Harnessed (11 page)

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Authors: Ella Ardent

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Late that night as Josh laid in his stall, he savored his exhaustion and his memory of the day’s ride. He watched the red light of the smoke alarm, and loved the tranquility that filled him, body and mind.

He knew he shouldn’t have been surprised when he heard a tune in his thoughts, the first music that had come to him in two years. The melody was beautiful, and though it was his own composition, it felt more like a gift being dictated to him.

He had no pen, no paper, no tablet or means to record what he heard. He feared he would lose it, then knew the only thing he could do.

Josh closed his eyes and listened, repeating the melody so that he’d remember it until the end of his time on Windswept. He went over it in his thoughts until he began to fall asleep, and he smiled when he knew one line of the chorus.

He wasn’t surprised that it was a love song.

Either he’d found his creativity on Windswept, or he’d found his muse.

* * *

Elise couldn’t forget the scene in the forest.

She doubted she ever would. It had been so hot with Nigel and Storm, but even hotter with Storm alone. It was ridiculous. She’d never talked to him. She didn’t know his real name.

But she was completely infatuated with him.

She was flustered that night at dinner, which clearly amused Nigel. She made her excuses early and retreated to her room, too agitated to read. She paced until Amy arrived, and the maid mistakenly assumed that it was due to her needs. She fell to her knees before Elise, silently offering to remove the clamp on her clitoris or do whatever Elise commanded.

“What pony did you watch at stud?” Elise found herself asking.

“Golden Boy, my lady. I believe it was part of his arrangement.”

“Not Storm?”

“No, my lady.”

“What do you know about Storm?”

Amy sat back on her heels. She watched Elise as she spoke with care. “That he has a similar taste for experimentation as you, my lady. He is said to be dominant, but seeking a new experience.”

Elise could believe that. She watched the maid. “How do you know so much about various arrangements?”

Amy blushed. “It’s my job, my lady.”

“You’re a maid.”

“Among other things.”

Elise threw herself into a chair and studied the other woman. “You knew about Tyler.”

Amy took a deep breath. “I was assigned to ensure that you had your fantasy.” She dropped her voice to a whisper. “I suggested to Rex that you hadn’t written the truth on your application.”

“How could you know that?”

“I think we’ve had some similar experiences.”

Elise rose to her feet and looked out the window. The stars were bright on Windswept, the lack of ambient light making the sky seem magical. Her gaze fell on the stables and she bit her lip. She heard Amy rise and felt the maid behind her.

“I can’t make it come true by myself,” Amy whispered. “You have to reach for what you want, my lady.”

Elise glanced over her shoulder. “Even if it isn’t mine to take?”

Amy smiled. “You’re lady of the manor. Everything and everyone on this island is yours to take.”

It was both that simple and that complicated.

Elise turned to look out at the night again, her heart thundering. She wanted him. She’d have him. And she’d deal with the consequences later. Even making the decision made her feel alive and purposeful, more optimistic than she’d been in years.

That had to mean it was the right thing to do.

* * *

The lady came for him, first thing in the morning.

Josh heard the sound of her heels in the cobbled yard outside the stable and his cock responded immediately. He dared to hope, but feared to be disappointed.

Kerr had already rubbed him down and put on his boots, then bound his arms behind his back. He was grazing in his stall as Kerr brushed his hair, the long tail on his butt plug sweeping against the back of his legs. Josh was losing himself in the moment, in what he believed might be the mindset of a real pony—the feel of his skin, the constriction of his harness, the passive acceptance that whatever would happen would happen—when he heard those heels.

They couldn’t have been the boots of anyone else.

He lifted his head and turned without meaning to do so. Kerr smiled and patted his hip. “Curious boy,” he teased. “You like her, don’t you?”

Josh exhaled, knowing the particular nature of his interest in the lady was evident to his groom.

“Maybe she’s not for you,” Kerr whispered, then reached down and caressed Josh’s cock. He cradled Josh’s balls and squeezed slightly, the brush of his fingertips against Josh’s penis almost excruciatingly pleasurable. Kerr grinned and began to work Josh with his hands, watching him closely. Josh shuddered but stood his ground, clenching his fists.

He shouldn’t come.

He couldn’t come.

But the sound of those approaching footsteps was joined by her light laughter. Baxter was talking to her, bringing her into the stable, leading her closer, and Kerr was just a little too good at what he was doing…

“Kerr!” Baxter said as the latch was lifted on the door. “My lady wishes to ride this morning and she’s chosen Storm. Could you saddle him up, please?”

“Not the carriage?” Kerr asked.

Baxter’s tone hardened. “I believe I said that Lady Elise wished to ride, Kerr, and she is waiting.”

Elise. Her name was Elise.

“Actually, I’d like to ride bareback,” the lady herself said from the doorway to the stall. Her words sent a jolt through Josh that went straight to his cock. Bareback? How did that work? “Just the stirrups, if you please. Kerr, is it?”

“Yes, my lady.” Kerr turned away from Josh and bent low. “Right away, my lady.”

“I don’t believe you’ve seen all of our facilities, my lady,” Baxter said. “Would you care for a quick tour while your mount is harnessed?”

“What a charming idea. Thank you, Baxter.”

Baxter began to describe the facilities with enthusiasm, his voice fading slightly as he walked down the central corridor of the stables. The sound of their footsteps diminished, too, but Josh was sure he could still smell her perfume. Mingled with the familiar scents of hay and perspiration and leather was the faint scent of roses. The perfume, so feminine and soft, teased him and made him even harder than he had been.

Riding him.

Bareback. He could hardly bear to imagine.

