Heart Ripper - Coffin Nails MC (gay biker M/M romance) (Sex & Mayhem Book 9) (22 page)

David let embarrassing grunts come out of his
mouth, but he stopped feeling self-conscious about them when he realized Raja
didn’t mind. “I like the feeling when you slam it back in,” he said. He needed
to communicate this. As much as he wanted Raja to read his mind so he wouldn’t
have to say it out loud, if he wanted more, he needed to say it, and instead of
shameful, if felt revolutionary, liberating.

Raja whimpered while pulling almost all the way
back. He shifted behind David, and then slid his thick dick in slower, at a
different angle than so far. It pressed against something that pushed the
strangest noises out of David and made him curl his toes as his whole body
shook in the throes of surprising pressure echoing in his own cock. It was

“How about now?” asked Raja with a smile in his
voice. “You need to learn all about

Only seconds later David realized he cried out
when Raja pressed against that spot again, and his whole body shuddered, on the
brink of an orgasm. “Fuck me right there!” He didn’t care how it sounded
anymore. He wanted it, and he wanted it now. “Can I do something for you, too?
Please, I need to give back to you.”

Raja slammed his hips harder against David’s ass,
and he molded himself to David’s back, mixing their sweat and licking some of
the salty droplets off David’s nape. “You are already giving me all I want,
silly boy” he rasped and pulled one of his hands from David’s neck to his
stomach, then to David’s engorged, pulsing cock. His breath trembled.

Raja’s weight was all David could dream of. Each
time Raja’s cock pushed on that spot inside forced a moan out of David’s lips,
but when Raja wrapped his fingers around David’s cock and gave it a few tugs
while repeatedly slapping his hips against David’s ass, David came so violently
he forgot his own name.

His vision went white, all his muscles spasmed,
but where his ass would usually clench, now it squeezed around the thick flesh
inside of him, pulling Raja in, and urging him to come.

Raja pulled back and slammed his cock in at a
different angle, holding on to David’s hips as if they were handles. Not
hitting the hypersensitive spot in his body anymore, the thrusts met no
resistance from David, who went soft and pressed his face against the pillow,
accepting Raja’s thrusts as he tuned in to them, trying to memorize each and
every movement, each brush of skin against skin.

Raja’s fingers dug into the flesh of his ass, and
he pushed all the way in, shuddering and groaning out his pleasure as his cock
throbbed inside David’s completely relaxed body.

David’s legs were jelly, but his heart still raced
as he only slowly came down from the high of his orgasm. He wanted nothing more
than to snuggle up into Raja’s embrace, with Raja’s cock still inside of him.
He wanted to be open to Raja mind, body, and soul. Share a complete connection
with him.

Raja held him close, but in the end, he slowly
pulled back, leaving David with a strange emptiness inside where the lovely,
warm cock had been. Raja was still touching him though, and moments later, he
lay down next to David and pulled him into his arms.

“You’re a good fuck.”

David smiled so widely he was sure he could steal
the Cheshire Cat’s job. “It was everything I hoped it would be and more.” He
leaned in for a lazy kiss.

Raja stretched on the bed and turned his face to
meet David’s lips. He seemed sleepy even as he opened up his lips to suck at
David’s tongue, but he held David close to his hot body and gently tickled his
arm with his fingers. “Mm. You haven’t completed your training yet.”

“Yes, coach. I’ll train a lot.” David gave the
purity ring on Raja’s finger a dreamy look. He didn’t regret giving it away.
“It was good to wait after all.”

Raja crooked up one eyebrow. “Who else could have
been your coach?”

David’s lips parted. “I— I mean… if I was looking
for it, I’d probably find it. But you found me instead.” He rubbed his cheek
against Raja’s beard.

Raja blinked and let out a joyous laugh. “You’re
still very young. And teenagers usually suck in bed. So yeah, you’re better off
when you wait a bit, if you ask me.”

David entwined their legs. “Looks like I had the
right idea liking older guys.”

Raja lazily rolled on top of David and kissed his
chin. His eyes and smile were so soft now that he was pumped out. Raja looked

“My cock’s worth the wait.”

