Fake Boyfriend (31 page)

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Authors: Evan Kelsey

I look at
the clock. Its 8 a.m. I need to get up, get showered,
get dressed and go looking for a job. I climb out of bed and
get started. By the time I'm ready to leave my apartment with
copies of my resume its already 9:30 a.m. I wanted to be to the
shops as soon as they opened, so it looked like I was prepared and
really adamant about my job hunt. I take the elevator to the lobby
and see a freshly showered and shaved Ronan. He must have just
switched with Dave. He stands when he sees me.

morning." I say.

morning. Where are we going today?"

hunting." I reply.

smirks. "That again?"

that again." I reply. Noticing his demeanor change I look around
worriedly. "What?"

not going to Sterling Headquarters to find another job are
you?" He questions, apprehensive.

"No, I
wasn't planning on it. Why?"

"Its just
that Dave said that Xavier came by last night." He explains. I nod,

"He came
by, but I sent him home. I have enough issues with Ruxin I don't
need to add that to the laundry list."

Novak would be relieved. Can I ask where the Job hunt is going to

"Esmeralda's Books, its not far from here. Have you heard of
it?" I question.

"I have."
He pulls out his phone and starts texting.

I tilt my
head to the side and eye him suspiciously."Who are you

Novak." He answers, distracted. Did he really just fish for
information for Ruxin. That sly fox. I stare at him opened mouthed.
He shrugs sheepishly and puts his phone away. "Its my

Little. Shit. You and Dave are just paid gossiping hens."
I reply, disappointed.

well paid gossiping hen's." He corrects.

I roll my
eyes and walk past him. I hear his phone buzz and hear him say,
"Just as I thought. Ruxin is pleased you
sent Xavier away."

probably give you a bonus." I mutter sarcastically. I walk ahead of
him, knowing where I want to go first. Ten minutes later I see the
book shop and straighten my dress. I stop in front of the door and
turn to Ronan. "Do I look okay?" I ask, nervously.

He nods.
"You look great."

you hire me?"


I smile,
grateful for the encouragement and open the door hearing the bell
chime over my head. I walk into the rustic looking book store with
shelves stuffed full with all kinds of books. I look around and
spot a small woman in her sixties coming down from a latter. She
smiles as she walks toward me. "Hello, welcome to Esmeralda's. How
can I help you, today?

"Hi, my
name is Eva Thorpe. I'm actually looking for job."

"Esmeralda Stern." She repiles and we shake hands.
"A job? Do you have a resume?"

I nod and
hand her the two pages. She scans the pages. "You have had
five jobs, all of them long term and some you were working
simultaneously." I can hear the question in the

"It was
just me and my mom. She got sick." I say, leaving it at that.
Dredging up my moms death won't end well.

"You're a
teacher?" She questions.

"Yes, I
applied at a lot of different schools but it seems all the
positions were filled."

"I'm sure
they were. With budget cuts and lack of funding in the inner city
public schools its hard to keep the curriculum from being cut, let
alone keep the teachers employed."

"I know.
I went to a fundraiser recently raising money for after school
actives for at risk youth. Its definitely a worldwide

"My son
is a teacher. He teaches at Lincoln Academy, its a private school.
Have you tried the private sector?"

"I did. I
didn't get a call back. I made sure my state requirements
matched before applying for any positions. Even online I could
only find three open positions in both private
and public schools."

their loss is my gain. I could really use some help around here and
my son will be happy that I hired on someone other then my daughter
Elizabeth. She's not the most reliable employee. It would only be
part time. Are you okay with that?"

fine. Thank you."

"Can you
start tomorrow?"

"Absolutely." I reply, happily.

"Be here
at 9 a.m. Bring your social security card and drivers license and
will go from there."

you so much, Mrs. Stern."

welcome. Enjoy, the rest of your day."

you. You too." I say, leaving the store. Ronan
is waiting just outside the shop door. "I got the
job!" I say, excitedly.

"Congratulations." He replies. My phone rings and I dig
in my purse to answer it, its William. "Hello."

sweetie. How are you?" The way he sounds, I know he's heard about
Ruxin and I. The only question is how did he find out?

fine. I'm back home and I found a job this morning."

great. So the rumors are true? You and Ruxin spilt up?" He
questions, somewhat awkwardly.

I sigh.
"We're just having a slight disagreement. We're trying to work it
out. He's coming back to town tomorrow. Can I ask how you heard
about it?"

heard it on the television. Apparently, he went to a event last
night without you and the rumors started flying."

I groan.
"Well, at least they haven't found out I'm back in New York." I
say, trying to think of the positive. Its nice to be followed
around constantly. I look a Ronan, oh yeah. I'm still be

"What are
you doing for lunch?"

having lunch with Andrea Novak."  I reply, thankful I have
plans. I love William I do but he's probably bring Susan and Cindy
or both.

about dinner with us?" He questions, I bite my lip wanting nothing
to do with Cindy and Susan.

great." I say.

our place at 6:00?"

"I'll be
there." I reply and hang up.

