His Kind of Girl: A Love Story (11 page)


The day I found out about this Erika girl, I had to clear my head so Malorie and I went to her homeboy Malcolm’s house. I was ready to get there so that I could smoke a blunt and ease my mind. One thing I liked about going over there is the fact that they were so cool and laidback, they made sure that we always had some food to eat and weed to smoke. They never asked for anything in return, they were good friends. When we got there, everyone was there as usual playing the game and smoking. Malcolm went to the back and got two baggies along with the cigars. After two blunts, we grabbed a plate of Chinese food. I had some honey chicken, beef and broccoli, and a little bit of General Tso’s chicken. While we were eating, I got into my feelings a little bit, “You know I really appreciate y’all for real. From day one when Mal introduced us to y’all, all of y’all have been nothing but nice to us and that means a lot to me.”

“Girl, if you don’t sitcho ass down somewhere hahaha. Naw, for real though, y’all girls cool as hell, and I like to entertain my guests. Anytime y’all need something, don’t hesitate to ask, a nigga got a good heart,” Malcolm said.

“Chanel, you must be high as hell, you getting all sensitive and stuff,” Malorie said.

“A little but I’ve been going through a lot today and it’s just nice to be able to get away from the college drama for a little while and just relax and chill,” I told them.

“I feel ya,” Malcolm said.

After we finished our food and took a few shots of Ciroc, we were ready to go back to campus. When I got to my room, I passed straight out.


Ever since I found out about Erika and the baby that is on the way, Jeremiah has not been acting like himself at all. It’s like I don’t know who he is anymore .One minute he is cool and the next minute he is spazzing out. I asked his ass was he bipolar one day and he laughed thinking I was joking but I was very serious. Between my relationship problems and my classes, I have not really been talking to Ki as much but because next week was homecoming week, I knew the turn up was going to be real. I’m so glad my professors didn’t assign us any homework to do for the next couple of weeks because I was not in the mood for that. Jeremiah had football practice almost every day this week so I missed spending time with him. I also saw that he had been hitting the weights pretty heavy lately because his arms and chest look like they have gotten bigger.

When Jeremiah got out of practice, he called and asked if I wanted to catch a movie. I was so happy because this was the first time in a while that we actually went somewhere. I love a good thriller movie so since he let me pick the movie for us to watch I decided on the movie
that just came out. I didn’t want to get too dressed up so I decided on a gray long sleeve off the shoulder Chanel shirt with a pair of blue jeans and instead of my normal heels, I put on a pair of gray and black Jordan retros. I put on light makeup with clear lip-gloss and I was ready to go. When I got inside of Jeremiah’s car, he was going simple like me with a plain white tee, blue jeans, and a pair of all white Jordan’s. Even though he was dressed simple, he was still sexy as ever and smelled even better. I’m not sure what he had on but whatever it was turned me all the way on.

“You’re looking good as always,” he said as I got in the car.

“Thank you baby, you do too. I’m glad we are going out for a couple of hours. This means a lot to me because I’ve been missing you,” I told him.

“I know and I’m going to make it up to you. I also want to apologize for how I have been acting towards you lately. I’ve just had a lot on my mind and I’ve been really stressed out,” he said.

“I know baby and I am here for you. I got your back always remember that,” I kissed him on the cheek.

We didn’t say too much for the rest of the ride. I guess we were both absorbed in our own thoughts. When we got inside, I went to find a seat while he got us some popcorn and drinks. I always like to sit close to the exit so that when the movie was over, we could easily get out of there. He came back just as the movie was beginning. He wrapped his arms round me and kissed me on the cheek just as I went to grab for some popcorn. The movie was good and the suspense was high. Jeremiah laughed at me when I cringed on the gory parts. When the movie was over, we headed back on campus and he parked in front of my dorm.

“I wanted to talk to you before you head back to your room,” he said. “I want to apologize again for how I have been behaving lately. I know it’s not me and I’m going to try to do better but to be honest sometimes I do not have control over it. I just have been under a lot of stress lately but I want to thank you for not running out on me when things began to get crazy and having my back no matter what.”

“Well, I appreciate that and I will always have your back as long as you have mine,” I told him.

“There’s no question about that. To tell you the truth though bae, I care about you a lot and I love you real talk,” he said.

I was shocked that he used the “L” word with me. Nobody had ever told me that they loved me before besides family so I was not expecting it at all.

Blushing I said, “I love you too, babe.”

I really did love him and I didn’t realize it until that moment. Even though we are in a bad situation in our relationship right now, I’m going to be right by his side. I gave my baby a kiss and I headed up to my room. I couldn’t wait to tell my girl Ki what Jeremiah just told me.


