Heart Ripper - Coffin Nails MC (gay biker M/M romance) (Sex & Mayhem Book 9) (13 page)

He put the phone on speaker mode and rushed to
Hunter and Asty’s bedroom to steal a condom. “Hey, Mom, what’s up?”

“Hi, baby. How’s your job?” she asked cheerfully
as he opened up the bedside drawer. There were some books and jewelry in there,
but the middle one contained just what he needed... and also some stuff he
didn’t really need to see. He grabbed the unopened pack of condoms, as well as
a tube of lubricant that had obviously been used. They wouldn’t notice if he
put it back before morning, would they?

“Oh, job’s good. My boss brought homemade
cheesecake to work. It wasn’t as good as yours though.”

“Oh, that’s so nice of him. His wife must be
baking a lot if there was any excess cake,” said Mom, who still had no idea how
non-straight David’s work environment was. Even Suzy had told him she dated
girls as well as guys. It had to be the area.

David swallowed and sat on the floor with the
condoms in his hand. This conversation needed to start somewhere. “He baked it
himself. He’s got a partner, not a wife…”

“Like a girlfriend?”

“No, like… a boyfriend. But I don’t know if that’s
the right term, because they’re both over forty.”

The silence at the other end of the line was like
a spike drilling into David’s lungs and robbing him of air. Eventually, Mom
took a loud, shuddery breath and spoke again. “Are you sure it’s the right kind
of environment for you? He hasn’t behaved inappropriately toward you, has he?
You have the moral obligation to say no to any advances!”

David groaned, and when he realized this chat
would take a while, he got up and went to his room, to place the lube and
condoms by the bed. He didn’t want to talk about these things now. He wanted
Raja to hug him.

“No, he’s very nice. He’s teaching me all sorts of
things about flowers, and his partner is a lawyer. They actually met at a

His mom sighed. “Honey, I know you have such a
kind heart, and you want to see the good in everyone, but I don’t think you
should socialize with those people. Be nice and professional, but it’s not
healthy to be associated with gays. Are those people friends of Asty’s?”

David rubbed his forehead and looked at the clock.
Ninety minutes left. “No, I mean, yes… Her brother’s gay, and he’s nice too. I—
I don’t know.” Why did she have to call him

“I knew Hunter and Asty would be a bad influence!”
called out Mom on the other side of the line. “Did they even hang the cross we
gave the baby?” Mom refused to call Bell by his name, as it was short for
Beelzebub. David also believed it was strange at best, but the name was
supposedly an homage to Asty’s other brother, who died not so long ago.

“Yes, Mom, it’s in the baby’s room.” Upside down,
but she didn’t need to know that. Hunter thought it was very funny, David was
appalled, but at the end of the day, it wasn’t his house. “And I’m doing fine,
really. I like it here. I’m working on their garden, and meeting interesting
people.” He didn’t even know why, but his eyes started welling up. He wanted to
tell her about Raja so much, but he knew she’d hate it. She’d hate to hear he
was probably gay, she’d hate that he was considering dating a guy, and she’d
hate it even more if she knew the guy was ten years older than David, and a
big, bad biker with a fat black beard at that.

Worst of all, she’d hate

Her loud sigh was meant to make him apologize or
explain himself, but when that didn’t come, she changed the topic. “I would
still love to see you soon. You could ask to have two days off in a row and
come over. We had Father Peter and Father Joseph over for dinner on Sunday, and
they were asking about you.”

David groaned at the mere memory of Father Joseph’s
touch. But it was true. He’d drifted away from the church too. So busy between
the job and new friends, working on the garden, babysitting, that he didn’t
have time for mass. He didn’t want to feel judged at confession. He didn’t want
to feel like a failure in front of God.

“I suppose I haven’t been home for a while. I’ll
try in the next week or two.”

“That’s so far away, honey. You sure you can’t
make it sooner?”

David sighed. He did miss Mom. Just not her
orthodox attitude. “I’ll try. It’s hard to do it at such short notice. But
Lindell’s really nice. He should give me the time off.”

“I suppose. Well, kiss the baby from me. I need to
get back to my cookies. You could have some if you were here...”

“Save some for me.” David wiped a tear from the
corner of his eye. He hated drifting away from her, but maybe this was what
growing up was about.

