Insufferable Proximity (23 page)


But the worst part was, she was becoming accustomed to his demands and it infuriated her.




After work Julian took Heaven straight up to his room and stripped her down in record time. He was inside of her for hours before he finally forced himself to stop long enough to eat.


“We need to eat. Come on.” he took her hand, but she immediately pulled back.


“I’m not leaving this room until I get a robe or something.” she said.


“Out of the question, I want to be able to see you and touch you without anything in the way.” he said in a tone that gave her a chill down her back.


“You let me get dressed earlier.”


“I let you get dressed because you were going out in public, but now seeing that my act of generosity is working against me, I will make sure to never be generous like that again.” he stated and she glared at him, fighting the overwhelming need to smack him.


He took her downstairs to the kitchen, all the while, she tried to cover various parts of her body with her arms and hands. He could not help but be amused by her modesty, finding it difficult to believe someone so bold and aggressive at work was so painfully shy when it came to nudity.


“No one’s here.” he grinned at her, wrapping his arm around her. Normally she would object or try to pull away, but his large body was the only thing shielding her nudity, at this point. It was such a strange feeling for her, to be welcoming her enemy’s body pressed against hers, she frowned when he stepped away. He grabbed three large platters from the fridge then grabbed a bottle of wine and handed it to her before grabbing a large bakery bag then heading out of the kitchen.


“I’ll carry the bag too.” she said, realizing the bag was large enough to shield her nudity.


“No you won’t.” he grinned knowing what she was thinking. “I want to see every inch of you while we walk back up to my room.


“Pervert.” she mumbled under her breath, leaving him to continue gloating.


“Walk ahead of me, I want to see that pretty little pussy peeking out at me when I go up the stairs.”


He carried the large trays, unable to touch her, but she gave a terrific view as her beautiful behind swerved back and forth, as she walked up the stairs before him. If he had a free finger, he would be slipping it inside of her as she walked. He led her through his bedroom to the doors that led to a large balcony that faced the enormous back yard. There was a large, dark-metal, round table in the middle, four matching chairs surrounding it and a miniature pirate ship in the center.


“I am not going out there.” she said stopping at the door and covering her private parts with her arms and hands.


“Why not?”


“It’s outside, I am not going outside naked.”


“Yes you are, I’m going to break you of that modesty around me.” he grabbed her arm and yanked her to the balcony. “This is my private land no one is out here this time of night.” he said but she turned the chair around so that she had her back to the outside.


“This is wrong on so many different levels.” she said watching him sit down in the seat across from her.


“Why are you so afraid to show your body?” he asked her leaning back in the chair as she looked away from him


“I’m not afraid to show my body.” she retorted in defense.


“Yes you are, you wear horrible suits and corsets that flatten your breasts.”


“I just don’t understand why it’s necessary to show so much skin.” she shrugged, forcing her breasts to bounce and he moaned as he felt himself harden even more.


“It’s necessary,” he slid his hand across the under swell of her large breast and she shivered.


“But why?”


Because you’re beautiful and you should be naked. You have a body that was created to be on display. I‘m a lucky man.”


“Lucky? I broke into your office and tried to sabotage your chance at becoming partner.” Heaven raised her brows in bewilderment.


“For which I am eternally grateful.”


“How can you be grateful?” her words revealed her frustration and confusion with her current predicament.


“Because I got you out of the deal. I’ve already told you, I would have paid top dollar for you and I managed to get you on a fluke.”


“Only for the remainder of the contract, but then again, it may be even less, knowing how bored you get with women. You haven’t been with the same women for seven straight days, there is no way in hell you’ll manage thirty.” she grinned smugly.


“I refuse to waste an hour of my time with you, I would be a fool not to take advantage of your beauty. It would be like starving myself when I have a billion dollar buffet in front of me, it’s pointless and painful.”


“You really are a deviant.” she whispered


“That I Am.” he admitted. He never labeled himself, but he did have quirks, fetishes and bouts of superiority, which led to extremely aggressive tendencies. He opened the trays of food and sat them on the table. “Eat something, you’re going to need the energy, I haven’t even gotten started with you yet.” he said devouring a spicy chicken wing.


“I’m not hungry.” she frowned turning her head away from the food. She was a little hungry but there was no way in hell she would consume any of this fattening food. Maybe if he had a plate of tasteless salad she would partake, but she would not pollute her body with garbage, and the fried chicken wings looked greasy enough to clog her arteries with an adequate amount of unnecessary fat to last a year.


“You haven’t eaten all day.”




“So you need to eat something.”


“I’m not hungry.” she hissed in impatience watching him inhale a piece of pizza, she quickly changed the subject. “I can’t believe I have to live here with you.” she shook her head.


“You have no one to blame but yourself for that.” he said opening the deli bag and pulling out an enormous chocolate chip cookie. It was one of Heaven’s weaknesses, she loved chocolate chip cookies and had not had one since she turned 18. He took a bite and moaned with delight, “These are the best,” he said putting the cookie to her lips “try it.”


“No thank you,” she pushed his hand away “I don’t eat cookies.”


“How can you not like chocolate chip cookies?” He asked looking at her as if a parasite had beamed down from mars and sucked out all of the good sense she had left.


“I didn’t say I didn’t like them, I said I don’t eat them.” she corrected him.


“Why not?” he asked really looking at her strangely now.


