Forsaken (15 page)

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Authors: Bec Botefuhr

“I never knew Mark’s sister was so fucking h
ot,” he drawls, openly eyeing my breasts.

“Matt, shut the fuck up and if you speak to her like that again I will give you a blood lip.” Mark snarls.

“Dude, I was just kidding. Pipe down.”

“So, Maya, have you lived here long?” Shasta asks.

“Yeah, all my life,”

“Oh, I can’t believe you two have been so close. Do you ever wonder if you passed each other on the street?”

I shrug, “I don’t know, I guess we might have.”

“It’s so c
ool. You look just like Mark’s Mom.”


“So, do you have a boyfriend?”

I smile
, “Yes.”

“Well damn, that makes it harder.” Matt mumbles just loud enough that I
can hear him. I shudder.

how sweet. What’s his name?”


“Oh, that is a wicked sweet name,” she smiles.

I like
Shasta; she is friendly to me, even though she doesn’t know me. We talk for another hour more, but I am busting to pee so I excuse myself. I manage to find the large bathroom in the mansion and I use it quickly. Just as I am stepping out, I see Matt standing against the wall with his arms crossed.

“Do you like my house?”

Warning bells are going off in my head, something about this man gives me the creeps.

“Yes, it’s very nice.” I say, trying to step past him. He blocks my way.

“Shame on the boyfriend part, I could give you a great time.”

“I’m not looking for a great time.” I snap.

“Now come on, don’t lie. All girls want a piece of me.”

“No, they don’t.”

I try to shove past but he refuses to move.

“Tell me Maya, does he fuck you real slow.”

I gape and shove him hard.

“Get the fuck out of my way.”

“Or what?” he growls, shoving me against the wall.

I kick him so hard between the legs he falls to the ground.

“If you ever try to touch me again, I’ll cut them off!”

I turn and rush off down the hall, and
I pull out my phone and text Ryder.

Can u come pick me up?

Yeah, why? Is everything ok?

It’s fine I just want to leave.

On my way, what’s the address?

Twenty Lane road.

That big place?


Alright baby, be there soon x

I head back outside, and Mark instantly comes over to me

s he bothering you?”

He won’t be anymore; he is lying down with a sore groin. Ryder is coming to get me.”

So sorry, but I’m not sad for him. I’m hope it hurt like hell. Sorry your night wasn’t great.”

I smile and touch his shoulder.

“It was lovely, thanks.”

He grins and nods. “Thanks for coming.”

Ryder shows up half an hour later and both of the girls stare in awe. Yep, my man is one hot piece of work. I let my gaze linger up from his toes. Black jeans, blue shirt that is tightly stretched across his chest – his hair is messy and he has that total bad boy look. I walk over and he wraps his arm around me.

I introduce Ryder to everyone,
and then we say our goodbyes and leave. I stare at him as we are driving home, and I realize that during the past week we haven’t been intimate because of the tragic accident. I reach over and my fingers stroke his thigh, his eyes meet mine for a split second and I can see the raw hunger in them. It’s enough for me.

“I want to fuck in this car,
” I say, softly.

His foot hits the brake and the car skids to the side of the road. He pulls right off, and we can’t be seen from cars passing by. He turns the lights out, so we are in pitch darkness and then I hear his seat slide right back. He reaches over and grips my hips, and pulls me over and onto his lap. His lips find mine and I drag him into a deep, hot kiss.

“God, I have missed you,” he growls.

“Me too,

“I need to fuck you baby, hard and fast.”

“I think we can manage that.”

His lips drag down my neck and a ragged moan slides out of my parted lips. His hands slide under my shirt, cupping my breasts and teasing them with his thumbs. I can feel his cock beneath me, throbbing and so hard. He groans when I wiggle my hips around on his lap. With a great shuffle, I manage to get my bot
toms off and I lower myself back down onto his lap, only to be met by a very hard erection.

” I murmur, biting my lip.

“Oh alright,

He grips my hips and lowers me slowly over his length, his growl vibrates through my body as I rise up and slowly go back down again. A pleasured moan escapes my lips, and I rock gently up and down. Ryder
groans and his head falls back, his jaw is tense as I slide up and down, bringing myself closer to a release.

“I am going to come,” I whimper.

“God yes, baby…”

I erupt and cry out as my body trembles and shakes, Ryder thrusts his hips upwards
furiously, pumping until he is shuddering and growling my name. When we come down from our high, he looks into my eyes and smiles. It is the first time I have seen him truly smile for weeks and it brings out my own relieved smile.

“Ready to go home, you look like you need a good, comfy bed.”

I smile, “I think I do.”

When we arrive back home, I head into the apartment with Ryder. Seeing the lights out next door, I figure Sandy is either out or sleeping so I figure I will spend the evening here. I shower, enjoying the hot water cascading down my skin. When I am dressed, I slip out to find Ryder already in the bed. With a smile, I leap in next to him.

“I am so glad you aren’t working tonight, I miss you.”

“I might have to reconsider my hours when the baby comes along,”

I roll and look at him. “I never thought of that.”

“I want to be part of it all, night feedings included.”

I laugh, “I think I won’t have many complaints about that.”

He smirks. “No, somehow I don’t think you will.”

“Are you excited?”

