Hide & Seek (32 page)

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Authors: K. R. Bankston

Angie needed to know how much help she would get from DeNoah if she decided to level with him.

Yeah, we were real close,” DeNoah told her honestly, not knowing Halle’s feelings for Freight.

DeNoah,” Angie began hesitantly.

She had to be careful. If she gambled and lost, Halle wouldn’t be the only one laying the morgue on a cold, steel, table.

Yeah Angie, what’s up,” DeNoah threw back catching the tone.

Look, there’s some stuff I need to tell you,” she began as he sat up and listened attentively.

DeNoah never interrupted as Angie talked to him for the next hour telling him about Halle, about Freight, and how they all linked together.

How much you into him for,” DeNoah asked calmly, seething inside.

Almost 10k,” Angie replied honestly.

Hmph,” DeNoah returned.

But I’m not asking for money DeNoah,” she told him quickly. “I just want him out of the way so he can’t hurt anyone else,” Angie told him, adding her suspicion that Freight was actually responsible for Halle’s fall and subsequent death.

It all made sense to him. DeNoah already knew from his own observation, Halle hadn’t been in the house alone.

Thank you for telling me the truth, Angie,” DeNoah told her sincerely. “You need to get outta St. Louis and soon,” he told her honestly. “Even with him gone, you already know he’ll have some fool as back up,” DeNoah advised as Angie began to sniffle slightly telling him she knew.

I got a bus ticket today,” she added telling him she was going back to New Jersey and try to make things work with her estranged father.

That’s good,” DeNoah told her. “Keep my number and call me when you get there and settled,” he told her.

Angie assured him she would as they disconnected. DeNoah was furious.
So Halle was spying for this bitch ass fool too,
DeNoah thought tiredly. He wouldn’t tell anyone that part. Halle’s deception would make a complete joke out of him with LaRon, Mook and especially Top.
But why was the asshole following Kim,
DeNoah thought again.
And why was he worried about the folks and her talking,
he continued to ask. None of the answers coming back to his mind’s inquiry were good, so he stopped thinking about it for now.

DeNoah’s cell vibrated and he looked at it seeing the text from LaRon. Dialing his number he waited for the call to connect.

Got your text,” DeNoah said simply.

LaRon acknowledged he’d sent it, going on to tell DeNoah about Xae calling and the task he had for him.

Shit, that’s perfect,” he replied chuckling slightly as LaRon told him he thought so too.

Make sure he has everything he needs,” he added as DeNoah assured him he would.

Anything else,” he asked as LaRon gave him several more instructions.

Got it,” DeNoah replied calmly.

You been over to the house,” LaRon asked.

DeNoah was supposed to check on Jaleesa three times daily, make sure she was fine and make sure she ate.

Yeah, I just left about an hour ago,” DeNoah replied honestly. “She wanted to go outside so I let her for about 30 minutes,” he added as LaRon told him that was fine.

Made sure her room door was locked too,” DeNoah told him for good measure.

He had definitely learned his lesson the first time when Kaitlyn got out on him.

That’s straight DeNoah,” LaRon replied. “We should be back in a few days,” he added as DeNoah told him not to sweat it, everything was fine.

Thanking him once more and going over his instructions yet again, LaRon disconnected. DeNoah’s cell rang almost immediately afterward. He smiled slightly and answered seeing the Mississippi area code on his display screen.


Tariq heard the knock on the door as he closed the bedroom door, leaving Kaitlyn sleeping. Grabbing his .10mm he went into the den where Tank was already standing at the door looking through the slotted window, .9mm in hand.

A couple Mexicans,” he threw out to Tariq who relaxed slightly and put away his gun.

Tank did the same as he opened the door and stood looking at the two men.

Good morning,” Manuel greeted the burly bodyguard.

Wassup,” Tate threw bank still regarding them suspiciously.

Tariq smiled slightly. He liked that distrusting nature of Tank’s.

It kept them well protected and very little was able to get by him or sneak up on them.

We are stopping at the houses around here offering yard work,” Manuel continued as Jose remained mute.

How much,” Tank asked.

$35 for your whole yard,” Jose spoke up now.

Hang on,” Tank replied, closing the door slightly as he turned to Tariq to get his approval.

Sure that’s cool,” he replied thinking nothing more of it and returning to the bedroom.

Turning back to the door Tank opened it and told the men to go ahead as they both nodded their understanding, scurrying back to their truck and unloading the mower.


Manuel and Jose spoke to each other in fluent Spanish outlining their plan. “How many did you see,” Manuel asked.

Jose replied he’d seen one other man as Tank stood in the door.

Yes, me too,” Manuel agreed. “You take the far side,” he told his partner as he began walking to the opposite side.

They would cut grass and trim bushes as they explored every angle, entrance, and window, of the house to assure Ice and his crew the most agreeable point of entry when they made their move. Tank heard the roar of the lawnmower as it started and the hum of the gas powered trimmer as the two men began their task. Returning his attention to the TV set in front of him, he paid them no attention and dismissed their presence. After a couple of test runs in the backyard, Manuel was confident they weren’t being watched. He carefully removed the small palm sized camera from his pants pocket and began taking photographs. Jose was on the other end of the house, closest to Tariq and Kaitlyn’s room trimming the grass edges there. He followed his partners lead, removing his own camera and beginning to take pictures of the windows, locks, and sills.

