Flutter (The Discover Series) (57 page)

“I’ve never felt like this before, you make me feel…” I searched for the word.

“Alive.” He supplied. It wasn’t a question, it was a fact.

“Yes.” I breathed. “When I’m not around you, I feel like a part of me is missing. I don’t know how to react and that scares me.”

“Why does it scare you?”

I chewed on my lip, disappointed. If he had to ask, that meant he didn’t feel the same. I took a deep breath, trying to keep my dismay under control, but realizing what we were feeling for each other wasn’t the same was crushing. I felt embarrassed by my blatant confession and the need to escape was strong.

“It’s hard to explain. It’s silly actually,” I said pulling away from him, despising the way my body was violently protesting, “I shouldn’t have assumed.”

“Assumed what? That I feel the same? You should know better.” He scolded lightly.

“I should know better?! You weren’t exactly forth coming the last time we had this conversation.” I reminded him.

“I’m sorry.” He said his voice full of regret. “I never wanted to make you doubt how I feel about you, but you scare me too. Being with you is like a slow fire burning, Sara. I know this is wrong, but I can’t help myself.”

His words confused me. “How can something that feels this right, be wrong?” I wondered.

“You’re preaching to the choir baby girl. I’d gladly go up in flames with you any day and everyday, for the rest of my life.”

The intensity of his worlds caused his eyes to smolder and my breath to catch.

“I love watching your eyes spark and explode. It’s the most thrilling thing I’ve ever seen.”

His smile was slow and seductive and I shivered under the impact. “You’re going to be the death of me spitfire, but damn if it isn’t a hell of a way to go.”

“I love when you call me that.” I confessed.

It didn’t matter anymore why he called me that. I loved the way it sounded coming from him.

Our breathing was coming out in soft heavy pants, the currents growing between us. They spread through our bodies just like he said: a slow fire burning. His eyes grew dark and hungry, and with unspoken words, he promised a pleasure so intense I nearly dissolved right here in the water.

“Can water catch fire?” I asked, looking around,
half expecting the water to be
boiling. My body felt flushed. My skin was hot to the touch.

“Spitfire, with you, anything’s possible.” His words were a silky caress that chased goosebumps across my skin.

“I think you give me too much credit for this.” I said, referring to the sizzling connection between us. “Is it just me, or is it suddenly really hot?”

His laugh was deep and husky. “Don’t expect that to change anytime soon. It only gets hotter from here.”

“I’m having a hard time deciding if that’s a threat or promise.”

“You’re in luck. It’s the best of both words.” He shifted our bodies, bringing me closer, sending small ripples to tease the calm surface of the water.

I took a deep breath. “I think this is the reason Andres seemed so apprehensive for me to come with you today. I think he can sense…our connection too.”

Adan didn’t look surprised when he asked. “He didn’t want you to come out with me?”

I shook my head, and my hair spiraled into different positions. “Nope.”

“What did he say?”

“He asked a lot of questions. How I knew you? How long we had been seeing each other? What I knew about you? You know, the regular mandatory grown up questions.”

“I’m glad you decided to come anyway. I know things are tense already at home. I hope this doesn’t make it worse.”

I shrugged. “It is what it is.” I changed the subject. “I’m sorry if I ruined your plans today with this.” I waved my hand.

“Are you kidding? I’m having a blast. You should know by now, I don’t care what we’re doing, as long as I’m with you.”

I blushed, suddenly 100% aware of the intimate way our bodies swayed with the rhythm of the water.

“I feel the same way.” I divulged, not feeling the need to avoid my feelings for him any longer.

“Good.” He said softly. “I’m glad.”

He stood up then, and rivers of water trickled over the sun-kissed skin of his chest, before merging down his smooth stomach and disappearing underneath the waistband of his shorts. Again, I had to fight for the ability to breathe, as if it wasn’t something I had been doing since birth. He was a perfect specimen of beauty, muscle and male. There was something else too. Something animalistic in the way he moved and stared at me. It was oddly familiar.

He held out his hand for me to take, looking up into his electric blue eyes, I placed my hand in his and let him effortlessly pull me to my feet and up against him.

“I don’t think you know how dangerous things can get, when you look at me the way you do.” He growled, warningly.

“I thought a little danger never hurt anyone?” I taunted, repeating his words.

He closed his eyes, leaning his forehead into mine. “Sara…” he groaned breathless.

I laughed, pulling him toward dry land. “You realize I don’t have any dry clothes, right?” I told him, as we walked out of the water. I twisted my shirt, wringing out the excess water, as we walked out of the water.

“You should have thought about that before you tried to drown me!” He laughed. “You didn’t think you were slick, did you?”

