Devil Disguised (18 page)

Read Devil Disguised Online

Authors: Karolyn Howard

She wrung her hands together and said, “You never did tell me why Eleanor is staying with you and not at her own home.”

“She lives even further out of town, in the countryside. Andrew is titled, but his family’s estate has struggled recently. Besides wanting to be there for my sister, believe it or not, I have more resources and servants at my disposal to help her at this point in time.”

She straightened the bodice of her gown slightly and looked at him. “I am glad you had a servant at the ready to come and let us know.”

He glared at her. “I am sorry I disturbed you. It appears you were enjoying the party when I interrupted.”

Lily pressed her lips together. “Yes, well I am glad you arrived when you did.”

“Was he hurting you?” he asked harshly.

She shook her head. “No. I just, umm. I was surprised.”

Flinging himself back in the seat, he scoffed, “Surprised? Surprised that Brian was touching and kissing you or surprised you were enjoying it so much?”

Lily gasped. “What! Is that what you think?”

His hard stare was his only reply.

Her eyes narrowed and she sat up taller. In a tone low and menacing, she said, “Yes. Is that what you want to hear? I enjoyed being kissed! You want to know if he kisses -.”

Suddenly, the carriage dipped sharply and Lily was thrown backwards. Duncan stopped himself from falling into her. Her head struck the back of the carriage and she cried out in pain.

He was next to her instantly as she pulled her hand away from the back of her head. Her hand was shaking before she lifted it to her head again.

“Let me see, Lily,” he said, concerned.

She shifted and he reached behind her head to feel her scalp. There was a large knot forming behind one of her hairpins.

Reaching over, he moved to bang on the door to stop the carriage, but she held his arm. “No, Duncan. I am fine. We need to get to Eleanor.”

He met her gaze and then moved his hands back to her head. “I am removing all of these pins from your hair.”

Removing the pins, he felt the silkiness of her hair as it moved though his fingers. He brushed her hair back
as she reached up and stilled his hands covering them gently with her own.

She whispered, “Duncan.”

It was a plea and he saw her gaze move to his mouth. He cupped her face and kissed her softly. She moaned, gripping his shoulders as she pressed into him. He moved his hands from her face to caress the smooth skin of her bare back. The cut of the dress had tempted him all night. Savoring the feel of her warm skin, he slid his fingertips delicately down her back. A strange jealousy crept into his mind as he recalled that Brian had just taken the same liberties.

He pulled back and asked, “Did he kiss you like this?”

Her breathing was erratic as she replied, “Duncan, please. No one has ever kissed me like you do.”

His heart pounded at her unexpected words. He kissed her softly before sliding his tongue along her lips. Her tongue danced with his and he embraced her tightly as their kiss deepened. She tasted like wine and honey. He released her mouth and began to trail kisses along her bare shoulders before pulling her dress down to touch the tops of her breasts.

Threading her fingers through his hair, she leaned back allowing him better access to kiss between her cleavage. Nuzzling the tender flesh he heard her breathing intensify and she began to tug on his jacket. Her hands reached under the jacket as she rubbed her hands along his back pulling him closer. He wanted her and could barely control his actions. Passion continued to surge like a wave that would drown them both. He moved and met the tenderness of her lips again as he started to lift her dress.

Vaguely, he realized the carriage was stopping. He pulled back and saw Lily’s eyes widen in surprise. Pulling her upright, he dropped her skirt and then lifted the top of the gown to cover her shoulders. With her hair completely loose and her dress now askew, anyone would soon know they enjoyed each other’s company in the carriage. There was not much to do to disguise what had just occurred, but Lily attempted to smooth her dress. He adjusted his coat and tugged his sleeves down just as the carriage stilled. The carriage door opened as the footman’s eyes widened in obvious surprise at their appearance.

Duncan leapt down and turned to help Lily descend. He held her hand as they ran together into the home.

Simon greeted them in the foyer and said, “Doctor Nelson is here and is helping Lady Worthington along with a midwife he brought with him.”

Duncan nodded as he and Lily ran up the stairs side by side. As they neared the door to Eleanor’s room, he could hear his sister’s cries of pain.

He stopped outside the door to his sister’s room as Lily gripped his hands and said, “I will help if I can.”

“Please do.”

Lily entered the room at the same moment Dot was leaving.

Dot looked at Duncan in surprise, but said, “Oh, good evening, my lord. We need more towels and hot water.”

He grimaced and replied, “I will help you with that.”

Together they went down the hallway to get the necessary items. After they returned, he began to pace outside of the room. Duncan’s stomach clenched at the sound of yet another one of his sister’s cries of pain.

He turned to Simon and said, “I will be in my chambers.”

The concern was evident on Simon’s features as he responded, “Of course, my lord.”

Duncan slammed his door closed as frustration and fear came over him. He threw off his suit jacket and tie and placed a log on the fire. He began to sit, but then stood again and walked aimlessly around the room. There was nothing else he could do and that terrified him. The doctor had been worried about Eleanor and this birth. If something happened to his sister or the baby, he would be devastated.

A soft knock sounded and he instantly hoped it was Lily bringing good news, but instead Simon entered carrying a tray with a bottle of whiskey, hot tea, and slices of meat and cheese.

Simon placed the tray down and said, “My lord, I thought you might need something to eat.”

