Insufferable Proximity (13 page)


‘Does everything that I ask of her with no hesitation.’


“What does that mean exactly?” she asked, already knowing the answer, but hoping it was not as bad as she feared it might be. He hated her, why would he all of the sudden want to do anything sexual with her?


“That means if I say I’m thirsty you bring me a drink. If I say I want to see you, you take off your top and sit on my lap,” she gasped and her chin dropped as he continued, “If I say I need to be inside of you, you pull up your skirt and drop to your knees. If I tell you to strip get in the middle of the table and spread your legs so I can eat you after I finish my meal, you better be naked before I finish my demand.”” he finished.


“You really are a twisted pervert, I know I‘ve joked about it in the past, but I had no idea just how depraved you really were.”


“And you’re a thief, but you need to know exactly what you’re getting yourself into.” he said then grinned “and how deep I will be getting into you.”


“You can’t just say stuff like that to me.” she snapped at him uncomfortable with this type of talk.


“Say stuff like that to you? Princess, I’m going to do stuff like that to you, plus ten times worse.” he raised his brow “but like I said, it’s your choice, you can refuse, but if you accept, know that I am going to turn you out. And don’t look so shocked, what did you expect? It’s your own fault, you broke into my office and destroyed my proposal.”


“Look, I’m sorry I broke into your office, you’ve made me pay enough, I get it, I’ll never do it again.” she said with a look of irritation and he was torn between slapping it off her face or kissing her hard enough to make her realize she had no control over this situation. “You need to stop this.”


“If I hadn’t of caught you, you would have never given yourself up. You would have made me look like a fool in front of my family and for that you haven’t even began to pay, but you will.” he took a sip of his drink “now take off your panties.”


“Excuse me?” she raised her bows in shock.


“You heard what I said.”


“You want me to take off my panties?” she stammered, partially from shock but she was also trying to stall him.




“Here?” she looked around in terror.


“Where else?” he said getting irritated with her approach at playing dumb, the girl was anything but dumb, she was hands down one of the most intelligent people he knew.


“I can’t do it, I absolutely refuse! I cannot remove my underwear in a public restaurant.” he was surprised to hear this well-spoken girl falter with her words. “That’s absurd and you’re sick for even suggesting it!”


“Fine,” he made a move to leave the table “the deal is off, I’ll see you at work tomorrow.” she watched him move away and she wanted him to leave, she wanted to kick him in the ass just so he’d hurry up and get away from her. Nevertheless, she knew she could not just let him walk away, she had worked too hard to quit now.


“Wait.” she said softly.




“Are you still going to turn me in?” she knew it was wishful thinking, but she had to try.


“Yes.” he answered then turned to leave again.


“Wait!” she snapped in frustration, figuratively speaking, this bastard had her between a sharp knife and a running chainsaw. There was nothing she could do and was becoming so consumed with her frustration that she felt her head might explode. “Wait.”


“What is it?” he was irritated now.


“I’ll do it.” she said putting her head down, unable to look him in the eyes while she admitted her defeat.


“Do what?” he asked her.


“What you asked me to do.”


“What did I ask you to do?” he raised his brows.


“To remove my panties.”


“But you didn‘t.”


“I said I would.”


“But you hesitated, the deals off.”


“What? No, wait!” she grabbed his arm as she slid closer to him, then immediately let go of him.


“The deal is off Miss Deville. I should have known better, you’d never honor that contract”


“Please don’t make me beg you.”


“If I don’t make you beg me, then I spend the next 30 days having you refuse me.”






“No, I won’t refuse.”


“You won’t? Then convince me,” he slid closer to her “take off your panties and give them to me.”


“Fine.” she said softly as she looked at him and he was shocked to see her blush. She reached under the table, reached up her long skirt, grabbing her panties, and then began to slide them off when he stopped her.




“Wait?” she asked, praying he changed his mind.


“I want to watch you,” he said then pushed the table away from the seat, “now get closer to me.” when she slid down the seat closer to him, he turned her so she faced him. “Alright, slide them off.”


“You really are a sick, twisted pervert.” she said in disgust


“You have no idea what I’m capable of or what I would put you through to amuse myself.” he grinned sadistically, “be happy I didn’t make you beg me to tear them off.” he grabbed her thigh and pulled her a little closer to him.


He reveled in her discomfort, watching her struggle to remove her panties without showing any skin. After an uncomfortable minute, she managed to slide them off.


“Give them to me.” he demanded and she complied. He held the plain white cotton panties in his hand for a moment, not the least bit surprised she wore something so unappealing, than slid them in his jacket pocket. “Good girl, now pull your skirt up.”




“Don’t start that shit again, pull up your skirt up to your waist, Miss Deville.”


“Hell no.” she looked around her


“No one can see you.”


“You can.”


“That’s the whole point Princess, I need to see you.”


“I am not going to do it.”


“So you’re breaking the deal?”


“No, but how do I know after I do all this your not going to turn me in?” she asked.


“How do I know you won’t break your contract because of the horrible things I’m going to be doing to you? You’re the thief here, the one whose word can’t be trusted.”


“If I break that contract, I’ll lose my career or go to jail.”


“And I want you under my control for the next 30 days more than I want you in jail. I want to do terrible things to you Miss Deville. There is so much to pay you back for over these last 3 years that 30 days will barely cover it. Now pull up your skirt.”


“I can’t do it, not here, let‘s go somewhere else.” she hated the fact that she had to plead with him.


