Fierce Enchantment (19 page)

Read Fierce Enchantment Online

Authors: Carrie Ann Ryan

Tags: #Romance

“You end me, and another will come and end her. It will never stop until she proves herself,” Veronica snarled, regaining her composure. “Of course, I don’t think she’s going to be able to do it. She’s an untrained pixie with no clue how to use her powers. It will be a child’s game to kill her.”

Levi’s ball of magic grew, and Faith gripped his elbow.

“Steady,” she whispered, trying to tug on the magic within her. She could sense it, a small kernel of power that had the potential to grow into something more substantial, but she couldn’t for the life of her figure out how to use it. What would she do if she couldn’t use magic? She couldn’t get close enough to Veronica to use the skills she possessed, so she would just have to wing it. This was exactly how clueless idiots got killed, and she refused to be one of those, damn it.

Veronica smiled, and Faith grew cold. She tried to pull on the magic inside, but it didn’t work. Instead, she stood frozen as the other woman lashed out. Faith braced herself for the pain, but instead of physical pain, the bond with Levi tightened, and she let out a gasp.

Levi fell to his knees, blood pouring out of six large slashes across his chest. Faith went to his side, her hands shaking. Her mate shook his head at her, using his own magic to heal his wounds while keeping his attention on Veronica.

Faith turned on her heel toward the bitch and cursed. “You fucking whore! What do you think you’re doing? You took a cheap shot against my mate. Not me.”

Veronica smiled sweetly. “I want you to hurt before I kill you.”

Something inside Faith broke, and she moved to stand in front of Levi. She held her arms out, her body thrumming with energy. Veronica’s eyes widened as Faith’s body glittered, her wings sliding out of her back and glowing crimson red. She didn’t know how she was doing it, but she focused on Veronica’s blood vessels, finding the ones in her eyes, her ears, her mouth, her nose, anything to take this woman down without killing her. At least not yet.

Faith tugged on those vessels and let her magic snap into place like a warm, but deadly sharp friend, emitting a call so primal she knew she would have to think about it later to truly understand it, if she ever could

Veronica screamed as she fell to her knees, blood pouring from her mouth, her nose, her ears, and her eyes. She wasn’t dead and would not die from her wounds, but there was no way the other woman could hide the pain Faith knew she’d inflicted.

“Touch my man again, and I’ll cut off your head,” Faith warned. Her magic pulled back, folding in on itself like a cat finding a place to rest. It would be ready to strike if needed, but Faith didn’t think she’d need to hit again.

Veronica was down for the count. Apparently, Veronica’s power to slice through another person with just her mind wasn’t fast enough.

The pixie had been right to worry about Faith’s powers.

If only the woman had actually done something beyond taunting with that worry.

The other person who had been watching as Veronica’s witness scurried off, probably to tell the other pixies what had happened.

“Levi? Oh, my God, Levi!”

At the sound of another woman’s voice, Faith turned her back to Veronica, who wouldn’t be getting up any time soon. Before she knew it, blocking Levi as much as she could, she found herself standing in front of an older couple. They looked familiar to her, but she couldn’t place them.

“Who are you, and how did you get through my wards?”

The man raised a brow while the woman looked ready to do murder.

“Faith, it’s okay. These are my parents.”

Faith cursed but didn’t move. She’d have to apologize later for what she was about to say. “I don’t care. They got through the wards same as Veronica, and we both know that the pixie needed help from someone who knew you to break through them.”

“You’re really accusing me of trying to hurt my own son?” his mother asked, her face pale. “He’s our

“Rose, let Faith figure out our merits on her own,” Levi’s father said calmly. “We were not the ones who did this, but I have a feeling we know who it was.” He looked over Faith at his son, who had come to stand behind her. Relief poured into her that Levi was strong enough to do that. “I think we both know who the true culprit is, don’t we, son?”

Levi gripped Faith’s hip, and she let him move her to his side. He brushed his lips along her neck then her temple, and she let out a breath. He didn’t look any worse for wear, his skin completely healed, but the blood and tears in his clothes were a stark reminder that it had been too close for comfort.

“Who?” Faith asked.

Levi’s grip tightened for a moment before he visibly forced himself to relax. “Lynn.”

