Read Falling to Pieces Online

Authors: Michelle Louise

Falling to Pieces (20 page)

Pulling away again, Sam looks down at me
and speaks words that I never dreamed I would crave. “I love you too, Cheyenne.
So damn much. I love everything about you.” Pressing his lips to my mouth, he
begins kissing and listing the things he loves about me “Your smart-ass mouth.”
Nose. “These freckles that you try to hide.”
Eyes. “Your honey-brown eyes that are
always filled with expression. I can always read your mood just from looking in
your eyes.”

“So what do my eyes tell you right now?”
I ask, wondering if he is as in tune with me as he assumes.

“Right now, your eyes are filled with
heat and want,” he pauses, as if he needs further examination, “but they are
also filled with love, and I have to say, this is the best look ever. Now, I
wasn’t finished yet, so stop interrupting me.

“Sorry.” I giggle.

Placing a kiss below my ear, Sam
continues on his exploration. “I love this spot, because I know how much it
effects you.”
Above my left breast.
“This I probably
the one I love the most, because even though you try to act heartless, you have
one of the biggest hearts I know. You just need to allow yourself to open it
up.” Right breast. “Well this should be self-explanatory seeing as I am a guy,
but I also didn’t want to leave it out.” Winking at me, Sam kisses his way down
my torso headed to my heat.

I can’t handle the wait any longer. It
has been far too long and after the night’s events I am strung tight and only
one thing will help.

“Sam,” I gasp out, as he closes in on my
sweet spot, “I can’t wait, I need you…now!”

Crawling back up, Sam hovers his body
above mine, and all I can focus on is the pressure of him pressing against my

“Are you still on the pill?”

“Yes, of course.” I started birth
control when I was a young teen. Sam and I have never used condoms. Call me

“Have you…” He lets his question linger,
but I know exactly what he is asking.

“Never.” I rush out quickly. “It has
only ever been with you.” Sam is the only guy I have ever allowed this with.

Ever so slowly, Sam eases himself inside
me and I feel complete. No one has ever compared to Sam.

Balancing his body with his hands, Sam
sets the pace with a slow rhythm, keeping eyes locked on mine. Wanting to touch
every inch of his smooth skin, I run my hands up and down his arms and back all
the way to his perfect ass, pulling him into me harder.

Gliding his hand up my thigh, he grabs
me behind the knee, bringing it closer to my chest allowing him deeper access.
A moan escapes my lips and I felt the pressure building inside me. Lifting up,
I began to meet him thrust for thrust, knowing I was moments away from release.

“Shit, Cheyenne, keep doing that and I
am not going to last much longer.”

Ignoring Sam, I keep going causing him
to increase the pace. The moment my release hits, my walls tighten around him
and after a curse and deep moan his movements still.

The room is quiet, filled only with our
deep breathing. I never want to leave this spot right here; with him above, in
me, I was completely surrounded by him. I wasted so much time running and now I
needed to make up for it.

If I would have lost Sam, I don’t know
what I would have done. Allowing my walls to fall, I realize that loving Sam
was easy.

“I love you, little red.” Sam says
between his soft kisses and I smile at my nickname.

“I love you, too.”

I know we still have much to discuss,
but right now, I want to do nothing more than to lay here with the man I love.


Like a lovesick fool; that is how I feel. And to top it off, its
even FBO, which blows my mind. I thought my computer would burn to pieces the
minute I changed my status. I’m pretty sure Facebook thought I would be single
for the rest of my life. People even began to post those funny cat videos on my
page. But, all in all, I’m happy and feel a sense of relief. Who knew getting
out all your feelings in one night would have such a lifting effect on my
spirit. It was one hell of a night, that’s for sure.

is trying to help me adjust to this whole girlfriend thing by taking it slow.
He’s constantly asking me how I feel and making sure I am okay with everything.
It’s been a little over a week and he still sometimes asks me if I am sure
about it all. Of course I’m sure. Yes, I’ll admit it’s the weirdest feeling in
the universe to be exclusively dating someone, but it’s also a very natural
feeling. Sam is all I think about, and the only man I want in my bed. It’s
simple really. He is mine and I am his.


