i bc27f85be50b71b1 (308 page)

Prinzl11era!'s variant angina, 40

Pubic fracrurcs, 174, 1 75f, 238[

Procarbazine, 855t, 860r

Pulmonary artery

Prodrome in seizures, 3 1 8

anatOmy and funCtion of, 5f

Progesterone, 669t

catheterization of, 788t-789r, 791 f

Prolactin, 66 1 t

percutaneous sheath Introducer In,

Pronator drift rest, 299


Proprioception, evaluation of, 298r

pressure measurement, 788r-789t

cranial nerve tests in, 289t, 290t,

Pulmonic valve, 4r

291t, 292t

Pulse, 16-17, 1 7r, 1 8f

Prosratc, 584-587

alternans, 1 7l

benign hypertrophy of, 584-586

amplitude classificarion, 1 7t



in artenal and venous disorders, 386r

in genitourinary evaluation, 568-

Corrigan's, 17t


grading scale on, 368-369

in musculoskeletal examination, 1 68,

palpation of, 16-17, 368-370


sues of, 1 8f, 369

thallium stress testing in, 36

paradoxus, 17l

of thyroid gland, 655t

Pulse volume recorder, 373t

of ventilation and perfusion, 1 20-


1 2 1

appearance In intracranial pressure

RadIUS, fractures of, 188f, 188-189,

increase, 323t


reaction to light, 289t, 293-294

in head or neck, 1 88f, 1 8 8-189, 257t

shap< of, 293

in shaft or distal, 189, 2S8t

size and equality of, 287, 293

Rales, 104

Purpura, thrombotic thrombocytopenic,

Raynaud's disease, 397, 398

4 14

Raynaud's phenomenon, 398

Pyelography, 566-567

Reach test, 909-9 I 1 , 91 Or

I�eloluhotomy, 597

Reconstructive surgery in cancer, 340

Pyelonephritis, 572-574

of breast, 347(, 348

acute, 572-573

of head and neck, 355

chronic, 566, 573-574

Records, medical, 745-748

Pyramidal tracts, 276t

Rectum, 504t, 540

cancer of, 348, 349r, 540

Quadricepsplasty, arthroscopic, 2 1 8t

risk factors in, 335(

Quadnplegic myopathy, acute, 759

surgery in, 349t

pouch or tube for, 802t

Radial artery, Alten's test of, 372t

Red blood cells. See Erythrocytes

Radial nerve, 277t

Reflex sympathetic dystrophy, 398

Radlauon burns, 444


Radiation therapy, 338, 340-34 I

cardiovascular, 10-12


corneal, 290t, 297

in cancer diagnosis, 3371

g.% 291tt 297

In cardiac evaluation, 3 1-32

in musculoskeletal examination, 164t,

in gasrroimesnnal evaluation, 51 2t,


5 1St

in neurologic examination, 274, 296t,

In genitourinary evaluanon, 566-567


In musculoskeletal examinanon, 167,

deep tendon, 296t, 296-297, 297t


grades of response in, 296, 297,

In neurologiC evaluation, 299-30 I


III respiratory evaluation, 1 16- 1 1 8,

superficial, 274, 297

1 1 7f


In extra pleural disorders, 145r-

gastroesophageal, 525-526


diagnostic procedures in, S 13t,

In obstructive disorders, 1 3 1 t-134t

5 1 4r

pomions In, 1 1 8

drug therapy in, 862t

in restrictive disorders, 1 38t-140t

vesicoureteral, 572, 573

Radioimmunoassay techniques in endo

Rejection in organ transplantation, 702-

crine disorders, 652


Radionudide scans

acute, 703-706

III cancer diagnosis, 337t

chronic, 706-707

in gastrointestinal disorders, 5 13t-

in heart transplantation, 707, 724-

5 1 41, 5 2 1 t




Rejection 111 organ transplantationexudative phase, 143


proliferative stage, 143

hyperacute, 703

Respirarory (ailure, 130

in kidncy transplantation, 707, 7 1 1

extracorporeal membrane oxygenwirh pancreas transplantation, 720,

al10n 10, 836-837

n l

Resplrarory system, 89-155

in liver rransplantation, 707, 7 ) 6

anesthesia affecting, 872-873

