How to Seduce a Scoundrel (16 page)

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Authors: Vicky Dreiling

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Historical, #General, #FIC027050

“You will stay away from him,” Hawk said.

She wanted nothing to do with Ramsey, but she knew it would be impossible to avoid him entirely because of Georgette. On the other hand, she had told Ramsey to cease his pursuit. Most likely, his pride would keep him away.

“I received a letter from your brother today. He asked how you fared.”

The abrupt change in topic startled her. “You answered the letter?”

“Not yet, but I will.”

She regarded him warily. “What do you plan to tell him?”

“That you’re enjoying the festivities and are as popular as ever,” he said.

“What else?” she said, narrowing her eyes.

“I’ll not reveal your unfortunate episode with the wine, if that’s what you’re worried about.” He paused and added, “Tristan wondered why neither of us has written.”

“It’s only been a little over a week,” she said.

“You know your brother’s tendency to worry. I suggest you write to him and your mother soon.”

“I meant to do so, but I’ve been so busy.” She’d spent much of her free time writing the pamphlet. Lord help her if her brother ever found out. But Hester’s arrangements would ensure no one would trace
as the author.

“Take a few moments to pen a letter to your family once a week,” Hawk said. “They’re not accustomed to having you so far away.”

“I traveled with Amy and her family last summer,” she said.

He sighed. “Your brother did not say this, but I imagine he and your mother are a bit concerned about my aunt’s influence.”

“Hester is too blunt for others, but I appreciate her frank advice,” Julianne said.

“What advice?” he said, frowning.

“Nothing that would interest you,” she said.

“I’m all ears.”

Well, of course she couldn’t tell him the truth. “I daresay you have no interest in fashion or receipts for beauty remedies.”

“I know my aunt well,” he said. “She is tolerated because of her age, but some of her ideas are improper. I depend upon you to use your good sense and fob her off if she concocts one of her outrageous schemes.”

She bit back a smile. He’d no idea what was in store for him and his fellow scoundrels. They deserved what was coming to them. All too often, women were at the mercy of men. Julianne meant to even the score with her pamphlet. If all went well, this would be one season where the ladies took control of their destinies.

Hawk released a loud sigh. “I know you resent my interference, but with your family away and my aunt’s reputation for bawdiness, the society dragons will be watching you closely.”

She huffed. “I’ve done nothing wrong.”

He arched his brows.

“Since the night of the Beresford’s ball,” she amended. “Really, you worry for nothing. No one has ever questioned my conduct before, and I’ve done nothing to incite gossip.” Of course, the pamphlet would cause a stir, but no one would ever know she’d written it.

“I doubt you’ve even bothered to count the number of posies you received today.”

“It would have been unpardonable to refuse them.”
Particularly since Hester had gone to a great deal of trouble and expense to procure them.

“I called today to check on you,” Hawk said. “As I expected, you had five cubs worshipping at your feet.”

“They are honorable gentlemen, and I would never injure their tender sensibilities.”

He scoffed. “Trust me, it’s not their tender sensibilities I’m worried about.”

“You cannot object to them calling on me.”

“I object to you collecting beaux like bonnets,” he said. “You insinuate their behavior was inappropriate, but you are wrong. Every gentleman I danced with last evening observed the proprieties,” she said. “Well, everyone but you.”

He scoffed. “I did nothing wrong.”

“Hah! You grumbled the entire time we danced. Your manners were atrocious.”

“There is a difference. I am your guardian. You and I needn’t stand on ceremony,” he said.

She sniffed and lifted her chin. “That reminds me of another faux pas you committed last evening.”


“You ogled my person.”

His shoulders shook with unsuppressed laughter. “I ogled your
, which you displayed too much of, I might add.”

“You are my guardian and should not notice my feminine attributes,” she said.

“You are fond of euphemisms.” His gaze dropped to her bodice. “I prefer indelicate words.”

She made a sound of disgust. “I’m sure you do, but you will not speak them in my presence.”

He grinned and inched over on the sofa. “Shall I whisper them?”

“Save your scatological language for your ladybirds,” she said with a sniff.

He moved over again, this time right next to her. “I can say them in French and Italian.”

His breath stirred the curl by her ear, and her heart beat a little faster. “I am not impressed.”

He walked his fingers like a spider up her arm.

She swatted his hand. “You are no better than a naughty schoolboy.”

“I’m no boy, but I am bad. Very bad.”

She affected a bored look. “And yet you question my behavior. Compared to you, I am an angel.”

“You know the rules are different for men and women,” he said. “Like it or not, your conduct must be above reproach.”

But soon those rules would change, thanks to the pamphlet. A smile tugged at the corners of her mouth as she imagined the fury of all the rakehells upon reading what ladies really thought of their scandalous doings.

“I must go now,” he said.

“Wait. Surely Tristan mentioned Tessa in the letter. How is she faring?”

“She is well.”

Julianne knit her brows. “That is all he said?”

Some odd emotion flickered in his eyes. “The babe keeps her awake at night kicking.”

Julianne smiled. “In less than two months, I will be an aunt—and a godmother. Tristan said you agreed to be the babe’s godfather.”

Hawk wagged his brows. “I shall try not to corrupt him.”

“But what if it is a girl?”

He tugged on his sleeves. “We shall see.”

“Oh, I cannot wait to hold the babe in my arms,” she said. “Mama is planning a large celebration for the christening. All your family will be invited to attend. It will be such a happy occasion.”

He stood. “I will call for you and my aunt tonight.”

Her lips parted at his sudden change in topic, but she rose and curtsied.

He strode out the door, as if he were in a hurry to escape.