“To many calories.” she answered


“Are you serious?” he asked in astonishment. “Why the hell are you worried about calories? Your body is perfect.” he said as if it was common knowledge. She looked at him as if he was some slimy creature trying to crawl up her foot. She did not care for compliments about her body that was part of the reason she wore the hideous suits, but for some reason she felt a twinge of pride to hear him say that.


“It goes straight to my butt.” she frowned.


“What’s wrong with that? You have a beautiful ass.” he said grabbing a cookie out of the bag and handing it to her. “Besides, you’ll burn all of those calories off by the time I’m finished with you tonight.”


“I said no.” she turned her head just as the magnificent aroma of chocolate drifted up her nostrils.


“It’s a rule.” he said, knowing damn well she wanted to eat the cookie. Girls and their weight, he would never understand it. Women were beautiful regardless of their size, he loved them all.




“Do you want me to get the contract you signed?”


“You can’t force me to eat a cookie.” she sat up.


“I can force you to strip naked and spread your legs, why would eating a cookie be so hard to enforce?”


“I’m not eating it, and you can’t make me.”


“But you know I can.” he pulled her chair closer to his. “Just take a bite.” he urged her and she huffed before she grabbed the cookie and took a bite. She was scowling as she chewed and then it happened, it was like an old friend whom she had not seen in years coming back home to visit. It was ecstasy, an oral orgasm and she felt herself being pulled into its chocolaty trap.


“Damn that is good.” she said after she swallowed.


“I told you.” he grinned as he watched her continue to eat the cookie. “I know what can make it better.”


“What, Milk?”


“Better then milk.” he grinned then bent his head to her breast taking just the tip into his mouth running his tongue in circles around her hardened nipple, sending chills throughout her torso, and making her other nipple pucker up. He spread her legs wide, putting them on either side of the arms of the chair then reached back and pulled the lever to make the chair recline more.


She watched him as he slid the soft cookie down her belly then sliding it over her sex, and she twitched as the chocolaty treat slid over the engorged nub. She tried to turn her head as the visuals along with the feelings began to overwhelm her. She wanted to close her eyes to the invasive pleasure, but could not, instead she watched as he spread her flesh wider then slid the cookie to her opening, dipping the cookie in as if she was a container filled with frosting, and he grinned as he took a small bite of the cookie.


“It’s even better than it was before.” he whispered before he crumbled the chocolate chip cooker over her sex, then went to his knees, kneeling between her legs, and slowly ate the cookie from her flesh.


“Oh god!” she whispered, trying to control the intense feeling creeping up her body. She could feel his tongue shifting the cookie, then scooping up the pieces and sliding across her flesh as he feasted on the treat. Using his tongue, he slid a chunk of melting chocolate over her clit, covering the sensitive nub before taking it back into his mouth.




At work the next morning, Julian was in a strange state of mind, he wanted Heaven, but he knew she was more dangerous to him now then she had ever been before. She had this way about her, something she was not even aware of yet. Hell, she did not know the first thing about her sexuality, but here she was wielding it like a professional, well he needed to remind her who the boss was, who ruled who.


By lunchtime, he wanted her and refused to deny himself any longer, he was not built for the whole waiting game, so he sent for her.




Heaven frowned when she got the message, Julian had sent for her, like some lowly flunky, he actually sent for her. How strange to be sent for by your peer, a man who was supposed to be her equal. She walked hard down the hallway to his office, seeing his secretary packing up for lunch.


“He’s expecting you Ms. Deville.” Ms. Cooke said and Heaven was sure the secretary knew what they were up to. How could she not, for two people who could not be in the same room with each other without a verbal altercation, she sure was coming to his office an awful lot this week. Heaven turned scarlet as she walked into Julian’s office. She would have Julian King’s guts for garters if this got out!


“You’re late.” he said looking at his watch.


“How am I late? I just found out you wanted to see me.”


“I told you to be here by noon.”


“It is noon.”


“It’s ten minutes after.” he put up his finger and motioned for her to come to him. She took a tiny step in his direction. “Right here.” he said pointing next to him. She watched him cautiously as she walked around to stand before him. “When I tell you 12:00, you better be at my door with your panties off waiting for me at 11:59.” he explained as one would explain to a daft child. Heaven wanted to slap him and explain that she was not an imbecile, she was as smart, if not smarter than he was. Instead, she kept her mouth shut, knowing her anger would only provoke him and make him want her more, when her only intention was to make it out of his office untouched. “Now turn around.”


“No way.” she shook her head.


“Turn around.” he demanded and she reluctantly complied. When he ran his fingers down the curve of her butt, she turned her head back to look at him.


“Don’t forget your promise to your father.” she reminded him.


“I promised not to have sexual intercourse.” he slid his hand up her calf, his fingertips sliding up the back of her knee. “We’ll work around it.” he bent his head and kissed her soft behind, his fingers sinking into her hips.


“You know as well as I do that if you get started you’re not going to be able to stop.” her words rang true to his ears, but he would be dammed if he listened to them. 


“Bend over my desk.”


“No way, not here anyone could walk in.”


“You’re refusing me?” he asked and she hesitated before she nodded. “Fine, you can leave.” he said going back to his paper work as if she was no longer there. She stood there staring at him for a moment, wanting to run over and ring his neck. She hated him for forcing her into this position, but she hated herself worse for allowing him to put her in this position.


What the hell had possessed her to break into his office? She would never forgive herself, that mistake would haunt her until the end of her days.


“Why are you still here?” he asked dismissively.


“Because if I leave you’ll call your father and rat me out.” she bent over his desk giving him an excellent view of her behind as she turned back to look at him. “I’m not losing my job.”

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