in lung transplantation, 707, 730-731

chemical control of, 90

in pancrcas transplantation, 707, 7 1 9,

disorders of, 125-155


in burns and inhabnon injury,

with kidney transplantation, 720,

44lt. 4S0-451


chest pain in, 922t

physical thcrapy in, 739

in coronary artery bypass surgery,

Renal artery

postoperative, 53

angiography of. 567

drug therapy 10, 150

stenosis or occlusion 0(, 581-582

amihistamine, 847r

Renal vein

antitUSSIVe, 852r

angiography 0(, 567

bronchodIlator, 853t

thrombosis of, 582

corticosteroid, 861 t, 864t

Renin, 670

expcctor.1nr, 862t

secretion in tumors, 395t

mucolytic, 865t

Reproductive system. See Genitourinary

exrracorporcal membrane oxygen·


auon Ill, 836-837

Rcsecrion arthroplasty, 207-209

in head and neck cancer, 3S5

Residual volume, 122(, 126t

infections, 6 1 8-624

ratio to toral lung capacity, 1 27r

10 lung callcer, 344r, 344-345

Respiration, 92-94

management of, ISO-ISS

arrhythmias in, 1 2

III extra pleural disorders, 1 4St-

auscultation in, 99-105. See also Auscul-


taoon, in respiratory evaluation

In obstructive disorders, 1 3 1 t-

Biot's, I DOt

1 J4t

Cheyne-Stokes, lOOt

In restrictive dIsorders, 1 38t-

definition of, 89


�1s exchange in, 94-96

mechanical ventilation in, 8 1 1-826

assessment of, 129t

obstructive, 125, 130-137

Kussmaul's, lOOt

charactcristics and management

mOtions in, 92-94, 95f

of, 1 3 I t-134t

neural control of, 90

physical therapy 111, 153

observation of, 99

pulmonary function tests Ill,

palpation of chest wall during, 105-

1 2 1 . 123f. 12Sf

107. 106f

pathophysiology in, 125-150

paradoxical, l OOt

physical therapy Ill, 152-155

panerns of, 99, lOOt-I 0 I t

activity progression in, 155

rate of, 99

bronchopulmonary hygiene In,

in infections, 609


in mechanical venrilation, 821r

goals of, 152

in ncurologic evaluation, 287

postoperative, 872-873

sighing, IOlt

in prolonged bed rest, 754t

ventilation-perfusion ratio in, 96, 97f

in pulmonary embolism, 143-144,

Respiratory distress, 130


adult syndrome, 1 39t, 142-143

restrictive, 125, 1 37-150



chamcteristlcs and management

disorders of. See Arrhythmias

of, 1 38t-1 40t


of chest wall, 149-150

cancer of, 344r

extmpulmonary causes of, 1 44-

(racfures of


flail chesr in, t 49

physical therapy in, 153

lung contusion in, 144, 1 49

pulmonary function rests in,

resecnon of, l S I

1 2 1 . 1 24£, 125f

Rickers, 691

thoracic procedures m, 1 5 1-152

Romberg test, 300t

Yankauer suctiolllng in, 805t-806r

Rotator cuff repair, arrhroscopic, 2 1 6-

evaluation of, 97-124

2 1 7, 2 19t

in cxrrapleural disorders, 145r-147t

Rowe sling, 22St

flow*volume loops in, 1 2 1 , 1 25f,

Rubrospinal tract, 276t


Russell traction, 231 r

function rests in, 1 2 1 - 1 24, 122f-


Sacroiliac joinr, fracture and dislocation

description and Significance of,

of, I 75f, 238<


Sacrum, fractures of, 1 74, 1 75f, 238t

hisrory raking in, 97-98

Safety precautions, 750--752

in obstructive disorders, I J I t-134t

in infection prevention, 6 1 4, 6 1 5t,

physical examination in, 98-109

639, 750

physical therapy based on, 1 54r

in musculoskeletal examination, 165-

In restrictive disorders, 138t-140c


gas exchange In, 94-96

restraint use in, 752

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