Read Fierce Enchantment Online

Authors: Carrie Ann Ryan

Tags: #Romance

Fierce Enchantment (16 page)

He shook her and whispered her name in her ear, afraid to speak any louder. Just because he couldn’t see the pixies around them didn’t mean they weren’t there. They were shielded for a reason. In fact, he was sure that the mist had transported them somewhere else—most likely to the pixie realm. He needed Faith in her best shape to get them out of there safely.

Her eyes fluttered open, but he pressed his fingers to her lips. He shook his head, not wanting her to speak until they knew where they were.

She pulled from his grasp, shaking out her arms and wings. He wasn’t sure she even knew she was doing the latter, but at least she was acting instinctively for the moment. They’d need all the help they could get.

Instead of freaking out about where they were, she put her back to his, protecting his flank so he could do the same for her. God, he loved this woman. The shock of that thought slammed into him, but he forced himself to push it away and think about it later. He’d deal with the fact that he knew he’d never let his woman go, even if he’d been telling himself—and her—that he’d give her the option if that’s what she needed.

“Where are we?” Faith whispered, so low he was surprised he even heard her.

“Pixie realm, I think,” he whispered back. It didn’t matter at this point if the others heard them. They were probably listening and watching them the entire time. The pixies would be able to see through the dark mist since they were the ones that had created it. Faith would have to learn that handy trick.

Just one more thing to add to the list.

First, though, they’d have to survive.

The mist began to fade, and he reached around to grip Faith’s hand. She didn’t have a weapon, and he needed only one hand to do most of his magic, but he released her after a squeeze, knowing they needed every advantage they could get—even if they didn’t have one to begin with.

The purple haze faded completely, and Levi wanted to groan. Of course it couldn’t have been the sweet—if tenacious—pixies who only wanted to play tricks and giggle that had kidnapped them. No, these were ones that clearly had to be part of the inner circle of the crown.

Pixies in their paranormal form were the same size as humans. Their bodies glittered in varying shades depended on which clan they came from. Faith’s skin was naturally pale, so her skin glittered like diamonds on cream while some of the other pixies were more like gemstones or diamonds on caramel and chocolate. They were truly beautiful and terrifying. Many of them had chopped off their hair into bobs or pulled up in ponytails to keep it out of their face—easier to fight in, he supposed. Their wings resembled butterfly wings like Faith’s rather than angel wings like Shade and Ambrose. Only a few of them had garnet or ruby coloring at the moment, their anger so potent he could practically taste it. Others had lighter shades of pink and purple, their moods more annoyed than truly angry. The ones with blue or white wings scared him more though considering he couldn’t tell what they were feeling. They didn’t care they were there to begin with, or they were true sociopaths that felt nothing and were ready to kill in an instant.

Not something he wanted to fight.

Each of the men and women surrounding them was covered in leather and chains. Skin peeked out here and there to entice, but they weren’t succubi who used sex to get what they wanted and to survive. These wore the clothing of their people to show their status in society. Each held blades, apparently ready to fight and kill.

Fuck, he didn’t want to deal with this. If he used his magic to get out of this, he might start a war between their peoples. He wasn’t just a normal wizard. He was the wizard prince and their Conclave member. If he acted rashly, he would be speaking for his entire people, not just his need to survive and protect his mate.

The ones in front of him weren’t the pixie queen or her family members, Levi knew. They didn’t wear the insignia of her people that each wore to designate their claim to the throne, but considering what they wore, he had a feeling they were close enough to the crown to worry him.

“We’re taking you to the queen, filthy half-breed,” the woman closest to them spat. From the way the others looked to her for guidance, he had a feeling she was the one in charge—at least of their merry little group.

Faith cursed behind him, and he wanted to scream. These pixies were seriously about to start a war or at least make things
difficult for their realm because they were bigoted little bastards.

“You have no right to take us from our home,” Levi said, his voice smooth. He was the logical one, the one brought to the fight to talk the opponent out of killing. He was also powerful enough to make those who refused to listen to reason regret it.

