Figure 8 (14 page)

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Authors: Elle McKenzie

“I am SO happy, I love it, thank you so, so much, I love you to bits.” I stand and reach over the table to kiss him, he grabs me and drags me around the table so that I am sitting on his knee, I yelp as he dips me into a kiss. “
” I protest. “People are watching,” I laugh before he puts me back down. I retake my seat just as the waiter brings us our meals.

“You do know that I am going to have to go bikini shopping tomorrow, I have so much to do, you haven’t given me much time to prepare.” I start flapping in between mouthfuls. So much to do, so little time. I just know I won’t sleep tonight.

“Calm down, Sue is giving you two weeks off so you have time to get ready tomorrow and then time to relax when we get back home.” I smile, he really does think of everything. “And I am taking you shopping at the Trafford Centre in the morning, for anything you don’t have. Although, I like the sound of you naked all week.” He winks.

“I don’t know what to say, except thank you.” We finish our meals and talk about our plans for the coming week. When we finish we stroll back to the apartment hand in hand, under the moonlit sky, it really is just so perfect.

Chapter Twelve

I wake up to feather light kisses along the bridge of my nose, trailing all the way down to my lips.

“Wake up sleepy head.” I open my eyes to see Damon straddling me with the biggest smile I have ever seen. I look over to the clock, 3:45 a.m. Ugh! I roll over, kicking him off in the process. “Baby, it’s time to get up.” I flap my arms around to try to get him off of me. I have never been a morning person, but this is ridiculous, it’s still night time. A few seconds later, I feel a chill as the covers are ripped from my naked form and jump as freezing water hits my body.

“What the actual fuck Damon?” I scream, as I jump off the bed and stare him down ready to kill him.

“Babe, chill, I needed to wake you, we have to get up, our flight leaves in a few hours.” Oh shit, I completely forgot in my sleepy state. I stab him with an icy stare before I head to the bathroom in a huff.

“There are better ways to wake someone, you know,” I murmur, as I walk off. Just over half an hour later and I leave the bedroom, showered, dressed and ready for our adventure.

We arrive at Malaga airport after a three-hour flight. I stretch my aching legs, whilst waiting for the luggage to arrive on the carousel. Feeling strong arms wrap tightly around my waist I smile, followed by a yawn.

“You tired babe?” he whispers in my ear.

“Yeah, I can’t wait to get to the hotel.” I could really do with a siesta, I am not used to waking up so early.

“We aren’t staying in a hotel.” I spin around to look at Damon confused. “We have a villa for the week.” He has a wicked glint in his eyes

“I have you all to myself for the whole week, no one to disturb us and no one to complain when I make you scream,” he whispers the last part. I hug him tightly around the waist.


That sounds perfect.


The carousel starts to spin and a trickle of cases make their way around. We eventually find our bags and make our way to the car rental place. I haven’t a clue where we are going, I just watch as Damon follows the satellite navigation system to wherever the hell we are staying. I lean back in my seat and enjoy the beautiful views. I must drift off to sleep, because the next thing I know the car has stopped and Damon is nudging me to wake up.

“Wake up sleepy head.” I open my tired eyes and glance out of the window at the most beautiful villa I have ever seen, not that I have seen many. The front of the house has a border of beautiful red and yellow flowers, with more scattered in hanging baskets near the doors and shuttered windows. The porch has a marble archway surrounding it, making it all look very regal. Damon grabs our bags from the boot of the car and goes to undo the lock on the door. I follow him in, stunned at the beauty of it all.

“Shut your mouth, you’re going to catch some flies,” he laughs at me.

“It’s just so beautiful,” I reply whilst walking past him, into what is the living area of the villa. It’s stunning, with marble floors flowing throughout the entire villa. There’s a soft white couch with a glass coffee table in front, and a massive TV off to the side. I walk through into the kitchen, which is bigger than our whole apartment. I make my way through a short walkway opening doors as I go. There are two massive bedrooms and I look around each one before deciding on what must be the master one, with an en suite bathroom. The bath is big enough to fit three people. Damon dumps the luggage next to the wardrobe, as I collapse on to the giant super king size bed.

