HUGE X3: A MFMM Menage Stepbrother Romance (14 page)

He parks in the same place as the twins did, but
facing out to the view.
Then he switches
off the ignition.

We sit staring at the gorgeous scenery for a few
I can’t look at him for all the
uncertainty between us.

“Katy,” he says gruffly.
He’s the only one who calls me that and it
makes my skin prickle to hear the softness underlying his tone.

I turn to look at him and am greeted by piercing green
eyes filled with so much confused longing that my heart hurts.
For a long moment we look at each other, then
he leans towards me fast, pulling me into a kiss that is so ferocious it hurts.

There is nothing tender in the way he claims me, mouth
forcing my lips to part for his tongue that penetrates my mouth
His hands grasp my face,
angling my head so he can get deeper, controlling the way we move together.
He moans frantically, leaning over me and
slipping one hand up my t-shirt.
When he
finds my bare breast he groans long and low, worrying the nipple with his big calloused
thumb and finger.

I call out his name, when he grips me at the waist,
hauling me towards him until I’m straddling his lap with the steering wheel at
my back.
Looking at him eye to eye is so
intense that I shiver.
His usually
sparkly green irises are blackened with widened pupils and a longing so fierce
that I reel.
We sit, panting, watching,
Seconds tick by as the threads
between us seem to tug harder and harder.
He reaches up to touch my lips, my neck, the skin of my forearm, as
though he’s mapping my body for later reference.
He links his hand with mine, entwining our
fingers and holding onto me tightly.
stare at the place we’re joined, waiting.

“I’m sorry,” he says, and I jolt in surprise.

“What for?”

“For hurting you.
For keeping things from you.
putting my father and his stupid ideas before you when all along this should
have been my priority.”
He strokes my
cheek, then moves his hands to my thighs and squeezes.

“You should have told me,” I say quietly, resting my
hands on his chest.
You know we could
have worked it through.”

“It just didn’t seem fair at the time, and then as
more months passed I just couldn’t get past the fact that you’d be mad at me
for keeping things from you. The lies seemed too big to forgive.”

I sigh because I know how he feels.
For so long I pretended that Bryan meant
nothing to me that when I wanted to talk to my friends about how I really felt,
I didn’t know how to admit I’d been covering things up all along.

“It just seems like such a waste,” I say.

“It doesn’t have to be anymore.”

Bryan slides his hands up my thighs and over my hips,
pushing his hands back up my t-shirt, seeking out the nipples he’d made into
points just minutes earlier.
He holds my
gaze, waiting, watching to see how I’ll react.
I don’t know what any of this means. His confessions seem to suggest
he’s regretful for the lost years between us, but is he saying he wants us to
be something serious?

And how can he when he knows what’s been going on with
Jase and Austin?

“You’re beautiful,” he murmurs, pushing my hair over
my shoulder and then lifting my top over my head.
It’s warm in the car but I get goose bumps
all over as he uses the tips of his fingers to trace patterns over my
“So pretty.”

“Bryan…” I say his name because it’s all I can form as
he slips his hands into the back of my yoga pants and drags me until I’m set
against the hard bulge in his jeans.
get a flashback of the feeling when Jason had done the same, only an hour
They’re so alike that
sensations and images blur.

When I’m with the twins that blurring of hands and
mouths, cocks and words, doesn’t feel wrong. It feels totally right, like the
most unbelievable immersion into the experience of being worshiped by two
Now, with Bryan, it feels
Not wrong as such but
When I look into his eyes I
see his brothers, when I feel his hands, I feel his brothers.
I don’t know when it happened and I don’t
know how I feel about it.

He squeezes my ass and grinds me harder and I have to
hold his shoulders to feel grounded enough to kiss him.
I get lost in the press of his lips, the
stroke of his tongue.
In a strange way
it feels like coming home to be with him like this.

