Handsome Stranger (3 page)

Read Handsome Stranger Online

Authors: Megan Grooms

Nate was on the ground watching her wide eyed and suddenly he started laughing. She looked down at him and seemed like she was going to hit him. He couldn
’t help it though she looked so damn cute. Even when she was screaming at him she was cute.

You are an ass!” Jess ran down the steps and smacked him on the back of the head. “Get up and stop laughing at the poor girl!” She slowly walked up to Abby who was watching her with apprehension. “Honey, I’m his sister, he invited me over for dinner. Which by the way, jerk, is burning.” She glanced back at him glaring.

Oh shit!” Nate jumped up and headed for the house trying to be quick so he could get back out to her. Before going into the house he could hear Abby.

Oh my God, I screamed like that for no reason?”

He took his food out and raced back outside.
“Oh don’t leave honey it’s ok.” Jess put an arm around Abby and Nate was grateful she was there, though if she wasn’t there this whole thing would have been avoided. He should have warned Abby that his sister might be there. He hadn’t really been thinking properly. It seemed he was unable to think properly around her. “You had no way of knowing, no one is upset with you. Come on, anyone that can yell at my brother like that is ok with me.”

It seemed Abby had tried to leave again both their backs were to Nate and he was enjoying list
ening to them talk. “I’m not usually like this.” Abby whispered. “I don’t do that… I don’t even usually dress like this. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”

Well I think you look beautiful.” Nate started walking down the steps. It was time he intervened. She was beating herself up over something he started. It wasn’t her fault he pretty much attacked her. He didn’t want her thinking poorly of herself. Jess hit his arm on her way back into the house. “I’m sorry Abby I should have told you about my sister.” He walked up and wanted to pull her to him again. Just looking at her made his pants grow tight and his breathing to pick up speed it was much worse when he touched her. Before he could stop himself he was remembering the feel of her in his lap, pressing herself into his erection. He wasn’t sure what they would have done on the lawn if his sister hadn’t come out. He had been ready to pull the thin scrap of a dress off her. It still wasn’t out of the question.

Nate I’m sorry.” She could feel the heat coming off him. His scent was intoxicating. She wanted to be in his arms again, wrap her legs around his waist feel him pressed against her most intimate parts. She could feel her body heat up, feel herself getting wet with the ideas forming in her head. She shook it to try to dislodge them.

Abby would you like to come inside and meet everyone?” Nate asked holding his hand out to her.
Then we’ll kick them all out
, he thought to himself.

Yes please.” She took his hand the contact helping to stir her desire and keep her thoughts still on his body. Despite how hard she was trying to forget the feel of it. She couldn’t help liking even the look of their hands linked hers so small with long fingers his large with thick fingers. She smiled up at him and he smiled back down at her. She shook her head a little and looked at the house. “Your house is beautiful. Do you live alone?” She was trying to make conversation but she had to make sure. She didn’t want to make a fool of herself again.

Yup, before teaching I was into stock trading. I did ok for myself. I worked too hard though and quickly burnt myself out. Now I teach, I love music.”

Me too, though really I just listen. I wanted to learn the piano but never got around to it.” She smiled up at him again. She couldn’t get over how his smile lit up his face, crinkled around his eyes, or how they shone with his laughter. There had to be something wrong with him, she didn’t think she was lucky enough to get a guy like this all to herself.

Well maybe I can teach you Abby.” They stepped inside and two little children ran up.

Right away Abby smiled. Children she could deal with and it would quickly take her mind off the handsome man next to her. She knelt down when they looked up at her.
“Who are you?” The older one, a boy asked. “My name is James, I’m five.”

Well nice to meet you James. I’m Abby your…” She paused, God did he have kids?

Uncle.” He laughed at the look on her face.

I’m your Uncle’s friend. She bent at the waist to see the little girl. Nate doubted she knew it but it put her ass right next to him. It was almost too much not to touch it and see if it was as nice and firm as it looked. “What is your name?”

The smaller child looked at her for a
moment before answering “Teresa, I’m three.” She held up three fingers.

Well, it’s nice to meet you as well Teresa.” She smiled at them and they both smiled back. Each one took a hand and led her through the house. Abby looked back at Nate who walked just behind her. She was laughing enjoying the children’s tour through his home.

Nate couldn
’t believe how beautiful she looked. The makeup enhanced the beauty he had already seen and with the genuine smile, no trace of apprehension she was a vision. “This is Uncle Nate’s house but we come over all the time. This is the living room. He’s got lots of great movies and he can play any song on the piano or guitar. When we go camping he brings his guitar and we sing around the camp fire. Well, we’ve only done it once this year but next year we are going to do it all the time!” The little boy explained as they walked through the living room. Abby saw said guitar and piano in the corner. “This is the dining room, but we don’t usually eat in here. Mom says today is special so we are but normally we eat in the kitchen.” They walked through a swinging door connecting the dining room to the kitchen. “Uncle Nate can cook really good, he’s teaching me.” The boy pronounced proudly. “Sometimes Teresa helps.” He admitted when the little girl poked him. The last room is Uncle Nate’s office. We can’t go in there unless he says we can, and he has to be with us.”

Ok, I’ll remember that.” She laughed glancing back at Nate. He was watching her, a curious look on his face that she couldn’t figure out what it meant.

Do you wanna see up stairs? We could show you our room, the guest room, and Uncle Nate’s room. He’s got a huge bed that bounces really well sometimes he lets us jump on it. But don’t tell mom cause we aren’t allowed to do that.”

I promise I won’t tell.” Abby answered laughing again.