“Good night, honey,” she said and hung up, leaving
him with silence.

David didn’t want to think of sin, or God, or
feeling guilty. He wanted Raja’s warm arms around him, and his kisses on
David’s lips. He would not be going back on his word. He invited Raja over, and
he’d stick with it even if he’d have to confess it all next week. He only
wished he didn’t feel so dirty about it after talking to Mom. What he needed
was a shower.

Chapter 13


Raja watched the light in Hunter’s living room
window. His bike was so loud David was bound to have heard him but was now
pretending not to. Raja smirked and petted his bike for good luck before slowly
stepping toward the door. He liked texting with David. He really, honestly did.
It created an anticipation very different from one related to a hookup. With a
hookup, the texting was like a virtual ritualized mating dance, with David,
everything was a blank slate. It was like courting a member of a different
species. You never knew what you were gonna get.

He walked up to the door and pressed the buzzer in
the same way he did when he was here the last time, for the baby-welcoming
party. He really should have proposed a different venue for this. As if it
weren’t enough that he’d seduced Hunter’s younger brother, he came here
intending to take things even further. But if that was the place where David
felt most comfortable, so be it. It was his ass that needed some relaxing, not

David didn’t take long to answer the door, and
seeing his wholesome boy-next-door smile had Raja’s inner wolf salivating. The
scent of some shower gel was just the invitation he needed. He could see that
David had dressed up as well. A cute pair of preppy shorts and a blue button-up
short-sleeve. Raja couldn’t wait to unwrap him.

“Hey…” David gave him that enamoured look that fed
Raja so much energy, he’d probably be able to survive on it for weeks.

Raja exhaled, suddenly hesitant to cross the
threshold. He didn’t usually go for guys this young. He wasn’t a lover of those
cutesy preppy boys in their ties and sneakers, but he liked David. He was open
and honest in a way Raja hadn’t experienced for a long time. Bet aside, he
really felt that he owed David something for barging into his life the way he
had. Naive as he was, David could easily fall prey to some douchebag, who’d
promise him God-knew-what and break his heart once he got bored. It was only
for the best if David learned about gay intimacy in a safe way.

“Hello there,” said Raja, finally stepping inside.
His hand went straight to David’s lower back, and they shared a chaste kiss in
the doorway.

David’s hands were on his chest immediately and he
made the kiss last that bit longer. “Are you hungry? I could cook for us.
Nothing fancy, but I know a few recipes. And I’ve got snacks, if you feel like
having a bite.”

Raja blinked but quickly wiped off the shock from
his face and kissed David again, pushing the door shut with his foot before
hanging his cut with some coats and kicking off his boots. “Is this a date?”

David froze, with his eyes wide as saucers. “Is
a date?” he whispered.

Raja chose to smile, as it was the best option
most of the time when something was starting to go horribly wrong. “I wasn’t
sure. I mean, you could have just wanted to hang out, right?”

David swallowed and it was surprisingly crushing
to see his smile go. “Oh, yeah, I suppose. I’ve got condoms too…”

Raja grabbed his hands. “We didn’t start well
here. Let’s just go with the flow, okay? You’re a bit different from the guys I
usually meet up with. I suppose we both don’t know what to expect. That okay?”

“I’m sorry, it’s just that my dates usually— gah!
I’m lying. There are no other dates. I’m not sure what to do. I really like
you.” David stood on his toes and gave Raja another kiss.

Raja’s lips throbbed against David’s. He should
tell him the truth: that this was a safe space for him to learn about gay
relationships. But he couldn’t bring himself to do it when that warm, pliant
body melted into his arms.

“You’re sure they’re not coming back until

David nodded, playing with his fingers over Raja’s
stomach. “I’m sure. They’ve gone to a concert, and they’re staying at a hotel
afterward. Are you… staying the night?”

Raja exhaled. Temptation grabbed him by the dick
and refused to let go. That was exactly what he’d been hoping for. “If you want
me to.”

“My room’s upstairs.” David took a deep breath,
and Raja was becoming hypnotized by his big green eyes.

“Okay...” Raja chewed on his lip and gently
massaged David’s wrists, watching his big, trusting eyes. Fuck, he was already
so turned-on, and nothing had happened yet. “And you have those condoms on your

“And lube. If necessary.”

