“No you’re not.
That pathetic attempt at a gang live in that complex.”

“My life
, Mick.”

“You do that, I find your woman.”

“You’re a fucking bastard, anyone ever tell you that?”

He smirks,
“Every day.”

I turn and walk out of the room, not bothering with a response. The jerk can go fuck
himself. I can’t believe I was spawned by such a fucking pig. I walk down the long halls of the house we’ve rented. It’s huge, eight bedrooms and right over the other side of LA. Mick did that on purpose and I know it’s going to be hard to contact the boys and Willow. I have no doubt he’ll track my phone. Luckily for me, I thought ahead.

One, I scoured my bedroom for cameras. I’m not
stupid, he’s trying to catch me out. After smashing every ornament and scanning every square inch of every surface, I’m pretty sure there’s no cameras. I then got myself a small pre-paid phone. I gave the number to the boys and Willow, but told them never to ring unless it was an absolute emergency. I keep that phone in my safe, with all my cash. Mick can’t get into that.

As for the cars that follow me every time I leave the house, I’d just have to find a way to lose them when I wanted to go see my lady and son. When I get into my room, I shut and lock the door, then pull out the phone from the safe. I punch in Willow’s number and send her a text. I can just image her pretty eyes lighting
up when she sees it. I hope to god it gives her something to hang onto, if I lost her…no, I can’t fuckin’ think about that now.

J: Hey baby, missin

A minute later my phone buzzes. I grin, seein’ her name on the screen makes my damn day.

W: Hey hot stuff, I miss u 2. Cody’s misbehaving.

I wish I was there with my son. A stab of pain shoots through my heart. He’s missing out on me, the sooner I get this done the better.

J: Sorry I can’t be there. What’s wrong?

W: Just wind. He’ll be fine. He’ll only scream for a few hours…
. :-S

Fuck. That’s not good hey? R u sleepin?

W: Nah, not really. I miss u 2 much.

J: Me too baby, I’ll come and see u as soon as I can.

W: When’s
ur next fight?

J: Can’
t tell u that baby, I know u 2 well.

W: Bully. I want 2 c u Jagger.

J: I know, but I’m not riskin’ ur life. Hey, I gotta go. Call u later ok?

She doesn’t reply and an image of her sitting on her bed with tears running down her face crosses my mind. Fuck. I miss her so god dammed much it burns.






The feeling I get when I walk into Jagger’s old place is overwhelming. Everything is basically as he left it, except I can see the boys have cleaned it before I arrived. I stand in the lounge for a long while, just staring at the furniture and thinking of him. I hold Cody tighter in my arms and slowly make my way down the hall. When I get to Jagger’s room
, I hesitate. Do I want to open this door and go in there?

I slowly push it open and feel my chest constrict as I step inside.
A pair of Jagger’s jeans are thrown over the back of the couch. Two shirts are on the bed like he’s pulled things out quickly. His bed is made, but I don’t think it’s freshly made. I walk over and lay Cody and I down on the soft mattress and inhale, and I can smell him. I feel a tear slip down my cheek and drop onto the pillow. Oh I miss him so.


I don’t lift my head when I hear Ava’s voice. She walks over and slides in behind me, wrapping her arms around me and holding onto me.

“It’s going to be
ok, he’ll be here with you before you know it.”

I nod weakly.

“I don’t want to disturb you, but…we have some visitors.”

That sparks my
attention, I roll, taking Cody with me. I place him between us and stare at her, “Who?”

“Aunt Satan and Maggie.”

I groan. “Are you serious?”

“Jagger made sure Maggie knew you were here.”

“Maggie I can deal with, Aunt Satan I can’t.”

“Come on, I’ll stick with you.”

We both stand and I pick Cody up, his little eyes are drooping and I know he’s well overdue for his nap.

“We can’t be long, he needs to sleep.”

“It’s a good excuse at least.” Ava says deadpan.

I smile. “It sure is.”

We walk out of the apartment and I see Maggie and Mary right away. They’re both standing and talking to Angel and Ace. When they notice me, they stop talking. Maggie presses a hand to her chest when her eyes fall on Cody. I smile as she rushes over, throwing her arms around me and pulling me close.

“Sweetheart, I’m so glad you’re ok. I was so worried about you.”

“It’s good to see you, Mag’s.”

“Let me look at him,” she whispers, pulling back. “Oh Willow, look at him. May I?”

She stretches her arms out and I smile, handing him over. Mary is by her side now, her eyes scan over Cody as though she’s looking to see if he’s really Jagger’s. Snake.

“Willow, good to see you,” she says in a small, snotty voice.

“You too,” I manage.

Lies, I wish I could kick her.

“Jagger’s son is very lovely.”

Jagger’s son?
What am I then? His incubator? Hag.

son is lovely.”

She gives me the eye. “I see you’ve been speaking with him then?”

Hmmmm, I’m assuming she knows but I’m weary anyway.

“No, I haven’t.”

