Heart Ripper - Coffin Nails MC (gay biker M/M romance) (Sex & Mayhem Book 9) (33 page)

“I love you so much,” was all that David could choke
out. He thought he would never hear those words from Raja, no matter how
frequently Raja expressed his feelings with his actions. But the confession was
like a missing puzzle piece, and it didn’t really matter whether Raja would
ever be able to articulate it again.

Raja shuddered and blinked several times, petting
David’s face, with a haunted look in his eyes.

A light suddenly went on above them, and Tooth
rushed in from behind the building alongside Milk. He slowed down, taking in
the situation with a deep scowl.

David looked up at Tooth, clinging to Raja as if
letting go could separate them forever. His teeth rattled.“I-I-I think he’s

Raja looked up slowly and nodded, clutching David
even tighter. “Yes. The bastard attacked us. Shit.”

Milk walked over to Blade, scowling at whatever he
saw. Slowly, he turned around toward Tooth and scratched his nose. “I suppose
we still have some cement left from the construction site.”

Tooth kicked something and growled like a spited
lion. “We’re not burying the body on club grounds. What the hell are you

Milk groaned. “Just saying. What’s your idea,

David couldn’t help the sob rising in his chest,
and he hid his face in Raja’s beard to stop seeing all the blood in the yellow
glow coming from above.

“First of all,” Tooth said, “Raja, take the boy
inside. This is my clubhouse, and he’s staying here until I talk to him.”

Raja gave a shallow nod and pulled himself up,
then reached out to David, oddly blank-faced. The front of his shirt and hands were
stained with bright red. David hesitated, but grabbed Raja’s hand, no matter
how wet it still was.
. That’s what it had been. Raja had no
choice but to fight back.

But when Raja pulled him up, David’s knees gave
in, and Raja had to hold him up.

“I’m sorry,” David uttered, shaking uncontrollably
and wiping tears out of his eyes. He’d never seen anything like what happened
tonight, and his body couldn’t handle it.

Raja kept him up and pressed a quick kiss to
David’s temple. “It’s not your fault. You should have never seen this,” he said
and leaned down, grabbing David’s knees. The world turned on its head, and
David was gliding through the air in Raja’s arms.

Raja was there for him. Even when David was too
shocked to walk. Raja carried him to the club despite going through a horrific
ordeal himself. It made David think that whatever were to happen, they would
take care of each other in moments of weakness.

David would carry Raja’s secrets, and Raja would
always be there for him.



David smiled at Hunter as he adjusted the tie of
his all-black suit. The style of the wedding wasn’t to his taste whatsoever,
but it wasn’t his ceremony at the end of the day, so vampire-meets-biker was
the theme. He even made a small sacrifice for Hunter’s sake and as the best
man, wore an all-black suit as well, even though he thought the color made him
look like a zombie.

The guests were already gathered in Asty and
Hunter’s garden, which served as the venue for the occasion. With the simple
plastic chairs wrapped with black fabric, and the dark-hued flower arrangements
that David had carefully planned out and prepared with Lindell’s help, the
space was now something out of a Gothic fairy tale, and the bright sun only
brought out all the different shades of dark.

Hunter slapped David’s hand away when David tried
to adjust the red flowers in Hunter’s lapel again. “It’s fine, stop fiddling
with it.”

“Sorry, I’m nervous.”

Hunter snorted and pushed back some of his long
hair. Thanks to Lucky’s attention earlier, it looked better than ever. “

David took a deep breath. “I know, I know. I just
want everything to be perfect for you.” And Raja was still not here. He’d
gotten a call at five in the morning and stormed out to deal with some sort of
emergency. With the Toledo chapter still not manned enough, it wasn’t all that
rare for him to have to change his plans, but David couldn’t believe that out
of all days, it happened merely hours before the wedding. Raja promised he’d
arrive on time, but Asty would be walking down the aisle soon, and he was still
nowhere to be seen.

Hunter laughed. “You’re too cute for your own
good. I bet Raja has it good with you.”

David couldn’t hold back a wide grin. “You
wouldn’t believe it, but he’s sweet with me too.” Living together with Raja
wasn’t without its challenges, but such a joy he’d never choose any different
arrangement. He loved waking up early to eat breakfast together, and they
didn’t have to worry about meeting up, because even if their schedules shifted,
at the end of the day they would see each other in the place they both called

Hunter shook his head. “Oh yeah? He brings you
flowers and cupcakes?”

David shrugged and stepped away. “You won’t get a
word out of me. It’s private.” David was a safe where Raja could store all his
secrets, and they would never come to light if Raja didn’t want them to.

David never thought he’d see someone die, and it
hadn’t been without consequences. He’d had nightmares for months, and for some
time he even needed pills to sleep through the night, but it all became more
bearable once he moved in with Raja. There was something about falling asleep
in those strong arms that made David feel completely safe, even from the ghost
of a man who’d wanted to end both their lives over petty jealousy.

He’d never shared this with Raja, but he decided
not to confess the truth about Blade’s death. After Father Joseph’s betrayal,
David knew he couldn’t unconditionally trust a priest ever again, and living
with the sin still on his conscience seemed like a small price for guaranteeing
Raja’s freedom. Even if Blade’s death was the result of self-defence, Raja was
a member of a motorcycle club, who possibly had valuable information that the
police could want to pull out of him. On top of that, Raja admitted that he
experienced more harassment than his crew. David himself even noticed that when
he was out with Raja, people would give them dirty looks—even in gay venues—but
David had made his bed, and he would sleep in it with Raja.