I know I’m wrong for sleeping with Zaria but it’s something about her that I cannot leave alone. It’s not like I have feelings for her because I don’t. I guess it’s her body that keeps calling me back. I’ve tried leaving her alone but the night she called to ask could she sit in my room
until her roommate came back, gave her a chance to give it another shot. Ever since that night, we have not stopped even though I told her that we have to stop soon. I know y’all are wondering why I just won’t leave Kior alone since it’s early in the relationship and I’m already cheating on her. Well, I know Ki is a good girl and I’m not about to let another nigga come in and snatch her up. I know it might sound crazy but I don’t give a damn how nobody feels!! It really does bother me that I’m cheating on Kior and we haven’t been together long, but damn temptation is a bitch. There are times when she calls me and I don’t pick up because Zaria is somewhere around. Since homecoming week is only a few days away, the coach gave us the day off and I’m happy as hell because he had us practicing our asses off these last few days. I decided to see if my baby wanted to spend some time with me so I gave her a call.

“Hello,” she answered.

“What’s up baby girl, what are you up to?” I asked.

She sighed, “Nothing much at the moment. I’m in the room waiting on Chanel, Malorie, and Taja.”

“What’s wrong with you? Why you sound like that?”

“I just have a lot on my mind right now. Anyway what’s up with you?” she asked.

“I was wondering if you want to come to my room in a few since I’ve been so busy lately. Maybe we can order out again, Chinese or pizza.”

“Of course bae. I will hit you up as soon as I get done with the girls, it shouldn’t be long and I want to talk to you about something,” she said.

I wonder what it is that she wanted to talk to me about. I hope she hasn’t heard anything about Zaria. I told her that I will be waiting on her and to order whatever she wants before she comes so that it will arrive not long after she gets here.


“Baby, tomorrow me and some of the girls are having a girls day so you may not hear from me,” she said.

We had just finished eating Chinese food and we were so stuffed all we wanted to do was lay with each other and watch movies. See that’s what I liked about her, she was my girl but I could hang out with her like a friend also. She was the first girl that I have ever been with that I could do that with. My past girls always whined and complained but not Ki.

“That’s what you wanted to talk to me about?”

“Yep, because I didn’t want you to worry if you tried to get in touch with me and I didn’t pick up.”

“Oh okay, well that’s cool. I hope y’all have a good time, where are y’all going?” I asked.

“I’m not sure we all going with Malorie and she’s not telling us. She just said it’s a surprise.”

“Well, have fun baby girl. I’ll be here when you get back.”

She pulled me down and began kissing me. When she touched me, my soldier stood at attention. I stripped her clothes off her body and began kissing her. Zaria’s body was bad but Ki’s body will make any man’s knees turn week. I licked, and kissed every part of her body, making sure that I didn’t miss a spot. We were going at it for about thirty minutes before we both came. We waited for about an hour and then we went for a second round. Right before I laid down to go to sleep, I checked my phone and noticed I had six missed calls and three text messages and they all were from Zaria. I decided to open up one of the messages to see what she wanted.

Zaria: Hey Mir Mir are you still with your girl?

I hate that she started calling me Mir Mir. I know that the light don’t always come on upstairs but she know what I told her. I turned my phone off and laid back down with my girl and attempted to get some sleep. I will deal with Zaria tomorrow.


Dear Diary,

I wanted to stop by for a moment before I got ready for my day/night with DJ Spin.  I am both nervous and excited about going with him. I’m nervous because I don’t know what the surprise is and I haven’t talked to him yet about me being in a relationship. I hope after I tell him that we can continue to be friends because I like hanging out with him but we will see. Ughhhh, I gotta find something cute to put on!!!

DJ Spin called to let me know that he would be on his way in about an hour, which was just enough time for me to get ready. I began looking through my closet trying to figure out what I wanted to put on. Since I had the slightest clue as to where we were going, I called him to see how I should dress for the occasion and he told me to dress very comfortable. Since it’s now fall, it is very cool so I decided to put on a white long sleeve crop top, a pair of high waist jeans, and a pair of white and gold wedge sneakers. I put my hair in a high ponytail, put on a gold necklace, earrings, and bracelet, and sprayed my body with Country Chic by Bath and Body Works. I grabbed my jacket and went downstairs to wait on him. I waited for about ten minutes before I saw his car pull up. He got out just as I walked towards his car. He had on a black long sleeve tee, dark blue jeans, and a pair of wheat color timberlands. He walked over to me and put a blindfold over my eyes.

“What the hell?” I said.

“Just trust me, I’m not going to do anything to hurt you ma,” he said.

I didn’t say anything else. I just went with it as he held my arm and helped me in the car. When he got in, he reached over and put my seatbelt on for me. He drove what seemed like forever but actually was about an hour. I felt the car stop and he helped me out and walked me inside what I assumed was a building. I heard an elevator door open and he helped me on. When I felt the elevator stop, I reached up to take off my blindfold. “

Not yet, I will let you know when it is time to take it off. Stay right here don’t move, I’ll be right back,” he told me.