I sound like Sawyer. Speaking of her, she is getting a real kick
out of this. She runs around the apartment calling me Mrs. Carter, giggling
like a schoolgirl. Ha-ha
, jokes on me, but it’s
me who
will be giggling when she realizes I switched out her body soap with honey.

she behaves in front of Sam and the others. A few days ago we attempted our
first double date and had an amazing time. Sam and Preston act like they have
known each other their whole lives. It reminds me a lot of Sam and Austin’s
relationship from high school. A little
brewing and it makes me smile that Sam is fitting in so well in Avalon. Not
that he would have had trouble, the guy is a friendship magnet. I can’t
remember one person who met Sam and didn’t like being around him.

Dave wounds are still pretty fresh, but I am hoping that tonight at Penny’s
they can squash all the beef and maybe become friends. They are both amazing
men and I think in any other situation would have hit it off instantly.
Road has their final show for the year and will be
taking a hiatus for a while. The show starts at it’s usual time tonight, but I
asked Dave to meet us there early so we can grab a few drinks before he has to
set up.

haven’t officially asked Sam to come tonight, but hope that he will make the
effort for me. There is a knock at the front door and I greet Sam with a sweet
kiss to each cheek and a lingering lip lock.

to see you, too.” He pulls back and smiles.

it always?” I sass back.

course. But I also know that Little Red move means you want something.” He eyes
me cautiously but the smile hasn’t faded. He’s in a good mood.

Is that what you think this smile means?” I ask as I close the door behind him
and head into the kitchen and sit on the barstool.

follows my lead and sits down next to me, not saying anything but giving me the
same look.

fine. So here’s the gig.” I laugh at my own pun. “Literally. So,
Road is having their last show tonight. They will be
taking a break from touring and decided to have their final show at Penny’s. So


you’re hoping I’ll let you go? Of course, you can go. I trust you Cheyenne.”

of course you do, you have no reason not too.” Okay well, maybe he might. “I
was actually hoping you might want to come with me.” I pause and try to sneak
the last part under my breath. “And meet up with Dave for a drink before the

Nice try. I don’t think that is a good idea.”

Why not? He is such a nice guy and I like I’ve told you a million times, it was
never like that. We have always been just friends. I think you will like him. I
promise. Please, please, please?” I practically dropped to the floor begging.

So out of character.

it important to you?” he asks.

it is. He is one of my good friends and I know that once you give him a chance
you will see why.”

eyes search my face for a moment, and then he lets out a sigh and I feel like I
may have actually won this one!

on one condition. If I feel uncomfortable or we don’t hit it off, you will let
me walk away and not get mad. I will try, but I make no promises. It’s just
hard to know that you two slept together and are still friends like nothing
ever happened.”

me, I know it must be weird for you. And I also know that I don’t think I would
ever be brave enough or nice enough if the tables were turned. But that’s why I
love you. You have a big heart and want to be friends with everyone you meet.”
I reach my arms out for a hug, suddenly craving his warm embrace. He is the
sweetest, most generous person I have ever met and my heart is so full of love
for him.

He hugs me back and lowers his face into my neck, leaving a
trail of light kisses making his way to my chest. The tingles have traveled
from my chest to my toes causing them to curl up against the carpet. He reaches
his hand up to tilt my chin up to look at him in the eyes.

love you, Cheyenne.” He says and then kisses me on the forehead.

my eyes closed, soaking up the moment, I reply “I love you, too Sam. Like a
whole lot.”

He smiles and our lips meet for a sweet embrace, but quickly
turns into a fierce passionate make out session. He lifts me from underneath my
butt, wrapping my legs around his waist and leads me into my bedroom. No words
of exchange, as our lips have yet to separate from each other.


A shower is much needed after all the dirty things that just
went down and Sam joins me in the water. As he stands behind me, towering his
lean body over mine, getting clean is the furthest thing from my mind. I can
feel every inch of him against my backside causing my face to flush and a
throbbing sensation to build between my thighs. I’m really starting to get used
to this whole boyfriend thing. If it means I can have him whenever I please,
sign me up. Twice.

After another session, against the steamy tile, we finally
separated our bodies and were able to get dressed and make it to Penny’s early
enough to meet up with Dave before he goes on stage. We walk in and see him at
the bar talking to Chad as we make our way over.

“Hey killer. What’s up?” Chad calls, as we get close.

turns in his seat and stands up to greet us. He gives me a hug and reaches his
hand out to Sam.

Dave, nice to officially meet you.” He smiles and it’s easy to see it’s

nice to meet you as well.” He shakes his hand firmly and nods toward the bar.
“Hey Chad, good to see you. Can we get a round of shots?”

thing. Anything in mind?” Chad replies.