Oh, Raja would show him just how necessary it was
going to be. He smiled and slid his hand down to David’s ass. It was so round
and nice to the touch, the delicate wrinkled skin around David’s hole beckoning
him closer. Back in the flower shop, the globes had parted so willingly to
Raja’s fingers. He’d jerked off to that image several times already.

“You go first. I wanna watch.”

David bit his lip, and a smile was back on his
pretty face. He went over to the stairs and kept looking over his shoulder. He
was so excited it was a pleasure to watch.

“Slowly. I wanna see your tight little ass roll
for me,” Raja said, stopping at the feet of the stairs. “Come on, coax me into
your lair.”

David laughed but gave his hips more sway as he
climbed the stairs. “It’s silly!”

“No, it’s not. I’m not that easy to manipulate
into bed,” teased Raja, leaning against the wall. “And that ass wants to suck
me dry as soon as possible.”

“You?” David looked over his shoulder once he
reached the landing and raised his eyebrows. “You’re easy.” And before Raja
knew it, David pushed his shorts just below his buttocks.

Raja’s mouth fell open. “Holy shit.” And just like
that, he was running up the stairs, chasing his shameless prize. The rush of
pleasure was coursing through his veins, warming every single cell in his body.

David pulled his pants right up and darted up the
stairs to the second floor, already running to his room. It only made Raja want
to chase him down more. He followed into the small and empty-ish room with only
a bed, a rail of clothes, and a nightstand made out of two boxes. With the sun
setting outside, there was orange light flooding in.

Raja grinned and took a step forward while David
backed away, flushed bright red and with his hands balled into fists. The chase
must have excited him just as much as it did Raja, and when Raja sprang
forward, David climbed on the mattress, curling up in the corner.

Raja kicked off his boots and walked up to the
bed, with heat pulsing even in the joints of his fingers. He couldn’t wait to
hear David’s moans accompany his every thrust of his hips. “You think you can
hide that slutty little ass from me? Once you offered, it’s a done deal.”

David’s breath hitched.  “What if I changed
my mind?”

Raja followed David to the bed and locked him against
the wall, making sure his knees pushed against David’s flesh as he rested his
elbows on the wall and looked down at the curled-up body. That shower gel
smelled fucking arousing too. “You didn’t. You want to be finally popped open,
isn’t that right?”

David slid his palms over Raja’s chest, and Raja
could still remember how good they felt on his cock. If all went well, maybe
he’d even get to fuck David twice tonight. That sweet ass would milk him so
well, and David’s sweaty body under Raja would smell so good he’d get hard
again in no time. As uncomfortable as Raja was about doing this in Hunter’s
home, he knew he was doing some good work here and that—clueless as he was
about gay men—his straight friend would probably try to protect David the way
he would have a baby sister. That wasn’t what a gay teen needed.

“Only if you’re good at it,” David whispered into
Raja’s lips, and the excitement was steaming off him.

Raja barked out a laugh. He did not believe this.
“Cocky, aren’t we?” he asked and grabbed David’s hands, only to push them
behind his back. “Let’s see how long that lasts once I start plowing your
virginal hole.”

David’s face was already going that lovely shade
of red. One day Raja needed to come all over those cheeks.

“I love how strong you are…” His breath smelled of
mint, and Raja could bet David scrubbed himself clean for this. Not that it
would help him. He’d be filthy and smell of Raja by the end of this night.

“I bet I could fuck you against the wall easily.
You’re such a fucking light-weight,” said Raja and roughly pulled David out of
his hideout, tossing him to the middle of the mattress.

David gasped and spread his legs as soon as Raja
was on top of him. “Only if I’d let you.” The tease was learning how to push
Raja’s buttons at light speed.

Raja groaned and pushed David’s legs farther apart
with his knee. He dropped his weight on the hands propped on both sides of
David’s head, and then slowly lowered his body on top of him. He’d let David
have a taste of just how heavy and strong he’d feel, of how good it would be to
completely surrender. David was much more eager than Raja had anticipated, and
it turned his blood into liquid fire. “You have no say in this anymore, little
slut. I’m gonna just roll you around and jab my dick in if that’s what I want,
so don’t toy with me.”

David licked his lips, and his gaze became
half-lidded. “I won’t,” he said quietly. “But you’ll have to tell me what to
do.” He reached up and wrapped his arms around Raja’s neck.

