Hide & Seek (29 page)

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Authors: K. R. Bankston


Who is that,” Myles asked, noting Freights attention to the woman.

Belongs to Top’s crew,” he answered as Myles frowned.

You wanna cap her,” he asked as Freight gave him another look.

Oh, shit, I didn’t know,” Myles replied smiling slightly.

He wasn’t used to seeing Freight interested in a woman. Every since Halle had burned him, he only had sex with them. Never in the years since had he maintained a relationship with another woman.

Watch my back,” Freight said simply, rising, as Myles rose also.

Making his way casually to the restrooms, Freight waited a few moments as the woman he’d just seen enter the facility, exited. He immediately slipped inside as Myles took his place outside the door keeping his friend undisturbed.

Kim emerged from the stall and headed to the sink, washing her face and using the purse sized mouthwash she carried. Leaning against the sink for support, she closed her eyes and breathed deeply hoping the nausea would stay at bay. She never saw Freight as he stealthily made his way to her. Reaching out he gently touched her face as Kim’s eyes snapped open. Reflex kicked in as she swung and he deftly caught her arm.

That’s no way to greet an old friend, now is it,” Freight told her, still holding the arm as Kim glared at him.

She was pissed that her purse was behind her. She needed the .380 that was sitting inside.

This is the ladies room,” she told him smartly as Freight chuckled slightly.

It’s our room for the time being,” he replied calmly, pulling her to him, holding her tightly.

Why are you harassing me,” Kim tried, not at all liking the advantage he held over her at the moment.

I told you I was gonna prove to you I was the man for you,” Freight told her.

Kim continued to glare at him and say nothing.

Freight knew she was angry and it amused him. Afterall she was considerably smaller than he, and what could she do?

Again,” Kim began angrily. “Why are you harassing me?”

In lieu of an answer, Freight leaned in and kissed her as Kim tried to pull away and turned her head.

Get the fuck off me,” she yelled as Freight laughed aloud and held her tighter.

She hoped the raised voices would bring someone to the restroom, but that hope was quickly dashed as the music began to bump from the club starting off happy hour.

Relax Kim,” he whispered in her ear. “I’m runnin’ this shit right now,” he added, kissing her neck softly.

So you gonna make me want you,” Kim tried, hoping he would back off.

I’m gonna show you what you’re missing,” he whispered hoarsely as she felt his erection press against her.

Rape is not a good look,” Kim returned flatly.

Baby girl, I’m not gonna rape you,” Freight told her, kissing her lips again.

He put the arm he still held behind her back, holding both her arms in one hand.

Relax, and enjoy this,” he whispered again as his free hand unzipped her jeans and immediately disappeared down her panties.

No,” Kim tried as he forced her up on the sink and spread her legs standing between them.

Freight began fingering her freely as Kim glared at him, never taking her eyes from his own.

Stop tryna be so hard,” he told her, kissing her again.

To his dismay she wasn’t reacting. She was still dry and staring at him hatefully. Chuckling he removed his fingers, putting them in his mouth as Kim frowned in disgust. He just as quickly returned to his task, forcing them inside her as she cried out shortly from the pain of his invasion.

Stop Freight, shit,” Kim growled trying in vain to get down and get his hand out of her panties.

Not until you cum,” he told her still assailing her.

I’m not turned on Freight,” Kim tried to reason. “Can’t you see that,” she continued beginning to cry now.

That’s cause you tryna be all down for that fool Mook and shit,” he returned angrily and his mood shifted.

He removed his hand and Kim breathed a short sigh of relief thinking the ordeal was over.

What are you doing,” she asked as he unzipped his pants. “You said you weren’t going to rape me,” Kim tried again becoming anxious.

She wasn’t sure if he even heard her. His eyes were glazed over and the expression on his face unreadable.

Freight,” Kim called out hoping to shake him from the trance. “No, I don’t want this, stop,” she continued to plead as he began trying to remove her jeans.

Thankfully they were tight and he couldn’t accomplish the task with one hand. Finally forced to let her arms go, Kim saw her chance. She tried to reach for her purse and the gun but Freight was quicker, grabbing it and taking it from her.

Stop Kim, shit,” he told her angrily, wrestling her to the floor and removing the jeans. “I don’t wanna hurt you, stop,” he tried as Kim continued to fight. “You can’t win this,” Freight told her pinning her arms above her head and pulling her panties to her knees.

No,” Kim screamed as he kissed her again, silencing her.

Kim felt his weight crushing her as the searing pain of him entering her blinded her senses.

Freight, stop, please,” Kim cried as he continued his assault, thrusting into her again and again, grinding her back hard against the concrete floor.

He won’t understand Kim,” Freight told her enjoying every moment inside her. “I’ll tell him, and he won’t believe you didn’t want it,” he taunted. “He won’t understand,” he repeated as Kim cried harder.

She heard him sigh deeply and felt his finish as he began kissing her neck softly again.

Get off me,” Kim told him weakly.

Forcefully turning her face to his, Freight spoke. “This bullshit with Mook is over,” he told her his anger full blown once more. “I’m going to kill him.”

Kim was horrified. Freight rose rearranging his clothing as he watched her still on the floor looking at him warily.

Get up and put your clothes on,” he barked.

Kim jumped involuntarily, rising to do what he asked. The first cramp hit her as she took a deep breath determined not to let Freight see that’d he’d hurt her. She managed to get her jeans on, taking deep breaths as she did knowing he was still watching her.

What’s wrong,” he asked genuinely concerned noticing the grimace of pain on her face.

