Finding Solace (11 page)

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Authors: Barbara Speak

got to the sports bar a little after eight o’clock. I walked in and eyes from
all directions just seemed to be staring at me. Okay, maybe I did look a little
out of place dressed in a bright orange wrap dress, that showed just enough
cleavage to leave you wanting more, and electric blue heels. I had just come
from work, remember?

It took me
awhile to find Colt and when I did, I could have killed him. He was smiling
from ear to ear. I knew at that point he had been watching me walk around in
circles trying to find him. I walked over to the table, pulled out a chair and
sat down.

enjoy that?"

are more amazing than you know. It’s just too bad you found me so fast. I love
every guy looking at you and being able to know you’re with me."

lucky alright. Two more seconds and I would have been out the door. But to be
honest, I’m pretty lucky myself. You’re looking mighty sexy yourself." He
had on a hunter green sweatshirt and a pair of worn faded jeans. He never
needed to try, he always just looked hot!

The waitress
came over to take our drink order. Colt spoke before I had the chance. "We
will just take two Bud Lights to start."

I controlled my facial expression, but inside
I was completely shocked. What if she cards me? I'm going to look like a
complete idiot.

you guys want an appetizer also? I can put the order in now so it will be
ready?" Holy shit, this was working!

please. A split fried onion would be great, unless you want something
different?" He looked over at me and it took everything I had not to let
my eyes bug out of their sockets. I didn't want the attention on me, so I just
shook my head no.

that's what we'll take. Thanks."

He dismissed
her and brought his focus back to me looking me up and down.

really like that dress."

I really needed to switch the subject. "So I haven’t heard much about
Maddie lately. What’s new with her?"

"I just
got off the phone with Jamie when I got here. Apparently, she learned how to
ride a bike, with training wheels of course, but I missed it. It sucks so bad,
being away from her."

you ever thought about transferring your credits to a school that's

damn day, but I can't. EIU was the only full ride scholarship that was offered
to me. I don't want to add debt to my degree. It’s hard enough trying to send
them money. They get
all of my
extra, you know?"

understand. That sucks. To think, money is the only thing keeping you here is

not the only thing, beautiful." He grabbed my hand and started running his
thumb back and forth across it.

I can't say I'm regretting your decision either."

couldn't be happier hearing you say that. Have you thought about what you want
to eat?"

Just as he
said it, the waitress came back with our drinks. I diverted my attention so she
did not look in my direction. She placed them on the table and said she was
going to check on our appetizer.

are you being so skittish? Your birthday is in less than a month. After that
you will never have to worry. Do you think she can tell you are a couple weeks
too young?" I looked at him like it was definitely a possibility.

me a break! Sadie, you are going to be just fine."

I went back
to looking over the menu. It was a pretty easy choice considering if filet was
an option, I was getting it. Colt told me he was getting a New York strip and
asked me what I was having. I told him and went back to the menu to pick my
sides. Pretty soon the waitress came back with the split onion and asked if we
had decided. Colt ordered for both of us and it felt like we were a real

Dinner was
as amazing as Colt had said it would be. I was in shock that a sports bar
served food that good. Colt paid the check but we still had not finished our
drinks. It is funny looking back at how scared I was of getting caught, when we
were on our fourth round. She never questioned me at all. As easy as it was, I
was not tempting fate again until I am legal. At least not anywhere except the
alley. But thinking about that made me wonder if we were still allowed there
after the last time.

"I was
just thinking. Do you think we lost rights to the alley because of the Jason
and Shawn thing?"

I talked to the owner, Jack, already. The deal we set in place still stands. It
wouldn’t be fair to all my employees, or theirs, if that happened."

never thought about it like that before. I always knew whoever ran ‘51’ hooked
up the deal with the bowling alley, I just never put two and two together that
it was you.
Smart move, old man."

"So we
are back to the old man thing again, huh? You sure like throwing that one
around. But I don't think I'm too old to please you, am I? "

"Why do
you assume your enough for me? There you go giving yourself too much credit

Colt looked
away. I mean, really looked away. Almost as if he didn't want me to see his
face. I had to rescue him from whatever thought was consuming him.

finish that beer, or what?" I thought maybe a
complete conversation change could help, but he only brought us right back to
where we were.

bet, because when I'm done we are going back to my place."

What? Where
did that come from?

"Oh really?
There goes that over confident thing

the deal. You burned me with that one the first time. Now I have to prove that
you’re full of shit. And the only way I can do that is to take you home and
fuck the shit out of you."