I stood in place trying to figure out exactly where we were. About a minute later, he came back and grabbed my arm as we started walking again.

“Now you can take the blindfold off,” he said.

When I removed the blindfold, my mouth dropped open as I took in the scenery before me. I was standing in a Presidential suite that looked more like an apartment and I was staring at the most beautiful scenery I’ve ever seen. It seemed like it came straight out of a magazine. There were dozens of roses everywhere and I saw a giant teddy bear sitting on the couch holding something in its hand.

“Oh my goodness, you did all this just for one day?” I asked.

“No, I didn’t do this for one day I did it for the whole weekend. This was my surprise; the whole weekend is all about you. Now do you see that box that the bear is holding? I want you to go over there and open the box.”

I walked over to the couch and grabbed the box out of the bear’s hand and when I opened it, I screamed. There was a pair of diamond earrings in the box! I had never owned a pair of diamonds in my life!

“I cannot accept this type of gift from you,” I said.

“You can and you will. I won’t take no for an answer, like I told you before, this whole weekend is all about you. I’m not doing this because I’m looking for anything in return; I’m doing this to show you how much I’m really feeling you beautiful. On top of this, I have something else waiting for you in the bedroom,” he told me smiling from ear to ear.

“Oh goodness, I don’t know if I want to see what’s waiting for me in the bedroom,” I said laughing. “And are you just going to skip DJing at the club this whole weekend?”

“Yes, I have someone working in my spot the whole weekend. I already had everything planned out.”

“Oh wow.”

I followed the path of the rose petals that were scattered perfectly on the floor and it lead me to one of the bedrooms where there were six outfits laid across the bed. One of the outfits was one that I was looking at the day we was in the mall. It was a blue and black two-piece short skirt. The other outfits that were on the bed was a gold halter knee length dress, a long black dress with the sides cut out, a dark green double slit one shoulder pants jumpsuit, a pair of distressed blue jeans with a burgundy high-low top, and a two-piece all-white pant set. Beside the bed, there were five pairs of shoes ranging from heels to sneakers and a bag full of accessories.

“What...how did you afford all this? I know DJing doesn’t pay this much?” I asked.

“Actually, I make a lot of money doing what I do. I don’t just Dj in clubs; I travel all over to different events. Sometimes I travel to New York and sometimes it’s Miami. Yes, I have other outlets but being a DJ is my passion,” he said.

“Oh okay, I understand,” I replied. “I want to thank you for everything you have done for me. I don’t know what to say,” I walked over and gave him a hug.

“You don’t have to thank me baby girl. I reserved a table at a nice restaurant not far from here so you can pick out one of the outfits to put on and I have a few bra and panty sets in the Victoria Secret’s bag for you also,” he said.

I hopped in the shower and got dressed. I wore the long black dress with a pair of silver heels. As I was doing my hair, I was wondering how he knew my dress size, bra and panty size, and shoe size. In the midst of all the excitement, I didn’t think to ask these questions but as soon as we get to the restaurant, I’m going to make sure I find out. When I walked out of the room, he was sitting on the couch waiting on me.

“You look so beautiful ma. I believe I did a great job with the clothes but of course you would make anything look good,” he said. “Well we better get going because I don’t want to be late for our reservation.”

“Thank you and yes, let’s get out of here.”

We got on the elevator to head downstairs to the lobby. When we get outside I expected us to ride in his car but there was a limo sitting in front of the hotel waiting for us.

“You are really going all out tonight,” I said.

“Oh this is nothing baby, this is just the beginning,” he said.

“Where to sir?” the driver asked.

“La Tavola,” he said.

When we got to the restaurant, DJ Spin gave the hostess his name and I learned that his real name was Stephen Graham. We were seated and the waiter took our drink order, I ordered lemonade and he ordered ice tea. We then gave the waiter our food order. Since I had never eaten at a real Italian restaurant, I did not know what to get so I just went simple and got spaghetti. DJ Spin ordered roasted chicken with a Caesar salad. While waiting for our food, I decided to ask him about knowing my dress size.

“So I have a question for you Mr. Stephen,” I teased.

“Hahaha you got jokes I see. What’s your question Miss Kior?”

“I’m curious to know how you knew my dress size, shoe size, and bra and panty size. I never told you any of that information.”

“I was wondering when you were going to ask. Well the day we went to the mall and you were looking at different outfits, I noticed the sizes you were looking at and when you tried on shoes, I made a mental note on what size you were trying on. See I am a very observant man and I always stay aware of my surroundings.”

“I see but how did you know my bra and panty size?” I questioned.

“Well to be real with you my ex is about the same size as you in height and frame. I just took a guess at it and I see I got it correct.”

