Harlequin American Romance October 2013 Bundle: Twins Under the Christmas Tree\Big Sky Christmas\Her Wyoming Hero\A Rancher's Christmas (10 page)

Out of breath Javier said, “Can I do that again?”

“Sure.” Whether Isi knew it or not, her sons were rodeo cowboys in the making and Conway couldn't be prouder of them.

* * *

she watched Will drive out of the trailer park. They'd skipped stopping for dessert after the movie. Will insisted Conway wouldn't mind, but Isi hadn't wanted to take advantage of her sitter by staying out too late. When she stepped inside the trailer, she spotted Conway asleep on the couch. She treaded closer to the sofa. He was such a handsome man. If only...

“I'm a light sleeper, if you're thinking about pulling a prank on me.” He opened his eyes.

Isi lost herself in his warm gaze.

“Where's Will?” Conway sat up.

“He left.” She shrugged out of her jacket. “How did the boys behave?”

“Fine. We played hooky.” He stretched his arms above his head, drawing her gaze to his chest.

“You didn't work at the farm?” she asked.

“We drove over to Somerton for the Tamale Festival.”

Isi had always wanted to attend the festival. “Did you rodeo?”

“Nope, but the boys entered the mutton bustin' competition.”

“Really?” She'd heard about the event for kids. “Javier rode, too?”

“He was nervous, but after watching Miguel he wanted to give it a try.” Conway grinned.


“Miguel rode his sheep 'til the buzzer and won a blue ribbon.”

Isi smiled. That sounded like her competitive son. “How did Javier do?”

“He fell off after a few seconds. Miguel said he'd share his ribbon with him.”

“Did you by chance take any pictures?”

Conway went into the kitchen then returned with a photo envelope from a local drugstore.

Isi browsed through the pictures. “These are great,” she said. “Where did they get the boots?”

“We stopped at Boot Barn on the way out of town.”

“You shouldn't have spent money on them,” she said. She'd be indebted to Conway for life if he continued to buy things for the boys. As it was, she doubted she'd be able to pay for the bunkhouse TV until she landed a new job after she graduated. “Thank you for taking the photos.”

“So you and Will are really hitting it off,” he said.

“Will's a nice guy.” She noticed his frown and asked, “What's wrong?”

“Will's too old for you.”

“He's not that much older than you.”

“Maybe not, but if you two get serious, I—”

“Right now we're friends, Conway.”

“That could change, but my brother's not the right man for the twins.”

“You can't be serious.”

“Hey, I've been with the boys long enough to know who would make a good dad for them.”

“Oh, really?”
This ought to be interesting
. “What kind of man do you think the boys need in their life?”

Conway shoved a hand through his hair and paced across the room. “They need a man who won't get upset when they make a mess with their toys.”

Like you
. “Go on.”

“A guy, who doesn't mind being interrupted and asked a million questions.”

Like you

“A guy who'll teach them to stand up for themselves.”

Like you did

“A man who'll appreciate their differences and not compare one to the other.”

Oh, Conway, can't you see you're describing yourself?
“If Will's not the right man for me and the boys then who is?”

Was it a trick of the light or had Conway's eyes sparked at her question?

“I don't know, but it's not my brother.” He closed the distance between them and Isi felt the air squeeze out of the room. He stared into her eyes, the sexy tilt of his mouth making her heart race. Would it always be like this between them—his brown eyes making her knees go weak?

“Isi?” he whispered, drawing her gaze to his lips.

“What?” She couldn't think with Conway standing so close.

The next thing she knew, Conway's breath fanned her cheek and her skin broke out in goose bumps.

“Tell me what kind of guy rocks your world and I'll find him for you.”

She held her breath. He stood so close all she had to do was lift her face and her mouth would brush his jaw. “You'll never find him.”

“Why not?”

Because he's standing right here in front of me, and he doesn't want to be found

She swayed forward, bringing their mouths closer.
Kiss me, Conway

He must have heard her silent plea. His lips brushed across hers and her body tingled as if he were running his hand over her naked flesh. He pulled back, his gaze piercing. “This isn't a good idea.” He didn't allow her a chance to speak before he kissed her again, this time, his mouth lingering.

