Heart Ripper - Coffin Nails MC (gay biker M/M romance) (Sex & Mayhem Book 9) (17 page)

The thick dick kept shoving into his throat,
tickling his tongue, and it was just the way this was meant to be. David’s heart
was racing when Raja’s legs tightened over him. It felt so good to be used this
way. He’d come in his pants from just this if it weren’t so early after the
last orgasm, but Raja’s thrusts were getting quicker. He was about to come, and
David was not going to tell him to back out. Unless Raja wanted to come
somewhere on his body. David would be down with that too.

He couldn’t even recognize his own slurpy
grunting, nor did he care about the saliva dripping down his cheek. The heat
created by their breaths was making him dizzy, and with his vision blurry from
tears anyway, the whole experience made him feel as if he and Raja were melting

Raja rapidly pulled out of him, and then jets of
warm sperm hit David’s neck, clinging to it as he fought for breath and tried
to cope with the sudden emptiness in his mouth. Raja loomed over him like an
ancient god, beautiful but fierce, with unyielding eyes that could read it all
from David’s face.

David panted and reached to his own neck,
spreading the spunk all over. His cock wouldn’t get erect again just yet, but
it throbbed nevertheless. He arched up to lick the last drop off Raja’s cockhead.

Raja gave him a breathless smile, and then lowered
himself to lie on top of David. His lips followed the warm trail of cum, and he
carefully licked it all up, teasing David’s sensitive skin. David trembled with
each lick, and slid his arms under Raja to hold him close. He could fall asleep
in his embrace and wake up in it.

“I love how heavy you are on me,” David whispered
and closed his eyes, still enjoying Raja’s taste on his lips.

“I love how eager you are to swallow me,” muttered
Raja, resting his head on David’s shoulder. He was hot too, and David didn’t
mind one bit that he was half-naked underneath the muscled body.

“Is that normal to want it so much?” David stroked
Raja’s back.

Raja nodded and looked up at David with the ghost
of a smile on his lips. “Yeah.”

“You think we could wait with the full-on sex
bit?” He gave Raja a kiss. He wanted to feel Raja’s cock inside of him so bad
his mind was getting fuzzy, but now that he’d come, and he could think more
clearly, he wanted to take things slower, not just do it as if this were a pie
eating contest.

“Scared?” asked Raja, though it sounded more like
a statement.

David nodded. “A bit. I’m really horny, but then
also very nervous.”

“That’s fine. This isn’t a race,” muttered Raja,
closing his eyes. His long lashes fluttered against the dusky skin, and it
looked so beautiful David was compelled to pet Raja’s cheek.

“Does that mean you’ll stick around for a while?”
he asked, hoping it didn’t sound too needy.

Raja yawned and started drawing circles around
David’s nipple through the polo shirt. “Well, I can’t leave you hanging, can

David smiled. “You can’t. Who would teach me all
about being gay otherwise?”

“Precisely. I’m your coach now.”

“I’ll practice extra hard for you, coach.” He gave
Raja a kiss.

Chapter 15


David was on cloud nine, in just his jogging
bottoms, making coffee and toast in the kitchen while Raja sat at the breakfast
bar and watched him with a smile. There was something positive in the air, and
it wasn’t just the smell of milk and Nutella. They’d showered together and
sucked each other off again in the morning, which left David light-headed with
all the buzz in his body. This was it. He was an adult now.

“Do you want to come to church with me on Sunday?”
he asked with a big smile, and pushed a plate of toast to Raja.

Raja’s thick eyebrows shot up, and he took another
sip of freshly squeezed orange juice that David had insisted on making for him
earlier. “What do you mean? As in sexy times in the church?”

David snorted so hard milk trickled down his
nostrils, and he turned around to the sink in panic. Raja couldn’t see this!
“No! What? What does that even mean?”

Raja didn’t sound disgusted with David’s clumsy
display when he answered. “I was wondering, because I’m not religious. Why else
would I go to church?”

David wiped his face and turned around. “I didn’t
know if you were or weren’t. Just because you had bad experiences doesn’t mean
going to church is bad.” David took a deep breath. “I’m beginning to question
too. Why would the Catholic church be better than others? At the end of the
day, it’s the same God, right? I mean, the Christian God. Do you think it’s the
same God whether it’s Catholic, Baptist, or Protestant faith?”

Raja chewed on his piece of toast, and some of the
crumbs fell into his beard, white against the black hair. “I have no idea.
Aren’t you the believer here?”

David groaned. “I just… This thing happened two
months ago, never mind what, and it had me thinking more about the church
itself. I mean, it’s nice that people have a place to meet, that it’s a place
of worship, the sermons are usually inspiring to be a better person, but I
might look at other Christian churches too.”

“What happened two months ago?” asked Raja,
focusing his eyes on David.

David opened his mouth and then closed it, unsure
how to describe it. “It’s not a big deal. I think it must have been a

Raja dropped the toast on to the plate, brushed
crumbs off his hands, and got up, approaching in smooth movements. David didn’t
even know how Raja managed to corner him against the counter. “I still want to

David sighed and brushed his knuckles over Raja’s
T-shirt. “It’s nothing. I was very confused about my feelings, and when I
talked to Father Joseph about it, I think he made a move on me. I mean, I’m not
even sure about it anymore, but it was weird.”

