Read Harnessed Online

Authors: Ella Ardent

Harnessed (9 page)

“I’m not dumb!”

The dark guy lifted a brow and the men laughed. It was too much. Tyler lunged for him, wanting blood. He went for his throat, wanting to end the battle quickly. His hands slid over his opponent’s greased body and the other guy kicked his feet out from beneath him. It was the same move that bastard Baxter used earlier, but Tyler wasn’t going down easily this time. He leapt at the other guy’s knees, forcibly bringing him down to the floor and rolled over top of him. They grappled for superiority as the men shouted and the bets were raised. It was hell to get a grip on him with this fucking grease. Tyler banged the other guy’s back into the wall of the pen, holding him captive against the wood. He was sure he had him, then the guy smiled again.

“Loser,” he whispered, then spat at Tyler.

Tyler recoiled, the spittle warm on his cheek. That moment was enough for the other guy, who rolled him quickly to his belly. The bastard was on Tyler’s back, straddling him. He had Tyler’s hands behind his back, and his grip on Tyler’s wrists like a vice. Tyler struggled and bucked, but the other guy was too heavy and well-seated to be budged.

He swore, hating how the other men laughed.

“That was far too easy,” the lord drawled. “Shall we play best two out of three?”

“Or a length of rope, my lord,” the man on his back said. “And the prize is yours for the taking.”

The lord laughed. “That is a tempting suggestion.”

No! Tyler wasn’t going to butt-fucked by anybody!

They were on him then, so fucking quick with the rope he couldn’t believe it. His arms were trussed and his feet shackled to a spreader bar. His hair was hanging in his eyes as his bound wrists were extended behind him and tied to a rope hanging from the beams overhead. He’d arranged Elise like this a hundred times, leaving her hanging so he could drill her from behind, gagging her so the neighbors wouldn’t know, leaving her there until she wept and begged for mercy. That he should be similarly bound and used was unacceptable. That he would look so helpless and pathetic was inexcusable.

But the lord of the manor leapt over the wall of the pen with confidence and easy. He was unfastening the front of his trousers, loosing each button one at a time as his gaze remained locked on Tyler. He had to have the biggest dick Tyler had ever seen, or maybe it just looked huge because he knew what the other man was going to do with it. The bastard who had thumped him was standing to one side, his cock being fondled by one of the grooms, his fucking smile tinged with a satisfaction that made Tyler want to deck him. He couldn’t do anything, though, anything but squirm and watch the older man walk closer.

He felt his terror rise and fought his bonds with new strength. He wanted to believe he could do anything. He wanted to endure anything.

But this, this was too much.

“Red light,” he said, enunciating the words clearly.

The men groaned as one, the mood changing immediately and irrevocably. The lord of the manor’s lips tightened. “Fuck that,” he said and took another step.

“I’m sorry, my lord, but there is no fucking that,” Baxter said with authority. “A safe word is a safe word, and much be respected at The Phoenix.”

“I guess you are a loser,” the lord said to Tyler, then did up his trousers. “It’s probably for the best.” He strolled from the pen, turning so his man could help him into his jacket. “A carriage to the house, if you please, Baxter,” he said, his tone so cool and dismissive that he might not have cared at all.

“Yes, my lord.” Baxter nodded and beckoned to the grooms, even as he called for his lordship’s carriage. Tyler’s hands were unbound with startling speed, and his feet unshackled.

“Come on then,” said one of the grooms, his manner dismissive. He gave Tyler a shove hard enough to make him stumble. “Maybe a night’s sleep will do you good.”

The other guy was being led off by half a dozen admiring grooms. Tyler didn’t doubt that he’d get washed down, maybe massaged again, probably sucked off. He instead was locked into his stall for the night with a carelessness that stung his pride.

There was cold water and a sponge.

When he heard the other guy’s shout of pleasure, he threw the wet sponge over the wall and roared with frustration.

He hadn’t paid for this!