“We have
right. Now shut the fuck up while we take you to our queen.” The woman lashed out with her whip and struck Levi in the face. He didn’t flinch, but he felt the warm trickle of blood flow down his face. Only the tip had cut into his flesh, and he knew it was more of a warning than anything else, but he vowed it would be the last time the bitch hurt him.

Faith turned behind him and came to his side, her fists clenched, her wings fluttering red. “What the hell? You’ll be sorry you did that, you bitch.”

He didn’t grip Faith to his side and tell her to stop speaking. That would show weakness on both their parts. Besides, he liked the fact that she’d stood up for him. She also didn’t go on the attack since she had to know that, against so many pixies, it would be tough to get out of there alive.

The pixie in charge narrowed her eyes at Faith’s wings then turned on her heel and stomped away. The others pressed at Levi and Faith, apparently wanting them to follow the lead pixie’s path.

He gripped Faith’s hand, wanting her close. He lowered his head so his lips were right by her ear. “We’ll get out of this. Just don’t attack unless I give you the okay.”

“Fine by me,” she whispered back. “You’re more experienced.” He heard the anger in her tone and knew it grated on her that she couldn’t do anything about their situation. He felt the same way, but he had to hope there was a way out of this without death or war.

Of course to save Faith and those he loved, he’d flatten the world and bring death to those who fought against him. But if he could avoid that, he would.

The pixies kept Levi and Faith free from bonds and ropes but still surrounded them so he could find no way out. This was not the introduction to Faith’s new world that Levi wanted for her. However, there was only so much he could have done. He knew—in fact all of those close to the lightning-struck had known—that the realms were watching. One glimpse at Faith, even with her wings hidden away, and they would have known she was a pixie. Paranormals could tell who their brethren were just by sight or scent. Scouts would have told those in charge what Faith now was, and it was only a matter of time before things were taken to the next level. He’d hoped, though, that the pixies would have wanted Faith as theirs, or at least tolerated her.

Each of the lightning-struck had a different experience, and now Levi would do all in his power to ensure Faith survived hers. And if he found Faith a weapon, she’d be able to protect herself as well. Nothing sexier than a woman who was also a warrior.

They followed the path toward what Levi assumed was the royal territory. On the way, they passed all forms of pixies who regarded them with curiosity. From the way their eyes widened and the whispers passed among them, they either knew who Faith was or weren’t used to having leather-bound pixies carting off a wizard and one newly of their own.

Faith’s gaze followed each and every pixie they passed, and Levi wanted to scream at the injustice of it all. She should have been welcomed in their arms and found a people that she could have been part of. She deserved so much more than the hypocrisy of their situation.

He vowed that she would find her place among the pixies if it killed him. And if that didn’t work, he’d ensure she’d be welcome in the wizard realm as his mate and true half. He was done waiting, done sitting back and allowing time to pass so they could breathe. The space he’d put between them so she could find her way had only hurt them.

There was only so much he could do and not break.

There was only so much Faith could do and not break.

The pixies led them through the chamber doors once they reached a large black castle. If he’d been able to sit back and enjoy the scenery, he might have found it enticing. Right then, however, it looked more like a prison draped in chains.

The forty or so pixies that had brought them there pulled away to stand in lines and left Levi and Faith to face a woman seated on a throne.

The pixie Queen.

Her dark eyes narrowed, and she ran her hand through her long, straight, raven-black hair. She’d dressed herself in a leather skirt and top with chains and straps crisscrossing over her body. The short skirt had a sheer layer over the top of it that went to her ankles but had a slit up each side for easy movement.

In other words, she looked like a royal who could fight her own battles.

Not someone Levi particularly wanted to mess with, but if he had to, he would.

“What is this?” she asked, her voice low, sultry.

The lead pixie that had kidnapped them stepped forward, her head bowed. “My Queen, I have brought you the half-breed and the wizard scum she fucks.”

Faith growled next to him, and he knew it wouldn’t be long before both of them broke. There was only so much they could take before they needed to fight back—even if they couldn’t win.