David’s absolute compliance was not something Raja
expected. It was almost as if no matter how dirty he talked, David would just
offer himself with absolute trust. It was new, and different, and all kinds of
exciting. “Grab my hips with your legs.” As soon as David did so, Raja pulled
them up so that David was sitting in his lap, and he kissed those pliant lips,
grabbing David’s ass in the process. He loved that it wasn’t flat, that despite
David being skinny, there was something to hold on to.

David whimpered into the kiss, and Raja could already
feel his hard-on through the pants. Dirty boy. Raja remembered every moment of
David succumbing to the skull-fuck in Hunter’s bathroom. David’s ass flexed in
his grasp, and Raja couldn’t wait to slide his hand inside David’s pants and
squeeze both buttocks. He’d be the first one to do so. He lost himself in the
kiss and the heat of David’s arms around him when he imagined his cock being
the first one to ever slide into the pink pucker of David’s ass. He was sure
the boy would be moaning and squirming, but loving every second of it because
Raja knew how to make his bottom beg for more.

David winced, shuddering in Raja’s arms when their
hips rolled together. Raja kissed his way up David’s squeaky-clean neck and
pulled David down as he lay back and slapped one of the pert globes hard. “You
up for that too?”

David’s breath was hot and quick. “I think I might
be,” he whispered as if he were embarrassed of saying it out loud.

Raja laughed and slapped him again, then rolled
his hips up, raising David on top of him. “You’re sitting on a wild bull. I
hope you won’t fall off,” he whispered, watching that lovely face for any sign
of fear or discomfort. He was surprised by how smoothly it was going so far. It
was almost as if David wasn’t a little conservative menace, as if this weren’t
his biker brother’s house.

David looked down between their bodies and moved
on top of Raja, grinding against him like a wanton hangaround. “Wow… I can feel
it. So hard.” His parted lips were like an invitation for cock, and Raja didn’t
know what he wanted to do with David first. So many options to choose from. So
many ways to fuck him.

“Inviting a man to fuck your ass while your
brother’s away. You’re such a bad boy,” sighed Raja, pushing his hips up again.
David gasped and rocked his own hips as well, lovingly squeezing their cocks
together through the fabric of their clothes.

“I am. I shouldn’t have done that, should I?”
David’s voice became raspy and his movements against Raja—more fervent. “You
make me break all my rules.”

Raja rolled them over and pushed his hips between
David’s legs aggressively when their eyes locked. “It’s all about
rules now.” He squeezed his hand on David’s ass to prove that point, and
David’s whole body tensed.

He let out a long moan against Raja’s beard,
panting, squeezing his thighs over Raja, and holding on to him as if he were
the only stable thing in a liquid world.

Raja chewed on his lip as he watched David come,
but the bliss was gone the moment a loud shriek tore into the fuzz of his
brain. One moment, he was proud at making David come inside those preppy shorts
with just a bit of dry humping, the next, a loud, insistent cry called him
right back to reality.

David was still heaving when he looked up with his
green eyes completely hazy. “No, no, no, no… Not now,” he whined, and pulled
out from under Raja in a clumsy movement worthy of soft, post-orgasmic knees.

Raja stared after him in a daze, but when David
stepped off the bed and dropped to the floor with a panicked yelp, Raja forgot
his raging hard-on and rushed to help him. “Don’t get up so soon,” he said,
turning David’s face to see if he hadn’t injured himself. He still had no idea
what was going on, but the answer was slowly sinking in.

The baby. Fuck. Hunter and Asty left the baby

David put a hand on his face and took a deep
breath. “I’m so sorry. Just stay here, I’ll be back in second,” he promised and
rushed out with a stain on the front of his shorts, leaving Raja alone in the
bedroom, with an erection trapped in his jeans while the unmistakeable shrieks
of a newborn filled the whole house.

“I... I thought they took it to its grandpa,” said
Raja, unsure what to do. He couldn’t imagine a bigger mood killer than this.
How did couples ever fuck after having their kid?

“It’s fine, I’ve got it,” David yelled from
another room, and started talking to the baby, slowly calming it down.

Raja rubbed his eyes, resigned to his fate. Maybe
he needed to have a bite of food and a drop of liquor to forget this before the
next round. He should have known something was fishy about this sudden

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