Forsaken (16 page)

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Authors: Bec Botefuhr

“We thought we would come and see how our boy was going.”

I smile at Nate, who is grinning and happy. Trey smiles beside him, and I hope they have finally worked things out.

“Well, we are happy to have you.”

“I can’t believe you two are having a baby,” Imogen cries, hugging me.

“I know, Aunty

She laughs and skips around, “I can’t wait!”

Ryder looks over to me and I smile. “We have some news.”

They all look at me, and so I hold up my hand to show them my ring. I hear screams, Lucy and Imogen are dancing around squealing and John is laughing. I am pulled into another round of hugs, along with Ryder. I turn to look for Nate, only to see he has walked out. My heart falls. Why would he leave? I stare at Trey, who just shrugs, as confused as I am.

“Excuse me,” I say, slipping outside.

I find Nate sitting by the pool, his legs are dangling in the water and he is staring into nothing. I sit down beside him, and take his hand.

“Cowboy, what’s up?”

He looks down, and I realize his cheek is damp.


“He didn’t tell me.”

It is whispered, but he doesn’t need to say anymore. I know, of course I know. Ryder and Nate are best friends, no, they are more like brothers and Ryder didn’t tell him he was going to propose. I can’t imagine how much that must hurt Nate, because he is still blaming himself for something that couldn’t be controlled.

“Nate, I’m sure he didn’t…”

“He is still punishing me, he just doesn’t realize it. Me nearly dying made him realize he loves me as a friend, but he isn’t over it.”

“He is…he was probably just nervous.”

Nate turns to me and his beautiful brown eyes are glassy. “I love you bubba, you know I do, but I just need some time.”

He stands and walks off and I sigh, feeling my shoulders slump. A moment
later Ryder sits down beside me. “What’s happening?”

s hurt. You didn’t tell him, Ryder…”

Ryder winces. “I didn’t…it wasn’t like that.”

I turn to him. “Wasn’t it?”


“Ryder, I love you, God knows I do but you have to fix this with Nate. What he did was an accident, he didn’t mean it. Do you think it doesn’t bother him? He feels like he has ruined everything between you two, and for what? A dream. I know how it must feel, I know it hurts that he did what he did but it wasn’t intentional. He is part of us Ryder, and without him it isn’t complete. Remember what you always say to me, Nate is gay…”

He stares at me, and sighs. “I know,
God, I know. I will go and talk to him.”

I stroke his cheek, “Thank you.”

“Go inside, it’s getting cool out.”

I lean in and brush my lips across his,
and then I turn and make my way inside. I pick up my phone and dial my Mother, figuring she would love to be a part of our celebration. She picks up after the third ring.

“Hello honey,” she says and her voice is smiling.

“I have good news, will you guys come over?”

“We would love to! What’s the surprise?”

I laugh, “It wouldn’t be a surprise if I told you.”

giggles; my Mother can be so childlike sometimes. I guess that’s what relief does to you, it makes you smile and find everything beautiful and refreshing.

“Well, ok then, we are on our way.”

“See you soon.”

Instead of going back inside, I head back to my apartment to get Sandy. When I walk in, it is dark but I can hear faint moaning coming from the lounge chair. I flick on the light to see Sandy wrapped in a very handsome man. I gasp and let out a little scream, and she quickly pulls back, wiping her lips with the back of her hand.

“Maya…I thought you were out.”

I stare at her, and the man scrambling to cover his excitement, and burst out laughing.

“Oh my God! Sandy!”

She starts laughing too, and stands, covering herself.

“Maya, this is Jake.”

I nod at the man, who is extremely attractive. He has dark hair, dark brown eyes and olive skin. He looks Italian.

“I’m sorry,” he says, flushing.

“No, it’s ok. I just wanted to come and see if you wanted to celebrate, but I will leave you to it.”

“Celebrate what?” Sandy asks, walking over.

I hold up my hand and she squeals. She hugs me and we leap up and down for a moment, before pulling apart.

“Maya, oh honey…wow!”

I am thrilled.”

“I will come over
soon; just let me finish up here.”

I lean in close, “Is it serious?”

She smiles, and it’s a true, happy smile. “I think so.”

“Well, stay and enjoy. We will celebrate tomorrow.”

She beams and hugs me again. “Thank you.”

“See you Jake, it was nice meeting you.”

“You too, Maya,” he smiles.

I walk out feeling happy for my sister. She has finally found someone she actually likes enough to consider serious. I couldn’t be happier for her. When I arrive back at Nate and Ryder’s apartment, they still aren’t back. Everyone is sitting around enjoying a drink, and Trey gives me a worried look. I mouth “
It’s ok,” to him before joining them.

“So, Maya, tell us how are you feeling?” John asks.

“Really good,” I smile.

“You look radiant.”

“I don’t feel it at eight in the morning.”

Lucy laughs. “I remember that well.”

“I hear you found your family?” Imogen says, smiling at me.

“I did, they will be here soon so you can meet them. They are lovely.”

“Nate says you are a twin,” Lucy replies.

“I am
, my brother is amazing so far.”

“How exciting,

An hour later my
family has arrived and intro’s have been done. My sister takes to Imogen and the two chat frantically about things they have in common. Ryder and Nate still aren’t back, but I decide to leave them go; they need to sort this out. Mark walks into the kitchen when I am in pouring everyone some more wine.

“How are you feeling? I can’t believe you are pregnant and getting married. Here I was thinking we could get drunk and party together!”