“Hmmm, I could get used to this.” It’s so quiet and peaceful, nothing like the noisy city, you could literally hear a pin drop.

“Don’t get too comfy, you haven’t seen out back yet.” He looks so sweet, like a little boy on Christmas morning, desperate for Mommy and Daddy to wake up so he can go and see what presents he has. I jump up, I’m exhausted but I wouldn’t want to miss what he has to show me.

“Come on then, what are we waiting for?” I practically run out of the door, being careful not to slip on the marble.

“Oi, wait up!” I hear him call out, but I just smile and carry on. I stop when I get to the dining room, looking out of the massive French doors. My mouth drops open in awe.

“It’s amazing!” I whisper. Damon comes up behind me, wrapping his arms tightly around my waist.

“Do you like it?”
Do I like it?
That’s the biggest understatement of the year. I don’t just like it, I freaking love it. Leading out of the French-or should that be Spanish? - doors is a veranda, with a BBQ and table and chairs, but what has left me in awe are the magnificent views. “That’s La Concha, we can take a walk up it later in the week if you would like?” He grins at me, knowing full well I don’t walk, especially not up mountains. I stand there gawping like an idiot. “Say something,” he looks at me concerned.

“I..I love it, thank you so, so, so, so much. Honestly this is the best moment of my entire life. I can’t tell you how much this means to me. Thank you.” I turn around in his arms, and kiss him softly on the lips. He captures my mouth and deepens the kiss, he consumes me with his passion. When he kisses me like this, nothing else on this earth matters, nothing exists but the two of us and I never want to break away. He lifts my arse and places me on the dining table. I open my legs to let him slip between them; all the while he is still kissing me. My earlier exhaustion is completely forgotten, replaced by want and need. That aching sensation rises between my legs and I want him inside of me, now. I break the kiss and push him forward, reaching for the button of his jeans. I get it open and nudge his boxer shorts down to get to his cock. My hands can’t work fast enough, freeing him from the confinements of his clothes. I get him out and he makes quick work of my trousers, pulling them down, taking my knickers with them. He lays me back down and positions the head of his cock at my entrance.

“Are you ready to be fucked baby?” he growls, and it’s so sexy.

“Fuck me Damon, fuck me hard.” I am so wanton. I need him now. He pushes inside me and I moan in pleasure as he stretches me, fills me, pushing it all the way in, I can practically feel him in my stomach. He starts to move slowly, as he reaches down pulling me up into a sitting position. He kisses me hard then pulls back and drives in hard. I scream out his name in pleasure as he continues his assault on my throbbing pussy. I can feel myself building, the intense pressure inside climbing higher with each pound of his hard cock. I pull myself forward to try to get some friction on my clit and then it hits me like a wave hitting the rocks, I explode around him and I am lost in the feeling. He speeds up his assault and I feel him thicken inside me. He lets out a primal moan as his orgasm rips through his body.

“I love you, Isabelle Marie Riley,” He finally says, when he has come back down. He holds me close to him and I can feel his cock twitching inside me.

“I love you too, Damon James Harmon, more than anything,” and I really do. He is my everything, my rock, my whole world and I don’t know what I would do if I ever lost him.

We go shopping for some food after a quick shower and change of clothes, and then head back to the villa for the evening. I am too exhausted for sightseeing today. We spend the evening sat on the sofa looking at tourist pamphlets, deciding on what to do during our stay. Damon cooks me a Spanish omelette with green salad and we drink lots of wine. I eventually crash in his arms, just as the sun is setting in the beautiful night sky.

