Insufferable Proximity (25 page)


He was teetering on the edge of control and he did not like it one bit. He did not like the fact that she could bring him to such a state and he did not like the fact that he could not control his own emotions when he decided to. His mind was screaming for him to leave her alone, to break the contract and never think of her again. To just cut her off now and go cold turkey, because that need he had for her would only increase. However, the other part of him was demanding he go get her, to bring her in his office, then lock the door and release his frustration on her.


By lunch, he was ready to kill and furious with himself for wasting his ‘free sex in the office’ passes on two secretaries with whorish tendencies, when he could have been having sex with Heaven right now instead.


He decided if he were going to keep his promise to his father, he would have to stay in his office most of the day, trying to avoid Heaven. Because he knew if he saw her, he would not be able to control himself, he was almost at the edge as it was.


After work, he watched Heaven leave her office, and then walked over to her. Her eyes grew wide as she watched him approach, silently pleading with him not to make a scene. There was no one in their immediate proximity, but they did not need to be close enough to hear him, what he was thinking was clearly written all over his face, it was obvious what he wanted.


“Hurry up.” he growled low, then turned around and headed towards his private exit that led to his parking spot. His father had not trusted him enough to keep his promise and had given him a secluded parking spot that no one could access but him. He was in the car, his leg shaking as he looked at his watch several times before Heaven finally got in the car


“I told you to hurry up.” he growled, speeding out of the parking area.


“Mr. Grant stopped me.”


“Why did he stop you?” he asked, not liking the idea of Gavin Grant anywhere near her.


“He was asking me advice about the new case he has, he said he’s a little worried.”


“The two of you have nothing to talk about.”


“He needed help.” she shrugged her shoulders not understanding where Julian was going with this. “Besides, you should be happy, he complemented me on the suit you forced me to wear today.”


“He what?” he roared as he thought about all of the times he had seen the two of them conversing over the last three years. It was common knowledge that Heaven did not socialize with her co-workers, but Julian had caught her talking to Gavin on occasion. For reasons unbeknownst to him, Julian felt his anger accelerate at the mere thought of them together. Up until this point, Julian never had a problem with Gavin, but that could quickly change. “I don’t want you talking to him.” he commanded, trying to calm himself down before he did something wicked. He was not familiar with his current emotions and could not understand them let alone attempt to control them.


“That’s kind of hard, considering I work with him.”


“I don’t care, I don’t want you speaking to him and I don’t want you anywhere near him. I don’t even want you looking at him.” he roared as he sped down the street.


“That’s craziness, you can’t expect me not to speak to my co-workers. It doesn’t even make sense.”


“It doesn’t have to make sense, it’s in the contract.” he was racing as fast as he could home, but it just was not enough. He could smell her and damn near taste her, and now hearing about this new development with Gavin Grant? He could not take it anymore.


“Why? Why don‘t you like Gavin?” she scoffed giving him a dirty look and he read more into it, he sped fast then squealed his tires as he pulled over to the side of the road. “What the hell are you doing? Are you trying to kill us?” she snapped.


“You’re on a first name basis with him now?” he asked.




“Get in the back.” he nodded towards the back as he opened the car door.


“Oh hell no, I am not doing it in the back seat of a car, that’s high school shit.”


“Get in the back seat.” he said with an authority and a frustration she did not dare tamper with any more than the basic refusal. He was crazed when he got like this and there was just no stopping him.


“I absolutely outright
!” she yelled at him as he got out of the car and came around to her side. He opened her door and grabbed her arm, pulling her out of the car before shoving her in the backseat. He quickly climbed on top of her, holding her down to the seat, preventing her from getting up.


“You tell me right now what’s up with you and Gavin Grant.” he demanded, his face close to hers as her grabbed her wrists and pulled them above her head.


“There’s nothing up.” she tried to pull away from him as he unzipped his pants and released his thick member. “No, not in the car!” she cried trying to buck him off. Still holding her wrists above her head with one hand, he grabbed her thigh tightly, spread her legs wide, and then positioned himself.


“You better tell me now before I get carried away.” He warned her, but his threat was having the opposite effect on her and she remained silent long enough for him to follow through on his threat. He slid deep inside of her and she arched her back as he impaled her. He did not move, instead he grabbed her face and forced her to look at him. “Did he ever come on to you?” she felt the tremor begin and could not comprehend what he was saying. “You better answer me! Did he hit on you?”


“No.” she looked into his eyes, arching her back again, trying to get him to move, she needed him to move. At that point she did not care that they were in the car, she needed him to move, just one little shift of his hips would do the trick.


“Has he ever touched you?”


“No, I told you no one has.”


“Only me?”’ he asked and she nodded.


“Only you.”


“Say it.” he demanded.


“Only you’ve touched me, I swear.” she said, knowing it would help to sate him.


“I’m warning you Heaven,“ he bent his head down , his lips inches form hers, “it better stay that way.” he kissed her and began moving his hips again, he pumped in and out of her body faster, forcing her back to the seat. They both moaned into their kiss and he ran his free hand down her chest, unbuttoning the top few buttons of her shirt. He broke the kiss to frown at her when he felt the bra restraining her breasts. “What did I tell you about these?” he bent his head, took the material between his teeth and fist then tore the front, baring her breasts to his eager eyes.


“I forgot.” She lied breathlessly. He was actually relived to know she had been wearing her bra while talking to Mr. Gavin Grant.


He took her home and continued to ravish her body until the wee hours of the morning.



