Insufferable Proximity (20 page)


“No he didn‘t, sorry.” she shrugged, “but he got you a present.” she handed the gift to a reluctant Heaven, who took the box as if she were grabbing a rattlesnake. Refusing to acknowledge she liked the gorgeous red bow on top, she yanked the box opened and pulled out a tiny grey strapless dress.


“What the hell is this?” she asked looking at the dress as if she held up a miniature shark that was attempting to bite her fingers off.


“Your dress, don’t you love it!” Alice smiled in excitement.


“Absolutely not! It looks like a glorified tube top.” she frowned at the smutty little grey dress. “I am not wearing this.”


“That’s cool, I’ll just do your hair and makeup, anything else is between you and Mr. King.” Alice smiled, excited to get to work on Heaven‘s thick mane of hair.




Julian was sipping a glass of cognac, still angry about Heaven’s refusal to abide by his rules. He was furious that she had deliberately disobeyed him at work today and worn one the suits he had banned from her wardrobe. He was trying to subdue his frustration when Alice knocked on his office door then walked in.


“Her hair and makeup are done.”


“And the dress?”


“Um, I don’t think she liked the dress too much, Mr. King.” she frowned for a moment then smiled ear to ear, “Goodnight.” she waved her hand like a beauty contestant, then hurried out of the house, she was late for a date with a dreamy girl.


Julian already knew Heaven was going to give him trouble about that dress and wearing it in public, just as she had given him trouble about wearing her new suit to work. He sat in his chair finishing his cognac, she had better come down in that dress, regardless of whether she wanted to or not, she had a contract and his word was law. Tonight, he would teach her a valuable lesson about modesty and disobedience.




Heaven sat on the bed looking at the skimpy little dress, angry that he would even suggest her wearing it, then she got even angrier when she realized he hadn’t suggested anything, he had demanded she wear it and with no panties. She could not take this man one more night, she was liable to kill him after this evening, so she took a deep breath, trying to contain her rage.


She looked through the closet at all the clothes he had bought for her, all the whorish, demeaning outfits he wanted her to parade around in. She was a sex object to him, nothing more and nothing less. At least before all of this mess he had respected her, despite the fact that hatred had been their only relationship. Now there was no respect, how could there be, he owned all the rules and he mastered her with them. She despised him and he was forcing her to respect him and forcing her to respect what he could do to her body. He was subjecting her to feelings she could not escape if she wanted to. He was opening something up inside of her and she hated him for it.


She finally grabbed the dress and walked over to the mirror. What choice did she have? If she did not wear it, he would either beat her or break the contract. On the other hand, if she did wear it, he would be able to do things to her that would turn her own body against her. However, to spite him and maintain a little bit of her control, she slid on the dress but put her hair up in a bun and kept her panties on.


He heard her coming towards the stairs and walked out to the bottom waiting for her. He watched her descend, a vision in smoke grey, so beautiful he was sure his manhood would burst into pieces it was so hard. The dress barely contained her large breasts and it stopped right below her Mons, which meant her butt would be exposed in the back. The silver stilettos emphasized her legs and he suddenly understood the whole foot fetish craze now.


Heaven watched his reaction as she drew closer to him, fighting the feeling of enjoyment that it brought her. She wished she would permanently wipe that smug smile from his face. By the time she reached the bottom, his grin had twisted into a disapproving frown.


“What did I tell you?” he asked.


“You’ve given me like 30 commands just today, how am I supposed to know which one you mean.”


“Take your hair down.” he demanded and she looked at him as if she would object for a minute before she reached up and un-wrapped the bun. As she unraveled the bun, he lifted her dress up to her belly, seeing the panties and frowning. As soon as she let her hair down, she yanked her dress back in place. “What do you expect? I am not going out in public with my butt hanging out the bottom of this dress!” she protested, stomping her stiletto on the floor to emphasize her point. “It’s bad enough you’re forcing me to go out in this dress in the first place, I’m half naked!”


“You don’t have a choice, you broke into my office and you have to pay the price.” he held up what appeared to be a long, slim black box and with the flick of his wrist, a thin paddle slid out from the wide handle.


“What the hell is that, some type of switch blade paddle?”


“This is your incentive to obey me tonight,” he lifted her dress back up to her waist “now bend over.” he pointed to the stairs.


“Excuse me?”


“Turn around, bend over the stairs and put your palms flat down on the steps.” he demanded and she scowled as she turned around and obeyed him. She could not wait until this contract ended, she would slug him right in the jaw for this, but for now, she had no choice but to comply.


“Every time you disobey me, I promised that I would punish you.” he explained as he brought the paddle down against her butt, taking care not hit her too hard. He did not want to hurt her and he refused to mar her skin, he just wanted to make her follow his rules without objection.


She clenched her teeth and prepared for the next one. It was not too bad, it did not hurt her physically but it was seriously wounding her pride. She was starting to hate this man more and more by the minute. He had smacked her lightly four more times before he finished. He slid the paddle on the table then ran his hand over her warm behind before sliding her panties down to her knees. He knelt down behind her spread legs, and then slid his fingers over her bare sex, spreading her flesh widely before his fingers focused on the task of making her squirm.


He was almost ticking her sex, his finger pushing between her lips and grazing the nub that was still pulsing from the last time he touched it. He slid his finger into her opening and she tried to pull away but he grabbed her thigh and yanked her back.