There is no way you two are showing Abby my room.” Abby really laughed now. He paused watching her. The sound was spellbinding and the way her face lit up was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. Shaking himself he sighed. “I think it’s time to eat why don’t you go get your mom and dad? I’m gonna show Abby my office and we will be right in ok?”

Ok!” They yelled together taking off down the hall.

Would you like to see my office?” He was suddenly nervous. He couldn’t help it when his hand slid around her waist cupping her side and pulling her closer to him.

She could hardly breathe. She didn
’t know why this man affected her this way but she enjoyed every moment. “That’d be great.” She whispered breathlessly.

He slid back two French doors and let her walk in. He followed closing the door behind them, his heart pounding in his ears.
“I still play with the stock market some and this is where I get my lesson plans together.” He turned around to see her fine ass in the air again. She was looking at a picture on his book shelf. Unable to stop himself this time he walked over and put a hand on her shoulder. Slowly he slid his fingertips down her back and rested a hand on her bottom. It was as firm and tight as it looked.

A shiver ran down Abby
’s spine. She stood slowly loving the feel of his hands on her. Already she knew she wanted him. Each touch just intensified the feeling. She turned and looked up at him. “Thank you for inviting me. I’m sorry how I behaved earlier. This, all of this, is completely unlike me. I don’t know what’s come over me.” She felt her face glow and she looked away from him.

Don’t be ashamed Abby. I love it.” Nate put a finger under her chin and gently pulled her to look at him. “You move me in ways no woman ever has. I want to get to know you, all of you.” He was whispering now bending down to her.

She lifted to her toes to meet him eager for another kiss. Her arms went around his neck, his around her waist dragging her closer still. Abby
’s daydream felt like it was coming true as he tilted her chin with his  finger then proceeded to kiss his way down her neck. Her labored breathing pressed her breasts into his rock hard chest. Her taut sensitive nipples rubbed causing her to moan as he continued his exploration down her neck.

God, do you know what you do to me?” Nate moaned standing up and pulling her into a hug. “I actually hadn’t had anything planned I just wanted you to come over but didn’t know if you would. I had to beg my sister to come.” The confession slipped out of his mouth. “Now I wish she hadn’t been able too.”

You could have just asked me, or just said they canceled. I’d like to spend time with you.” She put her hand against his cheek looking up at him. “You’re so damn handsome.” Color filled her cheeks as she realized what she just said out loud. He laughed and leaned down to give her a quick kiss. “Let’s eat.” They walked out and down to the dining room. No one was there. Only two plates on the table and two candles were lit.

Where did they go?” Abby asked her stomach churning. She had just said she wanted this but now that she had it she was excited and nervous. He walked over and pulled out her chair.

They must have left. Please sit down.”

She sat down and he slid it back under the table. He leaned down his fingers brushing along her arms. He kissed the top of her head his fingers trailing up and down her arms giving her
goose bumps and causing her to want him more. He left without saying a word and Abby tried to catch her breath. She was going to be a puddle of wanton need by the time she was done with this dinner if he kept doing things like that. She didn’t think she had ever been this excited sexually before and she enjoyed it. She found herself hoping that they were going to follow through.

All through dinner Nate could
n’t keep his eyes off his companion. The way her dress pushed her ample bosom up giving him a peek at the valley between them was causing him a great deal of discomfort. When she was pressed against him it was all he could do not to slip his mouth down there and taste that valley. His pants were about to burst and he couldn’t taste anything he put in his mouth.

Abby felt him watching her. She enjoyed the attention. No one
had ever looked at her like that before. The food was wonderful but she couldn’t get her mind off his hands on her. She wanted them directly on her skin. They brought their own dishes to the sink and she stood for a moment her hands on the counter trying to calm herself after the electricity in the room from dinner. Her whole body felt tense if something didn’t happen soon she might just snap.

He walked up behind her pressing himself into her. She lean
ed back offering herself up to his touch. His fingers skimmed across the neckline of her dress over her breasts like he had wanted to do all night. He felt her shiver against him his erection almost painful. She backed into it feeling it against her bottom and she wiggled a little enjoying hearing his breath catch. “Abby I’m not sure I can behave myself much longer.”

The strain in his voice was evident and Abby loved it, turning her on even more.
“Then don’t behave yourself.” She answered looking up at him almost lost with the sensation of him touching her.

He growled low in his chest one hand coming around to hold her stomach the other sliding her hair away from her neck. Leaning down he kissed just below
her ear before taking the lobe into his hot, wet mouth and sucking on it.

Abby squeaked, never having a man do that before she felt the immediate reaction, a tension that started to build low in her body. Quickly she was soaking her panties. She pressed herself into him harder, the feel of his arousal pressed into her. She wiggled against it remembering how he seemed to like it.

He gasped and pulled back just enough to twist her in his arms. She looked up and he could see she was blinded by lust. He kissed her forehead gently slowly moving down kissing the tip of her nose her cheeks her mouth. He spent time there engaging her tongue. He moved down her neck across her chest and lower. His tongue dipped between her breasts and she gasped.

Nate, please.” She whispered clutching at his clothing. She was aflame with desire. She didn’t even feel like herself as she looked up at the tall stranger.

Please what? What do you want Abbs?” He growled his hands already sliding down the slick material of her dress. He would wait until she asked. He wanted to make sure she knew what she was doing. If she said stop he would. He still had enough control.

Take my clothes off, keep kissing me, touching me.” She whispered. She wasn’t so lost that she wasn’t nervous, or embarrassed. She tried not to think too much. If she did her brain would get in the way. She wanted this, she was a grown woman she was going to have it.

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