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Authors: C.A. Williams

Tags: #General Fiction

“Yeah?” He quirked an eyebrow at me
and shifted his backpack. “You seem to be a pretty smart girl, I’m sure you’ll
do just fine. If you ever want to study, I happen to know they have a pretty
awesome library around here too.”

“Yeah, I’ve wanted to check that
out. I should get going though, good luck with your next class.”

“Thanks Paige. Hey, I was wondering
if maybe you wanted to go to the football game on Saturday.”

“Um, sure that sounds good. I’ll
give you my number at class on Wednesday and we can plan on where to meet up.
I’m sure Kitty already has something planned out.”

His eyes lit up and he started
walking backwards up the path. “Awesome,” he yelled back enthusiastically. “I
can’t wait, it’s gonna be totally awesome, see you later.” Apparently, he was
into football.

I walked into my next class and
this one was more like what I was expecting. It was already halfway filled with
at least 100 students. As I made my way down the steps to an empty seat, my
feet froze when I saw none other than Dylan Turner. Of course, he was
surrounded by at least five girls on the sides and front of him; it was like
they were all vying for his attention at the same time. Please don’t let him
see me.

I purposely found a seat on the
opposite side of the room and pulled out the book that had cost me a shit ton
of money. Maybe I would need to find a job sooner rather than later. I grabbed
out my syllabus from my last class and flicked over it again, things already
seemed a little bit more challenging than high school, but I guess that was
expected. I felt someone plop down in the seat next to me and I tried to resist
the urge to snap when a knee bumped into mine, it probably wouldn’t make a good

“Hey Sparky, long time no see. Are
you stalking me or something?” I looked over and tried not to give him the
satisfaction of drooling. He had a pencil tucked behind his ear, pushing back a
little bit of his messy brown hair that was peeking out from underneath the Gamecocks
hat he had on backwards. He was slouched down in his chair with one ankle
crossed over his knee, causing his shirt to slightly ride up, revealing a flat
tanned stomach with just a sprinkling of hair disappearing into his waistband.
Ok Paige, head on straight here, I said to myself.

“Actually if I was stalking you, I
would be sitting over there with your fan club.” I pointed to the seat he had
vacated and noticed I was getting a simultaneous stare down from the girls that
he had abandoned. Oops.

“Hmm….if you say so. Maybe you’re
just playing hard to get or something.”

“If that’s what helps you sleep at
night, think whatever you want.” He bit out a laugh, while he tapped the tip of
his pencil on his knee in a steady rhythm.  “Well, I do think about you often
when I go to sleep and when I’m doing….other things,” he whispered in my ear,
his warm breath causing shivers to course throughout my whole body.

I could feel my cheeks burning just
thinking about what those ‘other things’ were and why exactly he was thinking
about me when he was doing them. Luckily, the professor stepped up to the
podium placed in the center of the auditorium and saved me the trouble of replying,
because I had no clue what I was supposed to say to that.



I couldn’t believe it when Paige
walked in to my second class of the day; it definitely wasn’t one for freshmen.
My eyes locked instantly on her, like I could sense that she was there. Somehow,
this girl had gotten under my skin in the short time that we had spent

And then she scurried over to the
other side of the room, as if she couldn’t get away from me fast enough. I just
needed to chip away at the defensive wall she had up and she would warm up to
me eventually. I could guarantee it.

When I sat next to her again on
Wednesday, I could tell that she was warming up to me just a little. Somehow,
we got started on the topic of baseball and I was surprised to find out how
much she really knew about the sport that I loved to play so much. Anytime you
meet a girl who knows almost as much about baseball as you is a true rarity. I
gave her a little flack about being a Tampa Bay Rays fan, but she argued a good
point that they had made a huge turn around the past few seasons.

Her dad, Max, sounded pretty cool
and had taught Paige just about everything she knew about baseball. I think it
was probably the longest conversation I had ever had with a girl, except for
Kitty, before she decided to start hating me. There was something about Paige
Brinton that was different and I wanted to find out more.

