Harnessed (7 page)

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Authors: Ella Ardent

The ritual was calming, as well. It simplified everything in his life down to obedience to a command, and physical obedience. He had to walk on command, canter on command, run and stop on command. Exhaustion gave him clarity and focus. His world was reduced to Kerr’s favor, his aching muscles and the needs of his body for water and food.

His mind was completely devoid of gossip, list-making, stray thoughts, and worries. He felt clean.

By the time he was led into the stables by Kerr, he was sure he could sleep a week.

His appreciation of the stable was diminished by his exhaustion, but still he was amazed. It had to be new, but didn’t look it. The stables formed a big U around the training yard where he’d spent most of the day. Beyond the opening were pastures and fields, where other ponies grazed and frolicked. He’d seen some female ponies in the distance before Kerr demanded his focus, their long hair either flicking in the wind or braided back. They looked free and beautiful to him.

His eyes took a few moments to adjust to the dimmer light inside the stables. The floor was strewn with straw. The stalls on either side had taller walls than the ones at his sister’s farm, so these ponies couldn’t watch doings in the corridor—although he was sure they were just as curious as real horses. He noticed the names posted beside each doorway—Starlight, Dusty, Midnight—perfect horse names every one. Kerr lifted the lock on the one labeled Storm.

His home away from home.

The stalls had to be poured concrete, textured to look like wood. Wood wouldn’t have been so straight and so evenly grained, and it wouldn’t have been so cool. The door to the stall was high and latched from the outside. He supposed he might have been able to climb over the dividing walls, but they were a good ten feet tall and smooth. There was a ledge molded into one wall of the stable, clearly a bed, padded with straw. A woolen horse blanket was folded on one end. In the opposite corner was a bucket with a lid; a third corner had a water fountain. There were hooks on the wall behind the door and above the bed, hooks for all his gear. On a shelf over the water fountain was a bucket with a sponge and he saw the drain in the floor by the bucket.

The door was locked behind them, Kerr having a key on a loop from his belt. Josh’s harness was removed, piece by piece, and hung on the wall of his stall. There were forms for the boots, and he sighed with relief to have them removed. His calves and the balls of his feet were sore, but he felt like he’d had the workout of his life.

Best of all, his churning thoughts had fallen silent.

There was room for the music, if and when it chose to come.

He wasn’t looking forward to being sponged down with cold water, but he certainly wasn’t going to complain. He knew he was going to sleep right through until morning, whether there was anything to eat or not.

“Hands behind your back,” Kerr said softly, and Josh wondered what was going to happen. He was led out of his stall again, and Kerr continued down the corridor to the far end of the stables. Behind the wooden door at the end of the central corridor proved to be a spa of sorts. There were marble tubs and lots of water, plus a leather covered table.

“Good ponies get their reward,” Kerr said, clearly noting Josh’s surprise. “Shower and massage before bed.” He removed the bridle and handed Josh over to two sleek young men. They wore only white shorts. As far as he could see, they’d had all their body hair removed and were tanned to perfection. They looked like young gods, but were all business. Kerr leaned against the door and supervised, the intensity of his gaze making Josh wonder at his plans.

Then he surrendered to the heaven of the hot shower. He didn’t have to do anything, just stood and gripped the hand rests overhead as instructed, leaned his head back and closed his eyes. The two attendants washed him thoroughly, soaping him down and rinsing him off. When he was dried and warm, they led him to the table and massaged him from head to toe. He was covered with warm oil, feeling replete and sleepy when Kerr whispered in his ear.

“Don’t go to sleep here. There are others waiting.”

Back in his stall, there was a warm bowl of stew and several slices of bread. It tasted fantastic, particularly as he’d been expecting oats and molasses. Kerr left him to eat, returning when the bowl was empty.

“Sunrise,” he said.

Josh was sure it would come too soon. He laid back as the door was locked from the outside, feeling confined and safe and content. It was only when he looked up at the roof from his bed that he saw the anachronism: the red lights of smoke detectors and an artfully positioned sprinkler system.

The Phoenix took care of everyone.

With that happy thought, Josh fell asleep.

* * *

Tyler wasn’t nearly so happy with his situation. He’d spent much of the day locked in his stall. He’d explored every corner of it and knew there was no way out.

This was not what he’d paid for. He hadn’t used his safe word, because he wouldn’t give them the satisfaction of looking weak in front of everyone. But he hadn’t enjoyed the beating he’d taken.

It made him want to get even.

It was late and the stables were fairly quiet. He could hear the occasional grunt of pleasure, the distant laughter of the grooms—wherever it was that they retreated—and fillies giggling at the far end of the stables.

Something had to change.

Someone had to pay.

The laughter of the fillies annoyed him more than anything else. He’d expected Elise to be one of them, and had imagined he’d be able to sneak down there in the night to enjoy her whenever he wanted. Instead he was locked down, and this stall might as well have been Fort Knox. The walls were high and smooth, the door locked from the outside, and the floor was stone. There was no escape, unless he could have gotten through the drain in the floor. He paced, hating the powerlessness of his situation, doubting he’d sleep at all. He felt denied in every way possible, and humiliated besides. What could he do?

His stable door opened suddenly, and Tyler spun to look, fearing there was more embarrassment to be had. He wasn’t happy to see Baxter and one of the stable hands there, although he liked that they both looked as if they’d been forced out of bed in a hurry. They were sleepy and disheveled.

Served them right.

Even better, the sweet little piece of ass he’d noticed on arrival, the one who was Elise’s maid, was with them.

Had Elise called for him?

Tyler stepped forward, anticipating freedom and pleasure.

The maid was wearing a dark cloak that covered her from shoulders to knees and a smile so coy that his cock responded immediately. Baxter and the stable hand exchanged a look, clearly having noticed his reaction.

