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Teletherapy, 340, 34 t

venous, 400-40 I


in hip arthroplasty, 195

In burns, 453

I-Iomans' sign in, 372t, 40 I

in infections, 609

pneumatic compression stockings

integumentary system in regulation

in, 795t


pulmonary embolism in, 143-144,

in IIltracr:mial pressure IIlcrease man400, 401-402

agement, 324t

renal vein, 582

testing of sensa non of, 298t

Thyrocalcitonin, 653t

Temporal arteritis, 397

Thyroid gland, 651, 653-660

Temporal lobe, 26 .. [

disorders of, 656-660

Teniposide, 859t

exercise in, 655-656, 660

Tentoriulll cerebelli, 269t

hyperthyroidism, 656-658, 657t,

Tesllcular cancer, 348, 349t


Tetracyclines, 850t

hypothYTOidism, 658-660

Texas catheters, 803t

screening for, 65 1

Thalamus, 265t

function of, 653, 653r

Thalassemia, 4 1 2

and pituitary function, 660

Thallium III stress resnng. 36

tests in evaluation of, 653-656, 654r,

with dipyridamole, 36


Thioguanine, 857t

Thyroid stimulating hormone, 653,

Thiotepa, 855t

6541, 660

Thoracentesis, 1 5 1 , 6 12

target sites and actions of. 66 1 t

Thoracic nerve, long, 279t

Thyroiditis, 657t

Thoracodorsal nerve, 279t

Thyrotoxicosis, 656-658, 657t, 660

Thoracolumbar spine fractures, 182,

Thyrotropin, 653, 654t, 660


target sites and actions of, 66lt

Thoracolumbosacral orthosis, molded,

Thyrotropin-releasing hormone, 654t


Thyroxine, 653

Thoracoscopy, 152

serum levels of, 654, 654[, 655

Thromboangiitis obliterans, 396-397

target sites and actions of, 653t

Thrombocyres, 366t

Thyroxine-binding globulin, 654

Thrombocytopenia, 4 1 2-414


In bone marrow transplantation, 736

in ankle arthroplasty, 206

In heparin therapy, 4 1 3-4 14

fractures of, 180-182, 246t-249t

physical therapy in, 429

diSl.I, 180-182, 2481-2491

and thrombotic purpura, 414

in plateau, 1 80, 1 8 1 f, 246t-247t

Thrombolytic therapy, 868t

Schatzker classification of, I SO, l S I r

in myocardial infarction, 50

in shaft, 1 80, 24St

transcatheter, 423

in knee arthroplasrr, 1 96-201

Thromboplastin time, partial, 382, 384,

Tibial artery, in femoral-posterior tibial


bypass graft. 424f

in anticoagulant therapy, 4 1 5

Tibial nerve, 278t

111 cardiaC evaluation, 28

liclopidine hydrochloride, 851 r


Tidal volume, 122£, 126t

arterial, 392

in mechanical ventilation, 821 t

in thromboangiitis obliterans, 396-

Tineni performance oriented mobility


asscssmem, 9 1 1-915, 912t-

111 disseminated intravascular coagula9 1 51, 9 1 61

tion, 4 10

Tirofiban, 851 t

In thrombocytopenic purpura, 4 1 4

Tissue plasminogen acrivarors, 312



TNM staging system, 338, 338t

in bone marrow transplantation,

Tobacco use, 355. See also Smoking


Tone of muscles, 295-296

in lung transplantation, 730

Tongue, 505r

of kidney, 708-7 12. See also Kidneys,

Torsades de poi nrc, 76t

transplantation of

Touch sensation, testing of, 298t

of liver, 712-717. See also Liver,


transplantation of

of carbon monoxide, 451

of lung, 727-732. See also Lungs,

of digitalis, 59, 60t, 867t

transplant:nion of

Toxoplasmosis, 637

organ procurement and distribution

cerebral, in HIV infection and AIDS,

system in, 701


of pancreas, 717-721. See also Pan


creas, transplantation of

auscultation of breath sounds in, 102

physical therapy In, 737-741

cancer of, 344t

activity progression in, 740

inrubation in mechanical ventilation,

basic concepts in, 738-740

8 1 2-8 1 3, 8 I3f

in bone marrow rransplam::aion,

complications of, 823-824

735, 736, 737

cuff in, 8 1 4

education of patients in, 740-741

resection and reconstruction of, 152

goals of, 738

StruCture and function of, 91 t

in heart transplantation, 725-727

and transtracheal catheter for oxygen

in kidney rransplanration, 711-7 1 2

delivery, 773t

in liver rransplamarion, 717

Tracheostomy, 152, 812-8 1 3

in lung transplant:uion, 729-730,

and mask or collar for oxygen deliv731-732

ery, 774r, 780f, 8 1 3

in pancreas transplanration, 720

and rube for mechanical venrilation,