He grins, stroking a stray piece of hair away from my face, “Hell yeah.”

“Do you think girl or boy?”


I smile, rubbing my stomach with my free hand. “I think boy.”

“Should we bet on it?”

I laugh, and roll back onto my back, “After I sleep.”

He rolls into me, and we wrap ourselves together and fall into a deep, peaceful sleep. Things are finally looking up.



Three weeks pass, and Nate has recovered well, but he still can’t go back to work yet so he is house bound most of the day. So, like any normal house bound person; he is driving us crazy. Ryder is working extra hard to save for the baby, I am really proud of him for doing that. He dotes on me, rubbing my feet even though they don’t really need to be rubbed, washing my hair when I am in the tub at night. He is just beautiful.

God, I’m going cray cray!” Nate groans from the couch one afternoon.

I am in just out of the shower, and dressed for a night out with Ryder. He wants to take me to dinner, so I have spent the afternoon prettying myself up. I sit down beside Nate, who gives me a helpless look.

“Why don’t you invite Trey over?”

He brightens, “I suppose I could do with my own private nurse while you two are out.”

“Ugh, images…”

He winks at me, and wraps an arm around my shoulder. “We both know you like those images.”

“Oh shut up, you are never going to let me live that down are you?”

“Hell no, you watching Trey suck my…”

“Stop!” I cry, throwing my forearm across my eyes, “Stop.”

“Aw come on bubba, you know I am only joking.”

“I know, but seriously, I am so embarrassed about that.”

“We are even then, because I feel the same for what I did to you.”

I frown at him, knowing he is still cut up about the incident that happened before the accident.

“Nate, don’t be…it was an accident.”

“I raped you in your sleep.”

“You didn’t rape
me; I love you too much for it to be rape.”

He snorts. “It was wrong.”

“It was an accident, and besides,” I say, snuggling closer, “At least I got a piece of you.”

“That’s not funny,
” he groans.

“We have to make light of it
Nate or it won’t go away.”

He sighs, “I guess you are right, as always.”


“Where’s Ryder taking you tonight?”

“No idea.”

“He has his romance pants on, it’s hot.”

“Stop perving, those are my romance pants.”

“Bubba, I am always going to perve, you are just going to have to live with it.”

I shove him and stand, “Do I look ok?”

“I’m hard.”

“Stop saying that, you’re horrible.”

He gets to his feet, and takes my face in his hands. “You look so
beautiful; you will knock his socks off.”

“Now you are just being nice.”

“You look stunning, I mean that.”

I sigh and hug him, then turn to walk away, “Invite Trey over.”

“Yes Mother.”


Four hours later I am sitting in an exquisite restaurant with Ryder, who doesn’t look himself. We order some entrees and while we wait, I take his hand.

“What’s wrong?”

His beautiful eyes meet mine, “Nothing.”

“You don’t seem yourself.”

“I am ok…”


He closes his eyes, and then stands and walks around to stop beside me. His hands are trembling as he reaches into his jacket. “If I don’t do this now, I will chicken out.”

My eyes widen as he pulls out a ring box, and drops to one knee. The whole restaurant goes silent. I didn’t see this coming, not in a million years. He looks up at me, with those dazzling aqua eyes and a smile touches his beautiful lips.

“Thick and thin hardly covers what we have been through, but I can safely say we have been tested with everything a couple can be tested with. I find myself loving you more each time you flash that beautiful smile at me, and no matter what has happened, it only gets better. Marry me Maya, because my life without you is empty. I want to make us a family, I want you forever, Marry me?”

Tears are thundering down my cheeks, as he opens a ring box to reveal a gorgeous diamond ring. It is square cut, and very expensive. I nod frantically, and my vision blurs.

“Yes, oh, yes.”

The restaurant erupts into applause and whistles, and a waiter comes over and pops a bottle of champagne. Ryder grips my face, and brings his lips down to mine in a sizzling kiss that has everyone cheering. He slides the ring onto my finger and I stare down at it in awe, it is perfect, just like us.

“Oh Ryder…”

“Didn’t see that one coming?”

I shake my head, “No, but oh God, what a surprise.”

He smiles, finally looking relaxed. I kiss him again, and watch as he takes his seat again. The waiter comes past again, and offers
congratulations. We place our orders and I sip water, feeling light headed and happy. Ryder reaches across the table and thumbs the ring on my finger, I beam.

“Oh Ryder, I can’t think of anything…better…”

“I was so fuckin’ nervous.”

I laugh, “I bet you were.”

“Maya, you complete me. I would have died if you rejected me.”

I look into his eyes. “Baby, I would never, EVER reject you.”

“I love you.”

“Yeah, well, right back at ya!”



When we step through the door of the apartment later that night, Nate is in the kitchen surrounded by his family and Trey. I beam; I haven’t seen them for at least eight months now. John, Lucy and Imogen are a sight for sore eyes, and I laugh loudly when they see me and I am pulled into a big group hug.

“Maya, you look gorgeous! Congratulations,” Lucy beams, rubbing my flat belly.

“Thank you.”

“Ryder,” she smiles, turning to him, “My boy, look at you.”

“Hi Ma,” he grins, calling her by that name, even though she isn’t his Mother, “I can’t believe you are here.”

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