Fake Boyfriend (29 page)

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Authors: Evan Kelsey

I apologize turning to see Xavier behind me. He looks at me
sympathetically and I look to the floor. I hear more of the

"I still
want her when you come to your senses. You do know you asked her to
marry you right?"

she's way our of your league. Even if I do come to my senses, you
don't stand a chance." The men laugh and I walk away. Feeling a tug
on my arm I stop. "Just help me get home Xavier, please. No,

"Are you
sure? I could kick his ass for you?"

didn't work out to well for you last time." I say, pointing to his
still bruised cheek.

right. I'll open the door and throw something at him and

please just give me a ride back to the hotel." I plead my eyes
tearing up.

His smile
drops and he nods seriously. We walk back through the ballroom and
I ignore Conrad and Kelsey. I don't think about my shattered heart.
I'm a joke to him, just someone to talk with his buddies about. I'm
not using him, that's why he wants me. I scoff getting Xaviers
attention. "Do you need anything else?"

thanks." I take out my call phone and get in his car. I book the
earliest flight I can get. "I fly out in two hours."

going to stop you before you get on the plane."

"No, he
won't. I'll wait for him, he's probably right behind


"I'll say
goodbye." I say, my voice think with emotion.This is going to be

As soon
as the car stops and we get to the entrance of the hotel, Ruxin is
stepping out of his car yelling my name. "Just go." I say quietly
to Xavier. He squeezes my hand then walks away. I wait for Ruxin to
reach me looking beyond pissed.

"What the
hell do you think you're doing? You left with him?" He

"He gave
me a ride."


I'm going home." I answer taking off the engagement ring he gave
me. I hold it out to him. "I'm not going to marry you."

He face
is a controlled mask. "Why is that?" He asks, bitterly.

"I heard
you in the cigar room. I'm just a nag that never listens, who you
only want because I'm not using you." I drop the ring in front of
him hearing it hit the ground as I go into the hotel. I get on the
elevator and Ruxin steps in before the doors close.

"Put it
it back on." He says, taking my hand in his.

I pull my
hand away before he can tighten his grip and cross my arms. Stay
strong, stay strong, I repeat to myself over and over

"You know
I want you. Put it back on." He insists.

"I don't
want you to want me Ruxin. I'm just one of your many possessions.
You want to keep me locked away like everything else you own. I
won't let you do that to me."

"I love
you." He says.

"No, you
don't. You love that I don't ask you for anything. You love that I
challenge you. I can give you a family and my loyalty, but you
don't love me." I reply, stepping onto our floor. I open the door
and go to the bedroom. I take out a suitcase and pack only my
things, leaving anything he's bought. He stands by the door
watching me. I zip it closed half full and carry it to the door. I
try to get past him he doesn't budge. "I have a plane to

not going anywhere. We need to talk about this."

said what I have to say." I reply, truthfully.

looking for a reason to go. That's it isn't it? You don't want to
marry me and this is your escape."

what you want. You and I both know the truth. I've been going at
your pace through this whole relationship. I for once didn't want
to rush us. I wanted to just enjoy being with you and you didn't
even respect that decision."

"I agreed
to seven months." He grumbles.

never told your family. What was the plan exactly? Say, 'Oh, darn I
just forgot to tell my mom. I guess we'll have to get married

I see I'm
not far from the truth. "The ballrooms at my hotels are booked we
had a cancellation for the sixth."


"Of next

I nod.
"Of course, you wouldn't ask me if I was okay with it."

would I ask? You'd just say no. You said that to me once. When you
took off from my apartment without telling me."

"I won't
let you plan my life without consulting me. Don't worry about
coming to your senses, because I have." I shove past him and to the
elevator. He didn't come after me and I sigh in relief.

When I
sit down on the full flight back to New York, I cry the whole way.
Every mile between us making what happened more real.


Ruxin Novak

I run my
hand through my hair for the millionth time since Eva walked out of
the door. What the fuck am I'm still doing here? I plan on going
after her, but I can't move. Everything she said keeps playing over
and over in my head. Does she really believe I don't love her? She
heard the conversion in the cigar room, how do I explain my
behavior? Porter and I are old friends, he knows me better then
most. The ribbing the teasing, I didn't like it and I'm not used to
it. Love makes me seem weak in a way, less manly. I admit it was
stupid to brush off my feelings for her in front of my friends, I
shouldn't have.

I was mad
at her right before we left and I let it fester instead of talking
to her. I don't know why she asked about my nature. Why she didn't
believe me when I told her, I wanted her at my side because I like
knowing where she is. She is trying to figure me out, convinced I'm
hiding something and maybe I am in a way. This is me yet she
doesn't want to accept it. Like I'm not good enough, that I'm
lacking in some way.

wrong about me not loving her. Even now my heart can't stop racing.
I love her so much. I keep thinking she'll be better off without
me. She deserves more then the mess of a man I am. I've been
deluding myself into thinking she wants what I want. That we can
make it, but she is right. I'm rushing our relationship out of fear
of losing her. Fear that she'll change her mind and it isn't fair
to her. My insecurities are showing yet again and I can't control
myself. I stop thinking about her feelings and act purely out of
arrogance. I realize I'm overbearing. I just tell myself it will be
better once I know she's mine, forever. That once we're married
then I'll know she really loves me. I'm such a idiot. The one woman
I could ever love and I messed it up. I took for granted that she
is kind and understanding. Holding on to her so tightly, I didn't
see I was suffocating her.