“What’s goin’ on dude?” I plopped
down on the cracked leather couch that was a hand –me- down from the Chapmans,
much like the rest of the furniture in the house that I shared with Chris and
his middle brother, Bryce, who was hardly ever here. I swear he spent ninety
percent of his time at the library and the other ten percent with his equally
nerdy girlfriend, Marcy.

“Not much,” Chris replied tossing
the remote of our flat screen over to me. “I’m getting ready to head out with
Claire, isn’t this one of your nights with Mia?”

I scrubbed a hand over my face, trying
to remember what day it was. Shit, it was Friday. Normally I looked forward to
this day with Mia. That girl was kinky as fuck and was always coming up with
new positions or places to try out. I thought I had died and went to heaven
when she showed up one time with her equally kinky friend, Brandy. Wasn’t that
every guy’s fantasy? Now for some reason, I just wasn’t feeling it.

“Yeah, I guess,” I answered back
with a shrug of my shoulders, twisting off the cap to my beer I had pulled out
of the fridge. I had a feeling I was going to need a few of these.

“Ok,” he dragged out, giving me a
strange look at my lackluster tone. I was surprising the shit out of him too,
apparently. “Well don’t make it too late, got to get up early tomorrow. You
think you can be ready for me to pick you up around 7:00?”

“Not a problem,” I replied,
stopping on SportsCenter as I leaned my head back against the couch. Mia knew
my rule about no sleepovers and I’m sure I wouldn’t have a problem getting her
out of here early. “See you bright and early.” Game days were always something
to look forward to for me, almost as much as baseball. The Chapmans were
wealthy people and since Tim was an alumni, he had purchased a caboose that
made up the Cockaboose Railroad, one of the most unique tailgating experiences
anyone would ever have.

I was seriously speechless when I
first saw the thing and expected Robin Leach to jump out to narrate my tour for
me. From the outside, it looked like a normal train car, painted in garnet with
the Gamecocks logo, but that’s where the simple stopped.

The place seriously looked like a
Victorian palace or something. The walls were a simple white, but adorned with
expensive paintings that could probably pay my rent for a whole year. The
furnishings were lavish with leather couches and lamps that I was afraid I
would break every time I went in there. Pillars and brass chandeliers added to
the décor and a mahogany bar was set up in the corner, which Tim hired out a bartender
for at each home game.

There really wasn’t one word to
describe it. The tone over in that area was a little more subdued than any of
the student tailgating though. No keg stands or jock rock blaring from
speakers, but it still had a fun vibe. We seemed to run back and forth till
game time between the Chapmans and the area where the guys from the baseball
team set up every year.

A knock sounded at the door and I
looked down at my watch to see that it was almost 6:00. Mia was right on time.
“Hey, how’s it going?” I assessed her quickly with my eyes as she stood in the
doorway with a hand on her hip. Her long black hair was down and straight, like
she normally wore it, hanging past her bare shoulders that were a light mocha
color. Her best features were in my face like usual, squeezing out of the tight
black dress she had on, that barely covered her ass. But for some reason my
dick wasn’t instantly hard when she showed up.

“Hey sexy.” She ran a finger
lightly up and down my bare chest and I took a step back so I could shut the
door behind her. I really couldn’t even remember where Mia and I had first met,
but when I brought her back to the apartment the first time and then told her
to leave after we were finished; she rolled her eyes at me.

“Oh your one of those, are you,”
she had said. “I’m sure you have Mommy or Daddy issues, don’t you?” I hadn’t
replied. This girl didn’t need to know my business, especially when I probably
wouldn’t ever see her again.

“You know,” she had purred out,
straddling her naked body across my lap, “we could keep things casual, sex
only. I wouldn’t expect anything else, if I ever start to nag you can kick me
to the curb and I promise not to go crazy on this fine ass of yours.”

I didn’t believe her at first, but
after a couple of months, she had kept true to her word and eventually
introduced me to Sara. Sara was a little bit tamer than Mia, but it was a
different change of pace and I liked to mix things up. Now that I thought about
what Chris had said the other day I guess it was a little degrading just to be
using these girls for sex. What was wrong with me?

“You want anything to drink?” I
padded over to the fridge and grabbed another beer, taking a long swig. “Um, no
thanks.” She followed me into the kitchen and slid a hand down the front of my
shorts from behind me.