“You better get used to this, this is your life for the next month. You better be happy I don’t have your jacket ripped open so I can look at your tits while I’m eating.” he said and she glared at him.


“Oh I really fucking hate you.”


“Be prepared to hate me even more. Now pull up your skirt before I lay you on top of the table and pull it up myself.”


She eyed him for another moment than looking around, satisfied no one was looking back, she lifted her skirt up high, but still making sure her now naked sex was covered. He saw her nervousness and wondered about it. He did not think he would ever see this girl sweat, she had gone toe to toe with some of the strongest attorneys around and had never broken a sweat. So why was she nervous just lifting her skirt? It had to be the fact that she was in public or maybe it was just him.


“Have you ever done anything in public before?”


“No.” she said refusing to look at him, keeping her eyes straight and glued to the god-awful painting on the wall. He did grin a little, the side of his mouth pulled up into a slight side grin.


“You don’t like being on display do you?”


“Not at all.”


“Good, than you’re in for a treat.” He reached down and slid her skirt up a little, exposing the tiniest dark patch, she tightened her legs together and when he slid his finger up the exposed area, she jumped. He grinned than kissed her cheek before he pulled her skirt back down, covering her.


“Treat? You mean torture.”


“One man’s torture is another man’s treat, I’m going to have a lot of fun with you Ms. Deville.” he grinned “now, sign the contract.” he demanded. Heaven closed her eyes and took the last deep breath of the evening, before snatching the pen from him and signing her name on the dotted line. She looked up to him and felt her anxieties rise as she realized she had just officially enslaved herself to the devil for the next thirty days. 



Contractual Obligation


-Saturday morning-


The storm had subsided, leaving the ground soft enough for the scattered tree branches to be submerged in its quicksand-trap. The trees softly cried for their broken limbs and the air seemed to spark with the remnants of electricity from the previous night’s powerful bouts of lightening.


Outside of the small house on 317 Elm Street, the trees surrounding the solid structure tilted to the left, their broken branches scattered over the sidewalk and circling the limo that was parked on the desolate street out front. The gorgeous chauffer stepped out of the sleek black limo, checking the number on the house to make sure it matched the number of the address her boss had given her.


Alice was not sure what she had been expecting, but the ominous little house that greeted her was definitely not an image she could conjure up on her own. It was a little spooky, the houses on either side were far enough away to make the house appear secluded. The old weeping willow tree in front rustled in the slight wind, forcing the entire scene to look like an animated gothic portrait, one that the chauffer was not excited to view nor enter. She quickly walked up the stone steps that led to the enclosed front porch and rang the doorbell. The screeching ring filtered the air, loud enough to wake the baby birds snuggled in their nests.


After a few minutes, the door flew open and a young woman, shrouded in a large red robe stood there with her eyes fixed on the newcomer. The contemptuous look in her eyes caused a ripple of fear to race up the chauffeur’s spine.


“Hi, I’m Alice, your official wake up call.” The chauffer smiled from ear to ear, looking so damn cheery that Heaven immediately wanted to slap her, instead she slammed the door. Alice, not the least bit surprised, opened the door right back up and took a step inside. “Mr. King said you might be a little grumpy.” she gave Heaven a sympathetic look for a moment before that ridiculously-cheery smile was back in place.


“Alice, listen I understand you work for a maniac who demanded you come over here and make me hurry up, but I’m warning you, my understanding only goes so far.” Heaven gave her the same sympathetic look that Alice had just given her. “And if you say one more word, you will understand exactly why you are being projected down my front steps.” she warned the girl, then turned around and walked back towards her room. Heaven shut the door wanting only to curl back up in her bed and sleep for the next week, completely avoiding this whole mess with Mr. King. Instead, she took a deep breath, realizing she had no choice but to get up and march willingly to her doom.


Alice shrugged her shoulders and took a seat on the couch, deciding to wait for her. Mr. King had been very adamant about not coming back to the house without Ms. Deville and Alice made it a point not to disappoint her moody boss.


Back in her room, Heaven threw on a ridiculously-hideous outfit, which was even uglier than the suit she had donned the previous night. Since she was in no rush, she took her time getting dressed before she finally emerged from her bedroom.


Alice was taken aback by the transformation. The girl who had answered the door and the girl who stood before her now did not even look like the same person. Even though the girl who answered the door was in pajamas and her hair was a mess, she was still gorgeous. Now she just looked like a complete mess, as if she was purposely trying to appear unattractive.


Alice could not understand why such a beautiful girl would want to hide her beauty. Alice was also surprised that such an obviously-conservative woman would ever have anything to do with a man like Julian King and she wondered what had brought the two polar opposites together. For once, she could applaud her boss’s conquest, this woman was nothing like the frivolous, sex-obsessed women he usually preferred. This woman had substance and a strong sense of self as well as an abundance of pride.


At least now, she understood the importance of Mr. King’s need to buy her some sexy clothes. He had ordered his new guest some things and told Alice to pick them up. It was strange, she had worked for him for over five years now and had been his designated gift purchaser just as long, but never once had he done something like this. He had never bought an entire wardrobe, let alone an outfit for a woman. He tended to give money, or jewelry that other women had left behind, but he never gave personalized gifts.




Heaven stepped out of the limo, her breath trapped in her lungs as she saw the magnificent mansion out of her peripheral vision. She stood up, looking directly at the large house, the sun illuminating the deep, red brick exterior, and casting a Heavenly glow across the large wrap-around porch. She had never seen such a beautiful home in her life and could not believe she would be a prisoner in such beauty for thirty whole days.

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