Holy shit!
My panties feel like a tidal wave just took them over. I can’t show him he had
that effect on me. He chose the way things are. I refuse to look like I was
drooling over him. Which is
what I
was doing.

"Do you
really need to prove that to yourself?"

He stood up.
The chair he was sitting on flew back as he came around to my side of the
table. He held out his hand for me to take, but his eyes weren't the eyes of a
gentleman, they were filled with lust. I placed my hand in his and let him pull
me from my chair. When I came to a standing position he pulled me in by
wrapping his arm around the small of my back. Being this close, I could smell
him, feel him, God, I wanted him, damn it!

are coming home with me. Can I trust you to drive your own car or have you had
too much to drink?"

I had to be
responsible. I could just stay here awhile longer and drink some water. What
the hell is wrong with me? Colt Jennings just told me he was taking me home. So
out came, "No, you can't trust me to drive, so I guess you’re going to
have to take me home. Or you can take me to my house. I can always get a
cab...ouch! What did you do that for?" He pinched my ass, and it hurt.

"So you
would shut up. You’re going with me, the end." He grabbed my hand and led
me through the bar and out to his car. He opened the passenger door for me.
When he got in, as soon as the key turned, the speakers started to play one of
the best CDs of all time, Sublime.

He reached
to turn it down and I smacked his hand away only to turn it back up. ‘Santeria’
is by far my favorite song on this album. Colt didn't attempt to change it
again but I could sense something happened to his mood.


song always makes me think about Maddie and Jamie. It just messes with me

I had
forgotten he was talking to Jamie earlier. I probably just killed the fun for
the night making him talk about that. So I just offered for him to take me home

are you crazy? What makes you think I would want to have my bed empty tonight
if I could have you in it?"

That's all
he needed to say. We finished listening to ‘The Song’ and then came the song, ‘Pawn
Shop’. Now if he tells me this song has some funky meaning, I'm just going to
have to hurt him. Luckily we got to his house before it was over. That meant I
could have a little fun. I rushed out of the car, turning it all the way up on
my way out. I left the door open so I could hear it while I danced like a fool
in the parking lot. He just laughed at me as usual. The song ended and we went

It felt
different from the last time. For starters, he was holding my hand as we walked
into the family room. He sat down on the couch and pulled me to the side of
him, and turned Sports Center on the TV. What is going on? I thought he would
be ravishing me, ripping my clothes off and making me scream. Instead I got,
TV. I grabbed the remote and changed the channel to watch Storage Wars. Not
that I loved this show, by any means, but it was neutral territory at least. We
cuddled for hours watching shows and talking about nothing. It was so normal.
So why did normal feel so strange?

I started to
fall asleep. I eventually went to lay my head in his lap, but just as I was
about to get comfortable, he popped up off the couch.

baby girl. I just wanted to grab an ashtray before you trapped me for the night
under you."

I sat up and
thought, “
does not smoke cigarettes”. Then he came
back with the ash tray and set it down on the end table. Colt sat back down on
the couch and pulled me back to lying in his lap. He ran his hands through my
hair. If he only knew how
it felt. I could stay
right here forever. As I drifted off to sleep the smell of marijuana was
filling the air.




stirred awake as Colt was carrying me to bed. I haven't figured out yet why if
I drink and then stop, it makes me so tired. He gently set me down on the bed
and then started to undress me. I had not let him know yet that I was no longer
asleep, this was kind of fun. First, he untied the string on the right side of
the dress. Then he pulled it open and untied the one on the left. With that
done, he opened it to reveal my electric blue bra and panties that I
intentionally wore to match my shoes. I know when I got dressed this morning I
had no intention of anyone seeing it. It just makes me feel sexy to know it is
there. I heard him gasp as he took in how I looked. He took a step back from
me. I do not know why because I still had my eyes closed, but the idea of him
standing over me staring, made me arch my back and a moan came from somewhere
inside of me. He must have taken that as his cue because the next thing I knew,
I was feeling his tongue run up the length of my stomach. It must really have
been his lucky day, because this particular bra had a front clasp. He noticed
this and it was undone in seconds. When he drug his tongue along the under
curve of my breast, all bets were off. I arched my pelvis and grabbed his hair
with both hands. By this time he knew I was awake. He continued to journey the
entire length of my body with that mouth. But this felt sensual, not erotic. He
removed all my clothing along with his own. Colt slowly sank back down on the
bed and covered me like a blanket. He rested his elbows above my shoulders and
brought his lips to mine. When he kissed me, it always felt soft. He sucked and
played with my lips and only gave me a taste of his tongue before pulling back.
It drove me crazy with want. I ran my hands along his back and then dug my
nails in to let him know I was ready for more. He sat up and grabbed a condom.
I took it from him and tore open the wrapper. He stayed as still as a statue
and as I rolled it on, I could feel how ready he was for me also. His eyes
rolled into the back of his head from my action. When I finished, he grabbed me
and threw me back on to the bed. He drove himself into me and we spent the
better part of the night fulfilling each other’s fantasies. The best sleep of
my life always came when he had his arms wrapped around me.