Petal’s Dinner Party


The exhausting week had finally come to an end, leaving just three more weeks of the contract for Heaven to conquer before her cherished freedom. She tried not to focus on the fact that meant three more weeks of Julian’s endless hands-on approach and the tempting conditions at the office. She was sitting in the large, over-stuffed chair by the fireplace when Julian walked into the room.


“You have to get ready.” he said as he walked towards her.


“Ready for what?” she asked.


“It’s a surprise.”


“I don’t like your surprises.” she pouted.


“I know.” he kissed her pouty lips lightly.


“Ugh, do we have to go?” she asked stretching out on the bed, “Can’t we just stay here tonight?”


“We‘re going, Alice will be here soon to help you.” he waited for her to argue that she didn’t need help, but was pleasantly surprised to see her just nod in response. He grinned, then was across the room and out of the door before she was even able to drag herself from the bed.


Why did he do this to her? Why did he make her feel all magical and euphoric then expect her to forget the lingering feelings, get dressed and go to some random get together? She wanted to just lay there and enjoy the feelings still bubbling throughout her body.


She had just managed to walk over to her dresser when Alice knocked at the door. There was no mistaking Alice’s knock, she knocked in the tone of “Frere Jacques.”


“Come in.” Heaven said as she sat down on the stool before the large mirror. The feminine vanity had become a permanent fixture in the corner of his masculine room, just three steps before the walk-in closet they currently shared.


“You are going to have so much fun tonight!” Alice smiled.


“Am I?”


“Yes, it’s an OZ themed dinner party.” she said, realizing she wasn’t supposed to tell her anything, but she just could not contain her excitement. Little did Alice know, that the reason Julian had told her in the first place was because he wanted Heaven to know. He knew Alice would not be able to keep such a juicy piece of information to herself.




“Yeah, you know the girl with the shoes.”


“The wicked witch!” Heaven finished Alice’s sentence with a grin, “please tell me that’s what you have in that bag.” she grinned, actually excited at the thought. She had always loved the wicked witch of the west from the original story.”


“No.” Alice frowned pulling out a Dorothy costume.


“Seriously? That looks like a child’s costume, it’s even got a tutu underneath!” she looked in horror at Alice, “do I look like the innocent little girl type?”


“Not at all.” Alice said honestly, earning automatic bonus points from Heaven.


“Exactly, so what can we do?”


“Here’s a thought, how about you wear what you want to. I don’t know if we have the stuff for the witch, but if we can’t find something similar, we can just do something else entirely.”


“That’s a damn good idea Alice.” she stormed into her closet, looking at all of the outfits.


“Damn, look at all these clothes, he really hooked you up! He‘s never done anything like this for anyone since the day I met him.” Alice grinned looking in amusement at all of the clothes as Heaven analyzed her words.


“Really?” Heaven tried to ask nonchalantly. She had always just assumed he was like that with all the girls he slept with.


“Really. He hands out cash like its water, but I’ve never heard of him giving gifts, Mr. King is not personal like that. OMG, This dress is gorgeous!” she squealed pulling out the hot pink and bright yellow spandex dress and Heaven once again felt that same wave of nausea she felt the first time she saw the offensive garment.


“Take it.” Heaven said looking through the racks.


“What? No way, I can’t.”


“Yes you can, just take it.”


“Yeah but-”


“But nothing, I’m never going to wear it, it will just rot away in this closet. Take it and put it to use.” she said in a tone that told Alice not to argue.


“Wow, I can’t believe it! Thank you!” she hugged Heaven quickly then pulled back to see the slight frown on her face. Alice just continued to smile, happy that Heaven was mellowing out a little, at least she didn‘t pull back like she had been bit by a snake this time. “Look at this one.” Alice said pulling out the small black dress, “this dress is witchy.”


“How long have you worked for Julian?” she asked unable to hold back any longer.


“Going on 5 years now.” she pulled out a tiny silver skirt set “this one is cute too, you could be like a modern day good witch.”


“Have you two ever had sex?” Heaven asked her bluntly, not feeling the need to beat around the bush.


“Oh hell no!” she said her smiled replaced but disgust which surprised Heaven.


“You think he’s unattractive?” she asked, finding it highly unlikely.


“Not physically, no, on the contrary, he’s the hottest guys I’ve ever seen. But the fact that he’s is a guy is what turns me off, if you know what I mean.”


“No, I don’t.” Heaven looked at her waiting for Alice to explain.


“I’m into chicks.” she smiled wide with pride. Heavens eyebrows raised and she nodded, relieved for some reason unbeknownst to herself. Alice wasn’t sure what Heaven’s reaction would be, she was obviously very high strung, straight as a board and ultra conservative, but Alice was pleasantly surprised to see Heaven was not the least bit shocked or repulsed by her sexual orientation, if anything she looked a little relieved.


“Cool, so let’s go with the black dress.”


“Good choice, I have the perfect hairstyle for this dress.”




Heaven prepared herself for battle as she descended the stairs, expecting to see Julian’s face contorted with anger for not wearing the outfit he supplied.


“Look at you.” he said as he took her hand “I should take you back upstairs for a little while before we go, otherwise I’ll be manhandling you all night.” he kissed her, then looked back into her eyes, “You look amazing tonight.”


“You’re not mad?”


“Mad about what?” he asked instantly on alert, there was no telling what Heaven had done or what she was up to.


“That I’m not wearing that costume?”


“No, so long as I can see some skin, I don’t care what you wear.” he grinned, running his hand over her behind.


“Your mind just revolves around perversion, everything you do, your brain automatically thinks of a way to exploit the perversity of the situation. With all the constant thought of sex on your brain, it’s a wonder you’re such an amazing lawyer.”

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