David smiled back and kissed him. This night need never
end as far as he was concerned.

Chapter 19


David awoke to a trail of kisses running down his
neck. He smiled, stretching lazily, when the beard tickling his skin reminded
him who he was with. Raja hummed close to David’s ear and moved his hand up
David’s chest, eventually squeezing it over David’s neck gently. It brought
back the memories of that first time they met, in Hunter’s bathroom. Raja had intoxicated
David with his confidence, and since then, the feelings Raja awoke in him had broken
all the dams that his family tried to put in his way.

“What time is it?” David mumbled, excited about lying
naked in bed with another man, without shame or guilt over what they’d done.

Raja kissed David’s lips and smiled against them.
“Just past midnight. You wanna go out? I wanna show you something.”

David’s smile widened. That’s what he did now. Got
up at midnight. No rules. At least before a Monday off work. He pulled Raja
closer and kissed his shoulder. “Like… now? Outside? I’m hungry.”

Raja grinned and nuzzled David’s nose, pushing the
fine hair out of David’s forehead. “We have an hour or so. On the way to the
place I wanna show you, we will briefly stop at my clubhouse, and I don’t want
to keep the guys waiting. But I can give you some protein in the shower first.”

That woke David right up. “That’s… oh. New.” He
blinked a few times, but sat up. “I could do that.” He could do anything right

Raja grabbed his chin and pulled him into a brief
but deep and sensual kiss that set David’s senses on fire. The feeling was gone
too soon, but when Raja slid out of bed and pulled on his hand, staying wasn’t
an option anymore.

He followed Raja to the shower and they ended up
sucking each other off with hot droplets rolling down their bodies. Refreshed
but positively hazy, David stumbled into the kitchen, putting on his briefs.


“Yes?” Raja pulled a plastic box with some kind of
salad out of the fridge in his small kitchen. He was only wearing a pair of
boxer shorts, and so his long, muscular legs and the glorious upper body were a
treat for David’s eyes.

“Can I wear one of your T-shirts?” David grinned,
elated by this possibility already.

“Sure, just take whichever you want,” said Raja,
who seemed as organized with his food as he was with cleaning. The scent of
bread toasting filled the air, mixing with the rich aroma of coffee.

David forced back a squeal of excitement and
rushed to the bedroom to open Raja’s closet. Even the fresh clothes inside
seemed to smell of Raja already, as if washing powder couldn’t remove all of
that man’s intense scent.

There were only a few shelves on the bottom of the
closet, with the vast majority of Raja’s clothes hung up and arranged by type.
There weren’t nearly as many as David had in his own wardrobe, and, as expected,
Raja preferred plain, toned-down colors. David started browsing through the
T-shirts, and only some of them had any kind of print at the front. But what
annoyed David most was that everything would be so big on him he’d end up
looking silly, like a girl wearing her boyfriend’s shirt. More than great for
sleeping, but not so good for going out. It was only when he reached the far
end of the rail that he found a multi-layered hanger covered with a plastic
cover, and the T-shirts he spotted inside were closer to David’s size. Were
they very old? Some kind of mementos? Or worse, a memento of an ex-boyfriend?

He pulled out a black one with, ‘Terror Sisters’
written at the front and a list of tour dates at the back. He pulled it on and
looked in the mirror. He’d never really worn much black. When he once bought a
black T-shirt and jeans when he was younger, his mom started crying the moment
she saw him in them. The T-shirt was nothing like the clothes David usually
wore, but he felt cool in it, so he smiled into the mirror and followed the
scent of coffee and toast.

Raja was already waiting for him in the living
room, with the food on the coffee table, but when he looked up at David, the
smile disappeared from his lips.

“Oh. You don’t like it?” David stopped midstride,
just as he was about to ask how the T-shirt looked on him. He knew it. It was
the ex-boyfriend’s. He’d made the first fatal mistake of dating and reminded
Raja of some kind of painful past.

Raja sank his teeth into his bottom lip but called
David over with a gesture. “No. I was just... surprised you chose this one.”

“I’m not as buff as you.” David came closer and
wrapped his arms around Raja. “I’d look like a hobo in the other ones.”

