Heart Ripper - Coffin Nails MC (gay biker M/M romance) (Sex & Mayhem Book 9) (29 page)

Chapter 27


When Raja first joined a motorcycle club, he
expected many things. The lifestyle was about the open road, brotherhood, and
then lots of women and booze. It certainly didn’t invoke images of hunky,
oiled-up men dancing on the tabletop of a bar and colorful drinks, yet this was
exactly what was happening in the clubhouse of Coffin Nails MC Detroit tonight.
To be fair, it was all because of Lucky’s birthday, and the bulk of the actual
bikers were out drinking beer and watching a game at a sports bar nearby, but
Raja did not mind watching the handsome stripper with colorful tattoos all over
his body and just a leather codpiece covering the tan skin. He was glad he

The man was a good dancer, and he dedicated so
much attention to the birthday boy that Raja found himself eyeing Tooth, just
to make sure the poor stripper wouldn’t end up with a few teeth knocked out.
But Tooth watched the show with a calm interest, and Raja half-expected him to
come up with a bundle of one-dollar bills by the end of the set.

Despite the easy-to-dance-to pop music dominating
the playlist so far, Lucky was wearing a Behemoth T-shirt and his usual combo
of skinny jeans and black combat boots. The crowd that came to the party was a
mixture of club hangarounds, Lucky’s friends and clients, who were all
drinking, dancing, having fun in the biker bar, as if homosexuality had stopped
being an issue in the macho world of bikers. Nothing like this could have ever
taken place at the old Rabid Hogs clubhouse, yet another reason Raja was so
happy with the patchover. Granted, not all the Coffin Nails chapters were as
accepting, but he supposed, as the president’s only living son, Lucky did have
some privileges.

David must have visited Lucky’s barber shop before
the party, because his undercut looked freshly trimmed, and he even sported a
braid on top of his head, going all the way to the knot at the back. He’d changed
so much Raja was only waiting for David to arrive at his doorstep one day with
full-sleeve tats. Yet despite the more edgy style and the piercing, he wore a
button-up short-sleeve tonight with his jeans, which made an appealing
combination and was in sharp contrast to almost everyone else present.

Raja gravitated closer to Tooth, walking past
Milk, who was already drunk and danced on the outskirts of the crowd with his
wife. The colorful strobe lights that had been rented for the occasion danced
over the walls and climbed up sweaty bodies, adding a punch of absurdity to the
drunken prancing, the stripper, and three female hangarounds playing spin the
bottle in the corner. Even David’s boss was there, embracing his partner as
they too watched the show, drinking Coronas with lime. Watching them together
caused an odd, warm sensation to spread in Raja’s stomach, but the whole party
made him feel at ease. The clumsy touching and games played on the edges of the
lounge reminded him a bit of his teenage years, before the banishment to the
conversion camp.

He rarely went to gay venues, since by the time he
started getting interested in sex, the convenience and relative anonymity that was
the Internet had already been around, but the gay bars he’d been to were a bit
like this party too. Generic, easy music, lots of alcohol, and men freely
interacting, even if visually they seemed like pieces of different puzzle sets
gathered into one pile. And there were always the token straight people.

Milk whistled when the stripper sat a grinning
Lucky in a chair. “You okay with that, Tooth?” He crossed his arms on his chest
with a silly grin under a nose that was too big for his face. Raja was glad the
music wasn’t overwhelming, and back here, conversations were a possibility even
without the necessity of awkwardly screaming into someone’s ear.

Tooth glanced his way and gave a sparse chuckle,
tugging on his long beard. “It’s all good fun. I’m gonna enjoy watching.”

“Aren’t we all?” asked Raja, and Milk’s wife
snorted, just as captivated by the stripper’s fit, colorful body.

Milk gave her a sharp glance and scowled. “I mean,
, so it doesn’t matter in my case.”

“‘Cause you don’t have an open relationship, do
you?” Raja asked Tooth.

Milk laughed out loud and pulled his wife closer.
“Why? You got the hots for Lucky?”

Tooth’s eyes instantly became sharper, and the
ghost of a pair of icy pliers trailed down Raja’s spine. “He’s a hot guy, but
he’s not mine to fawn over.”

