Read Hollywood & Vine Online

Authors: Olivia Evans

Hollywood & Vine (20 page)

Anders nodded. “Fair enough.”

“But now that you’ve brought up today, I have some questions. Why did you bother coming up to me if I’m not supposed to talk to you?”

Anders sighed and scratched the side of his face. “I hadn’t talked to you all day, and you were smiling with Dean and he was smiling, and I don’t know…”

“I never pegged you for the jealous type. I’m not sure how I feel about this development.”

“I’m not the jealous type.” At least not until now, he added silently. The expression on her face reflected his thoughts.

“So we’re not supposed to talk in public? We work together. I dress you every day. Why is it not okay for us to talk? It seems normal to me.”

“Because I don’t chat with the crew. And I sure as hell don’t make them laugh.”

Josie tried not to let it sting that he referred to her as part of the crew. Instead she pushed forward, needing answers. “So because you’ve been an asshole to every person on set for God knows how long, you and I aren’t allowed to talk? You know, you could just start being nicer to people. Then it wouldn’t be such a big deal.”

“I’m not changing for anyone.” His clipped words and hard expression showed he would not negotiate.

“Even if it’s something to make your life easier?” Josie’s frustration was clear.

“Believe me, letting people get close doesn’t make life easier.”

“But you’re trying with me.”

“I am. And nothing about that has made my life easier.”

“Then why am I here? If doing things like this”

she waved her hand between them

“is so hard for you, why bother?”

“Because it’s like I told you. I don’t have any choice.”

“What if I walked away? You wouldn’t have a choice then either but at least things would go back to normal for you.” Josie’s stomach tightened at the thought of walking out of his life. They were playing a game of Russian roulette, and at any moment the click of the gun would be followed with an ear-splitting bang. It terrified her to think about being on the receiving end of that blow.

Anders’ brows dipped and his eyes darkened as he thought about what normal meant for him. An unwelcome image of the girl jacking him off under the table popped into his mind and made his grip tighten around his beer bottle. “You don’t want to walk away from me, Ivy.” His tone was chastising and playful, covering his insecurities.

“I didn’t say I wanted to, but there’s no way what we’re doing is going to work. Christ, we can’t even talk in public. Are you going to become a recluse? Don’t you think people will notice if you suddenly stop going out? And if you think I’m going to be okay sitting at home while you go out and have women hang all over you, well, you’re out of your damn mind.”

Anders smirked and took a swig of beer. “I never pegged you for the jealous type. I’m not sure how I feel about this development.”

“It has nothing to do with jealousy. I’m not a doormat. I won’t compromise myself. For some reason I like you, and I think you like me too, so for that I’m willing to give a little, but I won’t throw me away. I won’t back burner myself because of your issues.”

“Why does everything you say have to be laced with the threat of ending things?” Anders sat up and slammed his beer on the table. “Every time I say something you don’t like, you do that shit. You can’t keep threatening to walk away.”

Josie sat up as well, her beer connecting with the table with just as much force. “Well neither can you, damn it. This isn’t just about you. You don’t get to make all the rules and just expect me to follow. I may be part of the crew on set, but here, when it’s just us, you’re not more important than me.”

“So what do you want, Josie? Fucking sky writing?”

Josie threw her arms in the air. “I want to be able to say hi!” Her cheeks darkened to a deep red as her annoyance grew. “And if you say something asinine, I want to be able to laugh without you biting my head off. I don’t want to take out a front-page ad that your dick is off the market. Because to be honest, I trust you about as much as you trust me. I don’t need us to go out. God, it would be a circus. I just need you to calm down. I hate to break it to you, but the world doesn’t revolve around you. No one cares what you do nearly as much as you think.”

“Have you ever found people hiding in your bushes just to take your picture? Have you ever hidden behind complete strangers and begged them to hold still while the pap you’ve been trying to lose walks by? Because I have. I’ve had to take out restraining orders because people are fucking crazy. So don’t tell me people don’t care about what I’m doing because they do, to the point where my life isn’t my own anymore.”

Josie stared wide-eyed. The paparazzi in Los Angeles were horrible. She’d heard of the lengths they would go to snap a picture, but she’d never been involved with someone who dealt with them on a day-to-day basis. She’d always been on the outside looking in. Scrolling through websites, looking at magazines in the grocery store checkout line, and giving none of it a second thought. “I’m sorry.”

Anders scooted closer. “I don’t want you to be sorry.” He tugged her arm and pulled her against his side. “I want you to trust me on this. I might not know everything, but this I know. We can talk on the set. You’re right. It wouldn’t be that big of a deal. But right now, let’s keep everything else private.”


Anders pressed his lips against her temple, his eyes closing as relief washed over him. Sure, everything he said was true, but his reason for secrecy had much more to do with what he wanted than concerns over being hounded by the paparazzi.

fter that night, they fell into a routine of sorts. The hours on set were long and tiring. Combined with the unbearable heat, both were wiped out by the time they saw each other at night. But even exhausted, they remained the same.

“It’s my turn.” Josie grabbed the remote and hopped off the couch.

“No way, Ivy.” Anders shook his head and rose from the couch. “We’re not watching that shit.”

“You picked what we watched last night. It’s my turn.”

