Read Feros and the Underworld Prince Online

Authors: A.L. Bridges

Tags: #humor, #gods and goddesses, #paranormal, #contemporary, #romance, #fantasy, #supernatural, #action, #supernatural abilities, #mythology

Feros and the Underworld Prince (42 page)

Addie’s dead.” I reply to Cheza as everyone in the room starts freaking out, with the exception of Naia.

And you’re at least partially responsible.” I tell Naia as I hold her against the wall.

Cole, what are you doing!?” Ryuji frantically asks.

She works for Horus. She let in half of the forces that the vice president of the fight club had and is partially responsible for the bullet that Ryan put in Addie’s skull.” I say while staring directly into Naia’s eyes.

A tear rolling down Naia’s cheek is the first sign that everything isn’t as it seems. The second sign is the fact that her face isn’t showing confusion and/or fear, but resignation and guilt.

(Hurry up and kill her so we can go find Horus)

No, not yet… she still has information that I need.”

Cole, just let her go and we can sit down and talk about this.” Ryuji pleads.

No… that won’t work.” I reply.

Before Ryuji can respond, I slam Naia into the wall, causing her to gasp, forcing her mouth open. I cover her open mouth with my left hand and pump some of my blood down her throat.

Airi, you know what to do.”

Naia doesn’t struggle or anything of the sort; she just closes her eyes and accepts her fate. With my eyelids becoming heavier by the moment, I lower Naia’s body to the ground and pass out beside her.


I find myself floating in the dark reaches of Naia’s mind. I keep expecting the movie theater screens to popup, but nothing does. I float around for a bit when I start hearing voices, so I head towards them. There’s a bright flash of light and I suddenly see a man with a falcon’s head standing in front of me; this is either Horus or Ra, but my money’s on Horus.

The body that I’m occupying, which is most likely Naia’s, holds out a letter for Horus. Horus takes the envelope and flicks his finger out, which transforms into a talon. He drags the talon through the top of the envelope, removes the letter, and begins reading it aloud.

I, the Ifrit King, offer this marid/ifrit hybrid as a sign of my and my people’s allegiance to you, our lord Horus. She is eight years old and her name is Anai. Do with her as you wish.” Horus reads.

Well I suppose I should give you a name… from today onward, you will be known as Naia.” Horus dictates with a creepy smile that quickly turns into a scowl, which perplexes me given his falcon head and thus his lack of lips.

What are you slow or something? Nod in agreement!” Horus orders and Naia’s head quickly nods.

Good. Now come here.” Horus commands and Naia’s legs move forward. Horus sets his hand on top of Naia’s head.

Ecutus-say Irma-fay Acitus-tay

My vision blurs as the body falls over before a forward blur of memories, during which I feel disconnected from the body. I pick up on the unwanted sexual advances by Horus, until a time when Naia is about fourteen or fifteen and Horus takes her virginity. I see images of what must be magic lessons from Isis; I don’t know what else the Egyptian goddess of magic would be doing with Naia that involved circles and incantations. Her admiration for Isis is easily felt in each of her memories of her. The memory stream slows down and finally stops on an event that is from a few months prior.

I’ve decided that we need The Faction’s former executioner out of the way to further my plans to take over the Underworld. He is currently in the Underworld looking into the enhancements so I’m going to have him captured. This is where you come in: you are going to befriend him in captivity by telling him you have amnesia. He should be able to relate to this because he previously had amnesia, up until yesterday when a liche reported through Ahriman that he regained his memories. He shouldn’t have any problems seeing you, but if he can’t, just observe the situation and report back to me. Now, in all likeliness, he will be broken out of captivity by his friends and/or various gods, and will take you with him. Once you are close to him, I want you to manipulate his dreams.

Right about now, the liche should be controlling a vampire to execute the Executioner’s fox girlfriend right in front of him so this will most likely be a sensitive topic, and a good way to haunt him into killing himself. Don’t attempt to kill him yourself because you’ll most likely fail and it may leave a trail back to me if you succeed. Head to Duzakh, meet up with Ahriman and don’t tell him anything he doesn’t need to know.” Horus commands.

I figured that I was in the Persian district of the Underworld on that occasion, but I never got confirmation on it.

Yes, Master.” Naia’s voice replies.

So Horus set the whole thing up while having all intents of sacrificing Apep and Ahriman… he obviously thinks things through and has no problem sacrificing pawns when the need arises. He also seems to be very well informed when it comes to me… Taking him out is going to be tough.

Naia’s memories surge forward again as I see her spend over a day in Ahriman’s cage awaiting my arrival. The memories pass by Naia coming to Arizona before slowing down. I watch as Naia sneaks into my bedroom while I’m sleeping and rests her hands on my head.

Omnium-say Utavi-may Ortua-may Upressio-say Epetivi-ray.” Naia whispers, her vision blurring slightly on the last word.

Naia stands next to my sleeping form with her hands on my head until I jolt awake. The memories flash forward and stop a day later, on a memory of her laying her hand on my cheek in the master bedroom.

Anxi-say Epetivi-ray.” Naia whispers and crawls into the master bed, next to a sleeping Katie. I recall having two dreams that I felt were odd after I woke up, and the one I had in the master bedroom was one of them.