She was trying to be strong, trying to get through this without breaking down in tears or anger and attempted murder. She could handle the humiliation of the spanking, but this is what she could not handle, the touching, the kissing, and the sexual aspect of this whole debacle. She did not want to enjoy what he was doing but he was trying to prove to her that she did and it seemed like their new competition would not end until she admitted she liked it. Well he would be waiting until the fires of hell swept across earth, causing the entire planet to melt than freeze over before she admitted she enjoyed it.


Julian helped her stand up, watching her beautiful form as she did so. He knew she wanted to choke him and he grinned at the rage she was trying to suppress.


“Next time I tell you no panties, I mean no panties.” he reached over, grabbed a damask printed box off the end table, and opened it before her. Inside was an elaborately designed mask that matched her dress and she immediately knew that the silver, grey and charcoal colored creation would cover the top half of her face. She almost smiled as she realized no one would ever recognize her.


“Where are we going?” she asked as he walked her to the limousine.


“Just a small get together.” he said for a lack of better words. He helped her in the vehicle then slid in behind her.




They drove for what seemed like an hour to her, all the while he forced her to sit across from him with her legs spread and her dress hiked up to her waist. They finally stopped in front of their destination and he helped her out of the limousine, then with his hand possessively on her hip, he led her into the large, two-story building close to the beach.


“It looks like its closed.” she said seeing no vehicles, the windows looked black and there were no lights on. Just as she was ready to state what she observed, the front door suddenly opened and a very tall woman with lavender hair stepped out to greet them.


“Evening sir.” she purred in her deep voice, and opened the door for them. Julian led Heaven inside of the strange looking restaurant and a dozen oddly-dressed dinners looked towards them.


Inside, the dilapidated building looked like it had been gutted out, but the elaborate decorations had helped turn the dump into a swanky spot to dine. The deep purple walls with the red pinstripes and the black rug below her feet helped diminish the back alley feel. The restaurant was void of any natural light due to the thick black drapes preventing it from intruding on the dark setting.  Although the whole place appeared to lack lighting, there were small lamps at each individual table that the costumers could control themselves. The main source of light came from the monstrous bar to the right, where three nude women danced as if they were auditioning for an aerobics video. Despite the darkness, Heaven could see that the motley group of scantily clad diners were doing their own sexually enhanced activities at their tables and were no longer interested in them.


“Evening sir,” a very short man with fuchsia colored hair fashioned into a high Mohawk, grinned at them “your usual spot is ready.” he announced proudly before he led them through the restaurant and towards a very secluded spot in the back.


The seats looked like miniature, dark-grey daybeds heaping with red, purple and glittery, charcoal-grey pillows. The table was a round piece of glass held up by a thick metal base designed to look like three nude woman holding the glass in place.


“What kind of a restaurant is this?” she asked looking around at the tables separated by walls for those who wanted privacy, but there was an open section of tables in the middle for those who wanted to be seen as they dinned in various states of undress.


“A restaurant that caters to my needs.”


“So it‘s a restaurant for highly sexed perverts?” just as she finished her words, a different waiter brought over a large silver tray of freshly cut fruits.  Going out in public with such, an overtly sexual man took a little getting used to and Heaven was consumed with an unsettled feeling of dread.


“Buzz us when you’re ready sir.” the waiter said before he left. Julian grabbed the bottle of champagne and poured her a glass.


“I told you I don’t drink.” She shook her head.


“Drink it,” he insisted she take the glass, “you’re going to need it.”


“Why?” she asked feeling her excitement over power her dread. “I’m not doing anything sexual here.” she looked at him.


“We’ll see.” he grinned smugly.


“I am warning you right now Mr. King we will not be having any type of sexual relations in this establishment!”


“You don’t make the rules anymore Heaven.”


“Stop calling me that!” she hissed, already fed up with his demands and taunts. She was beginning to reach her boiling point, contract be damned.


“It’s your name.” he said grabbing her thigh and pulling her closer to him.


“A name that I despise and you know it.”


“I like it and that’s all that matters.”


“If you insist on calling me anything other than Ms. Deville, then call me Sevigne, it’s my middle name.”


“No, I’m calling you by your first name, it fits.”


“It does not fit!” she objected.


“Yes it does.”


“Heaven is a brothel name.” she blurted out.


“A brothel name?” he looked at her with a huge grin, “How the hell do you see Heaven as a brothel name?”


“It just sounds like a name a woman used right before a man gave her money. There are girls that use names like that, they think it’s good for business.” was her excuse, since she refused to tell him the real reason she felt it was a brothel name was only because she was given that name after being born in a brothel, the same brothel she had been conceived and raised in.


“How the hell would you know that?” he asked.


“It’s just common sense.” she refused to tell this man the truth about how she knew such things, “names like Ecstasy or Vision, Divine, Angel and Heaven, despite the true meaning of the words, tend to invoke a certain image in a man’s head. And let’s face it, if you know me, Heaven is the last name you would ever think to call me. It just doesn’t fit, it’s not me.”


“Yes it does fit,” he ran his hand up her thigh, “and yes that is you. Have you taken a good look at yourself?


“I see myself every day.”


“Next time you object to the name Heaven, if you even so much as frown or show distaste, I am going to strip you in front of the mirror and force you to take a good look at yourself.”


“Yeah, that’s not going to work.”  She scoffed, she did not look at herself in the mirror unless it was for a reason.


“Look at you right now even.” he said sliding his arm around her shoulder and pulling her even closer to him. She did not mind, she preferred to hide under his shoulder, she was scandalized by leaving the house in the tiny scrap of material that he called a dress. Even if half the people in the room were half-naked, it did not matter, even the mask concealing her identity could not help. “Do you have any idea how tempting you are Ms. Deville?”

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