“You did. So what happened to you and your ex?” I asked.

“It just didn’t work out with us. I guess we kinda grew apart, we are still cool though, it was a mutual thing,” he said.

The waiter brought our food out just as I was about to reply. The food smelled so delicious, I couldn’t wait to dig my fork into it. For the first five minutes it was quiet. We both were too busy paying attention to our food to engage in any conversation.

“How was your food?” he asked.

“It’s very good. I’m about to pop now though. How was your food?” I asked.

“Make you want to slap everybody up in here,” he laughed. “Do you want dessert?”

“No, no, I can’t eat another bite.”

“Is there anything else I can get for you sir?” the waiter walked up and asked.

“Just the bill please.”

“Right away sir,” the waiter replied.

When the waiter came back with the bill, he paid for our food and we left. When we walked outside, the limo was waiting at the door for us. When we got to the room, I was exhausted and all I wanted to do was hop in the shower and lay down.

“You definitely gave me a night that I will always remember and I thank you for it,” I said.

“You don’t have to thank me ma, I enjoy seeing the smile and excitement on your face. I’m not the one that you need to be thanking, it was all your friend’s idea,” he said.

I had the craziest look on my face because I was trying to figure out how was all of this was Chanel’s idea. I mean she knows about DJ Spin but I don’t remember her saying anything about talking to him. I just told Malorie about him so I don’t think it was her so who in the hell could it be?  I decided to leave it alone for tonight because I was too tired to try to figure out who it was. I got ready for bed and right before I drifted off to sleep, I sent Ahmir a message.

Me: Hey bae I was just sending you a quick message before I went to bed, I will be back Sunday but I will give you a call tomorrow.


The next morning I woke up to the smell of breakfast cooking. Damn, this nigga is really spoiling me. I felt sort of bad because here I am with a boyfriend back at school and I’m here with another nigga having the time of my life. I mean, I came with the intentions of telling DJ Spin about Ahmir but after everything he has done for me, I don’t want to spoil it so I decided to wait until we got back. I checked my phone to see if Ahmir texted me back and to my surprise, I didn’t have one single message or missed call from him. I got up and put on a robe that the hotel provided and I walked out of the room.

“Good morning beautiful! I got us some breakfast; it’s not much but I hope you enjoy it,” he said.

I walked to the table and there were Belgian waffles on a plate with scrambled eggs, toast, a bowl of mixed fruit, and a glass of orange juice.

“This looks delicious. Thank you,” I said.

“Girl, if you don’t stop thanking me!” he said.

“I just want you to know how much I appreciate all of this,” I told him.

We sat down to eat our breakfast and what he told me last night still was eating away at me so I had to bring it back up.

“Do you remember last night when you told me that this trip was my friend’s idea?”

“Yeah what about it?” he asked

“What friend were you talking about?”

“Ummm, I can’t remember her name at the moment but she was telling me how much you were feeling me but you didn’t know how I felt about you,” he said.

Now that really threw me for a loop because I don’t recall telling any of my friends that I didn’t know how he felt about me because I knew that he was really into me. If I wasn’t lost before, I damn sure was now.

“So what would you like to do today?” he interrupted my thoughts.

“I don’t know, surprise me,” I told him.

“Are you adventurous?”

“Yes! Adventurous and spontaneous.”

“Cool, let’s get dressed and head out. I have an idea that I think you will enjoy,” he said.

After we got dressed and ready to go, we got into his car, I asked where we were going he said that it was a surprise but it was a place that a couple of his friends visited. We pulled up to a building.

“What is this place?” I asked.

“Come on, you will see.”

We walked inside and it was indoor skydiving and rock climbing. I was excited because I’ve always wanted to try it. I don’t know if it was a coincidence or not but it was like he knew everything about me without me even telling him. I was like a big kid while I was there; I was having so much fun. DJ Spin and I made a bet on who would make it to the top first in rock climbing. Of course he tried his best to beat me and he succeeded but don’t get it twisted, I gave him some good competition. His reward for our bet was a back massage. I was a little nervous about that because I hadn’t touched another man since I met Ahmir, but a deal was a deal so I had to go through with it. After we left the indoor skydiving and rock climbing place, we decided to stop and get a bite to eat. The place looked like a little mom and pop restaurant but the food was so good. I had a Philly cheesesteak sub with fries and he had a hamburger steak with mash potatoes and gravy.

“So later on tonight, I want to take you to this nice night club that’s not too far from the hotel we are at. I think you will like it,” he said.

“Sounds good, now I can see how you are in the club when you are not behind the DJ booth,” I told him laughing.

“Oh you will be surprised baby girl. Don’t think I forgot about my back massage because I really need one right about now,” he said with the cutest smile I’ve seen in a while.

“I have not forgottttt,” I sung.

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