“Tell me to stop.” His dark eyes gleamed. He wanted her, but he couldn't promise her anything more than this night in his arms.

Is one night enough?

Isi had dreamed of making love to Conway for weeks. She hadn't had sex since the boys were born and to end a four-year drought in Conway's arms was nothing short of a dream come true. But once she got a taste of his passion, would she be able to distance herself from the experience and return to being his friend and confidante?

She caressed his scruffy cheek, relishing the prickly feel of his five-o'clock shadow. The yearning to be intimate with him overpowered her common sense.

Standing on tiptoe, she whispered, “I don't want to stop you.”

He grasped her face, sweeping his tongue inside her mouth, leaving no doubt in her mind what he wanted.


Chapter Ten

Like a drunken cowboy, Conway stumbled after Isi through the hallway. As soon as he entered her bedroom, she shut the door and flipped the lock. The light from the street lamps behind the trailer park flooded the room, casting Isi in a mystic glow.

Not a hint of doubt showed in her beautiful brown eyes. When she ran her tongue across her lower lip, leaving a moist trail on the pouting flesh, Conway's testosterone level went through the roof.

There was no doubt Isi wanted him. Her fingers moved with confidence over the buttons of her blouse until the sides fell open revealing the creamy swells of her breasts above her black lace bra.

“You next,” she said.

So that's how they were playing this game. He ripped open the snaps on his shirt, baring his chest. She flashed a wicked smile that jolted his heart. She unbuckled her belt then slid the zipper down on her jeans. A bit of black lace peeked at him and Conway scrambled to undo his belt and release the buttons on his fly.

“I guess we both prefer black undergarments,” she said, staring at his briefs.

Conway shrugged out of his shirt then closed the distance between them. He brushed her blouse aside, exposing her shoulder then he kissed her skin. The scent of perfume and warm female made him crazy hungry for her.

“You're beautiful.” He cupped her small breast and kissed the nipple through the lace. Her moan echoed in his ears, and when her hand found his arousal, he knew he wouldn't last long. He lifted her into his arms and carried her to the bed. He kissed her once, twice, three times before coming up for air. “How do you want this? Hard and fast or slow and easy?”

“Let's save the slow and easy for next time.”

“I was hoping you'd say that.” He reached for his jeans on the floor, but Isi intercepted his arm. “I've got it covered.” She rummaged through her nightstand drawer and held out a new box of condoms. “After getting pregnant with the twins, I don't want to be caught unprepared again.”

“Are you sure?”

“I've never been so sure of anything.”

He slid her panties off then sheathed himself and thrust inside her, groaning in pleasure. Everything about Isi and this moment felt right. Perfect. His fingers coaxed her to keep pace with him and when he heard the quiet hitch in her breath followed by her muffled cry against his chest, he let himself go, and followed her to paradise.

* * *

and the hot press of naked flesh dragged Isi from slumber. Conway spooned her body, one arm stretching beneath her pillow and the other resting along her thigh.

Conway's chest pushed against her shoulders when he inhaled, then a sliver of cool air rushed between their bodies when he exhaled. The hair on his thighs tickled her bottom, but it was the rhythmic puff of air hitting the back her neck that made her skin break out in goose pimples.

The muffled wail of a police siren echoed in the distance, reminding her of the stark contrast between their childhoods—Conway having been raised on a pecan farm in the country and Isi having grown up in the poorest barrio in Buenos Aires. How different her life would be right now if her father had been a farmer and not a factory worker.

Isi didn't often allow herself to think too far into the future, beyond earning her degree and landing a stable job—mostly because of fear. Fear that another roadblock would prevent her from graduating. Fear that she'd never find a job that made enough money to move her and the boys out of the trailer and into a real home. Fear that her sons would grow up without a father.

Fear that she'd spend the rest of her life alone.

In Conway's arms, she felt safe enough to dream. She imagined waking in the mornings on the farm, hearing the boys arguing down the hall in their bedroom. She envisioned cooking a country breakfast before walking her sons to the meet the bus. When the boys returned from school, they'd jump on the tractor and help Conway in the pecan groves.

But happy ever after on a farm would never be a reality, because Conway didn't want to be a father.