Colt woke up
before me. I knew this because I could smell bacon. I love bacon!

I went
through his drawers until I found some boxer shorts and a tank top. After I got
dressed, I went to the bathroom and found myself brushing my teeth with his
toothbrush without one single gag. I walked into the kitchen and found Colt
dicing tomatoes. What a way to wake up after a great night of sleep.

morning, beautiful. Did you sleep well?"

A smile
crept up my face. It is like he read my thoughts.

"I sure
did, you?”

you, there's no better way to sleep. Hope you like omelets."

are my favorite! You’re pretty awesome, you know that."

my job here is done. I told you I could satisfy you."

don't believe satisfy was the word that was used. And if by that you mean with
food, you nailed it."

believe I nailed something else too last night."

you just stop?" I was laughing my ass off and so was he.

my food going to be ready? Smelling all this is making me so hungry."

so impatient, the greatest things in life come to those who wait. Ever heard
that one?"

"Then I
will be waiting forever."

never know. Something pretty great is right in front of you. You just have to
open your eyes." He placed a plate of freshly cut cantaloupe, bacon,
sausage, and an omelet that looked to die for in front of me.

right, this does look pretty great."

At least I
hoped he was talking about the food. The other option, I already know, is
great. If only he could hear his own words and direct them at me.


I finished
everything in record time. It was like I hadn't eaten in days. We all know that
was not true after the feast I consumed last night, but this was good! Colt sat
across from me and watched me practically lick my plate while he was barely
touching his own.

"Are you not hungry?"

"No, I
am. It’s just nice to sit and have breakfast with you after having you all
night. It feels good. Does that make any sense?

understand completely. And if you keep making me breakfast after every time I
sleep over, I might never leave." Did I just let that fall out of my
mouth? How do I get it back? Oh my God. Can I try to play it out like it was
some kind of joke? Colt interrupted my thought.

like a plan"


This time it
was Colt who looked like he wanted to put his foot in his mouth.

you know I was just kidding with you. Neither of us would want that, now would

If he only
knew, it wasn’t like I would want to move in with him or anything. But if I
could see him every day, it would probably make my life better than it had ever
been. But of course, I can’t say that. I was getting pretty good at playing
this game.

would be a big Hell no! That would mean I would have to get my own toothbrush.
Why would I want to go and do a thing like that?"

At first he
looked offended, and then he laughed. A belly laugh I had only had the pleasure
of hearing a couple of times. That only made me feel better about what had just

It was my
turn to watch Colt eat. He was not too happy when the attention was solely on
him. When he was finally done, I stood and collected the dishes. It was only
fair if he cooked, I cleaned. He wouldn’t allow that though, so he helped. But
then he let out, "You look good in my kitchen. I could get used to this."

(What the fuck is he doing) is going through
your head right now, right? Cause it was definitely what was going through

I don't
think he realized how I took what he said to me, so I ignored that comment.
After we cleaned up, I knew it was time to get back to reality. I had a job and
he had tons of things he needed to do. I collected my clothes from the bedroom
so I could change. He was standing at the door watching as I put my underwear
back on, before I grabbed my dress. Colt had himself leaning against the door
jamb, taking it in like a peep show.

"Do you
like what you’re seeing?" I had to tease him a little. If I didn't find it
funny, the way he was being could border on creepy.

"I will
never get enough of that sight."

really do have a sexy response for everything I say. Does that only happen with
me or is it like that with all of the other girls too?" I can't figure out
if I was on a suicide mission or what. It was like I was suffering from
diarrhea of the mouth and I needed to recover fast. I walked over to him, still
in just my panties and bra. I walked slowly to make sure he understood that I
was the sexiest bitch he would ever have. I took my pointer finger and placed
it on his chin to bring his face down to mine. He knew I was up to something.

answer that. Just know that I never want you to tell me about them, I never
want to see them and I will always be the best you can get. One more thing, I'm
here until I don't want to be anymore." With that finally coming out of
me, I got up on my tip toes and kissed him to make a lasting impression. Then I
turned back to the bed for my dress. I wanted to high
. I needed him to know that I was not stupid. I knew what was
happening and I accepted it. I just hoped he would accept it when it was my

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