Insufferable Proximity (16 page)

“Relax your body.” He instructed, she was unnaturally tight and he realized all at once what was going on. He tried to wiggle his finger to test his theory, but he could not. The simple movement caused her to cry out and he turned to evaluate her intense reaction.


In his entire life, he had only been with one other girl who was as tight as Heaven, her name was Greta Bond, a sexy brunette he had met back in college. It had been an unpleasant experience for him, it was not her virginity that was the deciding factor, but her lack of sexuality. Although he and Greta were the same age, he was well educated in the ways of sex where she was still a virgin. Despite the fact that they eventually had sex, her mind was still enslaved to the laws of her virginity. Sex with Greta had been as productive as fishing in cement, her inexperience was unappealing to him and had tainted his view of virgins. Even though he knew it was wrong to judge other virgins by one woman with an overall distaste for sex, the experience had been horrific for him. He would rather go home and ejaculate by himself then waste his time with another inexperienced virgin.


However, Greta was no Heaven, Great had a weak spirit and lacked passion in everything she did. Greta preferred to stay with what was safe and was stuck in her backward beliefs. Heaven on the other hand, although she seemed to have a general distaste for all things sexually related, was very passionate with everything she did and preferred going out on limbs instead of playing it safe. Greta’s virginity made sense, but Heaven? There was no way in hell Ms. Deville was a virgin, the very thought was ludicrous, despite the fact that she dressed like a lost transient, she had a beauty that was almost irresistible. How could she possibly be virgin?


“Are you a virgin?” he asked, in disbelief, despite the strong evidence. She was too busy trying to calm the discomfort she felt as well as attempting to keep his eager hands at bay to answer him quick enough. “Answer me!”


“That’s none of your business” she tried to slide off his lap, but he tightened his grip around her hips and pulled her closer as his finger slid in a tiny bit deeper, forcing her to cry out and arch her body unnaturally.


“It is my business, I am going to be inside of you for every hour of everyday for the next 30 days, which means everything about you is my business.” he pulled his finger out a little. “Now, are you a virgin?”


“Take it out and I‘ll tell you.”


“You don’t make demands anymore Heaven.” he snapped sliding his finger as deep as it could go, forcing her to cry out at the discomfort. “You better answer me.” he said and she realized he would not stop until she did.


“Stop calling me that!” she snapped, hating to hear her name especially under these circumstances.


“Answer me!” he roared


“Yes!” she yelled back.


“Yes what?” he needed her to repeat it because he had to hear it straight from her own lips in order to believe it.


“Yes, my hymen is still intact.”


“How the fuck is that even possible?” he looked at the gorgeous girl and could not understand how she was still a virgin. “Look at you, how the hell are you still a virgin at 26?”


“How the hell are you such a whore at 31?” she shot back defensively.


“Practice.” he grinned with pride as he wiggled his finger inside of her.


“Stop moving your finger!” she grabbed his wrist again. “Take it out!”


“No, I don’t ever want to take it out.” he slid his finger out slowly then back inside of her, making her arch and stiffen up her body. “You feel too good in there, I can’t wait to slide this beast inside of you.” he said pushing his hardened erection up against her soft behind. “Now be a good girl and slide you panties down for me.”




“No?” he asked raising a brow “What did I tell you about telling me no?” he asked, sliding his finger out of her and she felt her whole body shiver for reasons unbeknownst to her. She then watched him slide his finger in his mouth and moan at the taste. “I thought you would taste like sulfur and brimstone, but you taste good, more like heaven than hell.” he whispered into her ear, kissing the soft skin below it, “stand up.” she stood up as quickly as she could, happy to put a little bit of space  between them. Being that close to him was starting to do things to her, things she could not quite comprehend.


He slid her panties to her knees as she looked up at the ceiling, refusing to let him see the humiliation written all over her face. He looked her up and down, running his fingers through the patch of waves covering her sex.


“This comes off first thing in the morning.’ he said and Heaven felt her blush burn her face with his casual talk about such a personal subject, she refused to even comment. “Come here.” he said and then pulled her closer when she did not attempt to move “lay over my lap.”






“Why?” she asked instead as she attempted to pull back.


“What did I tell you about asking questions and telling me no?” he growled yanking her until she laid face down over his lap. He placed his hand on the small of her back, holding her still and preventing her from moving. He slid his free hand down the soft skin of her back, then drawing back his arm, he brought his hand down on her round behind.


“What the hell!” she yelled trying to get loose.


“Every time you say no I am going to strip you naked and beat your ass.” He spanked her seven times and she yelled as if he was killing her.


“Stop it!” she roared.


“Then stop telling me no.” he warned her, stopping long enough to caress her warm behind. “Don’t get me wrong, I’d prefer for you to keep telling me no, you have no idea how long I’ve wanted to put you over my knee and beat your ass.” He smacked her butt lightly one last time before letting her go. The moment she felt the iron slab of his hand lift from her back, she jumped up and stepped back away from him, her hand on her sore behind.


“Yeah well you have no idea how long I’ve wanted to choke you and one day I’ll get my wish too.” she snapped at him, refusing to let her tears so much as moisten her eyes. Never in her life had she been so humiliated nor had she been treated like a child, even her own mother had never spanked her.


“Say one more word and I will yank you back over my lap and spank your ass again.”


“You can’t just spank me!”


“Why not?”


“I’m a grown woman, adults don’t get spanked!”


“They do if they destroy their boss’s computer.”


“You’re not my boss!” she hissed.


“Not yet, but after I land that coveted position I will be.”