what I have to do and doing it won't be easy. I rub my chest. Fuck!
It will be excruciating to let her go. I can't be what she needs,
I'm not normal. I'm not my family, as much as I want to be. I'm an
obsessive, possessive, demanding control freak.

is...What is she?...She's perfect. She's better then me in every
way. I understand her better then I understand myself. I can't sit
down explain myself to her. I don't know how to open up and talk to
her about who I am. I can't explain why I need things from her to
the point that I take without asking. I can't simply tell her it's
uncontrollable, that is my instinctive reaction. She can't
understand it because I don't understand it myself. I've driven
myself to the point I can only see steps to my goals. Things I want
are mapped out and accomplished like a checklist in my head. I
didn't think of the ramifications, just the end results.

I stand
up feeling the weight of her leaving settling squarely on my
shoulders. Do I run after her? Or give her time? Do I let her go?
Or beg her forgiveness?

thought of Xavier Sterling stepping in to replace me has my hands
shaking. He is better for her then I am, he'll give her more then I
can. I feel my jealousy like a thick wool blanket, surrounding me
and itching like crazy. No, my Angel will not be loved by anyone
but me. I can make this right. She can change me and make me a
better person, she already has.

I see the
necklace I bought her at Tiffany's on top of the dresser. I pick it
up and leave the room. Going to the front desk in the hotel lobby I
have it shipped to my office. I call Julia on the way back up to my
suite. "Mr. Novak." She answers.

"I just
sent a package out containing a necklace, a locket to be specific.
I want you to have pictures of me and Eva put inside. I also want
it engraved to say, "I may be leading the way, but you'll always be
my light. Mine forever, R."

sir." I hear, her somewhat strangled response. I've never had her
do something so meaningful of romantic for someone. I'm sure she's
a little shocked.

"I want
it done as quickly as possible and sent to Eva's apartment. I'm
leaving London as possible."

"You have
meetings all week." She reminds me.

what you can or reschedule. I want to leave in two days. Have my
meetings back to back and overlap it you have to."


I hang up
feeling sick. Two days will give her time to think. Two days for
her to miss me. Two days for me to go completely insane. My phone
still in hand I dial Dave.

Top of



"Eva is
on a flight back to New York. Pick her up at the airport. I'm not
sure what flight she'll be on so look it up."

else." He asks.

her until I get home. Take turns with Ronan, I'll be home in two

I end the
call and stop myself from throwing my phone against the wall. To
not touch her for longer the fourty-eight hours will be

Eva Thorpe

announcement of the plane landing wakes me up. I blink my eyes
rapidly, noticing how swollen they feel. I didn't get much sleep
and whatever sleep I did get I dreamt of Ruxin. His face as I left
is burned behind my eyelids.

I take my
luggage down and stand in line to get off the plane. I walk out
into the front of the building to see Dave and Ronan waiting by
their car. My heart is pounding, Ruxin is in the car already
waiting for me.

spots me first and walls over with Dave right behind him. I stand
still, not really knowing what to do. I don't want to do anything
childish like run from them. "Hey, guys." I say as they get

Novak sent us to take you home."

I feel
myself relax, yet it's accompanied with sadness. I clear my throat,

takes my bag. I recall the first time he carried my things and
smile. He winks, "Trust me I can carry it."

chuckle. "Just let me know if it gets too heavy."

He laughs
as he opens the trunk. Dave opens the door to the backseat and I
get in. He closes the door and walks to the front drivers side door
as Ronan gets in back with me. I don't know what they know about us
and why I left. I feel anxious to get home, but curious about what
they know.

"How was
your flight?" Dave asks.

"Long." I
reply, honestly.

silence as I try to figure out what to ask them. Sadly, I can't
think of a way to ask them what Ruxin told them without sounding
desperate. We pull up to my building, just as I'm about to open the
door Ronan stops me. "Wait for one of us to open it." He orders,
stepping out of the car. I look around not seeing any reporters,
but still wait for Dave to open my door. I  get out and turn
to Roman for my bag.

"I can
get it from here. Thanks." I say, holding out my hand. Ronan hands
me my the luggage and both of them have me their business cards.
"Call one of us if you need anything. One of us will be in the
lobby at all times."

I pause
looking at him confused, "In the lobby?"

Novak wants you guarded until he gets back."

"And when
will that be?" I ask, crossing my arms. Knowing it's not their
fault, but pissed off anyway.

days." Dave answers, looking uncomfortable.

"I think
both of you should follow me up while I call your boss." I 
mutter, walking to the elevator.


I open
the door to my apartment, Dave and Ronan coming in after me. "Take
a seat." I say, gesturing to the sofa. They sit as I dial Ruxin's
phone number.

answers on the first ring. "Angel."

"What the
hell are you thinking? We broke up! You don't get to have your men
follow me around."

literally growls in response. "Do you really think I'd give up that

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