(In all of the dreams involving Kita, the setting of the dream is the place of your last memory. Those two dreams you felt were strange should have taken place in the driveway and in the underground clinic, which is where your last memories were; however, they took place in the master bedroom and your bedroom because they were supplemented with Naia’s knowledge of your body’s location. Illusion magic of that nature can’t be done unless you open your mind to your victim’s in kind)

Wait, I was in Niflheim for one of the dreams; how did Naia set up the spell for that one?”

(She never did. That spell requires two instances of contact with the sleeping victim to initiate. From then on, the spell keeps a reoccurring theme and the victim’s subconscious fills in the rest)

Thanks for clearing that up, Airi.”

The memories advance and stop on one that is from approximately three weeks ago. Naia is in the forest behind Graythorn Hall with her hand on top of an elaborate circular glyph that has been carved into the forest floor and is emitting a faint purple glow.

What do you mean the dreams have been blocked!?” Horus’s voice echoes furiously through my mind.

I apologize, Master; I do not understand what is going on.” Naia replies.

Ugh… consider yourself on standby for the time being.” Horus says and ends the communication, causing the purple glow to fade.

Naia’s memories flash forward and stop on one that seems to have taken place yesterday. She’s back in the forest again, with her hand on another circle that has been drawn in the dirt.

Tonight, you will open the gate for twenty enhanced vampires that I am giving the wizard as backup. Soon, the werewolf girl is going to be kidnapped to get Mr. Treyfair to surrender himself; apparently the wizard knows the route that the girl takes to school. The electrified cage that I gave the wizard the blueprints for should be enough to hold Mr. Treyfair.” Horus’s voice echoes in my mind.

By the sounds of it, the thing with Jessica was just an unexpected opportunity type of thing…

Please Master! Promise me that you won’t harm the girl!” I hear Naia beg.

Is it because she reminds you of yourself when you were young?” Horus asks but Naia doesn’t respond.

Very well, I shall give the wizard strict orders to not harm the girl.” Horus replies.

This explains Naia’s reaction; she was under the impression that Addie wouldn’t be harmed. Yet Horus ordered Ryan to kill her regardless… he’s going to pay for this. I wonder why he ordered Cheza to be taken too… he must of known that she could have destroyed the wizard’s full force easily.

(For shits and giggles?)

Yeah, probably. Alright Airi, I’m ready to get out of here.”

Naia’s memories disappear and I’m left floating through the darkness once again.

(There is one last thing you must address while you are here. In the first of Naia’s memories that you witnessed, Horus was utilizing a specified spell used by gods to control the lesser species. This one prevents Naia from disobeying her orders and from speaking about her orders to anyone or for any reason. It’s that golden string over there to your right.)

I look to my right and see a golden rope that is roughly an inch in diameter floating through the darkness.

(You have the capability to destroy it and free her, which is as simple as grasping the string with your left hand; or destroy her for her part in Adelaide’s murder, which is as simple as grasping her head with your left hand. The choice is yours)

The choice is easy.


I jolt awake on the floor.

Cole!” Cheza screams; it appears as though she has been crying for a while.

Sara, I need my armored jeans, jacket, boots, and holster. Where are they?” I ask.

Cole, slow down and explain what’s going on! How did Addie di—” Sara cries.

WHERE ARE THEY!?” I demand loudly, causing her to jump slightly.

They’re in the closet of your room; down the hall, first door on the left.” Sara replies, cowering almost imperceptibly and making me feel horrible because of it.

I hop to my feet and walk down the hall. My room is simple: just a desk, a dresser, and a full-sized bed. I open the closet door on my left that contains only my jacket, holster, jeans, boots, and armored suit. I pass on the suit; for my plan against Horus, my suit isn’t going to work because he most likely doesn’t know about it. I grab my equipment and some clean boxers before walking into the bathroom across the hall for a quick shower to wash the blood off of me… most of it Addie’s…

I return to the living room after dressing, as Naia gets to her feet. I draw my Sic dagger from the pouch and bring it to her neck.

I understand that you truly didn’t think Addie would be harmed because Horus promised you she wouldn’t be, despite ordering Ryan to kill her regardless of what happened… I’m not sure if I’ll ever forgive you, but at least your will is your own now. Just know that if you ever betray me again, I’ll use my blood inside you to make it look as though your internal organs have been run through a blender.” I tell her as I stare into her guilt-ridden eyes.

I love you, Cheza. See you around.” I say with sadness and a half smile as my words of farewell.

Cole, wait!” Cheza yells as she lunges at me, but I’ve already touched my Haglaz rune.

What’s up bro? You look like your about to go to war… did something happen to Rei!?” Jason asks as I appear in his room.

No, it’s Addie…” I reply solemnly until I realize that he never got the chance to meet her.

What’s happened to Adelaide?” Jason asks; Right, the CT channel.

She was killed…” I reply.

Well, let’s hurry up and go find her then!” Jason exclaims.

She isn’t here. Apparently beings like her don’t go to the Underworld.” I inform him.

Then where would she go?” Jason asks.

I don’t know… I’m here to kill Horus. He’s the one that ordered her to be killed.” I explain.

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