I wake the next day to Damon snoring down my ear, I embrace these annoying small things. I wouldn’t trade listening to him snore for the world. He looks adorable; his cute little dimples prominent whilst he sleeps. I shift quietly off the bed so not to wake him and make my way towards the bathroom. After turning on the shower, I look in the mirror. I look so much better now, my cheeks have a lovely glow to them, my hair is shiny and I am finally putting on some weight. I strip off, looking at the scar on my shoulder, it’s not as bad now. The bruising has faded completely but the scar is still visible. I hop in the shower, revelling in the warmth of the water flowing down my body.

I start to wash my hair, but a cool draft halts the process, seconds later I feel hands roaming over my naked skin. Damon presses up against me and I feel his hard cock straining against my lower back. He starts to lather the shampoo in my hair kneading, and massaging my head as he goes, it feels so good. When he has finished he rinses it all off. Neither of us says a word during the exchange. He lathers soap into my back working downwards until he is massaging my arse, he pushes me up against the cold tiles and lowers his cock inside me. He thrusts several times, not saying a word just punishing my pussy, until I feel the familiar swell of his orgasm. I don’t mind that I didn’t come, this was for him and I know he will make it up to me later. When he has finished I turn around to face him.

“Good morning gorgeous, you feel better now?” I smirk up at him.

“Hmm, that was a damn good wakeup call,” he leans down and kisses me quickly on the lips. I finish washing myself then leave the shower, letting him finish washing himself.

“So what do you want to do today?” he says, as he stroll’s his sexy arse back into the bedroom in nothing but a towel. My eyes travel down his body, lingering on the V that he has going on at the bottom of his stomach. “Well?” he smirks and I know he caught me staring,

“Oh, erm, can we go for lunch somewhere, maybe go for a walk along the beach? The Marina looked lovely in the brochure,” I shrug, I am actually quite happy staying here, looking at my fine man all day. Yes, MY man. I still can’t believe it.

“Okay, get your sexy ass ready and we can go.” He walks over to the wardrobe pulling out clothes as he goes, he really is in a hurry to go out.

Half an hour later and we are in the car heading towards Puerto Banus. I gasp when we arrive at the Marina Bay, all the boats docked up, all the flash cars parked along the seafront, it’s amazing, I suddenly feel underdressed for such a fancy place, I had decided to put my denim shorts and vest top on, finishing the outfit off with flip flops so I could remove them easily for our walk along the sand. Damon looks his usual lush self, in canvas shorts and polo shirt, I see him looking at me from the corner of his sunglasses and I smile knowing that once again I have been caught staring at him.

We park the car and make our way along the boulevard, hand in hand in the mid-morning sun. The boats and yachts are spectacular; I look at the names as I go along, I spot one that’s named The Izabella. Damon looks at me and smiles when he sees it too.

“One day, I will buy you a boat, and call it the ‘The Isabelle’,” he says proudly, I hug him tightly, knowing we will probably never be able to afford one. But it’s a nice gesture.

We find a little coffee shop and sit outside for some breakfast, I admire the Ferrari’s and Mercedes’s as they crawl past us. After breakfast we make our way towards the beach, I can’t wait to walk along the edge of the sea. I love the feel of wet sand in between my toes. We have dinner in a small tapas bar on the seafront, followed by some sunbathing and a ride on the jet skis. Damon controls it with precision whilst I grip hold of him tightly, hugging his back. We eat tea on the veranda at the villa, watching the sun go down over the mountain. It’s heaven. We collapse into bed that night, both thoroughly exhausted after our adventure.

We spend the next few days sightseeing. We visit the old town of Rhonda, the scenery is spectacular. I loved looking at the impressively designed ‘old bridge’ and viewing the ‘Arab bath’. We ate in a lively tapas bar, called Bar Faustino. We looked around the small stalls and shops, where Damon bought me a beautiful necklace with a locket on it, I immediately decided I would put a picture of my mom on one side and a picture of Damon on the other, representing my past and my present. We finished off the day sitting in the shade at the Mondragon Palace. It really was perfect.

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