“So, how was your first week of
classes?” I asked, twisting my body around and dislodging her hands from my
shorts, which earned me a surprised look. “Since when did we start this whole
talking thing?” She motioned between the two of us and crossed her arms over
her chest, making them spill out of the top of her dress even more. Hmm, maybe
she was the one who was degrading
, bet Chris the jackass never
thought of that.

“Sorry,” I replied, running a hand
through my hair. “I’m just in a bit of a funk.”

“Well,” she dragged out, pulling on
my hand and I reluctantly followed her to my room. “That’s what I’m here for.”
She pushed me lightly back onto the bed and I flopped back with an arm over my
face. She had a lot of work ahead of her then because I just wasn’t feeling it.

I felt her hands on the waistband
of my shorts again and with a tug, those along with my boxers were around my
ankles. Her hands were between my legs in an instant and I could feel her nails
running across my length. “Hmm, I guess you were right,” I heard her say in a
whisper, usually by now, I would be as hard as a bone and ready to go. This
time, not so much.

“Well, I’m always up for a
challenge.” Her hair splayed across my stomach, as her head dipped and she
bobbed up and down, flicking out her wet tongue. I squeezed my eyes shut,
willing all of the thoughts to clear out my mind and just enjoy what she was
doing to me.

I couldn’t help but picture a certain
sandy brown haired girl between my legs instead of Mia. Her plump lips wrapped
around me, my hand buried in those soft curls of hers. She would look up at me
with an innocent look in those wide blue eyes of hers, while I was buried in
her mouth.

I felt Mia’s weight shift and the
familiar sound of a wrapper being opened, climbing on top of me after she had
managed to get me hard, most of it was help from the fucked up fantasy running
through my head right now. I grasped her hips and squeezed my eyes shut,
imagining Paige like I had before. When did I become so pathetic that I had to
fantasize to get off?

Mia rolled off me after we were
both finished and stood up to pull her dress back on. “I can see what you mean
about being in a funk.”

“Sorry?” It came out as a question
and I really wasn’t sure how to reply to something like that. I could tell she
had gotten off and I had too…eventually.

“So who’s the lucky girl that’s
finally stolen Dylan Turner’s heart? I didn’t think I would ever see the day.”
Her mouth curved into a small grin as she gathered her hair up into a ponytail.
My mouth hung open at her like she was a fucking mind reader. How could she
tell something like that, when I really didn’t even know it myself?

Somehow, someway, Paige Brinton was
changing me and she probably didn’t even know it. I barely knew the girl, but I
also knew that she needed to be mine. Now I just had to prove to her that she
just wasn’t simply my next conquest, that I really wanted something real with
her. Something real with a girl, for the first time in my life.



“Wake up sleepy head.” I groaned as
I opened my eyes and saw Kitty’s blonde head leaning over me. I could tell that
it was still dark out and I looked over at the red numbers on my alarm clock to
see that it was 5:30 in the morning.

“What the hell Kitty? I still need
like two hours of sleep.” I rolled over onto my stomach and pulled a pillow
over my head. That didn’t seem to help with the problem of her jumping all over
my bed, jostling my whole body.

“C’mon Paige, hurry up, time’s a
ticking.” I sat up after her persistent jumping didn’t seem to be letting up
and scrubbed at my eyes that were filled with sleep. “It’s game day! We are
going to have so much fun!” She squealed out and proceeded to pile two huge
stacks of clothes onto my bed. Apparently, game days were the only day she was
up before me…and even perkier than usual.

“Here, look through these and
figure out what you want to wear. I’m going to hop in the shower before Queen
Kylie wakes up from her much needed beauty sleep.” I let out a snort as she
disappeared down the short hallway and I heard the door click behind her.

Kitty and Kylie still weren’t
getting along well, but Kitty had graciously invited both her and Maddie to go
tailgating with us. According to Kitty, it was quite the affair and her parents
had a prime spot that she had been talking about for the past week. I was
excited to meet the parents of Kitty Chapman; it was always interesting to see
the people who had raised you.

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