Whatever you’re in the mood for.”

honey, you’re brave.” I laugh, knowing too well what he might have just gotten
us into. Chad is known for making over the top shots, but is typically on point
with the mood of the crowd he is working with.

does his thing behind the bar and we mostly just sit quietly, awkwardly,
watching him.

you ready for the show? Do you know about how long you guys will be taking
off?” I ask Dave, trying to start conversation, although I already know the
answer since we just discussed this yesterday on the phone.

yeah always ready to play. No set time frame for the break. Just when it feels
right I guess. I am really looking forward to spending time with my daughter.”

I can tell Sam is slightly surprised at his statement and
probably didn’t expect him to have a child.

you have a daughter. That’s cool. How old is she?” Sam asks.

is five going on twenty. Her name is Fiona and she is quite the handful.
Nothing like her mother, I’m sure she gets it from me.” He lights up when he
talks about his daughter and Annabelle. I am so glad he is getting another
chance to mend his family.

Chad shouts as he finishes sliding our shots towards us along with a beer for
Sam and my usual double.

you very much,
. Should I even ask?” I squeeze
the lime into my drink and look up to see his devilish grin.

“This, my friends, is what I like to call Fire & Ice. Drink

seems perfect, like he ready my mind. I could use a forest fire to help break
the ice of this meet and greet.

each grab our glass, nod in unison, say cheers and tip them back.


. I like it.” I say as finish the last drop in my

bad” Sam adds. “Good combination.”

Dave holds out a fist and Sam bumps it with his. How sweet, I may be witnessing
the moment they become best friends.

smile and start to relax, hoping the ice continues to melt. We each grab a seat
at the bar and continue a light conversation over a couple more shots and in no
time at all, the boys are talking about baseball and I find myself sitting
quietly, letting them chat. Who knew Dave was so into sports? I guess I just
had a vision of the typical rock star being only into the music.

We hear a whistle from the stage area and Dave takes the cue and
finishes his beer.

“Time to get to work. Maybe we can grab a drink after the set. I
want you to meet someone.” Dave smiles and gives me a quick hug, then reaches
out a hand to Sam. “Nice to meet you. Hope you enjoy the show.”

Sam shakes his hand with more comfort to his grip and nods his

“Break a leg!” I shout as he walks away and throws up a hand in

Sam and I remain at the bar and continue to sip on our drinks.
He doesn’t say anything at first, but I am dying to know what he really thought
of Dave, hoping we could all be friends.

“Well, what do you think?” I ask with a hopeful smile.

“As much as you know I hate to admit when I am wrong. Dave seems
like a stand up guy. We only got to talk for a few minutes, but I didn’t get a
bad vibe from him.” My smile grows bigger and I get an excited gleam in my eye.
“Slow down, Cheyenne, you’re eyes are telling me you are about to explode with
excitement. I didn’t say we were best friends or anything. Just that he is

“I know. I am just glad you gave him a chance. I love you for
that. Well, that and the fact that you are super hot.” I wink and lean off my
seat towards him for a kiss. “Want to grab a seat a little closer to the stage,
or is this good right here?”

“I would love to just stay right here, but I also know that you
would love to be closer to the dance floor, so let’s grab that seat over
there.” Sam points to an empty high top table and stands up from his stool
reaching for my hand.

“You know me too well. Thanks babe.” I stand up with my drink
and grab his waiting hand. We reach the table and he pulls over a fourth chair
from another table so that we can fit two more people. Sawyer and Preston are
supposed to be here to join us for the show. I pull out my phone and send her a
quick text.

Plan on joining us?

Sawyer: Sorry…got a little
caught up. ;)

You nasty little girl.
that boy alone. I’m surprised his thing hasn’t fallen off yet.

Sawyer: You’re ridiculous. But
seriously, I would die if it ever did! LOL see you soon!

The strum of Dave’s guitar grabs our attention and everyone
starts clapping and cheering as the show starts.
I turn my gaze to Sam who is wearing a
smile as I catch him staring at me. I mouth the words “I love you” and pucker my
lips for an air kiss. Reaching down under my stool, he swiftly slides me over
to be closer to his side and places his lips on mine. The music, his lips, and
the pure happiness I am feeling have me swooning. I doubt I’ll ever grow tired
of this sappy love shit. It feels too damn good, no matter what the risk.

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