I remember days lying on the grass on campus,
pretending to study when really it was an excuse to listen to him talk.
It never really mattered what it was about,
just that we always seemed to click, even when we disagreed.
I remember nights at Sam’s Pizza, with all
our friends, but somehow Bryan would always end up sitting across from me so we
could share our favorite pepperoni with extra jalapenos and a whole ton of
cheesy garlic bread.
I remember days
when he’d drop me at home after we’d hung out too long at the university coffee
shop and he’d keep making conversation until I’d realize we’d been sitting
outside my house for an hour.
I remember
how kind he was when Auntie Marie passed away.
His own mom had died when he was a kid so I guess that’s what made him
so empathetic.

As I kiss him, I want to remind him of those times
that meant so much to me, but I don’t.
Every tender touch makes me believe that he remembers too.
It’s me who moves it on another base by
reaching for his belt.
I’m so hot and
achy between my legs and in my heart.
waited so long to feel the pulsing heat of his heavy cock in my hands.
Bryan groans when he realizes what I’m doing,
his eyes on my hands as I fumble with the buckle and then move to his button
and fly.
When I part his jeans to reveal
bright white tight boxers concealing a rigid cock that looks like a baton, I
suck in a breath.
I don’t take it out right
Just pressing my palm against the
heat of it is enough to make me sigh.

“Katy,” Bryan says, his voice vibrating with

“You want me to touch it?”

“I want you to do whatever you want to do,” he

What I want to do is strip off my yoga pants and ride
him until I come.
I want to see the
ripple of his abs as he seeks his pleasure, to feel the thrusting of his hips
beneath me, urging me to move faster and harder.
I want to kiss his lips and taste his
satisfaction when he comes deep inside me.
Most of all I want to know what this all means, but that’s the part I
know I’m not ready for.
While Bryan’s
kissing me, he can’t talk.
He can’t tell
me how he feels and he can’t ask me either.
We can focus on the physical because that’s the easy part.
The rest involves more than I can deal with.

I tell him to move the seat back to give me enough
room to take my yoga pants off.
I leave
my panties on though because it feels too much to strip naked in a car in a
When I settle myself back, Bryan
traces the pink lace edging with a feather light touch, then runs his index
finger down from my navel, over the smooth black satin of my panties until he's
pressing directly onto my clit.

“You’re so
swollen, baby,” he says softly.
“Does it
ache here?”

I nod and roll my hips against that single point of

“Tell me,” he orders.

“It hurts,” I say.
“Make it better.”

He puts his finger in his mouth to wet it, then tugs
the fabric of my panties to the side so he can see where to touch.
The first press of that cool, moist finger to
my clit makes me jump.
Bryan holds my
hip firmly with his other hand – the one that’s still bloody from his
frustrated punch – as though he wants me to be still.
He touches me with cool concentration and I
heat up so quickly I feel as though I might burst into flames.
I pull at the waist band of his boxers and
wrap my hand around the delicious girth of his cock, and then there is nothing
cool about his touch anymore.
He’s so
hard and smooth and warm, and so similar in size to his brothers that for a
moment I’m blown away.

“God, I want to be inside you so bad,” he growls,
pushing a finger up inside me and making my rise up on my knees.

I tell him to ‘do it’ and he reaches into his pocket for
his wallet and the condom I’m assuming he has in there for moments like
Moments when you can’t help but
give in to the physical cravings that are capable of overriding everything
I help him roll the latex down the
full length of him, pressing against the root and stroking over his amazing

I distract myself with his golden skin, the little
happy trail of soft light brown hair that runs from his tight little belly
button to his towering cock.
I pretend
this is like it was at first with the twins.
A chance to scratch an itch or, as Auntie Marie would have urged, an
opportunity to seize a moment that might never arise again.

When I raise up to position myself over him so that
the flared head of his cock rests at my entrance, I close my eyes.
In my own safe, dark space I can push myself
down slowly.
I can work it so my pussy
can take all of his thickness and length.
I can hold onto his shoulders and roll my hips in the way
my body
I can pretend that this is all
about pleasure and nothing else.

grunts when I bottom out.
He says my name
as I start to ride him harder and faster, grinding my clit against the
scratchiness of the hair between his legs.
I breath in his scent and I feel safe, beautiful, alive.