He’d pleased her the day before. Did she want more of the same? Or did she have other plans for him? He felt a mix of fear and anticipation that was enough to make him dizzy.

Was she his muse?

How could he communicate with her when he was forbidden to speak?

Kerr was clearly displeased by the situation. He muttered beneath his breath, although he harnessed Josh’s cock with care. “At least someone likes this idea,” he complained, sheathing Josh’s huge erection in soft leather, and locking the cockring around his balls. He put the bit between Josh’s teeth and fastened the bridle around his head, leaving the reins to fall down his back. Josh felt particularly restrained on this morning, bound in leather straps, even as his body heated with desire.

The stirrups, it turned out, fastened to his shoulders, dangling by his sides. Was he going to carry her on his back, the way he piggy-backed his nieces? Josh couldn’t imagine the logistics, since his arms were bound behind his back. He always held his nieces to make sure they didn’t fall.

He felt panic at the repercussions of dropping the lady. His heart was leaping when he was led from the stall by the reins, then it stopped cold at the sight of her.

She was dressed for riding in dark tweed, a froth of lace at her throat and that dark veil across her face. In her gloved hands, she carried a riding crop, and he saw as she stepped closer that she was wearing those delectable riding boots he’d seen the first day.

And the same slits in her skirt, the ones that gave such enticing views of her legs.

He was going to come in his leather sheath, and that couldn’t be a good thing. Would he be punished by being given to her, or by being denied her?

“Very good,” Baxter said with approval at the sight of them both. “I believe you will find it a fine morning for a ride, my lady.”

“I expect so, Baxter. In fact, this might become a habit.”

Something folded in Josh’s mind at the notion of being her plaything on a regular basis. He couldn’t imagine anything better—yet her gentle manner and femininity made him want to dominate her. He felt as conflicted as he was aroused.

Baxter gestured and she preceded him to the stable yard, then accepted his assistance in climbing what had to be a mounting block. The glimpses Josh had of her legs were tantalizing enough to make his cock thump with need.

Then he was led to stand beside her. His mind froze as she put one leg over his shoulder and then the other, slipping her booted feet into the stirrups beside his waist.

She was going to sit on his shoulders.

He had a heartbeat to realize that, to be surrounded by her perfume, to feel the smoothness of her thighs against his skin, to be maddened by the blinders—then her wet puss landed on the back of his neck.

Josh thought he might come on the spot. He inhaled sharply and jerked, earning himself a rap on the thigh with her riding crop. The point of contact burned, making his desire rage. He fought the harness then, wanting to break free and take her immediately, but he was securely bound. He found himself prancing around the courtyard like a skittish horse, shaking his head and fighting the bit, even as she rapped him repeatedly with the crop.

But he didn’t dare throw her.

“Ho, boy!” Baxter cried, snatching at the reins.

“I have him, Baxter,” the lady said, a reassuring steel in her voice. Her thighs had locked tightly around his neck and her heels dug into his sides. She wielded that crop with authority and the stinging blows brought Josh back to the moment.

He couldn’t hurt her.

He couldn’t lose this opportunity to be close to her.

He forced himself to still and take a calming breath. He felt the shudder of surrender roll through his body and closed his eyes, holding his ground.

“Good boy,” she murmured, and he was ridiculously proud of himself. She ran her gloved fingers through his hair, soothing him with her touch. “It’s all new, isn’t it?” she murmured. “But you’re such a good, good boy, Storm. We’ll get along just fine.”

Her words and her touch worked wonders. Josh found himself settling, returning to that blissful state of what he was coming to call horse-mind. Whatever would happen, would happen. It was up to the lady.

He was all hers.

“I think we should go across the island this morning,” she said crisply, touching her heel to his side and clicking her tongue. Josh carried her out of the courtyard, well aware of both Baxter and Kerr watching their departure, and trotted along the gravel road with the lady on his back. He was glad she was petite, and just as glad he’d worked out so much before coming to Windswept.

The air was brisk but still, a light mist gathered along the ground. Within moments, there was just the two of them and the quiet of the island in early morning. Sea birds turned overhead, almost lost against the clouded sky. His footfalls sounded steady and right on the gravel, not quite like a horse’s but close enough.

The lady was light enough and he was strong enough he could carry her easily. Once he relaxed, the harness wasn’t so hard to bear. The blinders did him a favor, keeping him from stealing glances at the spot where her stockings ended and the pale softness of thighs was exposed. Her skirts swung behind them as he ran, her heels were tucked against his sides at his waist. She kept one hand on his head, her fingers winding incessantly through his hair, and it seemed to him that her puss was getting hotter and wetter.

So close and yet so far. It was the perfect tease.

A perfect morning.

He hoped she did make a daily ride her habit—and he hoped even more that she chose him as her mount each and every day.

* * *

Elise knew she could easily get used to this routine.

She could feel her pony’s muscles ripple under her shoulder, and the places where their skin was in direct contact felt hot enough to burst into flames. The leather of his harness was under her thighs, and his hair curled around her fingertips as if to snare her forever.

They rode in silence, and Elise savored the quiet morning as well as the feel of the man carrying her. She’d thought to take just a little jaunt, uncertain how far he could carry her. But he didn’t falter or seem to tire, and once she was astride him, she didn’t want the ride to end.

Even so, the lady of the manor shouldn’t be selfish. She had to be good to her pony and not work him too hard.

But she didn’t want to turn back yet.

The road forked ahead, the right path heading into a copse of trees then probably to the northern coast of the island. She could see that the left path led to the western coast and thought she could see that ruin she’d noticed from the air. She indicated the left path, and was pleased to see that building come into view. It appeared to be abandoned, but not in complete disrepair.

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