Raja stood in front of him, completely calm and
casual as he placed one hand on the countertop next to David’s hip. “A priest?
Really? What did he actually do?”

David relaxed a little, even though the memories
still made him a bit uneasy. “He said that there was nothing wrong with my
urges as long as they were kept private and… he put his hand on my nape, stood
really close.”

Raja raised his hand to David’s face and traced
his fingers over the hot skin. “He made you uncomfortable?”

David wrapped his arms around Raja’s waist. Many
people said gay men were effeminate, but he never felt more masculine than when
he held Raja. “He did. I got out of there so fast and felt queasy all

Raja crooked his head and pushed some of David’s
hair back. “He definitely made a move on you then. You shouldn’t be alone with
him again.”

“I thought about it so many times, and I was
wondering if maybe I told him about myself, so he wanted to show me he was on
my side by touching me? I don’t even know anymore.” David hugged Raja tighter.

Raja pulled him closer and exhaled, holding him in
his steady, powerful arms. David had never felt safer than he did at this
moment, in Hunter and Asty’s fresh-looking kitchen, and with little Bell asleep

“No. He shouldn’t have done that. If he ever does
it again, tell him that I’m gonna get him.”

David chuckled against Raja’s shoulder. “Oh, yeah?
You think he’ll be afraid of my biker boyfriend?”

Raja took a deep breath, and his neck pulsed
against David’s face, but the sound of the front door unlocking sent Raja out
of David’s arms and back into the chair he’d occupied earlier. He stuffed the
rest of the toast into his mouth and looked at the doorway as they both
listened to quiet sounds coming from the entrance hall.

David sent Raja a mortified look but decided to
just go with it. Raja’s vest was in the corridor. They needed to pretend that
he just came by in the morning. Since when was Asty an early bird for them to
be arriving at eight in the morning?

“Hey guys!” David called out with sweat beading on
his neck.

A dark figure moved through the corridor, and
Hunter popped into the kitchen, looking between David and Raja. “I knew that
cut meant something,” he said but didn’t smile, watching Raja with a slight
frown. “Do you want to go to the office upstairs?”

Raja shrugged and gently rocked the plastic crib
on the table. Bell seemed completely immune to any noises at this point in his
sleep cycle. “Nah, I was passing by and thought that I could say hi. David here
told me you’d be home soon.”

Asty walked into the kitchen and smiled at them
both. “Hi, I can see you met our son.”

Raja shrugged. “He’s been asleep since I came
here, but David tells me he’s got his mom’s eyes. I need to stay longer to find
out when he wakes up.”

Hunter took a toast with Nutella from David’s
plate. “Yeah, stay a little. We haven’t seen each other in ages. And you’ve
only come back from the big trip. How was California?”

David cringed on the inside, yet a part of him had
an unimaginable urge to blurt out that he and Raja were together. But what
would Hunter even think of that? Asty’s brother was gay, so she’d probably not
even shrug, but Hunter?

Fortunately, with the four of them seated at the
table and eating breakfast, the atmosphere soon loosened up. Asty and Hunter
told them about the concert they’d been to last night, Raja talked about all
the people he met on the road last month, and David was just happy to savor his
boyfriend’s presence for as long as he could. With Raja living an hour’s drive
away, they wouldn’t be able to meet every single day.

In the end, little Bell needed a new diaper, and
with Hunter delegated to deal with the problem, Raja decided it was his cue to

David followed him into the corridor when Asty
went to the garden shed to get some supplies she needed. “That was close,” he
whispered as Raja put on his boots.

Raja finished pulling them on and straightened his
back, sliding the tip of his tongue over his lower lip. It was one of the
sexiest things David had seen in a long time, and with Raja leaving him behind
for at least a few days, the longing to touch was quickly becoming unbearable.

“It was fine. I was dressed,” said Raja and winked
at David.

“I’ll miss you.” David stood on his toes for a
kiss. Nothing could compare to the beard tickling his cheeks when their lips

Raja cupped his head in his hands, and he briefly
deepened the kiss, playing with David’s tongue in a way that made David shudder
and squeeze his thighs with excitement. He felt lost when Raja pulled away, but
there was no stopping him.

He winked at David and left, riding off on his
bike a minute later. David took a deep breath and had to lean against the wall
not to fall over with his knees soft. This had been the most amazing night of
his life. Never before had he connected with anyone the way he did with Raja.

“David?” asked Asty, and the sound of her voice so
close raised all hairs on the back of his neck.

David stiffened at first but then peeked out from
behind the corridor wall. “Yes?”

Asty frowned at him and called him over with a
gesture of her hand, already rushing to the kitchen. He put his hands in his
pockets and walked over there with a bit of stiffness in his joints. Did he
leave the condoms somewhere he shouldn’t have?

“I’ll wash the dishes,” he said, and his chest
went cold at the sight of two wine glasses and two bowls in the sink. Did she
notice those?