Raja snaked his hand around David and tapped his
fingers against his hip as he sipped the coffee. “This one hasn’t been worn for
at least eight years.”

David kissed Raja’s neck. “Have you been to their

Raja smirked and picked up the plate that
contained two large pieces of sourdough bread covered with a heap of the salad.
“Yes. That was my first ever. Got the shirt when I went, but ten years is a
long time, so it doesn’t really fit me anymore.”

David pulled away to grab the other steaming cup,
and he couldn’t stop smiling. He’d had sex, and Raja had the purity ring to
prove it. “Would you take me to a concert? I’ve never been.”

Raja rustled his hair, swallowing his food. “Sure.
Who do you want to see?”

David opened his mouth and then closed it. The
music he liked wasn’t hard rock or metal like the bands Hunter liked. And
‘Terror Sisters’ didn’t exactly sound like country either. “You’d laugh. Never mind.”

“Oh, no, you’re not escaping this one,” said Raja,
poking David’s chest. “Who is it?”

“I always wanted to go to a Taylor Swift concert.”
David bit into his sandwich to hide his embarrassment, but the heat was already
climbing up his face.

Raja snickered and rubbed his ears. “Oh, man...
okay, I suppose I can do that as barter for your sweet ass.”

David looked up at him in awe. “Really? You’d go
with me?” He’d leap in happiness if it wasn’t so undignified. “Tell me about
your first concert.”

Raja sucked in his lips and then took a bite of
the salad sandwich, chewing on it for a minute. It was as if he was trying to
delay his answer, but in the end, he shrugged. “Told my parents that I was
staying over at my friend’s, but we both actually went to the gig.”

It seemed that Raja had already had a rebellious
streak back then, but David was also now walking on the wild side. Opting out
of college, coming out to his parents, escaping from Church on the back of a
bike, and happy at his boyfriend punching someone for him. Having coffee at

“There’s so much I want to know about you. You’ve
done so many interesting things in your life, and I feel like I’ve missed out.”
David sighed and stroked Raja’s chest. “I always tried to do everything right,
do things the way I was asked to.”

Raja petted David’s head, but his mouth remained
tense. “You’re only eighteen. You haven’t missed out on anything yet. I mean,
I’m happy that you are missing out on certain stuff I had to go through. Eat
your food,” added Raja after a second’s thought.

“Okay, okay. It’s very good by the way. Never
imagined a biker making salads.” David snorted and stuffed his mouth full of

Raja rolled his eyes. “That’s how we ate at home.
It’s not a big deal. Just chop some veg in the processor, add sauce, and I have
a batch for the next few days.”

“I have to up my cooking game so I can treat you,
because the flower shop will not be paying enough to go to restaurants.”

Raja glanced at him for a longer time but
eventually finished his sandwich and leaned back. “Don’t worry about it. We’re
already having a good time.”

“I’ll probably stay at Hunter’s for a longer while
now that the cat’s out of the bag. I like working at the shop, and I can see
myself learning new skills there. What about your plans for the near future?”

Raja’s eyes glinted for the first time since David
entered the room. “It’s going great. We might have business coming our way, and
if that happens, we could finally have a real clubhouse again. The replacement
we occupy now is so pathetic we didn’t invite anyone yet. Don’t tell Hunter.”

David’s heart fluttered. Raja trusted him, told
him all sorts of secrets. “I won’t. What kind of business?”

Raja poked David’s nose. “I can’t say. It’s
club-related. But it could be very lucrative,” he said, proud as a peacock.

David pouted, suddenly nervous as he remembered
Joseph’s claims about bikers. “But it won’t get you in trouble?”

Raja’s smirk told David all the things he
shouldn’t know. “It’s club business,” he repeated.

David sighed and pushed into a hug. He put his
cheek on Raja’s shoulder, oddly satisfied by the slightly sore feeling in his
ass. He was Raja’s now, and he would do whatever it took to stay at his
boyfriend’s side. Raja wasn’t just sexy and mysterious either. No one had ever
listened to David the way Raja did. With him, David could bare himself and not
be afraid of judgement.