* * *

By the third morning at Windswept, Elise thought the ideal plan would be to stay on the island and have Tyler banned from it. The luxury of the manor house and the rhythm of days gone by suited her perfectly. She’d spent a whole day teasing and pleasing Amy, giving the maid to the laundress to be disciplined while she had a nap during the afternoon. It was wonderful to be able to delegate sensual torment.

Dinner with Nigel again been an elegant affair, and she’d been amused by his attentions to the butler. The nights were quiet on the island, only the sound of the wind and the sea carrying to her ears.

And if she looked down at the stables a little too often, wondering what was happening there, she supposed it was only natural.

The strange thing was that she thought more about the stranger than Tyler.

And she couldn’t stop wondering which pony Amy had watched at stud.

Elise lounged in bed as Amy built up the fire, smiling as the drapes were tugged back and another sunny morning was revealed.

“My lord has requested your accompaniment this morning, my lady,” Amy said when she was done. She turned and curtseyed. Elise pointed to the floor and the maid dropped immediately to her knees, kneeling beside the bed as she waited for instruction.

“To do what?”

“He means to take a carriage and tour the island, my lady. He said he thought you might enjoy it, as the day promises to be sunny.”

A carriage meant there would be ponies.

Elise felt a flicker of fear that Tyler might be one of them.

“You should know, my lady, that Golden Boy has not been broken to harness as yet.”

Golden Boy. She had to mean Tyler.

Elise’s fluttering nerves settled at the maid’s assurance. “Horses are not my concern, Amy, but my lord is right. I would like to accompany him. It’s very thoughtful of him to ask.” Especially as Elise had imagined Nigel would be happier making a closer acquaintance with all the boys working in the kitchens and gardens.

Maybe he was pacing himself.

“I can lay out your clothes, my lady. There is still a chill in the wind, so I think you might want the heavier skirt.”

“Excellent, Amy. Thank you.” Elise set her tea cup aside. “Bring me the box of nipple clamps, please. We’ll need to put more weight on them today.”

“Yes, my lady.”

“And I think today, you’ll need one on your clitoris.”

“Yes, my lady.”

Elise considered the contents of the box as a thought occurred to her. There was an outside chance she’d catch a glimpse of the pony who interested her most, in the stables, the fields or the paddock. She suddenly wanted the tension of a clamp herself. That pinch could heighten every sensation, particularly that of denial. “I’ll wear one, as well.”

“Indeed, my lady. I will be glad to assist you in securing it once you’re dressed.”

“Why, you naughty girl, Amy,” Elise said lightly. “Hannah was right about you. I can see that we’ll have to ensure you’re spanked every day, just to keep you from being too impertinent.”

“Yes, my lady.”

“And have you visited your pony again?”

“No, my lady. Not since you forbade it.”

Elise kissed the younger woman’s cheek. “Well, I am encouraged then, Amy. You do seem to be learning.” She picked up a heavy chain and secured its ends to nipple clamps. Amy watched her with wide eyes, then arched her back as Elise put the clamps in place. She shivered once and her breasts quivered in the most delightful way. Color burned in the maid’s cheeks and her eyes were sparkling. “What do you say, Amy?”

“Thank you, my lady.” Amy’s mouth worked silently for a moment. “Thank you so very much.”

“Please remove your apron, Amy. I’d like to bend you over that table for your spanking, your arms stretched ahead of you and your legs spread wide.”

* * *

She was facilitating Elise’s fantasy brilliantly.

If Amy did say so herself.

She followed her lady down the stairs of the house, sure there had to be steam rising from her smoking hot butt. Elise’s serene manner was completely at odds with the stern mistress she’d been just moments before. Not only had her mistress given Amy an amazing spanking, but the other woman was finding her balance as a lady dominatrix. Amy could almost watch Elise’s confidence growing, and she wanted to cheer.

Instead, she could only facilitate.