And when I
come, he comes too, with his face buried between my breasts, panting violently
against my heart that feels more bruised than it ever has before.

“Katy,” he
says, as though he can’t quite believe that I’m really there, in his arms.
Then, just as I fear how I’m going to deal
with what comes next, my phone begins to ring in my purse.



Mom is crying and it hits me like a knife in my chest.

Bryan drives us back to his house quickly after I take
her call.
He can hear her sobbing and
see how upset I am.
The lump in my
throat is too big for me to swallow and I don’t have anything to say to
I’m so damn confused.

As we pull into the driveway, mom is sitting on the
front step waiting for me.
Her eyes are
red from her tears.
I get out of the car
and hear Bryan following closely.

Mom gets up and pulls me into a fierce hug that freaks
me out.

“What is it?” I ask, thinking that maybe the doctor
has called with my results and she knows how bad they are.

“We need to go home, okay?” she says, her voice

“Why?” I ask.
If she knows something, I need her to tell me now.

“Because this isn’t right.”

I stare at her for a second, understanding finally that
Doug has been talking to her.
I’m so
fucking angry that tears spring to my eyes.
It’s her fault that I’ve been lonely all this time, wanting Bryan and
thinking he wasn’t interested.
She knows
what I’m going through right now and she wants to judge me.
She wants to make me feel like shit for
trying to find a sliver of happiness in my shitty life.
I don’t even know what to say.

I turn my back on her and stamp towards the pool house.
My shoes and bra are still in there and I
feel ridiculous having this argument with her in Bryan’s driveway.

“Katelin,” she calls after me, but I don’t turn. I
have nothing to say to her.

Bryan follows as I stride down the path, reaching the
pool house door and knocking.
Austin that opens this time.
He looks
between me and Bryan, his eyes questioning.
I can see him glance at Bryan’s hand that is still bloody and needs
cleaning up.

I want to ask him what happened after we left.
I feel guilty for getting them into trouble
with their father when they’re only in town for a few weeks.
Being a downer on their vacation wasn’t
something I ever intended.

Austin steps to the side and I head in, finding my
shoes and slipping them onto my feet.
don’t bother to put on my bra, but stuff it into my purse.

For a moment, I find myself at the center of a
triangle made up by these brothers that look so alike it’s as though I’m in a
mirrored room, surrounded by the reflections of just one man.
I take a deep breath and glance between them,
seeking out each of their eyes in turn.

“I’m sorry,” I say, because it’s all I can find that
Tears stream down my cheeks
because everything feels so messed up and it’s all because of me.
I have no idea if the brothers will all be
speaking when I leave.
Will Bryan be
angry at the twins for what happened earlier. Will the twins be mad at Bryan
for storming off and taking me with him?
Will they all be mad at me for seemingly playing them all off each other
and their father?
Trouble was not my
intention, but I seem to have stirred up a whole heap of it. Instead of finding
some peace I’ve found more to worry about.

Bryan steps forward, but I duck to the side and I’m at
the door before anyone can say anything.

I hear them all striding forward as I make my way
“Katy,” Bryan calls, but I
don’t turn back.
I run to my car as fast
as I can, my heart hammering against my chest.
I drive at speed but when I’m around the corner I have to pull over to
take a breath and wipe my face.
I rest
my head in my hands because I’m lost.
Whichever way I turn there is something or someone I don’t feel able to
The future feels so uncertain.

The twins had been my sanctuary but even they feel
distant now.
My mom had been my
confidant, but now she’s mad at me and ashamed.
Carrie is sick.
Bryan, who has
always been a friend if nothing more, is now neither a friend nor a lover.
And me?
I don’t know who I am anymore. I’m floundering and so damn scared.
I start driving again, and for a while I just
cruise, listening to my music too loud with the window down, trying to drown
out my thoughts.