“Thank you, Simon.”

Simon departed as Duncan stared at the food on the tray. He could not fathom eating anything, but opened the top of the decanter of whiskey. Shaking his head, he put the top back on the decanter. He wanted to be clear and focused, and would not ease his own pain when he could not do the same for his sister. He sat down in a chair by the fire and did something he rarely did, he prayed.

for Eleanor. Apparently, she went into labor immediately after they had left for the party, but refused to send for anyone. It had been just over twelve hours and Eleanor’s strength was waning. The early morning’s light started to shine in the room as Lily held tightly on to Eleanor’s hand as another contraction started.

Doctor Nelson said, “Push Eleanor! I can see the baby’s head!”

Eleanor cried out and soon after, the cry of a newborn baby was heard. Everyone in the entire room sighed in relief as the little boy was placed in his mother’s arms.

“Everyone, I need to tend to the baby and Lady Worthington has lost a lot of blood. Please, let the midwife and myself do what we need to do and please leave if you are not needed,” ordered Doctor Nelson.

Lily saw Eleanor look at her with an unspoken question. Lily said, “I will inform Dun- Lord Cavanaugh.”

Eleanor smiled.

The doctor looked at Lily and said, “Lord Cavanaugh may come in for a few moments, but then I insist Lady Worthington rest. I will stay here the day.”

Lily went out of the room and saw several servants standing in the hallway. She said, “Lady Worthington had a difficult time, but she and the baby are fine now. She had a boy.”

The group looked utterly relieved as they smiled and hugged one another.

Simon was smiling as well, but caught her searching gaze to say, “My lady, Lord Cavanaugh is in his chambers.”

She nodded and went directly there. She knocked and entered after she heard the now familiar deep timber of his voice say, “Come in.”

He had been sitting near the fire, but stood upon seeing her. For the first time since she had met Duncan, he looked completely disheveled. Like her, he was still wearing his evening attire, but his jacket and tie were missing. His sleeves were rolled up, his shirt wrinkled. He looked like he had been to Hell and back.

She said, “Duncan, your sister is fine and she has someone she would like you to meet.”

He looked up towards the ceiling and said something she did not hear. Rushing forward he pulled her to him and hugged her tightly. She gasped in surprise and saw the relief and happiness evident in his features as he pulled back to say, “Thank God.”

For a brief moment, she thought he would kiss her, but instead he smiled and hurried from the room.

She hugged herself and took a moment to absorb the miracle she had just witnessed before she walked to her own room. In her chambers, she saw that a tray of food had been left on the desk. She saw steam rising from the teapot and poured a cup of tea. She inhaled the wonderful aroma and took a sip, allowing the warmth to ease some of her tension.

Dot entered from the open door and said, “My lady, do you need help with your dress?”

“Give me a few moments, Dot. I will ask for you if I need you.”

“Very well. Mary is nearby as well, if you need either one of us.”

“Thank you.” Lily smiled as Dot left.

Taking her teacup, Lily sat back in a plush chair near the fire as her tension continued to subside. It had been an eventful day to say the least. Slipping off her shoes, she lifted her feet towards the fire. She thought of asking for a bath, but recalling how many times Doctor Nelson had asked for hot water she decided not to bother the staff with that request.

She heard a knock and turned in her chair expecting to see Dot or Mary, but instead Duncan stepped into the room. She stood as he closed the door.

Immediately her pulse quickened and in response to her unspoken question he said, “Everyone is going to bed now, although it is now dawn.”

She stepped forward. “Yes, I am sure everyone was up all night. It was an eventful day.”

“Yes, it was.” His mouth quirked up in a near smile before he said, “I am here to thank you for helping my sister. She said she could not have done it without you.”

Lily laughed out loud and Duncan joined in with her reaction.

She shook her head. “Duncan, believe me, Eleanor did everything on her own!”

“I am sure she did! You must know by now that she very rarely takes credit for the wonderful things she does.” He chuckled.

They continued to smile at one another, still in the moment of happiness. It seemed odd, but wonderful, to be sharing this special moment with him. She continued to grin at the man before her who seemed the most relaxed she had ever seen him. Stubble was forming on his handsome face and his hair was completely disheveled. All refined elegance was gone replaced by a rakish appeal. She felt the heat rise in her cheeks as she tore her gaze away from his.

Out the corner of her eye, she saw him step closer. “You are still wearing your evening attire as well.”

“Yes, but most of mine is still on my person,” she teased.

He moved next to her. “Let me help you with your dress, Lily.”

She slowly turned, offering her back to him. She felt his warm fingers as they deftly undid the buttons. As always, his mere presence made her breath catch, but his close proximity made it even harder to breathe. She inhaled sharply as he placed his hands on her shoulders while she held onto the front of her gown to prevent it from falling. It seemed they remained like this for a long time before she turned around.

Immediately his lips found hers and she reached up to hold onto his shoulders. He thrust his tongue against hers
as she pressed against him. Vaguely, she was aware she had released the hold on her dress as they continued to kiss. He shifted and started those wicked delicate kisses along her neck before he stepped back. She opened her eyes to see him glance down at the dress that pooled at her feet. Her skin prickled as she stood in her ivory corset and sheer chemise while she watched his gaze travel over her.

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