No matter how much Isi wished otherwise, she'd known from the get-go that raising children was not in his future. She'd experienced plenty of disappointment in her young life—more than most women her age. No matter what happened between her and Conway, she'd survive, because she had her sons. Javier and Miguel were her greatest joy. Her purpose in life. Her reason for living.

Forcing her thoughts from the boys and the future, she basked in the glow of Conway's lovemaking. If Isi had learned one thing after their conversations about women, it was that Conway needed to be a priority in his lady's life. He wanted to be the center of her world, but when their clothes had come off, he'd focused on her pleasure, not his.

He'd been amazing in bed. Of course, she'd only had two lovers to compare him with—her high school boyfriend and the twins' father. Neither had come near to the passion she'd found in Conway's arms. She doubted she'd ever close her eyes without hearing his deep voice murmur how much he adored her body. He'd made her feel young, sexy and carefree and for a short time she'd forgotten she was a mother, student and waitress. She glanced at the nightstand clock.

If only time would stand still.

If only she, Conway and the boys were a real family.

If only Conway would wake up and ask her to marry him.

Wishful thinking

Of course he wouldn't propose, but what if they could be friends with benefits until “the one” happened along?

What about Javi and Mig?

There were times she hated the voice inside her head, always challenging her decisions. Even if she hid her affair with Conway so the boys wouldn't get their hopes up that he'd become their dad, would she be able to stop herself from falling in love with him?

If there was one thing she'd learned about herself the past few years, it was that she was a survivor. When Conway found his perfect woman, she'd pick up the pieces of her broken heart and move on.

He stretched behind her, his hand moving over her breast, caressing her. Then she felt the press of his mouth on the top of her head.

She turned in his arms and he spread tiny kisses over her face, drawing sighs and moans from her before he sheathed himself and took her on another fantasy ride.

When their breathing returned to normal, he whispered, “You're amazing.”

His smile melted her heart. “So are you.”

“It's almost five.” He squinted at the bedside clock. “I'm usually out in the barn by now.”

The sun wouldn't be up for two hours. They had time... “Stay.” She squeezed his bicep. “You work too hard.”

“Not as hard as you.” Conway kissed her forehead. “I don't know how you do it, taking care of the twins, going to college, working at the bar then studying when you get home.” He slid down on the mattress and nuzzled her breasts.

“I want you to know...”

Conway stiffened. He'd woken up in enough beds with pink-flowered sheets to have learned that most morning-after conversations didn't bode well for him.

“That last night was special,” she said.

He couldn't concentrate when she toyed with his nipple. “Isi...we can't do this again.”

Her eyes widened and he felt like an ass. He'd shared an incredible few hours with Isi, which had been way better than any fantasy he'd had about her the past two years. The least he could do is wait until they had their clothes on to discuss whether or not there would be a repeat of tonight in the future.

He didn't want to be the bad guy, but there was no way he'd take advantage of Isi and keep carrying on with her when he had no intention of making their relationship permanent.

“I'm not going to change how I feel about being a father,” he said. “You deserve to be with a man who'll make your sons a priority in his life. I'm not that man.”

She raked her fingernails down his back and he shivered. “We could be friends with benefits.”

Was she saying what he thought she was saying? A creaking sound in the hall startled Isi and she flew off the bed, dragging the sheet with her.

“Oh, my God!” She motioned to the window above the bed as she backed against the door. “Get out!” she whispered.

He shoved his legs into his jeans then stuffed his bare feet into his boots, wincing at the tight fit.

“Mom? My throat hurts.”

When the door handle jiggled, Isi gestured frantically.


“Be right there, Miguel.”

Conway yanked the blinds up and opened the window, then punched out the screen with his fist. “Sorry,” he mumbled as he stepped on her sheets and launched himself out the window. When his boots hit the ground, he poked his head through the window. “My keys.”

Isi tossed his keys and wallet. He caught them then raced bare-chested to his truck.

It wasn't until he reached the city limits that he caught himself smiling in the rearview mirror. Good thing Will had fixed Isi's sticky window or he would have had to explain to Miguel what he'd been doing in his mother's bedroom.