Tooth snorted and relaxed into the chair, and Raja
quickly pulled one over and sat next to him. Asty and Hunter were here too, and
they were going out of their way to show him how much they ignored his
presence. It was middle school all over again. Raja had expected this to happen
when he received Lucky’s invitation, but he was ready to deal with the bad
vibes coming from his favorite Satanic couple if that meant he’d get to attend
a gay party at an MC clubhouse. After being in the closet for so long and
hiding his true self from his biker brothers, he wouldn’t miss an event like
this in a million years.

But no matter how enjoyable it was to watch the
stripper or pick up pieces of drunken conversations, Raja’s eyes kept straying
to David. It had been a month since he and David became a couple, and Raja was
surprised that instead of becoming sated with David’s sweet, fragrant body, the
need for his smile, his voice, his time, was only growing. He resented every
time David needed to go home, and even though he’d never admitted it to David,
he did fantasize about what it would be like to have David living with him. To
get the lovely avocado toast for breakfast every day, and have him around
whenever he felt horny. And they could binge-watch all of the
together instead of enjoying one or two episodes at a time. He’d definitely
enjoy that more than watching David ogle the stripper, his bright red cheeks in
stark contrast with the blue cocktail he was holding.

Milk shrugged next to him. “I just think it’s so
funny. It’s like lap dance inception.”

His wife raised her eyebrows. “How so?”

“Because Lucky used to be a stripper too.”

Tooth squeezed his fist so hard, even in the
semi-darkness his knuckles looked pale. “Milk, shut your mouth, will you?”

Milk’s wife slapped the back of his head, and he
opened his eyes wide, looking at her with a hurt expression. “What was that

“Being less funny than your dad,” she said with a

Milk shook his head and looked at Raja. “Never mind.
You like anyone here, Raja? I bet you could have your pick out of Lucky’s

Raja grinned, glad they changed the topic.
“There’s plenty of juicy meat around tonight. Who do
fancy?” he
asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

Milk laughed. “Me? I’m as straight as they come.
And I’ve only got eyes for one piece of ass.” He patted his wife’s buttocks.

Raja didn’t miss Tooth briefly rolling his eyes,
but at least the atmosphere cleared a bit. He smiled. “I like the guy with the
dreads. I bet I could get him to suck me off in the corner, without even
leaving the room.”

“No,” said Tooth calmly.

“But I could if this wasn’t a family-friendly

Once Milk’s wife went off to get more drinks, Milk
put an arm over Raja’s shoulder. “Man, if I were gay, I’d be sleeping with a
different guy every night. Guys are so fucking easy. No stupid mating rituals.
No third dates. No fucking flowers.”

“And Milk knows that more than anyone,” said
Tooth, calmly drinking his beer.

Raja laughed and slapped Milk’s back. “But you
still need to be hot. Only then it’s easy.”

Milk shrugged. “I suppose. But if an ugly girl
wanted to suck my dick, I’d let her. I’m an equal opportunities fucker.”

“Is this some kind of beggars can’t be choosers
situation?” asked Raja and winked at Milk.

“I’m not bothered anyway. Got myself a hot piece
of pussy.”

The handsome stripper finished his act sitting in
Lucky’s lap. They both laughed, lively talking about something, but soon enough
Lucky was up and drifted their way through the crowd. Tooth leaned back and accepted
him in his lap. Lucky pulled off his sweaty T-shirt and shoved it at a nearby
table, uncaring that it knocked down a bottle.

“Best party ever!” He gave Tooth a kiss, and for
the first time since Raja came over, the big, serious biker looked genuinely
relaxed. He grabbed Lucky’s ass and pulled him close.

“What is this? Did the stripper make you hot for
me?” he asked and gently slapped Lucky’s ass.

“I can’t wait to get home now. Then again… it’s
not like we have to wait until going home.” Lucky licked Tooth’s face, from his
cheek to his ear. Something Raja had never seen him do before. Was it all the
alcohol he’d had, or the fact that there was no one here who’d take offence?

“So, Lucky, which of your friends is the best
fuck?” asked Raja, watching the sweaty bodies tumble to the music from the
corner of his eye. The stripper was gone, and with everyone’s attention back to
their fellow guests, the atmosphere was starting to be somewhat steamier.

“How is he supposed to know?” asked Tooth,
nuzzling Lucky’s cheek.

“By reputation?”

Lucky wrapped an arm around Tooth’s shoulders and
rolled his hips in a way that made Raja both envious and sorry for Tooth.
“Exactly. See that guy in the straw hat? He told me he usually comes to parties
already stretched with a small butt plug, because he doesn’t like to wait.”

