Hide & Seek (34 page)

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Authors: K. R. Bankston



LaRon, Mook and Jaron all arrived at Tarver Hills twenty minutes after getting the phone call.

He still in place,” Jaron asked Mace, his homie.

Yeah, he ain’t moved,” he replied as the other two men confirmed their understanding.

You check out the house,” Jaron addressed Mace again.

The man told them he did a cursory walk around the basic area not wanting to draw attention to himself.

House got a backdoor,” he said simply as LaRon nodded thoughtfully.

What you wanna do,” Mook asked, more than ready to get the show on the road.

Let’s take it to him,” LaRon said casually as Mook smiled and agreed.

The four men headed toward the single level ranch home, fanning out as they arrived. Mook and Jaron would enter through the back door, LaRon and Mace through the front.

Everybody locked,” LaRon asked as Jaron produced a .380 and Mace pulled out a .45cal.

Roll out then,” he returned as the men all moved in for the entry.

LaRon took a deep breath before he kicked in the door. They needed to get in, kill Tate and get out before any nosy or helpful neighbors decided to call the police.

Hold up,” Mace told him before LaRon could kick the door.

Taking a chance he reached out and gently turned the knob. To LaRon’s astonishment, it opened.

Most folks don’t lock their doors around here,” Mace whispered as LaRon nodded his understanding as they both quietly and carefully entered the house.

Mace immediately made his way to the kitchen, LaRon watching his back, and unlocked the back door allowing Mook and Jaron entry. The four men stood in the den of Tate’s home taking in the décor.

Gaudy shit,” LaRon remarked of the regal red high boy chairs trimmed in gold with huge marble backing.

All the lamps had chandelier type ornamentation hanging from the red velvet lampshades. The carpet was a brash shade of gold with red spirals patterning it throughout. There were several erotic statues positioned on the tables beside the lamps. The corner curio held gold dishware with red wine glasses and gold plated flatware. Mook, Jaron and Mace all agreed with LaRon’s assertion as they began making their way to the rear of the house where they assumed Tate was.

As they got closer they heard snoring. Mook gave LaRon a look as they stood directly outside the door.

Make sure we’re not disturbed,” LaRon told Mace who nodded his understand and went back into the den, gun in hand, keeping an eye on both doors and looking out of the picture window the room contained.

Here we go,” LaRon whispered as he kicked the door open and Tate sat up in shock and surprise.

What’s up bitch,” Mook growled, the .9mm pointed right at him.

Enid was terrified as she looked at the three men standing in the bedroom.
Oh god, please, not this again,
she thought of the intrusion, having a good idea how the encounter was going to end.

Who the fuck are you,” LaRon growled giving the woman a look.

Enid,” she said softly.

You his girl,” Jaron asked recognizing the woman.

Umm, yeah,” she answered hesitantly.

Mook picked up on it. “What’s that mean,” he threw out. “You married or something,” he badgered waiting for an answer.

Not any more,” Enid answered softly, the sadness evident in his answer.

You was with Tyreece,” Jaron threw out finally recalling where he knew her from.

Enid simply nodded as everything clicked for LaRon.

So he made you come share his bed, huh,” he asked Enid who again nodded in lieu of speaking.

Ain’t that bout a bitch,” Mook replied, disgusted with the arrangement. “You kill the woman’s husband then make her come fuck you,” he spat angrily at Tate who wisely had remained mute and still during the exchange.

Where’s your money,” LaRon threw out.

Tate sighed lightly thinking he was the victim of a home invasion.

Closet, shoe box.”

Get up and get it,” LaRon directed Enid.

She rose timidly, embarrassed to have all the men see her naked.

Put on something,” Mook told her as they all turned away, directing their eyes on Tate.

Enid quickly pulled on a wife beater and shorts she found as she walked into the closet. Looking where Tate directed she pulled the box out and brought it to the men as they requested.

Dump it on the bed,” LaRon continued to direct.

Again, Enid obediently did as she was told.

How much,” he asked Tate, his tone all business.


Hmph,” Mook replied.

How good are you at keeping secrets,” LaRon asked Enid looking directly into her eyes.

Very good,” she told him honestly.

Put the money back in the box,” he directed.

Once she completed the task, he addressed her once more.

Get the hell out of here and don’t look back,” LaRon told her, his gaze never leaving her own.

You never saw us, and you have no clue who the fuck Tate is,” he added as Enid swallowed hard and nodded, already walking toward the door.

Enid,” Mook called out as she stopped, looking at him. “If your lips get loose and spill this secret, there is no place far enough, deep enough, or dark enough, that we won’t find you,” he told her the meaning evident.

Who are you, do I know you,” Enid replied simply as LaRon and Jaron smiled slightly. Mook nodded and allowed her to leave as they returned their attention to the man they’d come to kill.


Ian was looking at the photos Manuel and Jose supplied from their earlier excursion to the house they were planning to hit.

These are good,” he replied sipping the cognac. Dixon and Reggie were also in the room, Andre walked in moments later greeting them all.

We got the pictures, we got the blue prints, it’s time to make a move on this bitch,” Ian growled as they all murmured their agreement.

Bring that fool Role,” Ian ordered. “I got one more job for his trifling’ ass, then you can put him to sleep Andre’,” he told the man as he smiled and thanked Ian for the pleasure.

As they waited for Reggie to retrieve and bring Role to his office Ian went over the plan one more time.

