Read Falling to Pieces Online

Authors: Michelle Louise

Falling to Pieces (17 page)


This has
seriously been the slowest week in the history of my education, but thankfully
it was over. No more lectures or boring class discussions. I am surprised Dr.
Sanford didn’t kick me out of his class for snoring too loudly this morning.
Though, he didn’t ignore it either. In fact, I’m sure I will now be referred to
as Snore-
for the remainder of the semester. But,
whatever, if they only knew whom I was dreaming about they would have never
woken me up. I missed Sam so much and couldn’t wait for him to come home.

professor nearly killed me with his eyes as he glared me down. It took a second
for me to realize it was my phone that had been beeping.


I completely
forgot to silence it before class started. I quickly moved the notch on the
left side of my phone and set it on my desk with an apologetic wave to
everyone. Once they all turned their attention back to the front of the class,
I anxiously swiped my home screen to view my messages.

Sam: Hey Little Red. How’s your day?

Boring as hell. But I’ll manage.
, you coming
home soon?

Why? You miss me?

Nope. :)

Just kidding, of course I do. Hope
everything is going good with your dad.

Yeah, much better. My flight will be coming in on Saturday morning.

Great! Can’t wait to see you.

Same here. See you real soon

couldn’t be soon enough. I needed to find something to keep my mind busy. Maybe
after my homework I will see if the girls want to go to dinner and a movie. I
hear there is a new Chris
movie out. I really
could use some suave eye candy, and actually some real candy too. I love those
little chocolaty crunch things.

Hey girls! Whose up for a movie
thinking maybe an action packed flick starring our favorite heartthrob! Oh and
yours too Becks, I hear the new actress they are debuting is a former model. ;)

Sawyer: Oh rats! Sorry
girl, I am working on a research project with my group from class and it’s the
only night we are all available. :( But I’m free for the show tomorrow!

Okay cool. No worries. Have fun
Becks???? You in?

Becka: Sorry pal. I cant
either, plans with Lilly. It’s her only night off for a while and we have
reservations at Blue Sun.

are some busy bitches! Oh well,
have fun
. Can’t wait for tomorrow night!

What a bunch of crap!
I am not sitting in this house alone tonight. Not with a million things on my
mind like this, I’ll go stir crazy for sure. It’s not in my nature to be one of
those people who enjoys sitting at dinner alone or going to see a movie alone.
But tonight, I could care less. I was getting out of this house.

I’m thinking I’ll skip dinner and just fill up on popcorn and candy. It’s going
to be one of those nights and no one would be there to judge.

bought my ticket online and headed out the door. The movie theater was slammed
full of students and couples seemed to be appearing from every direction I
looked. Thankfully, they were all headed into the chick flick that was starting
five minutes before mine and I wouldn’t be subjected to their make out
sessions. With my candy and popcorn in hand, I found a seat around the middle
of the theater and kicked back to enjoy the show.


next morning, I woke up surprisingly earlier than usual, more than likely due
to the fact that I fell asleep so early. The overindulgence of sugar and carbs
during the movie put me in a severe comatose as soon as I got home. I must have
been snoozing by eleven.

stretched out in bed and thought about the day ahead. Jumping up, I wandered
into the kitchen to see who was home.


girls’ bedroom doors were cracked open, but no one in sight. I made a cup of
coffee and toasted an English muffin. Now for the big question…what to do

out the window, there’s not a cloud in the sky, as the sun appears to be baking
the earth. My head drops to my poor pale legs and it becomes clear what needs
to happen. Rummaging through my drawers, I pull out my swimsuit and grab the
sunscreen from the bathroom. As much color as my skin needed, it was still
important for me to layer heavily in the SPF thirty. My fair skin required many
layers of UV exposure before it would actually glow; but I needed to start
somewhere. Plus, there was something about the warmth and peacefulness of lying
under the rays with a personal concert in my head streaming through my iPod
that seemed fitting for the day ahead.

was sun glistening off all the oiled up bodies lying around the pool.
Apparently, I wasn’t the only girl who decided to take advantage of the
beautiful weather. I was completely relaxed and all I could think about was Sam.
Only one more day until I get to see him. I imagine myself running at him and
jumping into his arms, laying a sweet wet kiss on his lips. Then hopefully
leading him straight to the bedroom. Or he could lead me to the bedroom. Like,
maybe he would throw me over his shoulder, slap my ass and ravage my body for

Jesus, I need to get laid.

I hope
things aren’t weird when he gets back. We never really had all the
conversations we should have, but it doesn’t even seem to matter. Maybe we will
just bounce back to the old us. But honestly, I don’t think that is what he
wants. He wants more from me. He deserves more from me.

The pop
song that is serenading my thoughts is cut off as a text alert comes through
and then fades back into the chorus. Pulling my phone from under my towel, I raise
my sunglasses and try to focus on the screen. The sun is annoyingly bright and
is causing a serious glare. Leaning into the shade, I slide the screen and open
my messages.

Sam: Exited to see me?

Are you bringing me gift?

Sam: Ha
, funny
Well, I am excited to see
you. What is your plan for the night?