“You’re not going to win, you might as well give up.” she said, despite the vulnerability her nudity brought to her, there were some things that could not be left unsaid, regardless of the situation.


“If you didn’t think I was going to win, you wouldn’t have broken into my office in the first place.”


“The only reason I even considered you winning is because you are the boss’s son.” she said and she held her grin as she watched her words hit their mark. He rose to his full height and she took a few steps back before turning and running for the door with Julian fast on her heels. He grabbed her before she even made it to the door, grabbing her from behind, he held her tightly as she fought to get loose.


“I should just let you leave” he whispered in her ear, his breath warm against the back of her neck, “and let you break the contract. Then I get to destroy your career, and I still got to touch you for free.” his words hit Heaven hard and she stopped fighting.


“You wouldn’t.”


“Why wouldn’t I? All you do is fight me.”


“I won‘t.”


“Liar, come with me.” he led her back to the door they came in, then up the circular stairs to his office. He grabbed his briefcase, the handcuffs and ushered her towards the office door that led out into the house.


“I am not walking around naked.” she objected, stopping before they reached the door.


“The staff is gone until morning, it‘s just us.”


“I don’t care I’m still not doing it.”


“You don’t have a choice.” he spoke, daring her to object.


“Don’t make me do this.”


“You need to get used to this Heaven,” he said before picking her up in his arms, “this is just the beginning.”


“Fine I’ll walk, I’ll walk!” she protested but he carried her up to his bedroom.


Once they were upstairs, he sat her down in the middle of his large bed, then stood back to look at her, his eyes burning holes in her bare skin. She felt particularly vulnerable sitting there naked while he stood by the side of the bed, towering over her, fully dressed. She wished the situation were reversed, she wished he had been the one stupid enough to break into her office and was currently under her control.


He finally broke his untamed stare, squatting down, he reached under the side of the bed and pulled out a long, thick metal chain with two leather cuffs attached to the free end. The chain was attached to the floor below his bed and each cuff had its own individual lock, making it virtually impossible to escape.


“What is that for?” she asked as he grabbed her ankle, “You know I can’t run away, I won’t risk my career.”


“It’s not about running away, it’s about you being under my control in every sense of the word. You can’t leave the room, you can’t eat or even go to the bathroom without my permission.” he said as he attached the cuff to her leg then secured the tiny albeit powerful lock. “This device will force you to swallow your pride and beg me for the basic necessities.”


“I will never voluntarily beg you, I’d rather starve.” she scowled at him, wishing her arms were long enough to slug him then get out of the room before he attacked. “You know, one day I will get you back for this.” she finished with a frown.


“Then I better make sure that I get everything I want and do everything that I want to do to you before you do.” he grinned, using her own threat against her. “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you have the perfect reasons for revenge”


“I already have plenty.” she tried to cover her breasts with her arms and he watched her modest actions in bewilderment.


“You obviously haven’t had sex, so what have you done?” he asked.


“What do you mean?”


“Have you had oral sex?”


“No.” she looked at him in disgust. “If I didn’t even have sex what makes you think I would have oral sex?”


“Have you been fondled? Fingered?”


“Excuse me?”


“Has anyone stuck their finger inside of you?”


“No!” she snapped, ready for this uncomfortable conversation to be over. “You are so vulgar.”


“Have you been touched sexually, someone slid their hand up your thigh or maybe grabbed your breasts?”


“No! No one has ever touched me,” she frowned in utter contempt “except you.” with that, his smug smile spread across his face as he sat on the edge of the bed, facing her.


“Have you touched yourself?” he asked sliding his fingertips up her thigh to lightly tap her sex, watching her try to shift away from him.




“Tell me the truth, you have nothing to be ashamed of with me” he assumed if she had ever experimented with masturbation, she would be too embarrassed to admit it. He still could not believe this woman was a virgin, it just didn‘t make sense and certainly did not fit with the image he had of her.


“No I have not.”


“Then you’ve never had an orgasm before?”


“Obviously not.”


“That’s a shame.” he shook his head. “But I’m delighted I’ll be the first to give you one.”


“Now I wish I had of just gave it up to some random guy.” she said sarcastically.


“Don’t say that. I’m glad you waited, I’m glad I’ll be your first, it’s the perfect payback.” he grinned smugly right before she slapped his face, and then drew back her hand to slap him again. He grabbed her wrist before she made contact. She refused to flinch even though he twisted her wrist forcing her to sit back down. He grabbed both of her wrists in one hand and held them behind her back as he bent his head then took her nipple in his mouth.


It was a feeling like none she had ever felt before. It was such an intense pleasure ripping through her torso, and tingling through her breasts. She felt her whole body begin to succumb and she shook her head to try to get herself under control. She feared she would cry out in defeat and beg him to stop just as she felt the pain rock through her. She cried out as he latched his teeth onto her nipple, she tried to pull back but realized immediately that made it worse. After an intense minute, he finally let go then looked at her.


“If you ever slap me again, I will draw blood.” he threatened her, pinching the sore tip just enough to make her squirm, although he had no intentions of ever marring her skin. “Do you understand?” he asked and when she did not answer, he pinched the tip tighter “Do you?”




“Yes what?”


“Yes Mr. King.” she spat the words out her mouth like garbage.


“Good girl, now come and sit on my lap.” he demanded and she eventually went over to him then carefully sat down on his lap, her legs locked tightly together. He lightly kissed her lips and when she tried to turn her head he grabbed her chin and forced her head back, but she still refused to kiss him back.

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