“Why can’t you pick something that’s at least useful? Like, I don’t know, a cooking show or something. Lord knows you need all the help you can get.” Anders scrunched his face as he thought about her recent attempt at cooking. When she said she was a horrible cook, he didn’t think it could be that bad. Even he could make something edible. Josie, however, couldn’t cook at all and would surely die if ever forced to survive on her own cooking.

“You dick!” She laughed, putting the remote behind her back when he came closer.

“I’m not watching that show. Let’s play cards or something.”

“I’m never playing cards with you again. You are a cheating cheater who cheats.”

“I do not cheat.” It was only cheating if he got caught, and even then it was still up for debate if he could talk his way out of it.

“You do cheat. Now, it’s my turn, and we’re watching what I want.” Josie nodded and moved behind the couch, pressing the buttons on the remote until the television came to life.

“You can’t be serious. Honey Boo Boo? This has to be the most annoying fucking show on television.”

“It’s my guilty pleasure. Now shut up and sit down. Chicken Nugget just got a pet chicken.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?” Anders looked from the television to Josie with wide eyes and an incredulous expression.

“We can watch the Real Desperate Housewives of Atlanta instead.” Josie cocked a brow and sauntered to the couch.

“It can’t be worse than this,” Anders muttered, falling beside her in defeat. His eyes began to droop after a couple of minutes. The fatigue from working long hours was interfering with what he’d rather be doing instead of watching rednecks mix catsup and butter then pour it over noodles.

Josie looked at Anders and noticed the dark shadows under his eyes. They had to be on location before the sun rose, and hanging out was keeping them from getting some much needed sleep. Reaching over, she brushed the hair away from his face. Anders hummed and wrapped his arm around her waist to pull her closer. Times like these, unguarded and free of stress, were when things made sense between them. “I should go.”

Anders nodded but didn’t loosen his hold. Suddenly he remembered a thought he had earlier in the day. He opened his eyes and focused on Josie. “We won’t be able to hang out tomorrow night.”

“I know. You have a late night shoot for that one scene, right?”

“Yeah. We break for a few hours in the afternoon, but then I’m back to work.”

Josie sighed and rose to her feet, stretching her arms over head. “That’s okay. I can work on some of my other projects while you’re filming.”

Anders grabbed the back on her thighs and pulled her between his legs, resting his forehead on her stomach. Josie scratched her nails over his scalp, causing Anders to sigh. Pressing his lips to her stomach, he looked up. “I want to take you somewhere.”

Josie’s hands stilled. “What?”

“After the shoot tomorrow we have the next day off. I’ve heard everyone is driving to Flagstaff or some other town close-by for the day.”

“Anders, we can’t go. People will recognize you.”

He shook his head. “No, not there. Just be here around eight that morning. Dress comfortable and wear sneakers.”

Josie eyed him for a moment before nodding. “Okay.” With a soft kiss she stepped back and walked to the door. Right before she closed it, Anders spoke, his voice closer than she expected.

“And wear a swimsuit,” he whispered, kissing her neck. “Or don’t.”

he next day went as expected, busy and exhausting. Josie used her time to catch up on the work she’d neglected while spending time with Anders. Just before she fell asleep that night, Anders texted saying he’d see her in the morning. To say she was curious about his plans was an understatement.

At eight the next morning, Josie tapped on Anders’ door. After a couple of moments he pulled it open, a sleepy smile on his face. “Hey.” She smiled and stepped inside, the smell of coffee invading her senses. “You know we don’t have to do anything today. We can hang out and watch movies all day, let you rest.”

“No, I want to show you something, and this is our free day. I’ll be fine. Just let me grab my shoes.”


“Woman. We’re going.” Anders glared playfully, causing Josie to roll her eyes.

“So bossy.”

Twenty minutes later, Josie’s hair clung to her neck and Anders cursed everything under the sun. He’d apparently blocked out the fact that this hike almost killed him last time.

“If you didn’t drink so much, maybe you wouldn’t be sweating pure alcohol right now,” Josie sassed with a wry grin.

“Well, what’s your excuse? You look like you just got out of the shower, and if I’m not mistaken, you’re starting to smell.”

“Kiss my ass, Anders. I sweat a lot, okay? And when you said to dress comfortably, you didn’t say anything about walking through the desert—it’s hot. And I don’t stink. Jerk.” Josie took a long pull from her water bottle, turning her head to smell under her arm.

“I saw that,” Anders taunted.

“Fuck off. I don’t stink.” But she was hot as hell and needed some relief. A wicked smile tugged at the corner of her mouth as she pushed past him. Jogging a few steps out of his reach, she grabbed the hem of her shirt and peeled it off revealing her bikini top.

Anders sucked in a sharp breath, his eyes zeroing in on the dimples at her lower back. Except for the day she arrived, he hadn’t seen her naked. It was unacceptable, and it ended today. Pulling in a deep breath, he ran after her. As soon as Josie heard him gaining, she took off with a laugh. She might’ve been sweating like hell, but she was in a lot better shape than him. Just as he hooked his finger into the belt loop of her shorts, she stopped.

“Oh my God,” she exhaled. Anders stepped behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, his lips dropping to her shoulder. The sun shimmered above the canyon and the sound of rushing water thundered around them. Water spilled over the rocks and plunged into a pool that looked almost neon blue. “What is this place?”

“It’s called Havasu Falls. I found it the day I got here. It’s outside, secluded, and we can get practically naked.”

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