pew card is one that reserves a seat in a specific row, such as within the ribbon ; an at-home card is a small card, usually three by four inches, that gives the bride's new address after she is married; a response card , the most common enclosure, is what is known as an R.S.V.P. card that the guests are requested to fill out and return indicating whether or not they will be able to attend the reception; a reception card is inserted only into the invitations of those guests who are invited to the reception following the ceremony; a map card is a small card that gives directions to the ceremony and/or reception sites; a rain card is a small card that gives the alternate locations for the wedding and/or reception in case of rain. For example, a rain card may read: " In case of rain the wedding and reception will be held in the Civic Center Senior Hall at 101 North Blake Street ."
By the way, if you want to adhere strictly to the rules of etiquette, omit the response cards because they are considered to be in very poor taste. Nevertheless, they are quite common these days because of people's busy schedules and their lack of response to the traditional R.S.V.P., which requests telephoning a reply.
What does "R.S.V.P." actually mean, anyway?
It is French for repondez s'il vous plait , which means "please respond."
How can we keep track of these responses?
I suggest you make up a list with columns (preferably in your computer) with these headings:
Name and address of guest.
Response (Yes, No, How many?).