They think they’re safe and we have no clue, so that works in our favor,” he told them as Manuel spoke.

Loud or soft entry,’ he asked calmly as Ian thought to himself for a few moments.

Soft,” he replied. “Even though the neighbors aren’t extremely close, they’re still there,” he went on, adding that they didn’t want anything impeding them getting satisfaction. “I want to kill these fools in the bloodiest, deadliest, way possible,” he told Manuel calmly.

I understand,” he returned. “They crossed the line,” he added as Ian immediately agreed with him.

Attacking his business was expected; even an attempt of his life he could deal with, but touching Kaitlyn was the ultimate transgression in his book.

What’s taking’ Reggie so long,” Ian threw out irritably.

He took a deep breath and calmed himself. He couldn’t allow his anxiety to overtake him. That would make him careless and anything could go wrong. Kaitlyn getting hurt in any fashion was absolutely unacceptable in his mind as Role stumbled into the room, Reggie right behind him. “I got one more job for you,” Ian barked as Role jumped slightly.

The light was hurting his eyes as he squinted trying to block some of it out. They’d been keeping him a dark cell like room for the last month, barely feeding him and using him as a punching bag when the mood took them.

What is it, Ice,” he croaked, his throat raw from the damp cold of the cell.

He’d had a cold for the last two weeks without so much as an aspirin to offer relief. “You’re gonna call your boy and arrange a meeting,” he told him as Role’s heart began to race.

It’s Friday, so tell him you wanna club,” Ian went on as Role continued to listen and his sense of dread deepened.

His cell phone was shoved in his hands as the men in the room waited expectantly. Role cleared his throat several times trying to sound as normal as possible, knowing his life depended on his being able to pull this off. Hitting the speed dial number assigned, he waited for the call to connect.

Wassup ghost,” DeNoah answered amiably.

Role let go the breath he’d been holding, glad his friend wasn’t going to make a scene about the absence of contact.

You know how it be man,” Role threw back as DeNoah grunted. “I wanted to see if you wanna hit some clubs tonight, get our drink on,” Role tried praying he would say yes.

Where you have in mind,” DeNoah asked saying nothing more.

Pink Panty,” Role replied.

Ian didn’t own it, but he held major stock in it.

You must stay horny fool,” DeNoah returned, laughing now. “Always wanna see some titties and shit,” he added sipping his drink.

Role forced the laugh and told him he just liked females.

Yeah fool whatever,” DeNoah returned. “I’ll meet your needy ass there,” he went on still chuckling. “What time,” he asked as a final thought.

Role told him they could connect around 11 or 11:30PM.

Yeah, that’s straight,” DeNoah again replied without malice.

Bring some money this time too, broke ass,” Role joked as DeNoah burst into laughter and told him he had it covered.

Disconnecting, Role regarded Ian and waited on direction.

Here’s how this shit is gonna go,” he began his tone ice cold.

Role paid rapt attention, not even blinking as the man standing in front of him spoke. He knew without doubt that tonight he’d better pull off the performance of his life and any opportunity that was afforded for escape he’d better not waste time wondering about before taking it.


You Tate, badass muthafucka, is that so,” LaRon addressed him as the men once again turned their attention to him.

You ain’t got shit to say,” Mook asked irritably.

Tate again, remained quiet.

Where is that bitch you run with, Ryan,” LaRon asked as the fury showed in his face.

Mook thought to himself he couldn’t wait to see what would happen when the two men finally met in person.

Get your big ass up,” LaRon barked.

Tate rose and stood before the men, naked as well.

Like they say, come in the world naked, leave out the same way,” Mook quipped as Jaron and LaRon smiled slightly.

Get a chair,” LaRon told Jaron, who immediately left the room to comply with the command.

He returned moments later as Mook ordered Tate in it. Jaron immediately secured him with the duct tape they’d brought along for the occasion.

Now,” LaRon began again. “Where is your bitch,” he asked acidly as Tate looked him in the eye and said nothing.

LaRon backhanded him with the .10mm bringing blood cascading from his mouth and nose.

You gonna die muthafucka, that shit is already written,” he went on as Tate spit the blood from his mouth. “You can just change the how of you dying,” he told him as Tate frowned slightly, confused by the statement. “You can die quick, say a bullet to the brain and poof, shit is over,” LaRon clarified. “Or you can continue to sit here and play hard and we will make your last precious moments on this earth the most painful you’ve ever experienced.”

You two bitches were bad as hell, riding up on fools and shooting em and shit,” Mook told him eyeing him evilly now. “And yo’ nasty ass, raping lil girls, what’s up with that bullshit,” he asked punching Tate hard in the face.

His eye almost immediately began to swell.

Nasty bastard,” Mook mumbled turning away for a moment.

So you still ain’t talkin’ huh big man,” LaRon asked hitting him hard in the midsection.

Tate coughed, wheezing for a few moments to catch his breath.

Where,” LaRon asked simply hitting him again.

Fuck ya’ll,” Tate managed to get out.

Mook took great offense, coming over and beating him in the face, closed fist. LaRon finally pulled him off as Tate started to lose consciousness.

Nah, don’t make it easy for the fucker,” LaRon growled as he roused the man once more.

Mook was furious. Walking over to the closet he spotted the iron. Plugging it in he waited on it to heat.

You might wanna reconsider your position,” LaRon told him smiling slightly knowing what Mook was planning. “For whatever reason, my partner is really not feeling you,” he added actually chuckling aloud.

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