“Yes I did, actually and I wasn’t trying to drown you!” I exclaimed. It hadn’t occurred to me that he would pull me in with him.

“Come on now, if I was going in, you were going with me.”

He bent over, picking up his shirt. I hadn’t even noticed that he had tossed it away, saving it from a watery grave.

“Obviously.” I said, looking down at my soaked clothes.

“You know there is a solution for that, right?” he asked, and I foolishly missed his suggestive tone.

“Yeah, sun drying.” I flapped the bottom of my shirt, attempting to air it out.

He grabbed my arm, pulling me against him. “I had something a little different in mind.” I blushed, finally catching on.

“Now who thinks they’re slick?”

His laughter echoed off the canyon walls, and I was intoxicated by the sound.

He ran the back of his fingers over the curve of my jaw. “Can’t blame a guy for trying, right?”

“No, but you can tease him for it.” He laughed again

I wrung out my hair, and water splashed off the ground hitting the back of my legs. I found a dry spot to lay out. Tilting my head to the side, I looked up to stare at him. He was looming over me, blocking out a portion of the sun’s glare. I was flooded with the memory of my dream, and being with him here… or at least somewhere similar.

“You can lie next to me,” I told him, “I won’t bite.” I smiled.

He crouched down, resting on his knees. “It’s not you that I’m worried about.”

“You have a problem with biting that I should be aware of? Are you a vampire?” I joked.

A devilish grin spread across his handsome face. “No. Definitely not a vampire.”

“Well then I have nothing to worry about.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure about that.” He moved so he was leaning over me, resting his hands on either side of my head. “You’re
may be safe from me, but I can’t say the same for your neck.” He taunted.

His arm slipped between my waist and the ground, arching my back, lifting me toward him. His fingers from his free hand, snarled in the wet strands of my hair, wrapping around the back of my neck. He tilted my head back, exposing the skin of my neck to his waiting lips.

My breath caught, and a noise –I couldn’t tell if it was sigh, a moan or a combination of the two–escaped my parted lips, when I felt the smooth edges of his teeth nip at the skin where my pulse was throbbing out of control. My fingers dug into the hard flesh of his shoulders as he left a blazing trail across my neck and along the side of my jaw with his scorching lips. Lifting his head, he paused, his lips over mine and he searched my eyes. He was waiting to see if I was going to stop him, when I didn’t move, he smiled.

“I definitely can’t say the same for your lips.”

Without waiting for me to respond, he buried both of his hands in my hair, and then my lips were under his. His lips were charming, his tongue teasing and as a duo, they devoured my mouth. I wrapped my arms around his neck, wanting to be as close to him as I possibly could in that moment. His arms slipped around my waist, helping me with my simple request.

The kiss started out intense, and quickly developed into something far more severe. I could feel the ribbons of energy flowing around us, and the electric currents amplifying out of control, as we were completely consumed by the kiss. My body was humming against his, and with every movement of lips and tongues, each taste of each other, the force grew stronger. My body felt like it was burning from the inside out. The slow ache I felt building inside of me was delicious.

He suddenly seemed to become aware of the situation, and the kiss slowed. He pulled away. Our foreheads touched, and we both tried to calm the heavy sounds of our breathing. My tongue flickered out; to lick my lips and the tip of it touched his bottom lip. He sucked in a deep breath, and laughed.

“I can feel the sparks on your tongue.” He said, closing his eyes.

Did everything he said have to sound so damn sexy?!

He laughed.

“What?” I asked.

“I find everything about you fascinating, Sara.”

“As far as first kisses go, that was-”

“Freaking amazing?”

I laughed. “Yes. Exactly.”

If I lived to be a hundred, it would be a kiss that would go down in the history of kisses.

I don’t know how long we stayed like that, but I didn’t care.

It was in that moment that I knew I was dangerously close to falling for Adan.

“Fascinating huh?”

“Fascinating, mesmerizing its hard to tell where one ends and the other begins with you.”

“I have theory about that.” I told him.

“A theory? Please explain.” He said sitting next to me.

“I don’t think people are necessarily fascinated
me, as they are,

“By you? That’s going to need a little more explaining.”

, I curled my legs, holding o
ut my arm in front of him and I
thought I saw him stiffen. “It’s okay,” I said with a laugh, “I’m not going to hit you. I’m just going to show you what I mean.”

He looked at me, smiling. “Show away.”

“Don’t you see my skin? What is does?” I twisted my arm back and forth and his shimmered brilliantly under the rays of the sun.

He face went blank and for a second his eyes had no depth. Just like the others, he seemed to be lost in some kind of trance, and then he blinked no longer looking dazed.

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