He exhaled when Lucky’s head popped out from
behind the kitchen door. With all the guests seated already, this could only
mean one thing. The bride was coming, and Raja was—

David’s mouth stretched into a wide smile when he
noticed the raven-black hair in the last row on the right. It bothered him that
Raja was in a green T-shirt underneath his cut, and hadn’t even changed into
something slightly dressier, but he supposed with the party being somewhat
informal anyway, he had let it slide. Raja always did his own thing.

Raja winked at him as he sat down, but everyone’s
attention immediately shifted when the first dramatic chords of the organ
streamed out of the sound system, informing the guests that the bride had arrived.

David straighten up and bit back a smile when he heard
his brother gasp.

Asty was led their way by Tooth, and with all the
black lace and tulle, she reminded David of an eighteenth century mourner
rather than a bride, but it was her day, so if she wanted to have a Satanic
wedding, she could have one. Sadly, it also meant David’s parents wouldn’t be
coming, but Asty and Hunter had definitely taught David that life wasn’t about
trying to please society.

David smiled and glanced at Hunter, who was
grinning like the Cheshire cat and didn’t seem at all bothered that David was
the only member of his family who chose to attend this event. Tooth looked a
bit stiff in a black button-up, but he was adequately serious and delivered
Asty to Hunter before stepping away somewhat awkwardly and sitting down next to
the baby’s crib. With Lucky joining them at the canopy of flowers that David had
made himself, and the music slowly dying down, Asty’s father joyfully met the
bride and groom. He’d been so pumped about finally making use of his wedding
officiant certificate that he gave up on leading his daughter to the altar.
Then again, since when did this family ever follow tradition?




Time passed like a breeze, and despite the evening
party being a mix of metal music and burgers from a food truck hired for the
occasion, it was weirdly nice to not be around people who would judge if the
food was wedding-y enough or not. What seemed to matter most was that everyone
was having fun, and David certainly was, despite hating the music. After almost
a year of being around bikers, he was finding a new home in this community. He’d
even started attending a more liberal church he drove to every Sunday, which
made him much more at ease with his sexuality.

After the main part of the ceremony, David put his
property vest on over his jacket, and sat around watching everyone, chatting,
and eating the deliciously unsophisticated food. Even though he knew in his
heart who he belonged with, the vest gave him that extra confirmation of being
claimed. Of everyone around knowing he was off-limits, because he was Raja’s.
Just thinking about it made him grin.

All of a sudden, the music died down, and he
looked up, still munching on a delicious chocolate sponge cake with cream and
cherries. Hunter and Asty stood at the low stage where they’d gotten married
earlier, and he was surprised to have their eyes spotlight him of all people.

Hunter raised his voice so that everyone could
hear him. “We wanted to give special thanks to someone without who this day
wouldn’t be as spectacular as it is. David, we’re talking about you.”

Raja’s arm slid over David’s shoulders as everyone
started clapping in appreciation.

David quickly swallowed the cake and smiled, instinctively
leaning against Raja. “You’re welcome, I’m just so happy for you,” he said
quickly, feeling his cheeks heat up from all the attention.

Asty looked at him with a broad grin. “We know you
don’t like any of our music, so we thought we could dedicate a special song,
just for you.”

“And everyone better enjoy it, because this is the
only time this artist is gonna be played tonight,” added Hunter.

David’s lips parted at the first notes of a sweet
Taylor Swift song, and he laughed, both embarrassed and enjoying it already.
There was only one thing that could make it better, and he didn’t have much
time if it would be the only light song tonight.

David looked up at Raja. “Will you dance with me?”
he whispered.

He was anticipating the unhappy frown even before
it appeared on that handsome face. Raja had never been much into dancing, and
David knew he disliked being the center of attention for his relationship, but
this was David’s moment.

Raja sighed, briefly looked past David, but
eventually settled his gaze on him. “You owe me,” he said, already getting up.

David’s smile widened, and a few people whistled
when David pulled Raja out to the dance floor, but none of that mattered when
Raja’s arms slid around him and David put his cheek on Raja’s shoulder. The
dance was more of a sway to the gentle music, but it was exactly what David

From the moment David met Raja, his life was
forever changed.


The end



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Heart Ripper – Coffin Nails

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Kat&Agnes AKA K.A. Merikan

[email protected]





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About the author


K. A. Merikan are a team of writers, who are
mistaken for sisters with surprising regularity. Kat’s the mean sergeant and
survival specialist of the duo, never hesitating to kick Agnes’s ass when she’s
slacking off. Her memory works like an easy-access catalogue, which allows her
to keep up with both book details and social media. Also works as the emergency
GPS. Agnes is the Merikan nitpicker, usually found busy with formatting and
research. Her attention tends to be scattered, and despite pushing thirty, she
needs to apply makeup to buy alcohol. Self-proclaimed queen of the roads.


They love the weird and wonderful, stepping out
of the box, and bending stereotypes both in life and books. When you pick up a
Merikan book, one thing you can be sure of - it will be full of surprises.



K.A. Merikan on





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