Read Fierce Enchantment Online

Authors: Carrie Ann Ryan

Tags: #Romance

Fierce Enchantment (20 page)

Despite being tired earlier from their day, she was revved and primed, wanting Levi with every ounce of her being. She pushed back against him, forcing him to go deeper, and they both groaned. Before she could move again, he pulled out and flipped her on her back. He lifted one leg so her knee was beside her cheek and thrust into her at a rapid pace. The position forced him to go as deep as he’d ever been, and she had to keep her eyes from rolling to the back of her head.

“You feel so good, Levi. For the love of God, let me come.”

He grinned then reached up to roll her nipple between his fingers. The sensation made her pussy clench around him, and his eyes widened.

“Oh, that’s good to know, pixie. That’s good to fucking know.” He rolled her nipple again, and she came. Her body shook, her cunt gripping Levi’s dick like a vise. This time her eyes
roll to the back of her head, and she lost the ability to speak. She wanted to scream his name, say thank you, or at least groan, but she couldn’t do any of it. Instead, she moved her hips closer to him as he came as well then lay limp when he collapsed on top of her.

“Faith?” he grunted.

“Need. Air.” He might be sexy as hell, but he was also heavy.

He rolled over and took her with him. “You okay?” he asked.

“Never better,” she whispered and buried into him. It didn’t scare her as much anymore, this depth of need she had for him. It almost didn’t scare her at all. The bond flared between them, and she settled into his arms, knowing she would be safe when she slept.

This trust, this warmth, she’d never had it before, never known it existed. But with Levi, it was true.

He was hers. Her mate. Her fate. If only the world around them would let it happen.


Chapter Sixteen



Faith licked her lips then gripped Levi’s dick. He moaned in his sleep, and she grinned. Poor wizard was going to wake up horny has hell. She should probably do something about that. She knelt between his legs and licked around the base of his cock before moving down to his balls. He squirmed, but she was sure he wasn’t quite awake yet.


Holding back a grin, she licked up his dick then teased the slit at the crown. Her man still hadn’t woken, but his body had stiffened ever so slightly. He was close. Oh, so close. Knowing she had to work fast, she opened her mouth wide and swallowed as much of him as she could. What she couldn’t put in her mouth, she fisted in her hands.

“Holy hell. Good morning,” Levi grunted, his voice a growl.

She hummed along his cock and bobbed her head, making sure he woke up in the best way possible. Levi gripped her head and pressed her down. She relaxed her jaw and let him take control for just a moment. She actually liked deep throating as long as the guy didn’t try to choke her, and Levi was good at taking care of her. She pulled back then worked him harder. His balls grew tight in her hand, and he groaned.

“I’m going to come, Faith. Pull back.”

She hollowed her cheeks and slid up his length but didn’t move away. The first spurt of his seed was hot and salty, and she continued to suck him as he came down her throat. By the time he was done, she was aching with need and shaking.

“Your turn. I need my breakfast.”

Before she knew it, she was on her back and her legs were wrapped around Levi’s neck.

He sucked her clit into his mouth, and she clamped her legs around his head. Holy hell, the man had a talented tongue.

“You taste so fucking sweet, Faith,” Levi murmured against her pussy. “I could eat you out every fucking day and still not get enough.”

“Please do. Eat me out. For the love of God, never let your mouth leave my cunt.”

He hummed against her, fucking her with his tongue, and she came, her body bowing, her nipples aching, and her skin breaking out into a sweat. By the time she came down from her high, Levi had his lips on hers, his hands gently caressing her breasts.

“We need to go, my love, but that was the best morning wakeup a guy could ask for. Again tomorrow?”

She swallowed hard, knowing tomorrow was another step into a future with a man she truly wanted now.




Faith tried not to fidget in Levi’s living room, but she couldn’t help it. Levi’s parents would be dropping off the girls soon, and she wasn’t sure how things were going to go. Instead of heading directly to his parents’ house, they let his parents do the traveling in case Lynn was on the lookout for Levi. They hadn’t caught sight of her, and neither had anyone in the castle’s guard. For a woman with very little offensive magic and only frayed connections with those in power, Lynn was turning into quite the elusive, conniving wizard.