In the end, Hawk’s aunt had insisted upon attending the theater. He’d rather be at his club enjoying a fine brandy, but given the limited choices, the theater was preferable to having his ears assaulted at the opera.

When they entered the box, dozens of ladies across the expanse of the auditorium stared at them. Their tall feathers bobbed as they whispered to those beside them.

He grinned at Julianne only to find her scowling. “See something you dislike?”

“Lady Elizabeth and her lapdog Henrietta.”

He laughed. “Sheath your claws, kitten. They are not worth your disdain.”

She lifted her chin. “You are correct.”

“Oh, ho. You are a dragon in the making,” he said.

Julianne swatted his arm with her fan, but her eyes twinkled. “What if I am?”

“Shall I tremble in fear?” he asked.

“I beg you to control yourself. I left my smelling salts at home,” she said.

“If I swoon, you may revive me with a swish of your fan.”

Her husky laughter called to the beast inside him. As he escorted her to the chairs, he imagined the sound of her raspy voice in a darkened boudoir.

He forced those dangerous thoughts from his head.

After they were seated, his aunt went to visit a friend. Hawk took the opportunity to tease Julianne. “Look at those gentlemen strutting along the aisles of the pit. They are taking seats next to lonely ladies. How kind of them.”

She sniffed. “A lady never notices lewd behavior in public places, and you are unmannerly to encourage me to watch.”

“Lewd?” He made a mock show of horror.

She wafted her fan. “I’m sure you’re well acquainted with such doings.”

“I’m shocked,” he said.

“That is the worst bouncer I’ve ever heard.”

“No, really, I’m quite astounded.” He paused for effect. “I’d no idea you were such an expert on… what were the words you used? Oh, yes,
lewd behavior

“Rogue,” she said.

The curtain rose, and the actors stumbled about the stage as if they were as drunk as sailors. He couldn’t recall the name of the play, but it mattered not. No one paid much attention, which was a good thing since the actors kept slurring their lines.

Hawk slouched in the velvet chair and stretched out his legs. He accidentally brushed Julianne’s arm. The brief contact made his skin tingle.

He gazed at her, intending to make a jest, but she clutched the rail, seemingly mesmerized by the play. When she leaned forward, the exterior candle sconces illuminated her shining midnight curls. A rope of pearls
was threaded through her intricately styled hair. Her complexion was as luminescent as the pearls. Without a doubt, she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever known.

Hawk imagined taking her hand and building a slow fire in her with a secret look. Her preoccupation gave him leave to admire her long, slender neck. He wanted to plant butterfly kisses along her jaw and trail his lips to the pulse point. He could almost hear her low gasp as he suckled her.

When his cock stirred, he made a halfhearted attempt to turn his thoughts elsewhere, but in the close confines, the scent of her flowery perfume fogged his brain. Once more, he glanced at her profile, remembering her passionate response to his kiss.

The memory made him feel like a devil. He’d had no right to touch her, but his guilt hadn’t stopped him from continually reliving the taste of her sweet lips.

Knowing she was forbidden made her all the more tempting. Night after night, he’d imagined stripping off her gown and undergarments. He’d formed a picture in his mind of her slim, naked body. And he’d thought of dozens of ways to pleasure her. He wanted to taste every inch of her skin. He wanted to spread her thighs and kiss her intimately until she shattered in ecstasy. He wanted to pin her wrists above her head and make her beg to have him inside her.

His cock hardened. The devil. He was making himself half mad over a woman he could never have.

He ought to take a mistress to dampen the damnable lust coursing through his veins. But when would he ever have time to set one up, much less bed her? He was spending all his time ensuring Julianne stayed out of trouble.

Hell and damnation. He’d sworn to be discreet, but that wasn’t even an issue. When he’d agreed to be Julianne’s guardian, he’d thought he could pop in to a few balls occasionally and return to his usual carousing. The wine episode aside, he didn’t dare leave her without protection, not with Ramsey and every buck and blade in London sniffing round her skirts.

In addition to escorting her to entertainments every evening, he’d decided it was necessary to call on her in the afternoons. After their conversation earlier today, he knew she was entirely too naïve where men were concerned. She’d actually worried about injuring their
tender sensibilities
. Clearly, she had no idea what foul thoughts ran through the primitive male brain.

To her, flirting was nothing more than a merry game. She thought herself experienced enough to avoid seductive traps. Nothing he said would convince her, for he’d already tried. She didn’t know that one heedless decision, one stumble, could send her sliding down the proverbial slippery slope.

He knew from experience how easy it was to fall.

No matter how much she resented his interference, he could not let down his guard.

Chapter Nine

A Lady’s Secrets of Seduction: Once you secure his interest, drift away before he becomes too confident of your affections.


hen the curtains closed for intermission, Julianne turned to find Hawk feigning sleep. She’d felt him watching her, but she’d not returned his gaze. The entire time, she’d pretended interest in the play, but her thoughts had darted about. She’d tried to think of a scheme to draw him slowly into her web, but she couldn’t risk being obvious.

His pretense at sleep, however, presented an opportunity. She hesitated a moment, unsure if she could be so bold, but timidity would gain her nothing.

She leaned closer to him and whispered near his ear, “What are you dreaming of?”

His eyes flew open, and he turned toward her, his mouth only inches from her lips. The ragged sound of
his breath made her heart beat faster. He was much too close. She recollected Hester’s advice to drift away before a gentleman became too confident of a lady’s affections and rose quickly. Noting his arrested expression, she bit back a secret smile. “You might as well continue napping. I’m off to visit friends.”

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