Raja grinned and pretended to grab slim hips in
front of him. The straw hat guy was pretty hot. Not David-hot, but hot. There
was no shame in admitting that the imagined butt plug in the guy’s ass made
Raja hot. “Maybe he’d be up for a plowing later tonight,” he said, thrusting
his hips forward, though he was already imagining David’s hot little ass in his
bed, milking his cock dry.

Lucky wiggled his hips. “You met anyone lately?
Soon enough, you’ll fuck your way through the area and you’ll have nothing
left. Or you’ll have to be checking when new guys turn eighteen.”

“Or not,” said Milk, but no one laughed.

Raja frowned. “There’s always some new meat
around.” His eyes briefly strayed to David, who did some improvised disco
dancing with another guy, and he smiled, enjoying the way David’s slim body
flexed to the rhythm. “There is this one guy that I have a thing going on with.
He is so thirsty. You have no idea. The other day, he just walked into my
apartment and kneeled in front of me right away.” David was so hot in his need
for Raja that it was hard to deny him, even when Raja’s balls had already dried
up for the night.

Milk let out a long moan. “Man! My wife doesn’t
even let me eat
out just like that. She needs to take a shower every

Lucky laughed out loud, and poked him. “Maybe
you’re just lousy at it. I bet Raja’s hookup deep throats and the whole
shebang, right?”

Raja smirked and discreetly glanced at David
again. He noticed a new person on the dance floor, and only a split second
later did he realize that it was the stripper, who was back in his pants but hadn’t
lost any of his moves. “He’s getting really good at it, but I needed to drill
him open first.”

Tooth pulled on his beard. “So... is that some
kind of boyfriend, or...?”

“No, no, no. It’s just a hookup,” said Raja
quickly, not wanting anyone to ever connect this to David. “A bit of a charity
case, really. Late gay bloomer. I thought I’d help him out.”

Milk started laughing like maniac. “Oh, fuck. And
the guys were asking me why I wanna stay at this party tonight. This gossip is
priceless. So you helped him out with your dick?”

Lucky grinned. “Raja’s considerate like that.”

Raja nodded, drinking up all the attention he was
getting. “I’m a saint. Without me, this guy could have been forced to suck some
lousy dick, because he’s too shy to approach someone attractive. This should be
considered social service.”

“Is he a troll then?” Lucky poked Raja’s knee with
his foot.

Raja rolled his eyes as his mind filled with
images of David spread out on white sheets, red-faced and pleading for Raja to
fuck him harder. “I wouldn’t say that. I like my meat well done,” said Raja,
wiggling his eyebrows. “And I tenderize it every other night.”

Milk hissed, then laughed so hard he got tears in
his eyes.

Lucky bit his lips. “That’s kinda hot actually.”

“I wish he could be here and laugh with us,” said
Tooth, making the temperature drop to Arctic levels so suddenly Raja could
practically see his exhale turn into vapor.

“Come on, man, it’s just some innocent fun. He’s
not showing us his naked pics,” said Milk, giving Raja a few precious seconds
to pick himself up from this slump.

Lucky slapped Tooth’s arm. “You’re no fun!” He got
up and walked off to get a drink, but truth was that Lucky wasn’t exactly
spilling any details about his and Tooth’s sex life either.

Raja sighed and picked up a fresh bottle of beer,
opening it with the provided opener. “Lucky might teach you a thing or two
about loosening up.”

Tooth sighed. “I’ve always been discreet.”

Milk opened his mouth, as if he was about to say
something, but closed it the moment Tooth’s gaze settled on him. Raja wondered
what the story was there, but then a new song came on, turning Raja’s attention
back to the dance floor. More people poured in, already mouthing the lyrics, as
if this was a hit Raja somehow missed. Jumping up with everyone else, Lucky
pulled David between the tumbling bodies, and the stripper followed them,
rocking his hips as if he were already fucking someone’s ass. Raja laughed,
hypnotized by his boyfriend’s pretty face, but his smile faltered when Lucky
started popping open the buttons of David’s shirt. He stopped breathing and
stared while his brain slowly turned into a black, pulsing mess. There was no
logic behind the jealousy punching him in the throat, as Lucky wouldn’t try to
bed David, but seeing David touched by another guy awoke a cold sensation that
originated in Raja’s gut and turned him into an icicle.

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