Damn her.

“We’re going to find her,” Levi growled. “She can’t hide for long. I don’t know what the fuck she was thinking, but this is just like her. She wants what she had before, so she’s pulling out the stops to make sure she pushes you out of the way. Well, fuck that. She can’t have her old place, she can’t have me, and she sure as fuck can’t have the girls. She crossed the line, and I’m sick of it. Sick of her.”

Faith placed her hands on Levi’s chest and sighed. “Don’t kick yourself for this. You never loved her. You didn’t choose her. You married her to make your families happy. I don’t like what happened, but you got two precious little girls out of it, so take that as a blessing. As for Lynn, she can’t hide for long, and she’s lost her advantage. It’s only a matter of time before we find her and she has to deal with the consequences of her actions.”

The bond pulsed between them, and she had to hold back another sigh, this one much warmer, much headier. She loved his man, this wizard. It didn’t matter that she’d spent the past months trying to deny what she felt because she was scared of it, but she loved him. She loved the way he cared for his family and those he called his, loved the way he fought for what was right, even if he normally used words, rather than fists, to get the point across.

She just plain loved him.

And soon she’d actually tell him that. Tell him she wanted forever and everything that came with it. Tell him that she’d take Juliana and Arya as they came and would learn to be part of their lives.

No matter how she and Levi came to be mated, their bond was true, and there was no use denying it any longer.

She just needed the right moment to tell him. Unfortunately, this was not that right moment. Not with the girls so close and Lynn’s absence and devious plans between them.

“Daddy? What’s going on?”

Faith let out a small breath and turned toward Juliana, who had come into the house with Arya and Levi’s parents.

“I’ll explain everything. I promise,” Levi said then gave Faith a look. “Girls, you remember Faith, right?”

Arya came up to Levi’s side and leaned into him. He ran a hand through her hair, but still, the girl didn’t speak. Her head moved once down then back up, and Faith took that as a nod.

“We know her. Mom said she was a bad woman who came to break us up.”

If Faith hadn’t already wanted to kill Lynn off for daring to hurt Levi, she would have wanted it right then. That woman was fucking up her kids because she was a jealous loser. Seriously, the girls had enough going on with the fact that their parents weren’t together anymore, and for a year, they thought they wouldn’t be seeing their father again for decades. Now Lynn was pushing her own agenda and hurting her girls. What kind of mother did that? Not a good one, that was for sure.

Levi knelt down between his two girls, and Faith could see from the tension in his shoulders that he wasn’t happy with Lynn’s influence but was doing his damnedest not to freak out in front of everyone.

“Listen to me. Faith is part of my life now. She has been since I saw her on the battlefield over a year ago. She is
the reason your mother and I are no longer married. I know it’s hard on you both that your mother and I couldn’t make it work, but I’m still your family, even if we live in a different home than we used to. Even if we don’t live with your mother.” The girls wouldn’t be going back to Lynn
, but that was a whole other discussion. “But Faith? She comes with me now.” Levi met his daughters’ eyes, and Faith held her breath. “She’s my mate. Do you know what that means?”

Juliana’s eyes filled, and she nodded, her lower lip quivering. Arya gave Faith a small smile before burying her face into Levi’s neck.

“I will always love you girls. No matter what happens. I will
love you.”

Levi held his girls close, and Faith stood off to the side. She felt as though she was an outsider, even if Levi had accepted her as his. She’d figure out what to do eventually, but now wasn’t the time. As long as she could be in their lives, be in Levi’s life, she’d figure it all out.

“Levi? We need to talk with you.”

Faith straightened at Levi’s father’s words. “Can I help?”

Levi turned to her and kissed her temple. “I need to work on a couple things with my dad about security, and then I’ll be back. Can you watch the girls?”

Faith looked down at the two girls who looked up at her with wide eyes. She could do this. It wasn’t as if Levi and his parents were leaving the house. They were just leaving the room. It wasn’t as if they could discuss security measures about searching for Lynn in front of the girls.

“No problem. We’ll be fine.” Levi kissed her temple again then kissed the top of the girls’ heads before walking out with his father.