But it’s not enough.
My mind is shouting too noisily for me to ignore.
I’ve never been anything but a social
drinker, but tonight feels different.
Tonight I want to drown my sorrows.
It’s early to go to the Red Devil.
It’ll be empty, maybe just the bar staff setting up for the night, but
it’s the only place in town I feel okay about going to.
In my yoga pants and slouchy top, I hardly
look ready for a night out, but I don’t care. There are only a few cars in the lot
so I pull up close to the building.
As I
open the door, the barman turns to check me out.
His name is Darryll.
We’ve had a few laughs over the years, mainly
on nights when I was trying to distract myself from Bryan.
He’s cute in a tattooed, emo kind of way and
he smiles as I walk towards the bar.

“You’re early,” he says, looking at me questioningly
as I slide onto a stool and rest my purse on the bar.

“In need of a drink,” I say.

Darryll frowns momentarily but he asks me what it’ll
be and makes me a double gin and tonic regardless of his misgivings.

I drink it as soon as he slides it across the bar and
ask for another.
Another frown.
“Hey, Katelin.
You should take it easy.”

“It’s just a drink,” I say, trying to remain calm. I
know he’s just looking out for me, or maybe just doing his job, but I don’t
need him to baby me.
I want him to serve
me what I’m asking for.

When I’ve downed the second double with him watching,
I start to feel the effects of the alcohol.
Warmth spreads from my stomach through my limbs and into my brain.
My face feels tingly and for once it isn’t
because I want to cry.

“Another,” I say.

“I don’t know…” Darryll says looking reluctant.

having a really shitty day,” I say.
“Gimme a break, Darryll.
You know

“I know you when you’re here with your friends to have
a good time.”

“So, I’m a little early tonight.”
There’s a slur in my voice that only makes
him look less certain.

“I tell you what,” I say, putting my palms flat on the
bar and leaning forward.
“Gimme one more
and that’ll be my last.”

He rubs his face as though I’m really stressing him
I’m sure he has things to do and
I’m just an unwelcome distraction right now.

more,” he says.

I’m trying to sound lighthearted in
case he changes his mind.
As soon as he
hands me the drink I down it.
It’s so
cold that I gasp as it slides down my throat.

“So,” Darryll says, picking up a cloth and wiping down
the counter in front of me.
going on with you, girl?”

“A whole heap of shit, D.”

“Well, Katelin, there is one thing I can tell you for
absolute certain.”

“What’s that?”

“You ain’t gonna find any solutions in the bottom of a

“I’m not looking for solutions.
I’m looking to switch it all off for a

“Is it working?”

I close my eyes as the alcohol really starts to take
“You know what?
I think it is.”

He sighs and pats my arm.
“Whatever you need then, I guess.”

He turns and starts to fill the freezers with bottles
of beer from an open box on the ground.
I watch him and think about all the random people that have crossed my
path in my short life.
What happens when
people pass away?
So many people to think
‘I met that girl, once upon a time’.
Even with all the lovely alcohol in my system my thoughts are still too
fucking morbid.

“You know what, D?
I really need to dance.” I slip off the bar and twirl around, looking at
the empty club.

“Now that I can approve of,” he says.
“I can put something on for you.”

He has a remote control that must connect to the club
sound system in some way.
In a few
seconds, the place is filled with the pulsing beat of a house track I
“Now that’s what I’m talking about,”
I shout, heading towards the center of the dance floor.
I close my eyes and put my hands in the air,
shaking my thang like I’m in my bedroom and there’s no one watching.
I don’t look to see if Darryll has gone back
to his chores.
I don’t care if there is
anyone else in the building who could be wondering what the fuck I’m
This is all about release.
It’s about shaking off the things I don’t
want to think about until I absolutely have to.
I have a few more hours before I’m going to know for sure and I’m going
to make damn sure they’re memorable.

I dance for so many songs as each blends into the
I dance until I feel too tired to
carry on, until my head feels heavy and my feet sore.
I dance until I feel like I have nothing
When I finally open my eyes, it
isn’t Darryll who’s watching me, but three of the sexiest men on the planet,
and I’m mad as hell.

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