* * *

crawling home before dawn?”

Conway froze when he stepped from his truck and heard Porter's voice echo in the darkness.

“Over here.” Porter sat up in the bed of his truck.

“What are you doing?” Conway asked.

“I couldn't sleep.”

Couldn't sleep? “Twenty-seven is too young to be suffering from insomnia.”

“Not being able to sleep has nothing to do with my melatonin levels and everything to do with Betsy.”

Although he'd earned a reputation of being a ladies' man, Porter never lacked for female attention. And while Conway was on a mission to find the right woman to settle down with, his brother played the dating game for the sake of competing, not caring in the end if he lost or won.

Of all the brothers, Conway and Porter resembled each other the most in appearance, but they couldn't be more different. Porter was a goof-off, who took life one day at a time. Conway liked having fun as much as the next guy, but the past couple of years he'd been thinking there was more to life.

“Where's your shirt?” Porter's white teeth flashed in the predawn light.

If given a choice Porter was not the brother he'd have picked to have a serious conversation with, but Conway was rattled by what he and Isi had done and he needed to vent. “I crossed the line with a woman I shouldn't have.”

“What happened?”

“I slept with Isi.”

“The twins' mother?”

What other Isi was there?

“She's single,” Porter said. “What's the problem?”

“I have no intention of marrying her, so we shouldn't have slept together.”

“I have no intention of marrying Betsy, but I still slept with her.”

“Who's Betsy?”

“Betsy Brumfield. We met at Vern's Drive-In a few days ago and hit it off.”

“That was quick.”

“Betsy invited me back to her apartment after the movie.” Porter shrugged. “I wasn't going to say no.”

“Do you ever think about settling down with one woman?”

Porter waved a hand in the air. “Quit talking about me. Why are you upset about sleeping with Isi? Does she already have a steady boyfriend?”

“No!” Conway shoved a hand through his hair. “But I let my emotions get the best of me. I was frustrated.”

“By what?”

He didn't want Porter to know he was jealous of Will. “Isi went out on a date with a guy and the whole night I worried that she was having sex with him.”

“If you don't like the idea of Isi dating, then you must have feelings for her.”

“We've been friends for a long time.”

“How come you've never invited her to spend a holiday with us?” Porter asked.

“Because we're not that kind of friends.”

Porter stared at him with a perplexed frown. “What the hell kind of friends are you?”

When had his younger brother become so pushy? “I stop by the Border Town Bar & Grill a few times a week and we talk.”


Conway quirked an eyebrow. “Ah, what?”

“Isi's your therapist.”

Not only was Porter pushy, he was perceptive, too.

“Let me see if I have this figured out.” Porter sat up straight. “You and Isi are friends and she listens to all your problems, offers advice and basically keeps you focused on your goals, whatever those are.”


“So the reason you're all worked up over having sex with her is that you're afraid she won't view you as a friend anymore and you won't be able to bend her ear like you used to.”

“Not at all. I—”

“Wait,” Porter interrupted. “You're afraid that if Isi becomes involved with a guy, then he'll put the brakes on your friendship with her.”

“No.” Conway's anxiety had nothing to do with being cut off from Isi's counsel—did it? He'd grown close to her and the boys these past weeks, and accepted that he couldn't have her and the twins for himself but that didn't mean he wanted some other guy to have them.

“If you value Isi's friendship that much, why did you sleep with her?” Porter asked.

“When she walked in the door, all I could think about was kissing her and—”

“Staking your claim on her.”

Had he wanted to stake his claim on Isi? “She didn't try to stop me when I kissed her.”

“I have that problem all the time,” Porter said. “I usually hesitate right before I kiss a girl in case she changes her mind, then I—”

“Hey, back to my sex life, not yours.”


Agitated, Conway paced. “Making love with Isi was off-the-charts amazing.” After they'd made love the first time, Isi had fallen asleep for a few minutes, giving Conway a chance to study her without her knowing. The sight of her pretty face relaxed and her breathing even and quiet had moved something deep inside him. His chest had swelled with tenderness and he'd felt connected to her in a way he'd never experienced with another woman. The intensity of that emotion had scared him but at the same time it had felt exhilarating.

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