Satisfied they had what they needed; the two men quickly completed their task and headed back to the front door once again to retrieve payment. Tank again rose and answered the door as the two men knocked a second time.

We are finished,” Jose said simply.

Tank glanced around at the yard, surmising they’d done a decent job and reached into this pocket handing them two $20.00 bills.

You guys did a good job,” he told them amiably.

We come back in two weeks,” Jose threw out as Tank threw up deuces and told him that was fine.

Taking the money the two men turned and left the porch they were standing on and got into the truck. Pulling out his cell Manuel called Ice immediately.

Yeah Manuel, what’s up,” Ian threw out answering.

We have what you need,” he replied as Ian told him that was excellent news.

Did you see her,” Ian asked, referring to Kaitlyn.

Yes,” Manuel replied. “She is still there,” he added as Ian asked him how he saw her.

Manuel explained that Kaitlyn had come to the window as he mowed and stood watching for a few moments before leaving. Thankfully the intrusion had been after they completed their task, otherwise she would have seen them taking pictures.

Great, bring me what you have,” Ian replied as Manuel told him they would see him in an hour.

Lets go get cleaned up,” he told Jose after disconnecting.


Kaitlyn smiled as Tariq entered the kitchen, hugging her from behind.

Whatcha makin’,” he asked peering over her shoulder.

Chicken salad,” she replied as he grunted his understanding.

Yard looks good,” she told him making conversation.

Yeah a couple of guys stopped by this morning,” Tariq replied kissing her neck now.

You smell really good,” he murmured his kisses growing more insistent.

Tariq we just got outta bed,” she playfully chided him.

I can’t help it,” he whined, pressing himself against her.

You turn me on,” Tariq told her honestly, as Kaitlyn chuckled slightly.

Don’t I turn you on,” he asked, rubbing her breast knowing it was an on switch.

Stop,” Kaitlyn told him half-heartedly.

Answer my question,” he whispered seductively in her ear, taking the nipple between his fingers knowing she loved it.

Mmm, stop,” Kaitlyn whispered back as he chuckled.

Tariq continued to kiss her neck and stroke her gently as Kaitlyn lay back in his arms. He sighed softly completely content with their interaction.

Yo, Top,” Tank called out disturbing the moment as Tariq reluctantly let her go and Kaitlyn laughed aloud.

Oh, I’ll be back,” he threatened as she stuck out her tongue and made a face.

Smiling he left her alone in the kitchen. Kaitlyn sighed deeply now that she was alone, her mind whirling still over Ice’s fate. Granted she would never go back to him, especially not now, she still didn’t want to see him dead.
You wanted to kill him yourself at one time,
her mind accused as Kaitlyn sighed again. So much had changed, so much time had passed, she continued to observe. If only there was some way to get Tariq to change his mind, Kaitlyn reasoned within herself. She just couldn’t grasp what it would take. Tariq seemed hellbent on destroying Ice and closing his eyes for good. Kaitlyn felt the slight twinge and hoped her period was starting. She was still waiting for it being almost two weeks late now. She and Tariq hadn’t been careful at all in the month they’d been back together, making love daily, multiple times, with reckless abandon. She’d promised herself that when her period came she would make Tariq get her pills or at the very least use a condom.

Deciding to go check, Kaitlyn headed to the master bedroom and inside the bathroom. She was disappointed to find she still hadn’t started.
Maybe the cramp is letting me know its coming though,
she thought hopefully finishing her task and washing her hands. Tariq was waiting when she came back into the bedroom. Walking up to her, he took her in his arms and began kissing her neck again.

Told you I was coming back,” he teased finding her nipple once more.

Stop, Tariq,” Kaitlyn laughed, swatting his hand.

Girl you know you want it,” he told her, placing her hand on his erection as she began to sensually caress it.

Well maybe just a little,” she playfully replied.

Tariq returned to her lips kissing her deeply as they undressed each other, making their way to the bed.

Baby, wait,” Kaitlyn stopped him as they got closer to making love.

What’s wrong,” Tariq asked still kissing her softly.

We need to use a condom,” she told him patiently, looking directly into his eyes.

Tariq burst into laughter as Kaitlyn frowned slightly.

I’m sorry baby,” he told her gathering himself. “KiKi, we been making love for almost a month now,” he continued stroking her face gently, the love in his eyes as he looked at her. “It’s probably already too late for that, don’t you think,” he said softly kissing her again.

Kaitlyn sighed lightly, admitting he was right as Tariq returned the passionate touches and slowly entered her all conscious thought forgotten as they made love.





Xae saw the man approaching and tensed slightly.

Wassup, I’m DeNoah.”

Xae relaxed visibly as the man sat across from him in the booth he occupied. The server came over and immediately set his place setting asking for his order.

Lemme have the sirloin, medium,” DeNoah replied as the server nodded and left them alone once more.

It’s good to meet you Xae,” he went on talking as the man played with the house salad that accompanied his meal.

You been working with Deuce long,” Xae asked finally, making conversation.

Bout a year or so,” DeNoah answered nonchalantly.

Cool,” Xae returned and remained quiet until their food arrived.

I need some A-1 please,” DeNoah told the server who nodded and left to retrieve his request.

She returned quickly with the steak sauce and ketchup for their fries, asking if they needed anything else. Assuring her they were fine, DeNoah began preparing his food.

Who is this fool Deuce wants dead,” Xae asked beginning to speak again.

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