postoperative care in, 701-702


rejection in, 702-707. See also Rejec

Traction, 230-232

tion in organ transplantation

complications of, 230-231 , 232

types of procedures, 698

rypes of, 230, 231 r

Transtracheal catheter for oxygen deliv

Transfer anxiety, 758

cry, 773r

Transfusions, 416-422


adverse reactions to, 4 J 6, 420t-421 t

axonal injury in, diffuse, 307r

indications for, 417t-419t

barotrauma in mechanical ventilation,

and physical therapy, 416, 422


products used in, 4 1 7t-4 19t

of b,,;n, 305-306, 307r-309r

Transient ischemic attack, 3 1 2

in burns, 439-467. See also Burns

Transplam:uion, 697-741

compartment syndrome in, 399

of bone marrow, 343, 353, 733-737.

equipment in manag�ment of, 220-

See also Bone marrow, trans232

plantation of

flail chest in, 149

of cartilage, autologous, 21 9-220,

fractures in. See Fractures


lung contusion in, l t,Or, 144, 1 49

donors in. See Donors in transplantapneumothorax in, 148

tion procedures

reflex sympathetic dystrophy in, 398

gastrointestinal procedures, 549

of spinal cord, 306-3 10, 3 1 1 t

of heart, 58, 7 2 1-727. See also Heart,

in fractures o f spine. 1 82

transplantation of

wounds in, 468

indications for, 698-699

Trendelcnburg position in postural

infections in, 707-708

drainage, 897, 899



Trendelcnburg rcst, 371 t

staging in, 338, 338t

Tricuspid valve. 41

myeloma, 333[, 354

Trigeminal nerve, 289r-290r

of nervous system, 356

Triglyceride levels, 29

of pancreas, 350t, 351

Triiodothyronine, 653

para neoplastic syndromes in. 336t

resin uptake, 6!5t

of parathyroid gland, 687

serum levels of, 654, 654t, 655

pheochromocytoma, 395t, 672-673

target sites and actions of, 653t

physical therapy in, 358-359

Trochlear nerve, 289t

of pituitary, 664, 667

Troponins in cardiac evaluation, 30t,

of prostate. See Prostate, cancer of

30-3 I

radiation therapy in, 338, 340--341

Trypsinogen immunoreactive assay, 520t

renin-secreting, hypertension in, 395t

Tuberculosis, 620-623

risk facrors for, 333, 335t-336t

classification of, 621

signs and symptoms in, 333-336

disseminated or miliary, 622

of skin, 356-358

gastric lavage in, 6 1 3

staging of, 336-338, 338r

i n I-IIV infection and AIDS, 62 1 . 622,

in lymphoma, 353, 353r


surgery in, 338, 339-340

multidrug-resistanr, 623

of thyroid gland, 657t

Tumors, 331-359


of biliary fraCI, 350

adventitia, 364t

biothcrapy in, 338, 343-344

intima, 364t

of bone, 333t, 345-346, 346t

media, 364t

bone marrow transplantation in, 343,

Tuttle test, 5 13t


of breast, 335[, 337r, 343, 346-348


chemotherapy in, 341-343, 854t-

in arterial insufficiency, 468, 469t

860t. See also Chemotherapy

in diabetes mellitus, 469t, 471-472

classification of, 332, 333t

neuropathic or neurotropic, 471-472

definitions of terms related [C, 332

in peptic ulcer disease

diagnosis of, 336, 337t

drug therapy in, 862r-863r

etiologies of, 333, 334t

duodenal ulcer in, 528-529

gastrointestinal, 348-349, 349t, 539,

gastric ulcer in, 528


in pressure wounds, 162, 163, 470-471

diagnostic tests in, 337r

staging and c1assificarion of, 483.

of esophagus, 526


risk factors in, 335t, 336t

in venous insufficiency, 402, 403,

of stomach, 348, 3491, 529

468-470, 469,

genitourinary, 335t, 337t, 348-349

Ulna, fractures of

grading of, 338, 339t

in olecranon, 1 86, 1 88(, 25h

of head, neck, and face, 354-355

in shaft or distal, 1 8 9, 258t

hematologic, 35 1-354

Ulnar artery, Allen's test of, 372t

hyperthyroidism in, 657t

Ulnar nerve, 277c

leukemia, 332, 333t, 351-352, 353

Ultrafiltration, 587

of liver, 337r, 350-351, 5 1 6t, 519t


of lungs, 335t, 3371, 344-345

in gastrointestinal evaluation, 522t

lymphoma, 352-353. See also Lym-

in genitourinary evaluation, 569


in neurologic evaluation, 301-302

metastasis of, 332

of thyroid gland, 655t

to bone, 345-346

in vascular evaluation, 373t

physical therapy in, 358-359

Ultravioler radiation burns, 444

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