“I heard about you,” she said. She looked him over, taking her time, and it was evident she liked what she saw. “He’ll be perfect,” she said to Baxter, who nodded and stepped into the stall.

Tyler saw the bridle in his hand and backed up in a hurry. “You’re not going to tie me up?”

The maid’s smile didn’t waver. “We’re going to harness you and get you back into your pony gear,” she said firmly.

The men were on either side of Tyler. They backed him into the corner when he tried to escape, and he found his hands bound behind his back with a length of rope in a hurry. They didn’t use the leather sheaths, at least, and no strap over his chest. The bridle was over his head and fastened, but without the blinders this time. He might have kicked to keep them from putting on the boots, but the maid came to his side and put her small hand on his chest.

“Relax,” she whispered. “This is what we have to do to make your dream come true.”

Tyler froze and eyed her warily. “What dream?”

“You’re the perfect stud,” she whispered, then ran her tongue across her lips. “And we’ve got a lot of little fillies in need of your services.”

Tyler had once heard that anything too good to be true probably was. As much as he loved the idea, he was going to be sure before he agreed.

“Fillies,” he repeated. “As in

She nodded, then the stable hand bent to put on one of Tyler’s boots. He fastened it snugly, sealing Tyler’s leg into the length of fitted leather.

“Only fillies?” Tyler demanded.

“Only fillies,” she agreed.

“And I’m the stud?”

She nodded again.

Could this be his lucky night? The entire stable seemed stilled and hushed, a place filled with secrets and mystery. There was only the quiet rhythm of breathing and a distant soft snore, then the click of the buckles being fastened on his boots.

Was this a dream?

“Is this for real?” Tyler asked Baxter as the stable hand straightened and pushed a hand through his hair. That man reached for the tail, indicating that Tyler should turn around.

“Only if you shut up soon,” the older man said gruffly. “I never wanted a talking horse in my stables. This would be a favor for the little lady.”

“Elise?” Tyler glanced over his shoulder with hope. Maybe she hadn’t forgotten him. Maybe she needed a good spanking. He’d be more than happy to punish her for defying him.

Maybe that had been the point. Maybe she’d
to be disciplined. Tyler was more than ready to dish out the punishment to his naughty girlfriend.

The maid shook her head. “It’s for me,” she said, her tone a bit hard. Her words both shot down Tyler’s hopeful thought and gave him another idea that was much more promising. She opened her cloak, revealing she was wearing only boots, stockings and a corset. Her breasts were bare and the sight of the silver clamps on her nipples nearly made Tyler come on the spot. He was ready to tighten them, to watch her moan and to hear her beg for mercy.

She smiled as she stepped closer. She ran her hands across his chest, then reached down to close her hands around his erection. She worked him with such a perfect balance of pressure and tease that she could have been born for him. Her eyes shone as he got harder. “The name’s Amy.”

“Amy.” Tyler smiled down at her. “Are you one of the fillies in need?”

“You should be so lucky,” she said. She put a condom on his penis, her technique more of a caress than he’d expected. She put out her hand and Baxter gave her a whip. She gripped Tyler’s reins. “Now shut up or you’ll be gagged.”

Tyler wasn’t much for being gagged, so he didn’t say anything else. He didn’t trust Amy, either, and wanted at least the option of using his safe word.

What was she going to do with that whip?

Amy led him out of his stall while Baxter and the stable hand watched, then down the central corridor of the stable. Tyler was aware of other ponies stirring with curiosity at the sound of his horseshoes on the stone floor, probably wishing they could see what was going on. He gave a little neigh, letting them know who it was.

He was out of his box, if nothing else.

“Quiet,” Amy commanded. “I’m doing you a favor.”

“Why?” Tyler couldn’t keep himself from asking.

Amy spun, took a step away from him and cracked the whip. Its tip snapped across his left thigh and he jumped back in pain. She held the whip high, her determination clear. “I told you to be quiet.”

Tyler nodded his agreement. She took the reins and gave his head a little tug, as if to make sure he knew who was in charge. He’d give her this victory, at least until he knew what she was up to, but one of these days, he’d turn the tables on her.

Tyler smiled, looking forward to that.

Amy stopped outside the last stall. The label beside the door had two names: Queenie and Snowdrop. Was it possible she hadn’t lied to him? She reached up to unclip the reins from his bridle.

“First stop, stud,” she whispered, and untied his wrists. “Remember: break the rules and I have Baxter’s permission to whip you bloody.”

She didn’t wait for his answer, but slapped his butt as she opened the door, sending him into the shadowed darkness of the stall. His cock was pumping, his skin tingling.

Because he could smell snatch.

There were two of them, two beautiful women outfitted as fillies with long ponytails hanging over their shoulders and silky tails mounted in their butts. They were still wearing their bridles and harness, and were tethered to opposite corners of the stall. One was blonde and one was a brunette, one slender and one curvy. They turned in alarm, awakened by the opening of the stable door, then the blonde one locked at his cock and smiled.

Amy leaned back against the door, whip at the ready as she watched.

Two women, another one watching, and a whip. Plus this was only the first stop of who knew how many.

Tyler was going to like this stud job just fine.

He chose the curvy brunette first.

* * *

Elise had known as soon as she met the lord of the manor she wouldn’t be required to service him during her stay. Hannah was right about his inclinations. She met Nigel at dinner the first night, and while he couldn’t have been more pleasant to her at the table, she noticed immediately that his gaze followed the male staff of the household.

She quite happily left him to his port, cigars, and boys, retiring to her room with Amy instead. She found herself quite overwhelmed after her first day at Windswept, and tired from the worry about Tyler. As tempting as the maid was, Elise found the large four poster bed even more alluring. She was asleep within moments.

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