I laugh. “We will, I promise.”

“How are you feeling anyway?”

“You know everyone asks me that?”

He grins, “Well, it’s the logical question isn’t it?”

I suppose it is. “Yes, you’re right.”

a baby huh? Does that make me an Uncle?”

I beam, “It does. Are you excited?”

“I’m too young to die,” he says dramatically, and presses a hand to his chest. I slap it away, and laugh.

“There you two are!”

We turn to see my Mother sauntering into the kitchen looking glamorous in her baby blue dress and denim heels.

“We were just talking about the baby.”

She grins and claps her hands.

“It’s time for me to leave,” Mark laughs, walking out.

“I can’t believe you are having a baby, I can’t wait!”

I smile. “Me either, though I am not looking forward to labor,”

She frowns and shudders, I know she is remembering when she had me and I was taken.

“We won’t let him or her out of our sight.” I say
, to comfort her.

She smiles. “No, we won’t.”

“What are you girls up to?”

Father walks in and stops beside me, taking my hand.

“Just talking babies,” I smile, squeezing his hand.

“I love babies!” Lucy cries, walking in.

We all laugh, and continue chatting about the baby and the wedding until we are all worn out and tired. I kiss my family goodbye, and take Nate’s family into the unit to stay. When the house is quiet, I make my way to the lounge and I wait for Nate and Ryder.



I hear the sound and bolt upright on the couch. I hear stumbling and laughing, and realize the two men are home and by the sounds of it, drunk. I stand and flick on the light to reveal to very dirty, drunken men standing…or should I say leaning…against the kitchen bench smirking at me.

“You two are drunk…and why are you dirty?”

Ryder grins, staggering towards me. “We got into a fight, and then we made up.”


“Bubba…come…give…me …a…hug…” Nate says, unable to say each word without a massive gap in between.

I can’t help but smile, I haven’t seen them happy for a while and it warms me.

“You two need to shower, seriously,” I frown, pressing myself into Ryder’s side. He smells like bourbon.

“Shower me…”he growls.

“And risk getting spewed on? I think not.”

Nate chuckles, “Rejected Ryder,”

“I don’t see your man out here helpin’ you, cock head.”

“Hey…he had to go…alright?” Nate slurs, sliding slowly down the bench sideways.

I rush over and grip his shoulder, pushing him upright.

“Come on, to bed with you two.”

“Maya, cuddles!!”

I give Nate a glare, and wrap his arm around my shoulder,
and then I do the same to Ryder. I am squashed between them as I stagger down the hall way. When we reach Ryder’s room, we stumble in and the two throw themselves onto the bed taking me with them. I scream and giggle as they fall beside me and their hands lash out to tickle my sides.

I squeal, laughing.

“Get her, man.” Ryder laughs, wiggling his finger into my ribs.

“Fuck yeah.” Nate shoves his fingers into my hip bones and they tickle me until I am gasping for air.

“You are killing me!” I cry.

“Alright, alright, we will stop…for now.”

Ryder rolls me, so my back is pressed against his chest. He crushes me against him and wraps his arms around me tightly. I can feel his breathing deepen a moment later. Nate rolls towards me, so our faces are only inches apart. His fingers smooth my hair back, and stroke my cheeks.

“I think he’s asleep…” I smile.

“I can’t move.”

I grip his hands and close my eyes, exhaustion rocking me. “Then don’t.”

And together we fall asleep, just like that.



“Oh God,” I moan, wiggling between two heavy, hot bodies.

I don’t mean the good hot either, I mean the sweaty, smelly, drunken man hot. Their bodies are slick with sweat and they smell BAD. I wiggle again, but Ryder has me pinned with his arms and Nate’s legs are tangle through mine. I whimper and shove, rolling Nate. He grumbles and rolls over, so I use the opportunity to lift Ryder’s arms off me and wiggle out of the bed.

When I look down at the two of them, I smile. They are both so special to me, in so many different ways. I stroke Ryder’s hair and then I turn and walk out. Lucy is in the main kitchen preparing eggs, bacon and hash browns. My stomach turns, ugh, damn morning sickness. That would have been one of my favorite foods otherwise.

“Good morning,” I smile, stepping beside her, “Can I help?”

“No love, I have it all under control. How are the boys?”

“Passed out, no doubt with a headache.”

“I saw you all in there this morning…”

I frown. “It isn’t what you think, Lucy. You know Nate’s gay.”

She puts the whisk down, and turns to me. “I know, believe me, I know. I don’t think I will ever understand the friendship between you three, but it’s beautiful. I have never seen three people work so well with each other before. You have two men in your life that will be there ‘till the end.”

I smile weakly, “I know.”

“You are a lucky girl, Maya.”

“I know that too.”

“So, I bet you are nearly gagging at the smell of this food?”

I laugh and wrap an arm around her. “Is it that obvious?”

“I remember the feeling. Would you like some fresh fruit and yoghurt instead?”

I nod, feeling my stomach grumble. “Yes please.”

We all sit down to breakfast, and an hour later Ryder and Nate appear. Both have disheveled hair, no shirts and look like hell. I smirk, revenge is sweet.

“Uh oh, you two look great,” Lucy laughs.

“Ugh, don’t even go there.”

I stand and walk over, wrapping myself around Ryder. He smells fresh, so I guess he must have showered. “Hey…”

He smiles down at me, and leans in to press a warm kiss against my lips. “Hey yourself,”

“Thanks for squashing me last
night; I think you gave our baby brain damage.”

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