Faith rocked back on her heels and awkwardly stood in silence as both of the girls stared at her.


“Are you really Daddy’s mate?” Juliana asked.

Faith took a deep breath then nodded. “Yes. Yes, I am.”

“But aren’t you human?” The little girl paused. “No. You’re different now.”

Faith gave her a small smile. “I’m a pixie. It’s a long story.”

“A pixie!” Juliana said, her eyes wide. “I love pixies. Can you show me your wings?”

Apparently, all it took for a little girl to get excited was a mention of wings and pixies. Faith was sure Juliana was far from being happy, and she had no idea what was going on with Arya, but at least they weren’t staring at each other like the other was crazy.

“Mommy!” Arya screamed, her whole body shaking.

Juliana and Faith froze at the sound of Arya’s raspy voice. The little girl hadn’t spoken in over a year, yet…

The hairs on the back of Faith’s neck rose, and she turned on her heel, pulling both girls behind her.

“Get your hands off my daughters,” Lynn demanded, magic swirling around her. Unlike Levi’s blue aura, Lynn’s was more gray with browns and blacks interspersed.

Rather than the intensity that Levi gave off, Lynn’s was muted but held a vehemence that Faith didn’t want to get to know any better.

“You’re not coming near them, Lynn.” Faith didn’t have time to explain to the two very confused little girls behind her what was going on, but she wasn’t about to let Lynn hurt them.

“You think you can come right in here and take my life? You’re nothing but a mongrel, and you’re making my daughters scared of me.” She lashed out, and a magic bolt arched near Faith’s head—too close to the girls for comfort.

“Levi!” Faith screamed. She could maybe take out Lynn on her own, but she couldn’t do that and keep the girls safe at the same time. There was no way she was strong enough for that. And how the hell had Lynn gotten in without Levi and the others figuring it out?

“You think my pathetic traitor of a husband can help you now? I pulled in a new set of wards as soon as I broke through his. He will have to spend a hell of a lot of energy to get to you and my daughters.”

Faith held back a curse. Juliana and Arya both pushed into her for comfort, and Faith wanted to scream. At least the girls weren’t running to their mother. The show of magic and the manic look on Lynn’s face was proof enough that something was terribly wrong.

“How did you get through the wards?” Faith asked, trying to give Levi and his parents as much time as possible to breathe through the wards. She wasn’t sure if Lynn was aware his parents were there and able to help, and she wasn’t about to enlighten the other woman.

“Mine is not the same kind of magic as Levi’s,” Lynn explained, bouncing a ball of light between her hands.

Faith wanted to believe that the woman wouldn’t hurt her own children, but she was pretty sure that was far from the case. The girls were just pawns to Lynn, and now that things were out in the open, they weren’t worth anything to her.

Fuck this woman.

“Unlike Levi, I don’t have the same offensive magic. I can kill and maim like him.” She rolled her eyes as both girls started crying. “Your daddy is a very bad man. He kills and doesn’t care, right, Faith?”

“Shut up about Levi, Lynn. You’re not going to hurt these girls.”

“I beg to differ, but as I was saying, my magic is different. I can slide through wards and help others to do the same. My magic is more of a defense to help me get what I want. And what I want is power. You’re standing in my way, Faith, and I can’t have that.”

“You can’t win here, Lynn. There is nowhere you can run that Levi won’t find you. It doesn’t matter what you think you can accomplish, there is no power for you to gain. You said it yourself. You don’t have the offensive powers to win. Just stand down, and no one has to get hurt.”

Lynn snarled and let out another bolt of magic, this one shaking the floor beneath their feet. Faith pushed the girls back toward the couch and held her hands up, tugging on the magic within.

“Close your eyes, girls,” she whispered and prayed the girls would do as she asked.

Lynn screamed and threw out another bolt of magic. The mating bond between Faith and Levi flared, and Faith knew her mate was close to breaking through the wards. She didn’t know how she knew, she just knew.

Faith focused on the blood vessels in Lynn’s ears. She let a small surge of magic pour through her, and Lynn screamed, clutching the side of her head.

“You bitch!” The woman used her other hand and waved it up, magic arching straight at Faith and Levi’s daughters.

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