There is
a show at Penny’s and me and the girls will be heading that way around 8pm.

Sam: Sounds fun. Be safe, and try to behave.

Will do. I am out here working the sun to get a little color. You
might not even recognize me tomorrow.

Sam: Doubt it. I would
know that body anywhere. Seriously though, be careful and try not to fall
asleep out there. Again.

Oh hell
No! That was the worse experience ever. Lesson Learned.

Sam: Yeah, I’ve never seen quite a shade of
red. Plus the sunglass tan was priceless.

Okay. Got to go. Embarrassing flashbacks are making me a whole new
shade of red. See you soon!

Sam: Real soon, little red. ;)


It had
only been about twenty minutes, and now I was getting nervous about burning
again. Sam was right though; it was priceless. I looked absolutely ridiculous
and had to stay indoors for the rest of the weekend. I even missed a few days
of school. I was mortified and refused to show my face. Sawyer helped me
experiment with all kinds of foundation and concealer to try to blend the color
on my face and hide the raccoon eyes.

flipped over and soaked up twenty minutes on my backside, and then repeated
each side one more time in ten-minute increments. It was hot as hell and I was
sweating. There were too many people in the pool to jump in and cool off, so I
gathered my things and headed home to shower.

The door
was unlocked and I nearly did a front flip with joy when I saw Sawyer’s face.

“Oh my
sweet baby Jesus! How I’ve missed this face.” I wrapped my tiny arms around her

down, Sally! You’ll pop off my head with your superhuman strength!”

pal, I just feel like I haven’t seen you in forever.” I said, exaggerating quite
a bit. It had only been a day or so, but I had been alone quite a bit lately
and could really use some company.

I’m here now. Would you like to grab a late lunch with me?” She was petting my
head and I backed away instantly. She knew I didn’t like to be treated like a

Alright, okay.” I said, fixing my hair from where she brushed it into my eyes.
“Let me grab a shower and we can head out. I’m pretty hungry. What were you

Maybe sandwiches. Let’s get a sub from
!” She
wiggled her eyebrows up and down and with good reason.
Subs was the best around and was
affordable. You
could get a
sub, chips and a drink for only
six dollars; it was insane.

yeah! You know I’m in. Give me fifteen.” I skipped past Sawyer and into my


afternoon flew by once we made it to lunch. It was so nice to be in good
company. We spent the whole afternoon catching up and planning for the evening,
mostly debating what to wear. We settled in the middle of casual and dressy. I
would wear my black pleated dress shorts with a tan sequined tank top and would
tone it down to casual with a pair of cute gladiator wedges, rather than high
heels. Sawyer would wear dark denim jeans, a white, off the shoulder blouse and
dress it up with a pair of sequined flats and sparkling jewelry. Accessories
can class up any outfit.

had gotten home a little after us and we all went our separate ways to get
ready. We filled her in on our outfit choices and she chose to wear a two-tone
romper with flats. It was navy blue shorts on bottom with a high waistline
attached to a white button up tank that had a bow on the collar. She won for
the cutest outfit of the night.

finished with my hair and began to head out to the kitchen as I heard the
famous shot call.

!” Sawyer sang out.
She was standing behind a line of six shots.

done, first one ready chooses the opening shots. So, what will it be tonight?”
Becka asks as she exits the hallway.

nothing too special. Just something I picked up the other night at Preston’s.
These are what he likes to call the ‘Woo
’ shot.
It’s been known to cause a few hoarse voices from the consistent ‘
’ you’ll be calling
out.” As she exaggerated the name we all laughed and raised our glasses.

to a good night with good friends and a whole lot of woo
at the band.” I wink at the girls who nod in approval as we tap, tap, and throw


! That was good. He must be a pretty good teacher.”
Becka patted Sawyer on the back.

It’s pretty simple. Just vodka, peach
cranberry juice.” Her smile was spread across her face with pride.

job, sis. Give him a few extra minutes on the BJ later to thank him for his

“Oh my
gosh. You’re filthy.” Sawyer threw a dishtowel at me and I screeched.

now, I’m just saying, you got to reward your men for good behavior.” The two
girls rolled their eyes at me and I reached for the next shot. “To Preston, may
he enjoy the few extra minutes as much as we enjoyed these delicious shots by
the one and only Shot Caller, Sawyer Jameson.” I raised my glass with one hand
placed over my heart.

ridiculous, but I love it.” Becka said and raised her glass up.

hesitated, then gave me her best fake mad smirk, and raised her glass up to
ours. “Ridiculous doesn’t begin to describe you. But I love it too. Let’s have
fun tonight, bitches.”

again, tap, tap, and throw ‘
back. Down so smooth.
She really did have a knack for this
shot making
thing. If the bookstore ever closes, I’m sure she could always get some work at
Penny’s. It doesn’t hurt that she knows the manager in charge of hiring.

I was
excited to see
Road play tonight. Since they
would be slowing down on the amount of shows they would play, I knew this might
be one of the last. With the warmth still in our chest from the back-to-back
shots, we grabbed out purses and headed out the door.

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