Maggie looks over at me and our eyes meet, which tells me she knows Jagger and I have seen each other. I’m guessing he has spoken to her but not Aunt Satan and I wonder why.

“I find that very hard to believe. I want to know how my boy is

“I wouldn’t know.”


I glare at her. “Yes really.”

She points her nose to the sky, yes wicked witch, fly away home.

“Maggie, we have to make the shop
s before they close,” she snaps at Maggie.

Maggie snuggles Cody. “He’s so perfect. He looks just like Jagger. I hope we can
come visit again soon?”

“Of course, I’d love that. Come over anytime
, Maggie.”

I made sure I only said Maggie’s
name, that makes me feel momentarily amazing when Aunt Satan glares at me.

“I’d love to have a coffee tomorrow, if you have time?”

“Of course, just give me a call.”

She hands Cody back, kissing his little face once more.

“You did a great job, Jagger will be so proud.”

I smile weakly. “Thank you.”

She hugs me again and then they both leave, Aunt Satan doesn’t look back at me, good, don’t come back either. I turn to face Ava and she bursts out laughing, soon we’re both laughing.

“God she’s a piece of work!” she giggles.

“I know right? What a hag.”

We both grin and head bac
k into the apartment. I put Cody down for a nap and while he’s asleep my mother comes over. I’ve been trying to avoid her as much as possible but I knew eventually I’d have to face her. Jenny told her we came back and she was thrilled. When she steps into the house, I see that she looks well. Her eyes are glowing and she looks radiant. That does make me happy, I want her well. She embraces me when she notices me, and I let her, feeling a slight amount of comfort in her arms.

“How are you
, Willow?”

“I’m well, just settling in.”

“Where’s my grandson?”

“He’s asleep, sorry.”

She pouts. “Oh well, do you have time for coffee?”

I stare over at Ava who nods and shrugs. I nod at my mother and I walk into the kitchen to turn the coffee machine on. My mother
perches on a stool and smiles across at me.

“You look well
, Willow.”

“Thanks mom, so do you.”

“Where’s Jenny?”

“She went out
, I think.”

“I met that man she’s seeing the other day.”

“Oh Ace?”

“Yes, he’s…interesting.”

I smother a smirk at the look on her face. Oh yes, this is delicious.

“He’s a good guy mom, he’s good to her.”

“He’s very rough, I don’t want her to end up in the same situation as you.”


“And what situation is that?” I snap.

She stares at me wide
eyed. “Willow, you’re not exactly in a good situation right now.”

“It’s hardly Jagger’s fault.”


mom, you don’t know even half of the story. He’s a good man and so is Ace, you can’t choose for us who we date.”

“I just don’t want you to get hurt, those men are no good.”

“Because the man you chose was so much better.”

Her eyes widen and I
immediately regret my words. That was unfair, I know. Ava stares at me and shakes her head, yes, I know. I’m a horrible child.

“Mom, I’m sorry ok?”

“You just want to punish me,” she whispers into her hands. “Don’t you?”

“No, of course not.”

“Then why are we always fighting? I’m trying to make a relationship with you and you won’t let me.”

“I’m having a hard time
mom, I thought you of all people would understand.”

Her face pales. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“I don’t mean it like that, I mean that sometimes things are hard and we do things we wouldn’t usually.”

She looks away sadly. “You’ll never
forgive me, will you? I made a mistake Willow and I’ve paid for it every day since. I don’t know what I can say or do to make it better, but I’m trying which is more than you can say for yourself.”

She stands and looks at Ava and
I once more before storming out. I sigh and slump against the bench. Ava stands beside me and opens her mouth to speak but I cut her off.


“Willow, isn’t it time to let go?”

I stare over at her. “I’m trying Ava, but things aren’t great right now.”

“I know, but she’s trying too.”

“I know, ok? I do and I will try to fix it. I’ll make it better.”

Ava pats my hand. “Right now things are hard, everything will get better soon.”

“I hope you’re right.” I whisper, staring out into the car park.

A moment later a knock sounds out at the door. Ava walks over and opens it to reveal Angel. He grins and kisses her softly, then smiles over at me.

“Hey Angel, what’s up?”

“Hey girls, you got a minute?”

everything ok?”

“Sure, where’s Jen?”

Why does he want to know where Jenny is?

“Um, out I think, why?”

He nods his head towards his apartment. “Come and find out yourself. Be warned, it’ll shock you.”

Ava and I exchange confused glances and
I quickly go and put Cody into the pram. He stirs a little but quickly falls back to sleep. We follow Angel towards his apartment and he opens the door for us, letting us in. I skid to a halt when I see the man sitting beside Angel at the table. I vaguely remember his face, but I’m sure he didn’t look like this before. It’s officer Huck, but…oh no. This can’t be happening. This can’t be happening. Cody begins to stir and numbly I lean down and pull him into my arms. Ace is beside me in minutes, taking him and steadying me when I sway a little. This is too much.

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