The queen blinked then stood up, her long legs taking large strides. “Veronica, what is the meaning of this?”

The other woman flinched, her body bending into more of a bow.

Interesting. It seemed that the queen hadn’t been the one to order their abduction. That would help her case if Levi brought the events to the wizard council. Of course, the queen could just be a fantastic actress and doing this all for show. He always tried to never underestimate his enemies.

“My Queen, the half-breed. She’s a threat to the crown. I have brought her here as a prize so you will be able to do with her as you wish.”

The queen cursed then slapped the other woman so hard that Veronica staggered back and fell to the ground.

“You’re a clueless idiot. Do you
who you brought with Faith? That is Levi Hughes, Crown Prince of the wizard realm, and you
him. In. My. Name.”

Levi let out a breath and squeezed Faith’s hand. There might be a way out of this after all.

“Get the fuck out of my chambers while I’m still calm, you dumb bitch,” the queen—Jezebel, he remembered—screamed.

Veronica and her minions scurried out of the room, leaving the queen and some of her people alone with Levi and Faith.

Jezebel turned toward them, her hands on her hips. “Did they hurt you?” She raked her gaze over his body, and Levi felt as though he needed a shower. Just because she didn’t want him dead right then didn’t mean he trusted her.

“He’s bleeding, and keep your eyes off my mate,” Faith growled.

Levi smiled despite the situation. It seemed his mate was a little territorial. The mere fact that she’d used the word
in such a possessive tone made him want to howl like a shifter. However, antagonizing a queen probably wasn’t the best way to make friends. Not that he cared, considering this realm had taken them from their home against their will.

“I see he’s bleeding,” Jezebel said, her voice almost bored. He didn’t trust that though, not with the way her eyes studied the two of them so intently. “Anything other than that?”

“I don’t know about the damage to my house as of yet, so I don’t know. Next time your little minion wants me to stop by, she should just call or text. Much easier than stealing me from my home and threatening my life and the life of my mate.”

Fuck, he loved his woman.

He’d tell her that. Soon.

Jezebel narrowed her eyes then threw her head back and laughed. “Oh, you’re going to be a welcome member of our realm, Faith.”

“I don’t know if I want to be part of your realm, thank you very much. Not the best introduction.”

Jezebel shrugged. “Whatever. Those wings you hold so tightly to your back speak otherwise. You don’t have to decide now, but you’re one of us. And from the magic that pours out of you, I’d say your blood speaks of someone closer to the royals than those beneath us.”

Levi ground his teeth. He didn’t like this woman, and fuck, he didn’t want to think about what it would mean if Faith’s blood was royal. If she was close to the crown, she’d have to fight those who wanted to take her place in order to stay alive. It didn’t matter if Faith didn’t want it. The way of the pixies was a brutal death match compared to even the demons who literally fought in hell.

“Can you tell us what bloodline she comes from?” Levi interrupted, needing to get as much information as he could. Tristan and Dante would be able to get more information about what powers Faith would have if they knew that.

Jezebel raised a brow. “She’s of the Sangue line.”

Levi froze, trying to keep his expression calm. That was one of the deadliest lines, if he recalled correctly. Faith would one day be able to create diseases and burst blood vessels if she was close enough to her prey. Levi didn’t know much about the different lines, but he knew of that one.

“You’re boring me now,” Jezebel said lazily. “You can leave, but I can’t promise Veronica will make it easy.”

“You’re just going to let your people try to kill us?” Faith asked, her voice incredulous.

The queen sighed. “You’re a pixie. You’ll have to fight for your right to live within the pixie realm. I can order her not to attack you in other realms, but if she wants your death in this realm, it’s her right as my second.”

Her second. Well, that was fucking perfect.

“Where can I open a portal?” Levi asked, trying to remain calm. He couldn’t open a portal in all parts of every realm, as their magic didn’t mesh. The human realm was different, as there wasn’t any magic to begin with—or at least not much anymore—but this wasn’t his home.

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