“Your ex-wife? Seriously? What the fuck?” She pulled away and stomped toward Veronica, who lay crying in a pool of blood on Faith’s lawn. Hopefully Levi would be able to clean that up because she did not want to have to deal with it later.

“Hey, you, pixie bitch, who sent you? Who let you through the wards?”

Veronica cried harder, and Faith let out a breath, a single thread of sympathy sliding through her until she remembered almost dying in the lake and the blood on Levi’s shirt.

“Tell me a name, and I’ll have them send you to your healers.” She wasn’t a hundred percent sure she could do that, but it didn’t seem out of the realm of Levi’s magic.

“Lynn...” Veronica rasped out. “Some wizard blonde bitch who wanted me to hurt you and Levi. Gods, please send me home. I won’t come near you again. I promise.”

It seemed that after the armor of hostility got wiped away, Veronica wasn’t as strong as she thought she was. That would scare the woman more, and Faith knew she’d leave her with that for eternity. Faith’s fight was far from over, but she at least was done with this woman.

“Levi? Can you send her home?” She turned to look over her shoulder and blinked when she found all three of the Hughes standing right behind her. They’d apparently followed her into the yard and hadn’t made a sound.

“Done,” Levi growled. She’d never seen him look so fierce before, so dangerous. It turned her on and scared her all at the same time.

She turned back, and Veronica’s body was gone, as was the pool of blood.

“Your ex-wife did all of this?” Faith said softly. “Why?”

“Because she wants the power of the wizard realm and is too stupid to realize that it takes more than a desire to rule,” Levi’s father said. “Faith, dear, I am Matthew, Levi’s father. This is my wife, Rose. This isn’t the way I wanted to introduce us to you, but at least we all are now on the same page.”

Faith turned to the older couple and leaned into Levi. “I…it’s nice to meet you.” She cringed. She’d just bloodied up a pixie and accused them of betrayal. Not the best way to meet the parents.

“Where are my girls?” Levi asked, and Faith wanted to hit herself.

“Are they okay? Does Lynn have them? Should we go now?” The questions tumbled out of her mouth, and she knew she needed to stop talking so others could actually answer.

Rose reached out and gripped Faith’s hand. Faith felt the other woman’s magic brush up against hers, but it was more of a caring strength than anything violent. “They were at the castle with their cousins and under guard. We thought Lynn was acting oddly since you divorced her, Levi. We weren’t sure what was going on, but we were trying to keep abreast of the situation.”

“As soon as we came here and saw the wards had been breached, we notified the castle to keep a lookout for Lynn,” Matthew said.

“So my girls are safe? We need to see them.”

Faith agreed whole-heartedly, but Rose shook her head. “Go soothe each other,” she said softly. “We will go back and stand guard. You both need to rest and recuperate before you track down Lynn. We won’t let anything happen to them. You have my word.”

“Mom…Dad…I need my girls.”

She’d never seen her mate look so lost, yet she knew what his parents were saying was true. They’d been through hell the past couple of days and needed time to make sure they were okay before they took on another enemy.

“Let them take care of the girls tonight, Levi,” Faith said, and her mate turned sharply toward her. She ignored the pain of his glare and continued. “If we show up bloody and tired, it will only alert the girls that something is coming. This will give us a chance to rest, as well as plan our next move.” She cupped his face, ignoring the curious glances from his parents. His stubble scrapped against her skin, and she sighed. “Let me make sure you’re safe before we go head-on into danger. Okay?”

Levi searched her face and nodded. “Okay.” His throat worked as he swallowed hard and turned to his parents. “You’re okay with Faith as my mate then? Because she’s not going anywhere. I hope you get that.”

She froze. This wasn’t the time or place to talk about that with his parents, nor had they spoken of forever with each other, but she wanted to know their answer anyway. Just because she’d finally told herself she never wanted to leave Levi’s side didn’t mean she was ready to tell the whole world. She needed to breathe first.

Rose closed her eyes, and Matthew let out a breath. “Levi, my son, use more tact next time,” his mother muttered. “Of course Faith is welcome to the family, pixie or not. We’re not so old-fashioned any more. Faith, darling, when we take care of Lynn, and you and Levi talk, then we will make it more formal. For now, welcome.” She opened her arms and hugged Faith close. Faith froze as the scent of flowers and spice surrounded her before a larger arm wrapped around her. Matthew.

