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the result of a fall.' An intercondylar fracture (i.e., T- or V-shaped

condylar fracture) is the most common distal humeral fracture in

adults. A direct impact of the ulna against the trochlea forces the

condyles apart." This is common after an MVA or high-impact fall.

Treatment consists of (1) immobilization, followed by early ROM for

a stable fracture; or (2) ORIF or total elbow arthroplasty (TEA) for

severely comminuted intra-articular fractures. Late complications

include hypomobiliry, nonunion, malunion, ulnar neuropathy, and

heterotrophic ossification.

Olecranon fractures (Figure 3-"11) result from direct trauma to a

Aexed elbow or a fall on an outstretched hand. Severe comminution

of the olecranon is associated with humeral fracture and elbow dislocation. Late complications include loss of terminal elbow extension, painful hardware, and post-traumatic arrhritis.J2





Figure 3-10. A. hacture of the medial epIcondyle. Note the "lnar nerve nuts

ImmedIately posterior to the fracture. B. The brachial artery is at risk lit

supracondylar fractures. (W"tl1 permISSIon from A Ullwm, K Jones reds).

Emergency OrthopaedIcs and Trauma. Boston: Butterworth-Hememann,




Figure 3-11. Fracture o( the olecranon. (\Vith permission (rom A Unwin, K

Jones /edsJ. Emergency Orthopaedics and Trauma. Boston: Butterworlh

Heil1emann, 1995;130.)

A fall onto an outstretched hand wirh a pronared forearm can

cause a radial head or neck fracture (Figure 3-12). Associated injuries

include elbow dislocarion and disruprion of the interosseous membrane, medial collareral l igamenr, or wrist fibrocarrilage.32 Complications of stable radial head fracture include residual pain and f. I



Figure 3-12. Fractures o( the radial neck. A. Displaced. B. Displaced and

angulated. (\'Vilh permission (rom A Unwin, K Jones reds/. Emergency

Orthopaedics and Trauma. Boslon: Buuerworth-Heinemoll1l, 1995; 130.)


hypomobility, whereas unstable radial head fractures are associated

with loss of fixation, nonunion, and painful hardware.32 Olecranon

and radial head fracture management is presented in Chapter Appendix Table 3-A.15.

Forearm Fractures

Fractures of the shaft or distal portion of the radius or ulna occur

from a wide variery of direct trauma including falls, SPOrtS injuries, or

M VAs. Owing to the high-energy impact, the fracture is usually displaced, affects an adjacent articulation, and involves a wrist or distal humeral fracture.1 Management for forearm fracture is summarized

in Chapter Appendix Table 3-A.16. Complications of forearm fracture include compartment syndrome, reflex sympathetic dystrophy, nonunion, malunion, radial nerve injury, post-traumatic arthritis, and

hypomobility of the elbow, forearm, and wrist.'·29

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