I still
won't let this day be ruined by thinking about dinner with my evil
step-mother and half sister. I decide I better call and make sure
Andrea and I are still on for lunch. "Eva, Dear. How are

actually. I just found a job." I tell her, too excited with the

"Congratulations, I'm happy for you. Where are you

"Esmeralda's Books."

Esmeralda Stern's place. I love that little shop."

"You know
her?" I ask, surprised.

were old friends. We do a lot of charity work together." She

"Oh, well
the reason I'm calling is, I wanted to make sure were still on for
lunch today?"

"I have
an idea. Lets get meet up at Barneys and do a little shopping to
celebrate your employment and go eat lunch down."

at Barneys, expensive. What the hell, why not? "Sounds
perfect. I'll head that way now."

already in town. Are you at Esmeralda's?"


swing by and pick you up." She replies.



shopping with my mother celebrating getting hired at Esmeralda
Sterns Book shop. I've come to the conclusion that if she wants to
work and it makes her happy, so be it. I can cut back on my
travel time and send someone else on the trips. I
can oversee negotiations from New York. Granted, I've always
had a hands on approach to every aspect of my business, but after
one night alone without Eva in my bed is enough. I couldn't sleep
all night, I need her in my arms. The restless sleep is catching up
to me right now. I take a gulp of my third coffee. I wonder if she
missed me last night or this morning. I enjoy waking her up every
morning. That bedhead and sleepy eyed goddess, with her pouting
lips is the perfect way to start a day.

As soon
as Ronan told me about her plan to apply at the book shop I
called Esmeralda. She is a long time family friend and
I set it up for Eva to work there. Part time of course,
but I knew Eva would be happy. Its not like the sterns daughter is
much help to her mother, she's a party girl with a bad

I want to
call Eva, just to hear her voice. The only thing stopping me is the
fact she doesn't want me to call and I have to respect her wishes.
I just hope she forgives me soon, I feel agitated, guilty and
depressed, three things I'm not used to feeling. I know she liked
the locket I sent engraved with her favorite song lyrics.
I once made fun of the sappy lyrics, only to have them ring true in

Novak?" I hear and turn to my second in command.

Clark?" I ask, realizing I had completely zoned out.

"I was
saying, I think we have everything set here. If you want to sign
off? I nod and pick up the contract reading it one last time before
I sign. I push it back to him and he leaves my office. I need to
get out of here. Its killing me being this far away from

I pick up
my phone and call Julia. "Mr.Novak."

"I want
to change my flight to leave tonight. If we cant get off the ground
today, try to find a open commercial flight, anything will

"I'll get
right on it. Sir?"

"What is

"I could
tell she misses you too." She states.

I pause.
"Thank you, Julia."

welcome, sir."

I hang up
and feel a little lighter. Eva misses me too.



I tilt my
head from side to side trying to get the kink out of my neck. The
things I'll do for Eva. I just spent an agonizing seven hours on a
commercial flight with crying kids and a middle seat. My legs are
cramped and I'm exhausted. It's early in New York around one
in the morning and all I want to do it crawl in bed with

Once I'm
off the plane I walk to the front exit. I see Henry waiting for me
and nod at him as I get in the backseat of the car. The door closes
and I lean my head back resting it on the comfortable leather
seats. Henry gets behind the wheel and we leave the curb. "Where to

apartment please." I respond tiredly.

I know I
should wait until she calls me. I know she'll be upset with me, but
she doesn't even have to talk. All I want to do it hold her while
we sleep. I can't make it through another sleepless

I doze
off until I hear my door opened for me. Rubbing my eyes and step
out onto the sidewalk in front of Eva's apartment building. "Thank
you, Henry."

welcome, sir." He replies and I walk towards the

I walk
inside and show my ID to the security card, who thankfully lets me
by. Apparently, Eva hasn't taken me off her list of visitors. I
can't help the feeling of relief that courses through me. I step
off the elevator at her floor and find her door. I knock
as quietly as I can, hoping she'll still hear it. Just as I'm about
to knock a little louder the door is pulled open and a sleepy eyed
Eva greets me. I'm about to justify my reasons for being here when
she holds up her hand stopping me.

say a word. You can stay, but all your getting is a

I smile
in relief that she's not kicking me out. I follow her to
the bedroom and undress as she gets into bed.  I slip in
behind her, pulling her tightly to my chest. "I missed you."
I whisper into her ear.

Now, shut up. I apparently cant sleep without you. So,
 just because you're here doesn't mean you're still not in the
dog house."

I kiss
her shoulder and yawn. "Me either. I feel like I haven't slept in
48 hours."

rest up. You're saving me from a solo dinner with the step
monster's tomorrow."

"What?" I
ask, confused.

with William, Susan and Cindy." She clarifies.

I groan.
"Can't you just pretend to be sick?"

me, I was going to do that. Now, that you're here it's part of your

not punishment it's torture." I argue, not really caring about the
dinner. I would gladly sit though that awkward dinner if it means
I'll be with her.

that's just the beginning." She warns, sleepily.

I freeze,
what does that mean? What other plans has she concocted? "What else
is there?"

see. Thank you for the locket."

"Did you
like it?" I question.

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