It was clear Elise had been on the receiving end of many a spanking, because she knew exactly what worked. She knew how best to pose Amy, ensuring there was the perfect balance of comfort and tension. Amy admired how the other woman varied the weight of each blow, plus found all the sweet spots. She never wasted a single stroke, but used each one to build Amy’s arousal higher.

This morning, Elise had made her wait just long enough, made the excitement just excruciating enough, before finishing Amy off.

Talk about a bonus for taking this assignment.

The riding crop dangled from Elise’s gloved fingers as she descended the stairs ahead of Amy, swinging slightly with each step. Just the sight of it was enough to make Amy’s clitoris hum in recollection of the previous day’s spanking. Elise had used the handle of the riding crop to torment Amy, and she could recall the smooth thickness of it moving inside her.

Never mind the firm press of it against her clitoris, and the relief the pressure had brought.

Amy had eaten her mistress in devoted gratitude, ensuring the favor was returned in kind—and then some. Today, that feast had been denied. There was a clamp on her clitoris now, one Elise promised to remove after their ride. There was a similar but heavier clamp on Elise’s clitoris. Amy could only begin to imagine what the other woman had planned. The clamp held her tight, tormenting her clitoris and making it pump against the restriction, making it feel so hot that she couldn’t ignore it.

The morning would feel like an eternity.

But if it helped Elise to find her stride, Amy was more than ready to submit to her demands.

* * *

Josh was dozing in his stall, trying to stand like a horse and think like a horse, trying to find the stillness in his thoughts again but not succeeding. He was still too jazzed about thumping Golden Boy, the triumph distracting him in a way that was both satisfying and frustrating. He heard the stall door open, and knew Kerr had come for him. He fully expected another day of training, especially when Kerr dropped to one knee to put on his boots.

At least the sun was shining.

“You’ve attracted attention, my boy,” Kerr said, using the low murmur of one talking to a horse. “The lord himself has requested you on his team.”

Josh looked at the stable hand in surprise. Hadn’t it been the lord of the manor at the betting the night before?

“You’ll be harnessed with Smoke.” Kerr said, shaking his head as he fastened the buckles. “Just let him take the lead and follow as you can, as he’s done this a dozen times.” He frowned. “You’re not fully trained, and I told Baxter it was too early for you, but the lord wants as he wants, and that’s now it will be.” He finished fastening the boot and glanced up at Josh, so concerned that Josh wanted to reassure him.

He must have smiled a little, because Kerr rose and stared into Josh’s eyes. He moved forward slowly and kissed Josh’s neck, his lips warm and soft. “You’ll be all right, Storm,” he whispered, running a hand down Josh’s back as if to soothe him.

Josh thought the stable hand was more concerned than he was.

What did Kerr know?

“Just don’t fight him,” Kerr whispered, his gaze intent and his voice low. He speared his fingers through Josh’s hair. “No matter what he wants.”

Chapter Four

Elise supposed she shouldn’t have been surprised that the man from the helicopter ride was one of the ponies harnessed to the small open carriage waiting in the drive before the manor house. Baxter held the reins and the Nigel waited for her at the bottom of the steps. The lord of the manor came immediately to take her hand and escort her to the carriage. “I’m so pleased you could join me today,” he said and she wondered at his delight. She would have thought he’d have been happy to have the two horses to himself.

“It is a lovely day, and I haven’t seen much of the island as yet,” she said. “You were gracious to invite me, sir.”

He handed her into the carriage and she stole a glance at the horses. They stood with their heads down, a stranger at the left and the man she knew at the right. He stood on one foot, the way horses will, even though his muscles were already pumped. They really were magnificent specimens, of similar height and musculature.

“A very well-matched team, Baxter,” she said as Nigel moved to the other side of the carriage.

“Indeed, my lady. Smoke and Storm are of a size and have similar calm temperaments. Although Storm hasn’t completed his training, I’m sure your ride will be uneventful.”

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