“David, we need to talk, and you’re gonna tell me
the truth,” Asty said, quietly shutting the door.

“Um… okay.” He tried to stand in a way that would
hide the dishes and gave her a nervous smile.

Asty took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and
exhaled. “David, I saw you two kissing. In the mirror.”

“Don’t tell Hunter,” were the first words that
spilled out of David’s mouth, and he clenched the insides of his pockets in
panic. What if Hunter not only disapproved of it, but also discouraged Raja
from being with David?

“I won’t,” said Asty quickly, but it wasn’t the
end of it. “He stayed over all night, didn’t he?” she asked, drilling her gaze
into David.

David sucked his lips in. The ground was burning
under his feet all too fast, and Asty knowing about him so suddenly was too
much to bear. “Y-yes,” he managed to choke out. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have
invited him, I know.”

She rubbed her face and moaned. “Please, tell me
you didn’t do it in our bed.”

“No!” His eyes went wide. “No, no, no, no! It’s
nothing like that! I swear!” His heart started pounding, and he poured himself
a glass of water, spilling a third of it before it could even reach his mouth.

Asty threw her head back. “You could have just
told me you wanted to invite someone over. We’d have left the baby with my

“I didn’t know. I wasn’t planning it. It happened
suddenly. And I didn’t neglect Bell, I checked on him all the time.” His chest
was becoming heavy with guilt.

Asty poured herself some juice and drank a few
sips. “I know. I’m just worried that Raja’s confusing you. Hunter’s looking for
a girlfriend for you... which is kinda stupid anyway, if you ask me, but we had
no idea.”

David looked at his toes. “I really like Raja,” he
muttered. Asty was only a year older than him, yet she seemed so much more of
an adult. Even with the crazy makeup and clothes. She owned a house with
Hunter, and had a baby, and even a blog about Goth parenting that was starting
to bring some revenue. She had everything covered while he felt so lost.

Asty patted his cheek. “Oh, sweetie... that’s
great. I’m happy you can start living your life now that you’re not dependent
on your parents.”

“I think I’m gay.” There. He said it out loud.
Even if ‘out loud’ was actually pretty quiet. It was like a weight off his
chest, yet he was still trembling from the emotion of the confession.

Asty’s hand closed around his. “I know this is
hard for you, but whatever happens, you will find help here. You really should
talk to Hunter about this. He’s your brother.”

“I’ll try to find a good moment, but he’s been set
on this girlfriend thing. I don’t want to disappoint him.” David grabbed her
hand tight.

Asty sighed. “He can be a hothead sometimes, but
you know he’s a good guy. He will understand, even if it might shock him at

“Fuck, I’m dying for more coffee,” Hunter moaned
when he walked in, and David plastered on a fake smile to hide his nerves.

“I can make you one,” he said quickly.

Hunter squinted at David. “That’s… nice.”

Asty pressed a kiss to his jaw and petted Bell’s
head where it rested against his daddy’s chest. “Okay guys, I’m gonna take a
shower. See you in half an hour,” she said and glanced at David before leaving
the kitchen.

Hunter leaned back against the counter and brushed
his thumb over his chin. He seemed unusually thoughtful, so David rushed to the
coffee machine, eager to do something with his hands.

“You know Raja’s gay, right?” asked Hunter in the

David swallowed. “That’s fine. He’s great. It’s Mom
who hates gay people, not me. I’m actually looking at different church options.
Less… uh… restrictive.”

Hunter seemed to have lost the plot and ended up
kissing Bell’s head before speaking. “I mean... yeah, good for you. I think
loosening up a bit won't hurt you. But that’s not what I wanted to say.”

“Oh?” David turned his back on Hunter as he poured
him coffee, hoping he’d be less flustered by the time he needed to face him.

“I just thought that you being shirtless with him
around... it’s kind of weird. He might get the wrong idea.”

After these words, at least if David blushed it
would be understandable. “Wrong idea?” He put the coffee in front of Hunter,
feeling a desperate need to cover up, as if his nipples were offending the
world and attracting predators.

Hunter shifted uncomfortably as he lulled the baby
in his arms. “You’re my brother, and I don’t want him to perv on you.”

David fought back a smile. “You think he’d perv on
me? You think that’s why he stuck around so long?” He snorted in the end, unable
to hold it back.

Hunter stared, but then he broke into a wide
smile. “You
loosening up! You have no idea how happy that makes me!
You might not see it, but you seem so much happier since you moved out of Mom
and Dad’s.”

David dared to look Hunter in the eye, the truth
on the tip of his tongue. “I do? How so? I definitely like earning my own money
and all that.”

Hunter nodded. “It’s really not healthy to stay at
home too long if you have a chance to become independent.”

David bit his lip. “I don’t want to be a leech,
but since you’re saying that… if something changed in my life, and I needed to
stay here a bit longer, would that be an option? I don’t earn a lot, but I
could start paying a bit of rent…” Now that he’d been away from his old home, David
couldn’t see himself going back there and being treated like a child again. And
if he came out, would his parents even want him back? Would his mom still take
her time teaching him new recipes over the phone?

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