Please, just leave me alone,” Kim told him as another cramp ripped through her and she bit her lip to keep from crying out.

What the fuck is wrong Kim,” Freight asked scared he’d actually hurt her.

Nothing past you just taking something I didn’t wanna give you,” she angrily replied as the pain threatened to once again overtake her.

Just leave me alone,” Kim hissed managing to gather herself enough to grab her purse and walk out of the restroom bumping into Myles who gave her a smirk.

Throwing him an evil look Kim made her way to her car making it inside before she broke. Another cramped ripped her body as she sat in the parking lot and she forced herself to start the vehicle praying she could stay conscious long enough to make it to the hospital.


Ryan and Tate were still banging hard as they continued to decimate their competition. Today they were on a mission to find Xae, who had so far eluded the business ends of their guns.

That punk hidin’ hard ain’t he,” Ryan threw out smiling slightly as Tate agreed, taking a deep toke from the blunt he was smoking.

What you wanna do with Tyreece and his broad,” Tate asked changing the subject momentarily.

As far as he was concerned the man had served his purpose.

Kill him,” Ryan spat without hesitation. “The chick might be useful though,” he added as Tate said nothing discernable. “You seem to enjoy hitting’ it,” Ryan said once again laughing aloud as Tate chuckled.

She got some good shit, what can I say,” he replied as they both burst into laughter.

You gonna put her in the house,” Tate asked referring to the brothel they owned in Louisiana.

I thought about it,” Ryan told him.

Yeah, she’s pretty docile,” Tate added, noting that the woman never fought back.

Maybe cause she actually likes it more than she wants to admit,” Ryan threw out.

Tate thought about it for a moment or two. His boss may have been right. The last few times he’d sexed her they were alone and she’d actually kissed him back when he kissed her. She’d even reached orgasm crying out softly.

Shit, Tyreece old ass can’t be hitting’ it right,” Ryan scoffed, grabbing a beer and removing the top.

Tate kept his observations to himself as they continued to talk, the conversation returning finally to Xae and his whereabouts. Neither man was aware of the storm headed their way in the form of LaRon and Mook. Rising Ryan stretched heading for the bathroom.

Might as well go do Tyreece’s raggedy ass when I get done,” he threw out as Tate added his understanding.

Standing in the bathroom his mind began to race. Ryan wanted to hurry up and find Xae, kill him, and put everything back on track. He still had to check on Caramel and set up some accounts for her and the baby. He’d talked to Ice earlier and things were just about ready to blow in Atlanta as well. Ryan definitely wanted to be in the melee. He owed this fool that’d snatched Tweety a debt, and he prided himself on paying what he owed. Chuckling at the thought, Ryan flushed the toilet and left the bathroom.

Let’s roll,” he told Tate who asked him to hold up for a minute while he went to the bathroom as well.


On the street again the two men said little as they headed toward the abandoned mortuary to end Tyreece’s life.

So what’s the verdict on old girl,” Ryan asked giving Tate a look.

I say keep her,” he replied as Ryan grunted again. “You want her, as a toy maybe?”

Thinking about it for a few moments more the man replied he would.

Cool,” Ryan replied simply the matter settled as they pulled into the driveway and went inside the hearse bay.

Taking a deep breath and blowing it out Ryan exited the vehicle, Tate on his heels, and walked inside the dusk lighted building.

How you wanna do it,” Tate asked as Ryan smiled slightly.

Embalming room,” he replied simply as Tate chuckled at the response.

Walking in they found the man still bound to the chair they’d left him in, nodding slightly.

Wake up sleepy head,” Ryan threw out jovially as Tyreece jumped, blinking the sleep from his eyes.

Where does your boy Xae hide when his bitch ass is scared,” Ryan barked his mood instantly changing as even Enid jumped at the venom in his voice.

Tyreece swallowed hard and blurted all the usual spots he knew the young man to hang out or visit.

Hmph, a couple there I haven’t tried,” Ryan said half to himself the hate filled scowl never leaving his face as he watched Tyreece.

Turning abruptly he regarded Enid calmly for a few moments. She began to tremble under his gaze having no idea what he was thinking.

Take him outta here,” Ryan directed Tate.

The big man wasted no time hearing the tone, removing Tyreece from the chair and ushering him out of the room.

Ryan, please don’t hurt her,” Tyreece began to scream. “Please man, don’t hurt Enid,” his voice echoed as Tate finally removed him and they were once again alone in the room.

Enid never took her eyes off the man standing in front of her, scared senseless his would be the last face she ever saw.

You actually love Tyreece,” Ryan asked casually never lowering his gaze.

She nodded slightly, terrified to say anything.

You’re lyin’,” he returned flatly. “Matter of fact, I think you been feeling all the sexing’ Tate’s been giving’ you,” he challenged as Enid again remained mute.

Well,” Ryan barked his patience beginning to run thin.

Please don’t kill me,” Enid answered finally her voice almost a whisper.

Then tell the damned truth,” Ryan barked again.

Yes,” she said simply.

Yes, what,” he threw back.

Yes, I’ve enjoyed Tate,” she admitted.

Ryan smiled slightly.

He wants to keep you for a while,” Ryan told her plainly. “When he’s tired of you, I got a house in Louisiana,” he added not trying to disguise his meaning.

Enid swallowed hard before speaking again.

What about Tyreece,” she asked hesitantly.

His time is up,” Ryan answered honestly. “So, you understand what I just explained,” he went on not allowing her time to grieve over Tyreece’s impending demise.

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