Raja chugged the rest of his coffee and rushed to
the bedroom. “Come on, you’re gonna need something warm for riding a motorcycle
at night.”

David stampeded behind him with a happy squee.




The wind blowing into David’s face was such a
shocking contrast to the way Raja’s firm, sturdy body fit against his chest
when they rode through the empty streets. It was dark, and with just the
streetlights illuminating their way, the world looked enchanted. He wasn’t the
type of person to do this kind of thing. Not the kind of person to sleep with a
man, not the kind of person to disrespect his parents’ wishes, not the kind of
person to go on a crazy ride through town in the middle of the night, and yet
it felt so natural. Like he’d been living underwater and only now realized that
he actually needed to breathe.

Once Raja drove into a smaller alleyway between
industrial buildings, David could hear the sounds of music and people laughing
somewhere far away, but the area they were in seemed deserted. Tall gray houses
with not more than a few lights in the windows, and barely any traffic.

With their ride slowing down on the empty road,
David turned his head to the other side and looked at the only structure ahead.
They were approaching a gas station, with an awning above the forecourt and
all, but with a metal fence built around it. It seemed that the place was
currently undergoing repairs. Light was peeking from between the curtains drawn
in the big windows of the station’s convenience store, but before David could
wonder why builders were working so late at night, Raja drove through the open
gate and into the forecourt. Now that they were underneath the awning, David
noticed motorcycles parked there and remembered what Raja had said about his
temporary clubhouse.

The curtain moved, and a bearded face appeared in
the gap between two flaps of fabric before disappearing when Raja gestured at
the unfamiliar man. He then looked back at David with a half smile and pulled
off his helmet.

“It shouldn’t take long, but better keep a low
profile. They know I could have been with a hookup when they called me up, so
as long as you just stay here, nobody’s gonna care,” Raja said as he pulled
David’s hood over his head, leaving David taken aback.

“Oh… okay. Aren’t you openly gay?” Their night
suddenly didn’t feel all that significant.

Raja stepped back and glanced toward the window.
“I am, but it’s gonna be uncomfortable for them. It’s better if you just stay
here for now, and we’ll head out as soon as I’m done, okay?”

David nodded and pulled the hood lower over his
face to hide his disappointment. He’d been sure that now that
was out
as well, there would be no reason for secrecy about their relationship. Was
Raja embarrassed to be hanging out with someone as young as David?

“Does this place have restrooms?” he mumbled.

Raja was already on his way to the front door,
which had the glass covered with cardboard from the inside. He looked back and
swirled his index finger in the air before making a broad movement with his
hand. “Behind the building. It’s not great, but they work.”

David took a deep breath of warm air. He wasn’t
even sure what he was doing here anymore. His outfit consisting of his dress
shoes and church-jeans on the bottom but a band T-shirt and a hoodie on top,
summed up his life right now. He was not the good boy anymore, but not exactly
a bad boy either. Good enough to fuck, but not good enough to meet Raja’s

When Raja disappeared behind the door, and when
David looked around the empty street and the damaged asphalt underneath the
awning above, he got a distinct feeling of being stuck. Just half an hour ago,
he’d felt on top of the world with Raja by his side, but now it seemed that he
had been feeding himself illusions.

He took a lazy stroll around the old station, but
he couldn’t really see much in the darkness. His dress shoes dipped into mud,
and he scowled in disgust. This place was nothing like the warmth of Raja’s
bed. Maybe he shouldn’t have come here and let the dream that Raja wanted all
of him last a bit longer.

Away from the streetlights at the front of the
station it was completely dark, so he pulled out his cell phone and lit the way
through the sparse grass, all the way to a small building with a faded picture
of stick figures painted on the side wall.

Just as he was approaching, someone flushed the
toilet behind one of the doors, and a tall man in a leather vest with patches
at the front stumbled outside. He stopped in his tracks as soon as he spotted
David in the dark.

“This is private property,” said the guy in a low
voice that sent a tremble down David’s back. He was now pretty sure he’d seen
the man at Hunter’s party. He’d been standing with Raja when Hunter introduced
David to both the men. Blade was his nickname.

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