“Welcome,” the older man said gruffly, and then they both pulled away, leaving her and Levi to themselves in the house.

Before she knew it, she and Levi were alone in her bedroom, her body shaking. “Not going anywhere?” she asked, the first words coming out of her mouth.

Levi met her gaze and traced her face with his finger. “We can talk of forever tomorrow. Right now, I need to be in you. Are you ready for that?”

“With you, Levi, I’m ready for anything.” And right then, she meant it with all of her heart.

He kissed her hard and she sighed into him. They stripped each other quickly, knowing they would have all the time in the world later to do it slowly, erotically. At least that’s what she hoped for.

He nibbled his way down her chest to kiss between her breasts, and she let out a little moan.

“I love your tits, Faith. They aren’t too big, but not too small, either. Just two overflowing handfuls.” He cupped them both and pressed them together. “See? So fucking perfect.” He buried his face between them and nibbled and licked. The scruff of his beard scraped against her sensitive skin, and she shivered. Damn, this man made her want to combust into an aching pile of ashes.

He moved his way down her belly, leaving a trail of sensuous kisses that made her burn.

“I’m going to lick your cunt until you scream, pixie mine. I want you to press your pussy against my face and make me so fucking hard that I’ll have to hold myself back from fucking you until we both pass out.”

Her pussy clenched, and she forced herself not to come from his words alone. Damn but this man was potent.

He licked up her inner thighs then sucked on her clit. Her knees went weak, but Levi held her up, his muscles not even straining at the action. Seriously, this man knew what he was doing, and she wanted him to do it every fucking day.

He hummed against her, and before she knew it, she was coming on his face, screaming so loudly she was afraid her neighbors would hear her.

She pulled away, her body shaking. “Fuck, Levi. I love your tongue.”

Her mate grinned then kissed her, showing her other delicious ways he could work that tongue of his.

“Let me taste you,” she murmured, and he groaned.

“How do you want it? You want me to let you take the reins, or do you want me to fuck your face?”

They’d done it both ways, the two of them giving up control whenever the other one needed it. It was amazing how they knew when the other needed to let go. And sometimes they just asked to make sure that they each got what they wanted. She’d never been in a relationship like this, and she knew this one was special. Levi was special.

“Fuck my face,” she said on a purr, and Levi cursed, gripping his dick.

“Just the way you said that almost made me come, Faith.”

“I know,” she said, moving between his legs. She loved the length of him. He wasn’t too thick, but she didn’t like that on guys anyway. He was just long enough that she couldn’t swallow all of him in one go and just thick enough that she had to keep her mouth open wide. Seriously, the man had the perfect cock for her. Who knew fate would get the details so right?

“Don’t come unless it’s down my throat. Okay?”

“Anything for you,” he said on a laugh then sucked in a breath when she licked down his length. “Holy hell, I love your mouth. Now keep still and relax your jaw.”

She did as she was told, and he slid his dick in and out. He wrapped her hair around his hand and sped up, going deeper each time. She rolled her tongue on each pass, loving the way her mate shuddered when she did so.

“Fuck, Faith, you are so fucking perfect,” he growled, pumping in and out of her.

He moved faster and faster, fucking her face but keeping in such control he never hit the back of her throat. Damn, the man knew exactly what they both needed. He pulled his hand away, and she took control, wanting to make him come. She hollowed her cheeks and sucked him hard, clamping down when he shouted.

He spurted on her tongue, coming hard down her throat. She swallowed each drop, not wanting to miss any of it. When he pulled away, he gripped her by the shoulders and forced her to stand. He slammed his mouth against hers, their tastes mingling on their tongues.

“Fuck me, Levi,” she panted when she pulled away.

“You’re lucky I’m a wizard and have a good recovery time because you almost drained me dry, pixie mine.”

She grinned and pulled away before bending over the bed. “Fuck me. Make me yours. Make me forget tonight.”

He growled then gripped her hips, slamming into her to the hilt in one thrust. They both gasped, and he kept moving, his cock filling her up so full she knew she’d be sore the next day.

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